Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1301: Yunxia neon clothes

The morning light was faint, and the golden sunlight almost filled the entire Vientiane City. It was the first time that Pei Junlin saw such a beautiful Vientiane City. According to Pei Junlin's memory, this Vientiane City was one of the few big cities he had seen, with a population of at least tens of billions.

Vientiane City is not only rich in business activities, but also a gathering of practitioners, and various masters are emerging in an endless stream. If there is no such huge sect of Vientiane Sect suppressed here, I am afraid Vientiane City will become a huge barrel.

Pei Junlin looked at the pedestrians coming and going, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be back on earth again. I don't know where the earth is right now, Pei Junlin, I am afraid it will be very difficult to come out of Guixu and see the sky again.

Pei Junlin randomly found a street stall, ate a bowl of snacks, and then walked in the direction of the auction house. Along the way, Pei Junlin heard the discussion on the street exclaimed, and the whole street was talking about the mysterious local tyrant who appeared at the auction yesterday.

Hearing these people's comments, Pei Junlin just smiled slightly and did not participate. Pei Junlin also did not expect that he would accidentally come to this mysterious foreign land, and become famous here, becoming a mysterious local tyrant passed by word of mouth.

Pei Junlin sighed softly, and made a wish in his heart. It hoped that it could find something that he liked at the auction today.

Although the bracelet Yun Yao gave was good, Pei Junlin didn't want to take away the beauty. After all, this thing should be extremely important to Yun Yao.

Suddenly, the whole street was turned upside down, the whole street was trembling, the stalls on both sides were lifted up and down, and there were screams from the crowd.

Even if it is as large as the Vientiane City, there are many people living here who are not cultivators. After all, people have different aptitudes, and some people are inherently unsuitable as cultivators. There are also some cultivators with extremely low cultivation bases who have only trained to the level of internal energy, so facing this kind of abnormality, these people simply cannot bear it.

Pei Junlin squinted his eyes and saw a dozen fiery red horses rushing from the other end of the street, ignoring pedestrians and pushing their horses unscrupulously.

These people were wearing black robes, with the mark of a knife printed on the cuffs, which is a unique mark of the Duan family. Pei Junlin did not expect the Duan family to be arrogant to such an extent in the entire Vientiane city. It seems that the Vientiane Sect did have something wrong with the Duan family last time. It is very likely that the Duan family has the absolute upper hand.

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Junlin felt a gloom in his heart, after all, he killed the sixth old Duan family, and had an indissoluble hatred with the Duan family.

If the Duan family had an absolute advantage in the Vientiane City, or even directly breached the Vientiane Sect, then he would be in danger.

When Pei Jun was stunned, he saw a little girl about to be swallowed under the horse's hoof. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin applied to turn into a black shadow and immediately appeared next to the little girl and grabbed the little girl's wrist.

In addition, Pei Junlin turned around and fisted a fierce horse. This blood-red fierce horse was directly hit by Pei Junlin. And the girl from the Duan family riding on the horse was so shocked that she spouted blood in the air.

This woman is a master at the realm of True God, and she is in the same realm as Junlin Pei, but the strength between Junlin Pei and Pei Junlin is very different. If Junlin Pei is an opponent, she can kill this girl in one second.

The woman slowly fell to the ground, looking at Pei Junlin suspiciously, but after carefully observing Pei Junlin, she suddenly sneered, and the other horses stopped and came to surround Pei Jun.

"Who am I? It turns out that the dog and the mouse are from the Vientiane Sect. Your Vientiane Sect will soon become the Thousand Insect Sect. You still dare to cause trouble if you don't run for your life." The woman pointed at Pei Junlin with a horse whip. Said.

Pei Junlin didn't care what the woman was talking about. Instead, he looked at the tall horse under the woman's hips strangely. He didn't expect that this blood-red horse was so powerful that he didn't die after just getting a punch.

Pei Junlin raised his head just to hear the whistling wind in his ear. It turned out that the woman rushed towards Pei Junlin with the whip in her hand. This horse-riding whip is not simple, it is a superb spirit treasure with amazing power. If it is drawn on the face, I am afraid the whole face will be drawn.

Pei Junlin's face remained as usual, he reached out and grabbed the whip in the woman's hand, and pulled the woman off the horse with a violent tugging.

The Duan family girl is not simple, she exudes divine light, flashes in an instant, appeared ten meters away, looking at Pei Junlin with a vigilant expression.

Several Duan knights also took out the demon sword in their hands and looked at Pei Junlin with alert.

"You don't want to do it to me here, do you? You can't do it in Vientiane City. This is an agreed-upon rule. If you do it, you may die." Pei Junlin snorted and walked away directly.

