Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1300: Hun Tian Ling

It didn't take long for the Huntian Ling to be put in a tray and sent in by the waiter.

Pei Junlin looked at it a little, and then transferred the Hun Tian Ling to Yun Yao. Yun Yao didn't look at it, her eyes glared at Pei Junlin: "What do you mean? Do I still need you to spend money to buy things for me? You don't want to be passionate, okay? We two are just ordinary friends. ."

Pei Junlin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and he spent 60 million yuan on the best spirit stone to buy this Hun Tian Ling for Yun Yao. To Pei Junlin, it was actually as simple as buying a popsicle on the street.

However, this was a huge sum of money in Yun Yao's eyes, so she didn't understand Pei Junlin's behavior.

"Whatever you want to understand, but this 60 million is really not a big money to me. It's just that I am in a good mood. There is nothing else, there is no self-love you said." Pei Junlin looked indifferent. Looked at Yun Yao and said.

If other men were dealt with by Yunyao in this way, they would definitely lose face and go away in anger. But Pei Junlin is not like that. He has strong self-confidence and introverted aura, so there is no different look on his face.

Yun Yao also found that she was panicking just now, but it was difficult to accept such a huge gift from Pei Junlin. After all, 60 million superb spirit stones were an unattainable wealth for Yun Yao.

"Okay, I'll accept this gift, but you remember that I will definitely return it to you in the future." Yun Yao's eyes were slightly complicated, and she grabbed the muddy sky in her hand.

Her divine sense searched in and immediately refined the Huntian Ling. This Huntian Ling was like a long snake, floating in the air automatically, floating behind him around Yun Yao.

The red Hun Tian Ling matched Yun Yao's white dress and white dress, and Yun Yao was like a fairy.

Yunyao looked at Pei Junlin carefully, and finally he realized that things were a little weird. If Pei Junlin had pretended to come to this Tianzi No. 7 box, now it proves that Pei Junlin is really powerful, because the auctioneer It is the existence of not seeing rabbits and not scattering eagles.

The most important thing for merchants is profit. For 60 million superb spirit stones to buy such a Hun Tian Ling, if Pei Junlin fails to pay, the merchant will not deliver it.

Now that the auctioneer sent this Hun Tian Ling to the box, it means that Pei Junlin has already attached 60 million best spirit stones. Thinking of her previous questioning words about Pei Junlin, Yun Yao felt a bit hot on her face.

Because of Yun Yao's good looks, not only in the entire Vientiane Sect, but also in the entire star field, and even in other fairy fields, some young talents come to propose to her.

Although a treasure like the best Lingbao is precious to Yun Yao, it is not a fuss. However, it is the first time Yun Yao accepts a gift from a man, and it is inevitable that there will be some different feelings in her heart.

In fact, in Yunyao’s heart, he is still not sure what Pei Junlin’s mind is, why he gave him such a precious gift without sensuality, and that Pei Junlin lent his prepaid card to himself, which also made Yun Yao. There was a strange feeling in my heart.

However, Pei Junlin was very calm in his heart, because the most important thing in his heart now was to return to the Eastern Star Territory, and Pei Junlin did not have much interest in other love affairs.

In his opinion, it was really just taking Yunyao as an ordinary friend. He has no other friends on the planet of Vientiane. Since Liu Quan left, Pei Junlin can be said to be unaccompanied. At this time, meeting Yun Yao will make Pei Junlin feel intimate.

Moreover, although Yun Yao's words are sharp and unreasonable, she has a very good personality and is the best choice for friends.

The auction is still going on, but the fire control technique Pei Junlin expected has never appeared. However, there are tens of thousands of items in this auction, and Pei Junlin is not in a hurry. The whole auction will last for three days.

Once he encounters materials or useful things he likes, Pei Junlin will still make a strong move to suppress his opponent. Almost everyone in the entire auction knew that there was a tyrant in the seventh box.

From the beginning to the present, Yun Yao has been numb to what Pei Junlin has done. In Pei Junlin's hands, those top-grade spirit stones are just a number, and they are easily smashed out of one billion or tens of billions. Some of the treasures of heaven and material are almost all taken by Pei Junlin.

As a result, from the beginning of the auction to the first day now, almost all auction participants knew that this heavenly tyrant could not compete, so when they encountered something called by Pei Junlin, these people kept silent.

This has also caused a strange thing, that is, Pei Junlin can often buy what he wants at the lowest price, because others know that they can't compete with Pei Junlin, so they give up the competition.

