Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1294: Ice flame

But escaping from the dead, Pei Jun's heart is really fortunate. The feeling of walking on the road of death is really not good, everything becomes nothingness, and all ambitions have a strong sense of powerlessness.

The moment when his consciousness returned to his body, Pei Junlin's inner joy was beyond words. He saw the gray earthen jar, and a feeling of gratitude rose in his heart.

It can be said that this earthen jar has saved his life for the second time, and if there is no such earthen jar for the first time, Pei Junlin would not be thrown into the ruins.

This is the second time. Without this crock, it would be difficult to thaw from the freezing. It is very likely that the whole person would be frozen forever.

Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the flame, even if he looked at the flame with his eyes, Pei Junlin felt that his eyes would even be frozen. The temperature of this ice-blue flame is probably the highest in the world.

Even Jin Ye couldn't recognize the name of this kind of flame, which made Pei Junlin feel a strange emotion in his heart.

Now that the mysterious earthen jar and the lid have been combined into one, Pei Junlin’s wish has been fulfilled. He came to Tao Pagoda today, and he has received enough benefits, but carefully watching the blue flame in the brazier, Pei Junlin Still unwilling.

If it was before, Pei Junlin didn't think much about the flame, but after being almost frozen by the flame, Pei Junlin had an obsession, a thought of not admitting defeat.

Although this blue mysterious flame is terrible and mysterious, and its origin cannot be traced, Pei Junlin has a kind of obsession in his heart that he is about to subdue the flame.

The reason is because he almost died under this flame. If this flame is not retaliated, it would be impossible for Pei Junlin's Dao Heart to be complete.

"What do you think about Pei Junlin? Hurry up and save me." Jin Ye's roar came.

Pei Junlin's heart was shocked, looking for the source of Jin Ye's voice, but gradually his eyes locked on the core of the blue flame. When he saw all this, Pei Junlin's hair stood up.

Just after waking up from the freezing cold, he didn't realize the seriousness of the situation. He just saw the chaotic golden bucket suspended and burnt on the flame, and Pei Junlin felt that he was stunned.

Pei Junlin has deeply understood the severity of this flame. At this time, Jin Ye and the chaotic golden bucket were pulled into the flame and burned, which made Pei Junlin feel that the situation was very bad.

"Don't panic, I will try my best to save you." Pei Jun's Jin Ye said loudly

Reaching out, the grey earthen jar fell on Pei Junlin's palm. This earthen jar was extremely mysterious. Pei Junlin wanted to try to use this earthen jar to subdue the blue flame.

Pei Junlin first found a jade bottle and wanted to transfer the blood of the heavenly path from the crock pot. It was with his dumping that the blood of Dao that day not only could not be poured out, but gradually became less dry.

Just when Pei Junlin put the crock right back, the blood of Dao condensed again that day. The mystery of the earthen jar is impossible for Pei Junlin to predict at this stage, so it no longer seeks to transfer the blood of the heavenly path.

A mouthful of golden holy blood sprayed on the earthen jar, and the misty light immediately radiated from the earthen jar. At this time, the aura exuded by the earthen jar was even stronger than before.

But in this way, Pei Junlin could even hear the murmur from the earthen jar, as if a man was whispering. But when Pei Junlin listened carefully, he couldn't hear the origin of the voice, nor did he know what it was talking about.

Since the blood of the Heavenly Dao in the crock can thaw himself from the previously extremely cold freezing state, Pei Junlin suddenly thought of a thought.

Will the blood of heaven have a restraining effect on this blue flame?

After all, Junlin Pei had personally experienced it before, as long as a drop of the blood of Heavenly Dao, he can melt from the ice.

After thinking of this, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed, and a drop of heavenly blood flew out of the crock, and he opened his mouth directly in his mouth. The violent rule power and Dao Yun flowed in Pei Junlin's body, causing Pei Junlin to let out a muffled hum.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin immediately rushed towards the blue flame, and his divine sense came out and surrounded the flame.

This time is different from before. After Pei Junlin just swallowed the blood of Heaven’s Dao, his mind seemed to be wrapped in a strange regular force. When he encountered this blue flame, he was not frozen. This surprised Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin urged the divine consciousness to penetrate into the flame. He wanted to find the weak divine consciousness of the flame, and then destroyed him and imprinted it with his divine consciousness.

After completing this step, the flame is basically controlled, which is equivalent to refining. However, the more Pei Junlin's **** explored the depths of the flames, the more and more he felt the icy feeling coming again.

Pei Junlin snorted in an instant, and his consciousness was injured again by the freezing stage.

