Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1295: Rune of the Beginning

It seemed that playing a game of level breakthrough, experienced many difficulties, but did not get any reward after clearing the level, Pei Junlin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Although the benefits of getting this mysterious ice flame and the lid of the nava jar are naturally silent, it is simply a great benefit, but the reward itself does not come from the Tao Tower.

Unlike what Jin Ye had analyzed before, the top of this tower was originally empty. The blue flame and the navy pot were all things left here after the latecomers climbed to the top.

In other words, it is equivalent to climbing to the top of the tower without any reward.

Pei Junlin still did not give up looking around, but after all he found nothing. I was on the floor of the Taoist Pagoda, but Pei Junlin found mysterious patterns and patterns. He looked down at these patterns carefully, and Pei Junlin felt his brain buzzing.

Because the lines are not ordinary things, but runes, these runes are obscure, and Pei Junlin has never seen them. Pei Junlin, the guardian of the earth, used to guard the main hall there, and got a very high level of understanding of runes by the rune inheritance.

Although I don't know these runes, I feel that these runes are extremely simple, but extremely profound. They use a very simple pattern to explain the principle of the entire universe.

"It's a Dao Pagoda, really..." Pei Junlin stopped talking, but his eyes glowed with golden light, remembering all the lines of these runes in his heart.

In Pei Junlin's view, the value of these runes is infinitely revealing the truth of the universe. Pei Junlin recorded all these runes and engraved them into his brain.

Along with Pei Junlin's dignity and behavior, Jin Ye seems to have found some abnormalities. He carefully looked at the runes underground, and gradually his expression also showed a look of surprise.

"This is a rune from the beginning, my goodness." Jin Ye let out a surprised cry.

At the same time, he was not idle either, the chaotic light radiated from the chaotic golden bucket, and he also began to record these early runes.

I don't know when, Pei Junlin finally stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, and only then did he discover that the rune of the primordial beginning on the ground had slowly disappeared.

The people who came here before did not find the existence of the rune of the beginning. The rune is very mysterious and can only be seen once, and it will automatically disappear after seeing it.

Jin Ye can record, which also surprised Pei Junlin, but if you think about it, you will understand that Jin Ye can't be counted as a human being.

It's finally time to walk down the Taoist Tower, Pei Junlin is a little nervous, he knows that many people have noticed himself at this moment, and it is very difficult to imagine hiding himself as unknown before.

But this tower looked around and there was no other exit. Pei Junlin could only return along the road if he wanted to go down. In desperation, Pei Junlin could only take Jin Ye and walk down step by step.

"Come out, that person is down." Countless people exclaimed at this moment. Seeing Pei Junlin coming from the smoke, these people let out a shocking roar.

The elders of the Vientiane Sect are even more exaggerated, and they are waiting in a two-sided queue under the Taoist Tower. Yulin felt a little nervous for a while when he saw such a battle, but he also knew that it was too late to say anything, and it would be difficult for him to stay out of the world in the limelight today.

Pei Junlin saw Liu Quan in the crowd and was winking his eyes desperately, and he also saw Yun Yao. Yun Yao's mood was very complicated, with a strange look on her face.

After Pei Junlin settled down, he suddenly felt a trace of strong hostility. He looked at the crowd and found a big bearded man glaring at him.

After practicing to the point where Pei Junlin is now, he naturally has a hint of the power of blood. He once killed the old 6 of that Duan family. Only seeing this bearded man, there was a vague atmosphere of the blood of the Duan family, Pei Junlin immediately knew that the person in front of him was a member of the Duan family.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin understood that he had been recognized by the Duan family, and now that he only had to walk out of the Vientiane Sect in one step, it would probably be the end of his body.

In contrast, there is still room for change with the Vientiane Sect, because Pei Junlin did not kill the woman.

Looking at the courtesy of the people of the Vientiane Sect below, Pei Junlin had a thought in his heart, temporarily surrendering to the Vientiane Sect, waiting for the opportunity to flee.

In fact, the way Pei Junlin left has been completely sealed. Several great sage-level elders of the Vientiane Sect have already set up formations around. No one can enter or leave. Pei Junlin was surrounded by these people as soon as he walked down the road tower. Woke up.

"Little friends, don’t be nervous. I am the head of the Vientiane Sect. You have become the focus of everyone’s attention. Now it may be dangerous to go out in one step. The Vientiane Sect wants Liu Xiaoyou to stay together for a few days. Interest." The Sect Master of Vientiane Sect looked amiable, but his whole body exuded a strong simple atmosphere.

Pei Junlin almost immediately sensed that this person should be a master above the realm of the true king, and his strength was even close to that of the Great Sage level.

