Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1302: Broken Hilt

However, the women of this family threatened the audience and forced a price cut, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction, but many people dared not say anything. After all, the strength of the Duan family is very great. Recently, there are even rumors that the Duan family will have one. Powerful at the emperor level.

So this arrogant and presumptuous woman in this family really made the participants of these auctions afraid to bid.

"I gave out a billion yuan of Tianyuan Jade, who will fight with me?" Pei Junlin deliberately changed his voice, but the sky-high price he shouted made the audience boil again.

"It was Shenhao who made the shot. Sure enough, Shenhao made the shot. It's amazing."

There was a lot of discussion in one venue, with tens of thousands of people talking about Pei Junlin.

Before, some people were quite dissatisfied with Pei Junlin, but now Pei Junlin has become a hero in everyone's hearts, daring to challenge the Duan family publicly, this Pei Junlin is indeed too courageous.

The girl from the Duan family gave a cold snort and did not bid any more. Perhaps she had known in advance that there was a mysterious figure in the VIP box of the auction house, who was spending money like a fool.

No matter how proud the Duan family was, they couldn't compete with such a lunatic. Although I liked this Yunxia neon clothes very much, the girl in this family gave up.

Soon this Yunxia neon clothes was sent to Pei Junlin's box. Seeing the colorful clothes on the tray, Pei Junlin couldn't laugh or cry.

This dress is too shameless to wear, and walking on the street attracts the attention of countless people.

A small part of the auction has passed, and the next thing is to auction some common precious items, not some top-quality materials, but some top-quality spirit treasures, chaotic spirit treasures, etc., and even various classics and magic techniques.

During Pei Junlin's stay, he occasionally bought two or three small items that he liked, but he didn't catch any big fish. Seeing that the morning was about to pass, Pei Junlin was unavoidably anxious.

This auction only lasts for three days, and half of the time has now passed. The fire control technique that he was looking forward to in his heart hasn't seen any eyebrows yet, and Jun Pei couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Listen, please see that this is a broken sword. Our Chamber of Commerce bought it on a remote planet, and now it is auctioned at the venue. The starting price is one million superb spiritual stones." The auctioneer seemed to be right. This broken sword did not want to introduce too much, but after a few random introductions, the auction began.

I didn't expect the scene to fall into the cold, because no one knew this broken sword. From the perspective of its appearance, no one would want to spend a million best spirit stones to buy such a broken sword.

Pei Junlin's eyes glowed with a faint golden light, shrouded in this layer of health care. Under Pei Jun's observation, he also didn't notice the power of this broken sword, nor found any secrets.

"This thing should be a fragment of a fairy artifact, enough to buy it to be absolutely useful." Jin Ye, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke in Pei Junlin's ear.

After coming down from that tower, Jin Ye was silent a lot, it seems that something happened after being burned on the ice flame.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin didn't hesitate. After all, the starting price was only 1 million yuan, and no one has bid for it so far.

"I'm paying two million yuan." Pei Junlin shouted.

The audience was silent, and some people were laughing in a low voice. They all felt that the gods in the No. 7 box did have some unusual reactions, and even this kind of scrap copper and iron was willing to spend two million to buy the best spirit stone.

"It must be the saint son of a holy place, spoiled and sprinkling money wildly." Someone shook his head.

"Yeah, money is not spent like this. If you really can't spend it all, you can give me a little bit. Give me a million and I'll be a dog for him." Someone said shamelessly, as if he wanted to Let Junlin Pei hear.

This was really heard by Pei Junlin, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Pei Junlin pressed the button, and soon the waiter of the auction house appeared in front of Pei Junlin, and said softly to Pei Junlin: "Excuse me, do you have any instructions?"

"Here is one million top-grade spirit stones. You can give it to the guest below and tell him that it was given by the guest in Box 7." Pei Junlin said to the waiter.

Seeing that Pei Junlin actually took out one million top-quality spirit stones to give to the person who threatened to be a dog for Pei Junlin, this was immediately stunned.

His face was red, and he was dumbfounded on the spot, seeming to make a difficult choice.

But in the end, this waiter may have defeated the inner demon and didn't say what he said before. Silently, he had to take the top-grade spirit stone stored value card in Pei Junlin's hand and walked on.

Soon the whole auction venue was boiling, just because of a joke that the man actually got one million superb spiritual stones, which made countless buyers who participated in the auction almost crazy and shouted. Be the dog of Pei Junlin.

