Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1298: Fire tongue

Zio had always been ruthless, and he didn't say anything more when he heard Pei Junlin's defense. His figure flashed away from the window like a breeze.

Pei Junlin didn't look at or looked at the open window, and went to sleep with the quilt. After this period of training has reached a state of illness, Pei Junlin is even suppressing his own realm, because he is worried that the thunder tribulation will be bombarded anytime and anywhere.

Only after waiting for three days, Pei Junlin put on the Qianhuan veil to make-up, and became a white-faced scholar, shaking his folding fan, and walked out of the door of Vientiane Sect.

I don't know what the old man Zio did, Pei Junlin is now picking up the old man's identity jade talisman in the entire Vientiane Sect.

It was not the time agreed with Yun Yao, Pei Jun came out in advance to find the way. Asking for the address on the invitation letter, Pei Junlin found the auction venue, which was a chamber of commerce called Baile.

Pei Junlin walked into the Chamber of Commerce with the invitation letter, and immediately attracted the attention of several waiters, who came over to please him and surrounded Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin felt a strange feeling in his heart. He clearly felt that the invitation letter in his hand was not low-level, which was one of the reasons why several waiters were so enthusiastic.

"I want to buy some spell books and fire control. Can you introduce them to me?" Pei Junlin said when he looked at the waiters.

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, the waiters were obviously a little surprised, because they had never seen it before doing business in Vientiane City, and the disciples of Vientiane Sect asked to buy spells.

The entire Vientiane Sect is a group of barbarians, and they practice powerful techniques. Break through all the laws with strength, and disdain to use any spells at all.

Pei Junlin now doesn't feel like the doorman of the Vientiane Sect in terms of appearance or opening requirements.

The waiters who came to the door for business were still very enthusiastic, after all, Pei Junlin was holding a first-class invitation letter. Those who reach this kind of invitation are not rich and noble, and have a certain position in the Vientiane City.

"This guest, what about your request, we can't handle it for the time being, and we ask our supervisor to meet you." A waiter shook his head again and again, because they didn't understand magic at all.

Soon, Pei Junlin saw a woman Ping Ting walking towards him. The appearance of the woman is excellent, she is about 30 years old, and she has a ripe peach flavor.

The original auctioneer Li Ji, but Pei Junlin almost suffered a big loss, so when Pei Junlin saw this beautiful woman, he naturally thought of Li Ji, and a sense of vigilance rose in his heart.

The woman in front of her was obviously far more beautiful than Li Ji, and she had to be more mature with her sophistication. Last year there was only a slight look of caution in her eyes, and this woman caught it.

In the next conversation with Pei Junlin, the woman did not deliberately get close to each other, which also caused Pei Junlin's slight favor.

"As a guest, you can have a superior invitation letter. General spells should not be appreciated. We have heaven-level spells for you to choose from, but the price is slightly higher." The woman's name is Cai Jieyu, and she tries not to meet Pei Junlin with her eyes when she speaks.

Under Cai Jieyu's command, some senior leaders of the Chamber of Commerce soon brought some spells. Heaven-level spells should be kept by someone above the director of the Chamber of Commerce, and the three directors must be in place at the same time to open the secret pavilion.

Because of his special status, Junlin Pei was invited into Brother Mi. Just after entering this small warehouse, Junlin Pei was surprised by the assortment of books.

Every book here exudes a taste of history and vicissitudes of life. Obviously it is very old. Pei Junlin picked up one and found that it was a fire control technique called Meteor Fire Rain. When it rains, it will be burned by flames within a hundred miles.

Of course, standing in the popular fire rain also requires a lot of mana, and the average cultivator simply cannot support this top-level spell. Pei Junlin also saw that although the name of this meteor fire rain was very powerful and the description seemed crazy, it was not very lethal.

The large area of ​​damage spells are usually not enough damage to individual units, so Pei Junlin will leave the meteor fire rain on holiday.

He picked up a copy casually, and this time discovered that it was a kind of fire control called blasting flame technique. When the spell is cast, it will release a huge fireball, which instantly explodes like rolling lava, causing a huge amount of damage within a radius.

But this kind of confusion is also of no use to Pei Junlin. What he wants is the spell to control the different fire, which can control the mysterious blue ice flame with skill and freedom.

You pick up one book and put it down quickly. This lasted for hundreds of times, and finally Pei Junlin stayed on a roll of yellow books.

This is a book called Flame Essentials, which records the essence and general outline of all fire control techniques in the world. It is to pay attention to some rules for controlling flames from the most basic principles.