"Don't worry, this thing can't help me for a while." Jin Ye seems to have been watching Pei Junlin's every move, and after seeing Pei Junlin's injury, he quickly offered comfort.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, he swallowed a large amount of pill sitting in the same place, turning into a billowing mana to nourish his body, and at the same time Pei Junlin ran the Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra to absorb the power of Taoist rhyme and rules, and quickly recovered himself.

Standing up again, Pei Junlin looked as usual.

This time, three drops of heavenly blood flew out of the earthen jar. These three drops of Heavenly Dao blood were quickly absorbed when Pei Junlin was in Messi, but Pei Junlin's face showed a painful look.

With his current physical strength, he can withstand a drop of Heavenly Dao's blood, but the three drops have far exceeded Pei Junlin's ability to withstand it. Pei Junlin did not dare to delay, and quickly released his divine consciousness to wind around the blue flame.

Divine consciousness finally penetrated into the core of the blue flame, but did not find the true spirit of the flame. Pei Junlin looked as usual, running the Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra, a purple breath emanating from him, and finally shrouded in blue flames.

At this time, the runes of the years also rose from the position of Pei Junlin's dantian, exuding a confused breath covering the blue flame. It was already Pei Jun's method to press the bottom of the box, which was equivalent to betting on everything.

The blue flame rose suddenly and turned into a bunch of flowers. A stamen was spit out from the flower, and it instantly turned into a thread-like thing, and it suddenly wrapped around Pei Junlin, and instantly dragged it into the core of the flame.

However, at this moment, the earthen jar exuded a misty breath, and instantly fell into the flames of the earthen jar and Pei Junlin that were shrouded in it.

Pei Junlin, who was hiding in the earthen jar, did not expect that he would be pulled in by the flame, but he couldn't feel any cold in the flame at this time, because hiding in the earthen jar shielded all the temperature.

When Pei Junlin was running the Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra, he suddenly felt that his spiritual sense seemed to have detected the core position of the flame. Pei Junlin didn't have any delay and immediately began to refine.

A regular force poured into this flame, and Pei Junlin was also swallowing the blood of heaven.

The effect of the blood of heaven is amazing, it can neutralize the icy power of the flame, so that Pei Junlin can survive in the core of the flame.

In addition, the blood of Heavenly Dao can protect Pei Junlin's divine sense and not be burned by this blue flame, so Pei Junlin can further probe the divine sense into the blue flame core for refining.

I don't know how long it has passed, even Pei Junlin lost the concept of time, and at a certain moment Pei Junlin suddenly opened his eyes with a smile on his face. As soon as he reached out his hand, the whole earthen jar began to levitate upwards, slowly flying out of the flames.

Pei Junlin pointed towards the flame, and the light blue flame shrank into a fingertip-sized cluster of flames, which flew to Pei Junlin's palm.

This is a flame that has been refined. Although Pei Junlin doesn’t know the name of the blue flame, he feels it

The temperature was extremely low, so he named him Bing Yan.

Pei Junlin never thought that his persistence would actually refine this mysterious flame. Pei Junlin had already experienced the horror of this mysterious flame, and he didn't want to experience it a second time.

But now this mysterious flame has become a sharp weapon in his hand. If he is facing the enemy, Pei Junlin can now easily kill the real monarch-level powerhouse.


A sound of pain came into Pei Junlin's ears, and Pei Junlin turned his head to look at him, just looking at Jin Ye standing behind him with a headache and foot pain.

Pei Junlin looked a little weird, because he saw the chaotic golden bucket burning on the mysterious ice flame before, and he was unharmed. It seemed that the chaotic golden bucket was no less mysterious than a crock.

Pei Junlin did not expect that he would have easily climbed to the top of the Taoist This is unbelievable. It is very likely that this matter will cause huge troubles. This is what Pei Junlin has to face now. The problem.

He sensed the external avatar, now he has reached the 290th floor, and is about to enter the 300th level, but Pei Junlin immediately gave this external avatar an order.

"If you go on like this now, you will definitely be treated as a guinea pig, grabbed and sliced ​​for research." Jin Ye looked at Pei Junlin with scorching eyes, and it seemed that it was a little weird that Pei Junlin could reach the top.

Pei Junlin looked around, also feeling a little weird. There was such a mysterious flame on the top of this tower, as well as the lid of the earthen jar. It's incredible, but it's just these things that make Pei Junlin feel like something is missing.

After all, this tower is too mysterious, and there is just such a little thing at the top, which really makes people puzzled.

"Don't look at it. The most mysterious part of this tower is probably not on the top of the tower. I guess the flame should be left by the last person who climbed the top of the tower, and the lid of the crock pot is the same." The master shook his head, already guessing what Pei Junlin was thinking.

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