Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1299: VIP box

Hearing what the other party said, several supervisors were also shocked. They didn't expect Pei Junlin to have such a large number of emperor-level spirit stones.

After an exchange of eyes, one of them took out an invitation letter from Jin Huanghuang from the backstage and handed it to Pei Junlin: "This is this fellow Taoist, this is the supreme invitation letter from our Chamber of Commerce, please Take it. Be sure to come to our Chamber of Commerce auction one day later."

Pei Junlin was holding the thin invitation letter in his hand, and a kind of surprise spread in his heart, because when he touched the invitation letter, he actually felt some information in it.

Pei Junlin saw this invitation letter, and the breath in it should be Tianzi Room 7, which belonged to the most noble box in the entire chamber of commerce.

"I don't know if this kind of invitation letter can bring people. I have a few friends at that time." Pei Junlin said implicitly.

Before that, I heard several supervisors nodding their heads and saying, "Of course fellow daoists can bring people. If the number of places is not enough, we can provide more invitations for fellow daoists."

Pei Junlin waved his hand to indicate that he did not need to, turned and walked out of the firm, returning to the Vientiane Sect.

Some time ago passed very quickly, and Pei Junlin arrived at the place agreed with Yun Yao early in the morning of the second day.

Yun Yao was still riding in the carriage, slowly coming, showing an elegant posture.

"Come on." A shy voice came from the carriage.

Pei Junlin was stunned for a moment. He naturally heard Yun Yao's voice, but he didn't expect Yun Yao to invite himself to ride in a carriage with him.

The horse pulling the cart for Yunyao is very peculiar. It is a pegasus with white wings. This horse is a wild alien species, very magical, running with four hooves and shining, but in this Vientiane City, he can't display his true strength.

But when Pei Jun stepped into the carriage, he immediately regretted it, because I didn't know that the carriage was full of fragrance like a woman's boudoir.

The decoration inside the carriage is very delicate, Pei Junlin has no place to step down, and it feels spotless in the carriage.

There was nothing weird about Yun Yao, and he signaled that after Pei Junlin sat down, he would no longer want to close his eyes and truly entered the cultivation state.

Pei Junlin stared at Yun Yao tightly, and she suddenly became curious, wanting to see what Yun Yao's real face looked like under the veil.

Before looking at it, Pei Junlin guessed two possibilities. The first possibility is that Yunyao is an extremely beautiful woman, so she wears the veil for fear of causing a sensation. The second possibility is that Yunyao may be an ugly woman. Take it. The veil is to hide the ugliness.

Both of these possibilities were thought of by Pei Junlin, but he couldn't jump to conclusions when he didn't really see Yun Yao's true face.

After confirming that Yun Yao had entered the state of meditation, and all her spirit, energy and spirit had converged, Pei Junlin's eyes glowed with a faint golden light. It was Pei Junlin's golden eyes that could see through all the falsehoods in the world, and as expected, the veil on Yun Yao's face quickly became useless.

Pei Junlin had seen countless beauties, but when he saw Yun Yao's true face, he still sighed. Yun Yao is so beautiful, and the beautiful Pei Junlin no longer knows what words to use to describe him.

This part of the journey soon ended, Yun Yao opened his eyes, just facing Pei Junlin. Both of them had no words, Pei Junlin jumped out of the car first, and Yun Yao followed.

"Fairy Yunyao." A wretched voice came.

Turning around to you, just to see a man in a pink dress approaching, he was speechless with a scent of cream powder all over his body.

A big man dressed up like this, the face of the gas head is really ugly, even if Pei Junlin glanced at it, he felt a little embarrassed.

However, this man came for Yun Yao, and did not even look at Pei Junlin. He squeezed Pei Junlin aside and came to Yun Yao and said, "Fairy Yunyao, I have a VIP box here. It’s better to sit with me. get together."

Yun Yao's face was cold, and she refused directly without looking at the person: "Sorry, I don't know you, and I don't have the habit of being in the same box with others."

The man was not angry. Instead, he pointed the finger at Pei Junlin and looked at Pei Junlin carefully for a while, his face showed a contemptuous look: "What are your specialties? You have made Fairy Yunyao favor you and become Yun. Fairy Yao's follower."

The man thought Pei Junlin was Fairy Yunyao's attendant, but there was a lot of mockery in his words.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Fairy Yunyao's attendant, I am his friend. In addition, you are blocking my light, please let me go." Pei Junlin did not finish his words, and took a step forward with great power. The impact on the man in the pink dress.

In fact, the man in the pink dress was prepared for a long time because he wanted to secretly come by Jun Pei, but when Jun Pei's power hit him, he immediately let out a muffled grunt, frowned slightly, and bit his lips fiercely.