Pei Junlin almost didn't hesitate, so he bought this book. Although this book talked about some basic theories, it can be paralleled with these heavenly spells, so it shows the exquisite knowledge.

"Guest, are you sure you want this book? Did you see the price of this book clearly?" The directors of the chamber of commerce were a little disbelieved and confirmed to Pei Junlin again.

"Ten Million Supreme Spirit Stone, I can see clearly, what's the matter?" Pei Junlin looked at several people confused.

Now it was the turn of these supervisors to be stunned, and in front of Pei Junlin they were like hillbillies who had never seen the world.

I ignored these people today, and quickly flipped through the ocean of books, and Pei Junlin found another one. This book is the most important achievement of Pei Junlin. This secretary is called the Different Fire List and records all the different fires in the world.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin spent one million top-grade spirit stones and collected this book as well. Then Pei Junlin checked all the remaining cheats, but what disappointed Pei Junlin was that there was not one book that made him attractive.

"Let's take a look at how much my type of spirit stone can be exchanged for the best spirit stone here?" Pei Junlin took out a Tianyuan jade purified by himself and handed it to several supervisors.

Just because the supervisor saw the pale yellow Tianyuanyu in Pei Junlin's hand, he was shocked for a while, and even his hands trembled a little. Several people looked at each other and involuntarily exclaimed.

"What's the matter? Don't you accept this kind of spirit stone?" Pei Junlin looked at these people warily.

Several people watched Pei Junlin silently and did not speak. For a long time one of them said: "This friend, did you sell the same piece of spiritual stone a few months ago?"

Pei Junlin immediately became a little nervous, because he had indeed sold a batch of Tianyuan Jade before, but when asked by several people, Pei Junlin categorically denied a few people. Although he was puzzled, he could not get any conclusive evidence.

"Can you ask? My friend, where did you get this kind of spirit stone?" Several supervisors looked at Pei Junlin cautiously.

Before Pei Junlin could answer, one of the supervisors said: "If it is not convenient for you to say, we will not ask for it, but we only hope that if you have such a spiritual stone in the future, you can sell it to our chamber of commerce in large quantities. , We will buy it at a very high price."


Pei Junlin smiled on the spot and waved his hand. A large amount of Tianyuan Jade appeared on the ground, and it was the Tianyuan Jade that was purified by Pei Junlin, without any impurities, all of which were pure mana.

The magic crystal jade can be instantly transformed into mana in Pei Junlin's hands, and can be replenished at any time during the battle.

Seeing the orange-yellow top-grade spirit stones all over the floor, these supervisors were all stunned, because the purity of this kind of spiritual stone was far more than that of the top-grade spirit stone, and it was called an emperor.

"What price do you offer to buy such a spirit stone?" Pei Junlin asked unhurriedly.

Then he is now a seller's market, holding the pure spirit stone in his hand, and he is not worried about not being able to sell it.

The executives looked at each other, and then stretched out a finger. Pei Junlin was not fooled and did not speak. Several supervisors gradually showed disappointed expressions. One of the supervisors finally said tremblingly: "We are willing to spend 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones for a piece of this kind of spiritual stone. ?"

Hearing that the other party was willing to buy a thousand pieces of the best spirit stone to buy such an ordinary Tianyuan jade, Pei Junlin was almost stunned, but he didn't show any expression on his face, instead he looked paralyzed.

The directors of several chambers of commerce inside saw that Jun Pei had no expression on his face, and he suddenly lost his confidence.

"This fellow Taoist, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can double it and buy one for five thousand top-quality spirit stones. What do you think of a spirit stone like yours?" A supervisor was trembling again. Said.

Pei Junlin laughed suddenly stood up, and said to the other party: "Someone has paid a price of 10,000, but I did not expect that you only paid 5,000, so this business should not be done."

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the faces of several supervisors showed a gray look, and one of them sighed: "Friends, please don't be angry. Since someone has paid 10,000, then we will offer the price of 12,000 top-grade spirit stones To buy the spiritual stones of fellow Taoists, we want as many as there are."

Pei Junlin laughed. He thought this was the most funny thing in the world. The Tianyuan Jade he had now was more than one trillion yuan.

If it were exchanged at this price, wouldn't it be possible to buy the entire universe?

Of course, buying the entire universe is a bit exaggerated, but buying the entire Vientiane planet is a breeze.

"I will participate in your auction one day later. I hope you can provide me with enough spirit stones by then. I have a lot of such spirit stones. As long as you can swallow them, you can eat enough until you can die. "Pei Junlin smiled and didn't tell the truth, turned around and planned to leave the chamber of commerce.

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