There were a few people who wanted to maliciously compete and raise prices, but later when their favorite things were strongly suppressed by Pei Junlin, these people all accepted.

After the end of the day, the entire auction conference was full of discussions and even became big news in the entire Vientiane City. Almost everyone is discussing the origins of this god-level local tyrant, but the auction has done a good job of confidentiality for top customers. So far, no one knows the true identity of Pei Junlin except Yun Yao.

"You are very swollen today." Old man Qi looked at Pei Junlin coldly.

Although the old man Qi looks sick and sick at ordinary times, Pei Junlin feels that his old man's look is like phosphorous fire in a pile of bones, and he looks all over.

"Old man, don't rush to get angry, there is a gift for you." Pei Junlin opened his palm, with a sword in his palm.

This sword cost Pei Junlin nearly 3 billion superb spirit stones, which is a sky-high price in the entire Vientiane City. The sword drew out of the scabbard with cold light, illuminating the entire house, which was not lit but bright as day.

The moment the sword light emitted, the temperature in the entire room dropped several degrees, giving people a compelling feeling.

The sword is not a chaotic spirit treasure, nor is it a superb spirit treasure, but a blank sword. What qualities he will achieve in the future depends on its owner.

Old man Qi squinted his eyes and pinched the sword with two fingers. Even if she was so knowledgeable, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The old man rubbed the body of this sword with his dry fingers, his face showing admiration.

"Do you like this sword? It was carefully prepared by me. It's better than you facing the broken sword all day long." Pei Junlin saw that Old Man Qi liked his sword, with a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, the old man Qi suddenly raised his head, his eyes shot a cold light, **** clamped the sword, and with a click, the sword was directly clipped off.

Pei Junlin's smile froze directly. You must know that this was something that was purchased by the 3 billion best spirit stones, and it was actually destroyed by the old man Qi.

"I only like Broken Sword, thank you for your gift." The old man walked into the yard staring at the rest half and half without expression.

Under the moonlight, Pei Junlin saw a strange scene. The sword in the hands of the old man Qi exudes a faint light. A soft light drew from the sky and fell on the broken sword.

Soon the old man returned to the state of the gods and Taoism. She sat in the courtyard facing the broken sword, whispering some words that Pei Junlin could not understand.

Pei Junlin didn't want to intervene too much. There will be a second auction the next day. Pei Junlin is looking forward to meeting what he wants.

The next day, as usual, Pei Junlin waited for Yun Yao at the agreed place, but this time Yun Yao did not come, but sent a little maid to tell Pei Junlin that she was unwell and didn't want to come.

Pei Junlin was speechless. It seemed that the woman had missed the appointment and didn't tell herself one day in advance.

"Prince Pei, this is something our lady asked me to bring you, saying it is to repay your favor." The little maid handed an antique wooden box to Pei Junlin.

Seeing the carriage going away makes you feel a little complicated. He doesn't know what is in the wooden box, but he feels a precious breath.

Good things will give people a different feeling, and the antique sense of historical vicissitudes is exuded in the wooden box, let Junlin know that this thing is definitely old.

Even from the surroundings of the wooden box, Pei Junlin could sense some changes in the rules of heaven and earth, which is amazing. This shows that the material of the wooden box itself is very magical, so the things in it may shock the world.

In the end, Pei Junlin couldn't restrain his curiosity and opened the wooden box. When he saw it stored in the wooden box, Pei Junlin was stunned.

This is a bracelet that looks similar to a bracelet, with runes flashing in it. Although it looks simple and unpretentious, it gives Pei Junlin an extremely shocking feeling. Especially Pei Junlin noticed that there are some runes engraved on these almost comparable to the runes of the primordial beginning on the tower.

On the other end of the bracelet, a small flame emblem is depicted. After Pei Junlin put on the bracelet, he immediately felt a feeling in his heart, as if all the flames in the world were commanded by him.

With the palms open, there is a light blue flame in Pei Junlin's palm. Under the control of Pei Junlin's mind, the light blue flame is turned into a bird, sometimes a bee, sometimes a dragonfly, and a heart.

Pei Junlin flicked his finger, the flame turned into a sharp arrow and flew out with a swish.

As long as he wears this bracelet, Pei Junlin can control almost all the flames, making Pei Junlin very surprised. Why is there such an important treasure in Yun Yao's hand, it is simply the most precious treasure in the world, why is Yun Yao willing to give it to herself?

Although Junlin Pei liked this thing very much, he still took it off his wrist. It was too expensive and Junlin did not dare to accept it.

Pei Junlin planned to find Dao Yunyao again and return this bracelet to him.

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