Looking at the few masters around him who seemed to hang high in the sky, the sun and the moon, Pei Junlin immediately had a huge pressure rising from his heart. He could be sure that these withered old men were all figures of the great sage level. You can destroy the world with your hands.

Even with that mysterious ice flame, it would be extremely difficult for Pei Junlin to make a blood path from here.

"The boss is good, next to Pei Junlin." Pei Junlinlin smiled at the other party.

As soon as Zhang Men waved his hand, Pei Junlin felt that the space in front of him had changed, and he had followed the leader to a hall.

This is not an instant teleportation of opening the wormhole, but the use of space. This master can perform spatial transformations between his gestures, which is really amazing.

"Since you have climbed four hundred steps, it shows that your aptitude is against the sky. I don't know if you are interested in developing in my Vientiane Sect." The head looked at Pei Junlin straight to the point.

Pei Junlin was silent at this time, weighing the pros and cons in his heart. To put it to the heart, Pei Junlin didn't look down on the Vientiane Sect, but the difference between Vientiane Sect and his former life is so exquisite in the holy land.

"You may have something to do with your little friend, maybe your own origin is not small, but what I can tell you is that it is not safe for you to go out from here now, and there may be some victory that will extend an olive branch to you, but there are also some The demon of the magic way is salivating for you." The special alarmist, seems to scare Junlin Pei.

But there is some truth in what is said.

Pei Junlin knew that some demon cultivators had a certain way of transforming their bones and stealing the sky, specifically seizing some people with aptitude against the sky and practicing genius.

Today, after he has ascended the 400th floor of this tower, he is already the focus of the crowd. At this time, if he walks out of the Vientiane Sect, he will probably be captured by some demon men. With his current strength at the late peak of the true **** realm, it is simply difficult Self-protection.

"What the head said is that I actually don't come from a place with a background, but I am just a casual cultivator. This time I climbed the Taoist Pagoda by accident." Pei Junlin politely looked at the Vientiane Sect. The head **** crane said.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the whole hall was shaking, not only the head of the **** crane was full of joy, but even the elders were shaking because of excitement.

The most worrying thing is that Pei Junlin comes from a certain powerful holy power, so even if they want to keep people behind, there is no way.

Now that Pei Junlin said himself, he is actually a casual practitioner, which undoubtedly means that Pei Junlin has agreed to stay in the Vientiane Sect. The hearts of the decision-makers who can network such a top talent in Vientiane Sect are indescribable.

A genius with top-level qualifications like Pei Junlin, as long as he doesn't fall halfway and there is no accident, then it is almost a certainty that he will grow into a person of the emperor level in the future.

"I am afraid that your current face is not your true face. Everyone trusts each other. Then you should show your true face." As soon as the head of the Vientiane Sect, Shenhe waved his hand, Pei Junlin felt that the ten million veil seemed to have lost its effect.

Sure enough, he was a master of the realm of the real king, with his eyes like a torch, Pei Junlin's switching veil suddenly lost its effect, and he immediately returned to his original appearance.

"Well, that's fine, what those people remember is just what you pretended to be just now. From now on, don't tell others that the person who climbed the Taoist Tower is you. That will cause you to kill and endless trouble. "The head of the **** crane, to Pei Junlin's teachings, seems to regard Pei Junlin as his closed disciple.

"There is a trouble now. I have offended the Duan family, and there are my enemies in this Vientiane Sect." Pei Junlin felt that it would be better to conceal it like this, it is better to show it directly.

Sure enough, the Sect Master of the Vientiane Sect, Shenhe, immediately showed a look of surprise when he heard Pei Junlin say this. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to offend the Duan family.

The Duan family can be said to be the thorn in the eyes of the Vientiane The Duan family's survival in the Vientiane City shows that the Duan family's strength is very strong.

"I'll help you solve this matter. What did you mean when you said that there are enemies in the Vientiane Sect?" Sect Master Shenhe seemed to be a person with no emotions and anger, although there were countless waves in his heart, but his face But calm as before, always with a faint smile.

The sage-level supreme elders floating around were silent, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep, and the whole person was hidden in a cloud of light.

Pei Junlin explored his divine sense to check these great saint-level figures, and he would soon be bounced off by the faint light.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and a woman walked out directly from the Golden Dou Space.

After the woman saw the head in front of her, her eyes turned red and she cried secretly. The head of the **** crane saw this woman with a look of surprise on her face, both surprised and happy.

"Father, it was Sun Yang who abandoned me and Brother Pei who took me in." The woman's words shocked Pei Junlin.

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