Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1296: Blame old man

I didn't expect this woman to be the daughter of the Sect Master of Vientiane, which really shocked Pei Junlin too much.

However, the Sect Master of the Vientiane Sect, Shenhe, was only a little excited and soon calmed down. His eyes flashed and he said with a deep voice: "Sun Yang treats my daughter like this, absolutely cannot spare him."

Immediately after the Sect Master Shenhe of the Vientiane Sect gave Pei Jun a fierce look, he immediately said respectfully to a supreme elder next to him: "I would like to ask the elder to take action to capture the criminal elder Boda that day."

Hearing the song and knowing the elegant meaning, Pei Junlin immediately understood the purpose of what the **** crane was doing. This is to uproot a Tianxing elder directly for the sake of him.

"That Duan's family shouldn't be a concern, you can stay here these days, the Duan's family will be destroyed within half a month." Shenhe hurriedly left after giving orders to Pei Junlin.

Soon another old man named Zio came to the hall and took Pei Junlin away. In this Zio realm, only the spiritual realm is similar to Pei Junlin, but it claims to be the disappearance of Pei Junlin arranged by the sect, which makes Pei Junlin depressed.

This Zio not only has a lower realm, but also has a very strange temper. He either asked Pei Junlin to clean up his yard or asked Pei Junlin to cook and barbecue for him.

In order to hide his name, Pei Junlin had to endure his anger every day to help Zio cook and take care of some herbal gardens.

In fact, Pei Junlin vaguely guessed that the reason why the Vientiane Sect did this is to hide his identity. After all, a good seedling who can become a great emperor in the future will never go to a strange old man in the realm of true gods.

Pei Junlin also patiently stayed in Vientiane Sect, half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and Pei Junlin also sneaked out several times to find Liu Quan during this period.

Incomplete Because he has not found Pei Junlin, he temporarily stayed in the atrium of Vientiane City. After seeing Pei Junlin, Liu Quan was overjoyed.

"Brother Pei, it turns out that this is your true face, and you are naturally heroic." Liu Quan, a straightforward person, began to flatter himself.

Pei Junlin came out to find Liu Quan to explain some things. After all, the two were still friends. If they left it alone, Pei Junlin felt a little bit uneasy.

Tell Liu Quan that he didn't need to pay back the money he lent Liu Quan, and at the same time gave Liu Quan a travel toll and let Liu Quan go back by himself.

"My affairs in the Vientiane Sect must be kept secret for me." Pei Junlin repeatedly urged.

The reason Pei Junlin used his true colors to show others was to believe in Liu Quan's character, so Pei Junlin did not conceal his real name and appearance from Liu Quan.

On the way back, Pei Junlin hired a carriage. The carriage curtain opened, revealing a pretty face covered with a veil.

It was Yun Yao who was sitting on the carriage. Pei Junlin, who looked a little strange, showed a look of confusion on her face. With her breath, Yun Yao could be sure that this person in front of him was the weird man he had encountered climbing the Tao Tower half a year ago.

Yun Yao has a natural ability, that is, a system that can remember a person. Even if Pei Junlin used Qianhuan's face to change his aura, he still could not escape Yun Yao's talent skills.

Yun Yao didn't seem to have any plans to dismantle Pei Junlin, just watched Pei Junlin for a while and then gently lowered the curtain. Pei Junlin had already noticed that he was noticed by Yun Yao, and he was relieved after seeing the carriage leaving.

During this period of time, Pei Junlin has also been consulting some books and classics, but has not found a way to return to the Eastern Star Territory.

Finding a planet with a portal is relatively simple, but it is difficult to determine a general direction. Then you are like a fly without a head, you can't even find your way home, which makes Pei Junlin feel very frustrated.

This period of time is also the most leisure time for Pei Junlin. Although the strange old man Zio has a weird temper, he rarely pays attention to Pei Junlin. Most of the time, this old man is alone in the yard with a broken sword piled up and talks about every day. Pei Junlin was speechless.

Pei Junlin claims that his strength far exceeds that of the old man, so there is nothing like the old man asking for advice.

As long as there is free time, Pei Junlin will sit here alone in the medicine garden to communicate with that Bing Yan. The ice flame obtained at the top of that tower is the most powerful weapon Pei Junlin is currently possessing, even far surpassing the Chaos Golden Dou.

After a period of communication, Pei Junlin found that this ice flame was difficult to control, but it was very lethal.

The lethality is very strong, but the inability to control it means that there is no lethality, so Pei Junlin has been having a headache recently because the ice flame cannot be controlled, and even his own cultivation base has fallen.

Pei Junlin has already condensed the two chains of order of time and space. He wants to break through to the realm of true monarch. It is only a matter of minutes, but in the Vientiane Sect, Pei Junlin is afraid of attracting too much attention and has been suppressing the realm. There is no thunder robbery.