Pei Junlin didn't even look at this person, and directly led Yun Yao towards the chamber of commerce.

The internal directors of several chambers of commerce naturally knew Pei Junlin, and hurriedly came to greet him after seeing Pei Junlin and Yun Yao walk in. I am Pang’s guest. It is an honor to be greeted by a supervisor at most, but Pei Junlin and Yun Yao have been greeted by five supervisors.

Even Yun Yao was a little confused. He looked at it for 4 weeks and felt a little weird.

When he found that these supervisors were focusing on Pei Junlin, Yun Yao was suspicious.

"I have a VIP box here. Why don't we sit together. The VIP box has the privilege of giving priority to low prices." Pei Junlin took out the VIP box invitation and said to Yun Yao.

Yun Yao's gaze was only slightly surprised, and did not ask too much. He was very supple, like a little sheep, and walked with this Pei Junlin into the seventh box of the emperor.

"How much money do you have? No ordinary people can come in in the VIP box. You must have strong financial backing." Yun Yao looked at Pei Junlin worriedly.

"If you come, you will be at ease. It's useless to think so much." Pei Junlin shook his head and didn't want to say anything. He directly found a large chair in the box and sat down.

Yun Yao didn't stop, she walked over and looked at Pei Junlin solemnly and said, "Do you know that falsely reporting your worth is a very serious matter? In case the auctioneer knows that you can't get so much money, then you It would be very unlucky."

Pei Junlin showed a rather indifferent look on his face: "I said you don't need to care about this matter."

But Yun Yao was still worried. Although she found a chair to sit down, her eyes were always on Pei Junlin's face. On the contrary, Pei Junlin is very leisurely, picking up a cup of tea and slowly tasting it, in fact, in his heart, he is thinking about what products will be available at today's auction.

Pei Junlin really doesn’t care about ordinary things. What he needs most now is the method to control the blue flame. As long as he can control the blue flame, he can kill a real monarch-level powerhouse with Pei Junlin’s current strength. That is also a matter of minutes.

To find a place of confusion that can control the blue flame is as difficult and as difficult as the sky. Taking advantage of the time when the auction had not officially started, Pei Junlin took out the flame crystal to start studying. This flame essence was written by an ancient fellow named Huo Lin Taoist.

This person had a good understanding of the essence of fire when he played with fire all his life, and wrote some basic principles and elements of fire. Pei Junlin, the fine art of fire, had already read it before, and now he studies it carefully, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretched out, sometimes his face is extremely serious, sometimes he laughs wildly.

Yun Yao saw Pei Junlin's reaction in his eyes, making Yun Yao even more confused. He knew Pei Junlin before and didn't think there was anything wrong with Pei Junlin, but when he saw Pei Junlin at Yunyao, he felt that this person was a little crazy.

You must know that the emperor box of the auction house can not be entered casually. Once you enter the box of Tianzihao, it means that you must have matching spending power.

If it is discovered afterwards that it was mixed into the VIP box, the consequences will be very serious. The lighter will be injured and punished, and the severer will be directly killed.

Yun Yao's heart is very complicated at this time. On the one hand, he does not want to see Pei Junlin's bad luck, but on the other hand, he has some contempt for Pei Junlin's behavior.

At this time the auction officially began, and Pei Junlin also turned his attention to the auction stage. Pei Junlin didn't have several things in succession, but Yunyao fell in love with a Hun Tian Ling in any place of interest.

Hun Tian Ling is the Chaos Spirit Treasure in the early days of Chaos. Its magical uses are endless, but the starting price is also very high, requiring 10 million pieces of the best spirit stones.

Residents also noticed that Yunyao remained silent after only adding it twice, which seemed to be insufficient financial resources.

"I paid 60 Pei Junlin directly doubled the price that the upper buyer called.

Before the words were over, Pei Junlin caused a sensation in the audience, because Pei Junlin was willing to double the price, and it was undoubtedly a fool with a lot of money to overwhelm his opponent.

There must be a lot of people who want to know such a fool with a lot of money. After all, as long as you seize the opportunity, you may get a piece of the fool.

I, Junlin Pei, are in the VIP box and don’t need to show up, so the people in the hall outside don’t know who is increasing the price. I only know that the person in the Tianzi room is increasing the price, and even doubled the price once.

"Are you crazy? Can you get the money?" Yun Yao couldn't help but finally said.

But a beauty is a beauty, even if she comes to Pei Junlin with a temper, she finds that Yun Yao is also unbelievably beautiful. Pei Junlin didn't think much about Yun Yao, but it didn't prevent him from admiring Yun Yao's beauty.

This Yun Yao looked like the most beautiful flower in the world, and even the first glance would give a person a realm improvement.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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