The little girl he rescued was given to a woman crying on the street by Pei Junlin.

Seeing Pei Junlin's back, the woman from the Duan family turned red and white, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Check me the origin of this person. I must know all his information. It is not the Vientiane Sect. When my face is completely torn apart, when my grandfather returns, Vientiane Sect will be destroyed. Not only this person will die, but everyone in Vientiane Sect will be refined into Gu worms."

When this Duan girl spoke, her eyes were extremely bitter. Two reflections of insects appeared in her eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

Pei Junlin didn't take this matter to heart. He walked all the way and came to the auction venue. Although the fight just now was not a life-and-death struggle, it was also thrilling. Pei Junlin used his mana, and now his mana is surging, he almost has an impulse to arouse celestial phenomena.

If the Heavenly Tribulation is really attracted, then Pei Junlin will be in place to cross the Tribulation, which is a very dangerous thing, but now it seems that the Vientiane Sect is dangerous.

The struggle between the Vientiane Sect and the Duan family is at a disadvantage, and it is likely to be at an absolute disadvantage. It is to make Pei Junlin worry about all kinds of things. If the Vientiane Sect falls, Pei Junlin is in a bad mood now.

Previously, Pei Junlin didn't have a good impression of Vientiane Sect, but now it is different. The entire Vientiane Sect went up and down, and it can be said that he did his best.

Even the fierce battle between the Vientiane Sect and the Duan family, the main point of conflict, is also because of him. If the entire Vientiane sect that is implicated in this way is embarrassed, Pei Jun will not bear it.

At the door of the auction house, Pei Junlin met the girl from that Duan family again. It was really Yuanjialuzhai. Unexpectedly, these people also came to participate in the auction.

The woman pointed at Pei Junlin with a horse whip, full of threats, but did not speak.

Pei Junlin's eyes always stayed on the tall horses these people rode. This horse should have the blood of a unicorn. Although there are no scales on the whole body, the skin is thick and thick, which is extremely resistant to beatings. Moreover, it is a rare BMW horse to fly in the air.

"One bottle of Wannian Chalcedony, the starting price is 10,000 pieces of superb spirit stone." The auction began soon, and the first auction item did not arouse Pei Junlin's interest.

The so-called 10,000-year chalcedony is actually of no practical use. Although it seems that the jewels are almost used as accessories, it is true that the bids are all female monks.

Gradually, as the price continued to be pushed up, Pei Junlin showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect this piece of ten thousand year chalcedony to be of no use, and finally sold for 100,000 top-grade spirit stones.

The person who finally shouted the price of one hundred thousand yuan of the best spirit stone was a man, and it seemed that he was buying it for the confidante around him.

The first auction item was not tepid, but the second auction item detonated the whole scene. It seems that today the auctioneer has begun to arouse the emotions of these buyers.

The second auction item is a garment made of silk called Yunxia Silk. The shape of the clothes is simple and generous, and because of its amazing materials.

When you wear it on your body, there will be a colorful rainbow light when you walk around, which will continue to swing with you. This piece of clothing is more than just an unusable existence, this piece of clothing has the ability to absorb spell attacks.

According to the auctioneer of the auction house, after wearing this suit, if you encounter a spell attack, it can weaken at least three levels of spell power.

It’s amazing to not weaken the three layers. Sure enough, this piece of clothing detonated the audience. The starting price was 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and it was added to 1 million top-grade spiritual stones in the blink of an eye, and the price was still going up. .

In the end, this piece of clothing was sold at a price of 90 million pieces of the best spirit stone.

"It seems that this customer really likes this Yunxia neon dress, so 90 million will be sold once. If there is no objection, it will become the gentleman's possession after three hammers." The auctioneer continued to instigate an inch. Rotten tongue drew the minds of these buyers.

Being able to weaken the three-layer spell attack is very good for training, but he doesn't like the shape of the dress. After all, it is too It is like wearing a glowing glow.

It is not in line with Pei Junlin's low-key personality that attracts people's attention wherever he walks.

"I made a hundred million best spirit stone." A woman's voice coldly spread throughout the audience.

Soon the woman added another sentence, making the audience silent.

"I'm from the Duan family." The woman's voice was extremely cold, as if she was warning all potential opponents in secret.

Pei Junlin had already heard the voice of this woman. It was the woman from the previous family who had a conflict with him on the street.

It seems that this woman should be a princess of the Duan family, or she wouldn't be so arrogant, squandering money and lavishly, almost a little god.

The words of the family’s woman aroused the dissatisfaction of the people at the auction house. Many people who came here were people with a face in the starry sky, and even powerful people in the realm of the real king. They all sat in the auction house. In, I want to buy my favorite treasure.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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