In order to survive the thunder tribulation safely on a planet where he is not familiar with his life, with Pei Junlin's current guard, he couldn't settle down, so he kept delaying this matter.

"It seems that I still have to go in and find Old Man Qi, and borrow his jade medal to check the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion." Pei Junlin shook his head and stood up reluctantly.

He went to a location outside the yard and planned to knock on the door, but suddenly Pei Junlin felt an astonishing breath coming from the yard.

You want to withdraw the hand that retired from the group, but it was too late. As the door was pushed open, a sharp sword aura slashed towards Pei Junlin.

The sword qi was not emitted from the sword of the old man Qi Aoqi, but the pot of orchids that the old man loved most. The leaves of the orchid exuded an amazing breath, which instantly pointed at Pei Junlin's eyebrows.

Life and death only took a moment, even if the old man Qi realized that the incoming person was Pei Junlin and not an enemy, but he had already eaten it, this sword light pointed at Pei Junlin's eyebrows like Jinghong.

However, Pei Junlin is a master of the realm of true gods after all, and he is not in a hurry. The two chains of order in time and space instantly arranged a strange time and space shield in front of Junlin.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Junlin discovered something even more terrifying. This sword light ignored the obstacles of time and space, and instantly killed him again, without giving Pei Junlin any time to react.

It was completely out of Pei Junlin's understanding of the old man Qi. In his eyes, the old man in this period was a weird old man.

When Pei Junlin spoke to him, he didn't have any good temper, and his temper was stubborn and scary. But at this moment when Pei Junlin felt the crisis of life and death, he suddenly felt that the old man Qi was a little unpredictable.

At this moment, even if the time to sacrifice the crockpot was too late, Pei Junlin's heart fell to the freezing point, and he did not expect that he would actually die under the sword of Old Man Qi.

A ray of light flickered, the Broken Sword Palace blocked Pei Junlin's front, and a strong light burst out on the broken sword that was bombarded by the light. When Jun Lin escaped from death, his frightened hair stood up.

"What are you doing here at this time? Looking for death? Get out." Old man Qi roared at Pei Junlin.

The old man's eyes were red and trembling all over, Pei Junlin was also very scared, turned and walked out the door. As soon as Pei Junlin went out to get the medicine, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was decadent, as if he was several decades old.

In the past few days, Pei Junlin did not go to the old man Chioqi, nor did he enter the yard to rest, but built a straw shed in the flower garden. In a few days, the moment Pei Junlin entered the courtyard before the resumption, but Pei Junlin simulated the scenario thousands of times, and still couldn't figure out one thing, that is who sent the sword light. of.

Old man Qi wouldn't shoot himself for no reason, but how could that pot of orchid shoot such a sharp sword light, even a master at the realm of True Kings could not shoot such a powerful sword intent.

This is exactly where Pei Junlin is confused. Could this old man Qi turn out to be a hidden master?

I think how much this Vientiane Sect cared about his genius at the beginning, but he was idle here for half a year, without asking, and threw him to a strange old man. This is also where Pei Junlin was confused.

His character originally didn't like to show his face, and he didn't have a sense of belonging to the Vientiane Sect. The reason why he hides in this Vientiane plant now is because of the existence of the Duan family.

Once the master of the Vientiane Sect, Shenhe once said that he would destroy the Duan family within half a month, but now it seems to be just a big talk, and Pei Junlin has not seen Shenhe himself since that day.

But no matter what he thinks, Pei Junlin still wants to find a way to control Ice Flame, so he can only bite the bullet and come to the small courtyard again to find Old Man Qi.

He is now a non-staff person or three-no person in the entire Vientiane Sect. He does not even have the identity of the Zongmen jade charm. If he wants to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to read a book, he needs to borrow his jade pendant from the old man Qi.

Pei Junlin came to the small courtyard again and reached out and knocked on the This time the door opened soon. Old man Qi was still sitting in the courtyard, drinking.

There was only a plate of peanuts in front of the old man this time, nothing else. Although the old man Xu liked to eat, he didn't like to do it himself. In the past two days, he did not call Pei Junlin to cook for him. It seems that the old man was also angry because of the last time.

After all, there is something to ask for, and this old man Qi is still unpredictable. Pei Junlin changed his previous appearance and took the initiative to walk to the kitchen to make some dishes for him.

A plate of cold pork ears, a plate of braised pork, plus two skewers of roasted kidneys. The old man Qi saw the dishes that Pei Junlin brought out, and his expression eased a lot. He even greeted Pei Junlin to sit down and set a glass for Pei Junlin.

I didn't start anything about that day, and seemed to have forgotten that matter, but Pei Junlin felt that the old man seemed a little weak this time.

After a day's absence, his old man's hair turned out to be a little gray, which puzzled Pei Junlin. Is this old man really an expert? Why is there a feeling of weakness?

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