Although Pei Junlin has a lot of money, he is not stupid. He once again asked the waiter to spread the word, whoever can beat that Miss Duan Jia into a pig after the auction ends, and he will get 10 million best spirit stones.

In the box of the Duan family, Duan Yuzhu, the lady of the Duan family, turned green after hearing the news, gritted her teeth with hatred. But there is no way, because even the strength of the Duan family can't affect the Chamber of Commerce, which is an independent organization in any star field.

The Chamber of Commerce has established a huge business relationship between the vast galaxies in the universe. At the same time, because they have too much money, the power of the merchants cannot be underestimated.

The Chamber of Commerce will not participate in any disputes between the local sects, but the Chamber of Commerce will not be bullied. The Chamber of Commerce has a large amount of property and wealth. Without the strength to protect itself, the Chamber of Commerce will not be able to do business at all. Even the Duan family dare not offend the Chamber of Commerce.

"Be sure to dig out this person, I will smash him into ten thousand pieces." Duan Yuzhu, the lady of the Duan family, showed a cold look on her face.

Of course, this is just a small episode in the auction, and more people's attention is still on the auction stage. The treasures were auctioned off, causing a sensation one after another.

During Pei Junlin's period, he also made several shots, but he did not buy what he liked. At this time, in the Pei box, Pei Junlin was holding the broken hilt that he had bought before.

The broken hilt was so rusty that it didn't look like a piece of fairy artifact. Pei Junlin poured the mana in his body into the broken hilt, but he didn't get any feedback, it looked like a piece of scrap iron.

"Master Jin, is this really a fragment of an immortal weapon? Why doesn't it respond?" Pei Junlin held the broken sword here, somewhat at a loss.

"You can just find something to try, why bother to ask me?" Jin Ye's voice came.

Pei Junlin was dubious, flipped his palm and added a blue long sword in his hand. This long sword was bought by Pei Junlin at the auction before, but he just thought it had a good shape, but the material of this sword was really good, and it was one step closer to entering the Chaos Lingbao level.

According to the time, a large amount of update funds were added, which can be described as extremely sharp, even the Chaos Lingbao and this sword object may only end up in fragmentation.

Holding the broken hilt in the other hand, holding the blue sword in the other, and only listening to a click sound, the blue sword was silently broken into two pieces, and the broken hilt was There is no response, not even a scratch is left.

This time Pei Junlin was completely shocked. He knew that he had indeed obtained the treasure today. If the broken hilt can be integrated into the mixed world magic spear, then the mixed world magic spear's strength will be increased to an incomprehensible level.

"This should be forged from materials in the immortal world, did you know? This broken hilt, regardless of whether it is a piece of fairy artifact, the important thing is that its material is magical." Jin Ye was a little absent-minded.

After getting the broken sword hilt, Pei Junlin's inner excitement was beyond addictive. He was thinking of a way to integrate the broken sword hilt into the mixed world magic spear. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly entered the Golden Dou Space and came to Naha Wangding.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, and directly threw the Hunshi Demon Spear and the shattered hilt into it, but the Overlord Cauldron circulated for a while, and it made a roaring sound. , But soon spit out two objects, the only thing left intact was the Hunshi Demon Spear and the broken hilt.

"Too naive, do you think this Overlord Cauldron can refine this broken hilt now? This is a fairy spirit, don't dream it." The voice of Lord Jin smirked and made Pei Jun feel ashamed.

Out of the inside of Jindou Space but the auction outside is still in full swing. At the auction right now, a piece of black gold magic iron is being auctioned, which is similar to a piece of ground iron like a rockery, weighing 100,000 catties.

According to the introduction of the auctioneer, the main function of this black gold film sticker is to forge armor. If a whole piece of armor is forged, the defense ability is amazing.

Pei Junlinlin naturally didn't have any interest in this black gold magic iron. A blue flame burned in his hand, and he put on the bracelet Yun Yao gave again.

Inadvertently, Pei Junlin put the fragment of the fairy weapon, that is, the broken sword hilt on the flame, and soon something that surprised Pei Junlin happened, because he suddenly discovered that the broken sword hilt was unexpectedly Some changes occurred under the burning of the blue ice flame.

It seemed to be a sign of melting, which surprised Pei Junlin. He didn't expect this ice flame to be so magical that it could melt the broken hilt.

"Have you seen it? Didn't it melt? What kind of fairy artifact fragments, did you miss it?" Pei Junlin continued to burn the broken sword hilt with the blue ice flame in his hand.

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