Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 131: 1 family reunion

Of course, Pei Junlin was unable to give his parents detailed details of his three years ago, and he was rebuilt by the exquisite goddess of the master, and all the experiences brought to the world were poured out.

In this case, not only is there no benefit to the parents, but it may bury some unnecessary scourges!

Therefore, he just explained that when the disaster occurred in the Pei family in Qingzhou, he was indeed killed by the people in the Pei family in Jiangbei, but when his soul was about to dissipate, he encountered an old senior who was hidden in the world and shot. Save him!

This old man not only placed his soul with a man of the same name and death who was about to die with great mana, but also taught him a skill that came back only a few months ago.

Later, Pei Junlin also briefly described his battle with the Jiangbei Pei family in the past few months. When he heard that Pei Junlin actually let the entire Jiangbei Pei family flee from there, even the top such as Pei Wantian and Pei's ancestors. When the strong were killed, the shocked mouths of Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun were difficult to close for a long time!

Although Pei Junlin's description was very simple, they had already thought of the big dangers and big fears, and could not help but feel a tremor, and then retaliated pleasure appeared on his face, and he kept sighing that God had eyes and the skynet was restored. Without leaking, the bad guys will get the harshest punishment after all!

At this time, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun had already had no doubt about Pei Junlin's identity. The family of three hugged each other and wept bitterly, feeling the affection from the blood!

Even Lin Xian'er, who was standing at the door, was moved by tears and wiped them away.

Finally, Guo Shiyun noticed Lin Xian'er's existence, especially when she saw Lin Xi'er's exquisite and picturesque appearance, her eyes only showed her parents' eyes, and she stepped forward to hold Lin Xian'er. The little hand of the child asked gently and gently, such as where are you from, and who else is at home?

Lin Xianer responded to each of them well. Pei Junlin didn't feel anything at first, until she heard her mother asked more and more in detail. She almost asked the eight generations of the ancestors of the Lin family, and finally couldn't help the black lines on her brows: " Mom! She's just an ordinary friend of mine! You already have a daughter-in-law! "

As soon as the sensitive words of daughter-in-law came up, even Pei Dong, who was calm before, couldn't sit still, almost jumped out of the chair and quickly asked what happened to Pei Junlin?

Pei Junlin was helpless, and he could only make up a reason to explain that they did not know any news at the time, so the two quietly received the card!

This made Lin Xianer's eyes roll with anger and a look of resentment, but Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun were surprised. They kept screaming and asked Pei Junlin to quickly bring her daughter-in-law to them for a look. .

Then he asked his parents to leave this place, because the place here is really too rude. Now that his net worth is over ten billion yuan, how can he let his parents continue to live in such a place?

Lin Xianer also began to console, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun and the couple readily agreed. The two of them were not ordinary people, but their fate was more difficult.

Now that my missing son, Shenbing, has descended from heaven, and a family of four is completely reunited, is there anything more surprising in this world than this?

"No! Nothing here!"

Pei Donglai came to Jiangyun with a wave of fingers and said, "Let's go to a big hotel tonight. The food is delicious, what you want to eat! Don't get drunk!"

Pei Junlin had this intention, and immediately took his parents to the car and said goodbye to the past. From then on, their family is about to live a good life!

"Mom, Dad! Where does Nianci work? We will pick her up by the way!"

While driving, Pei Junlin asked.

"Nianci works at a small hotel nearby. You know that, after our house accident, we fled here. In order to avoid people finding it, we dare not use ID cards. We can only earn a meager money in these gray areas. Income to support a living ... "

Guo Shiyun sighed. She still had a lot of sadness. For example, her husband needs high drug expenses every month, and in order to avoid being disturbed by the hooligan, she and her baby daughter even intentionally cut their faces with a knife. Unnecessary trouble, etc ...

My sister Nianci is not far from work. It only takes ten minutes to drive. When Pei Junlin parked the car at a small hotel that cost only twenty or thirty yuan a night, she saw it through the glass door at a glance. A busy girl wearing a mask.

Although the other person's head was lowered, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly began to beat faster and the palm of the hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.


He opened the door and got off as quickly as possible, and walked into the small hotel.

Seems to be hearing the opening of the door, the girl who has been busy at the front desk quickly raised her head and proficiently said, "Hello! Do you need accommodation?"

Pei Jun was silent, staring directly into the girl's eyes. Once upon a time, in his impression, his sister Nianci has always been a happy wave, and a girl full of hope for life, wrapped around him all day, brother My brother keeps calling!

But at this moment Pei Junlin's eyes are reflected in a pair of secular, alert and vigilant eyes. Although they are still very beautiful and the eyelashes are long, the innocence is long gone.


It's so much like it!

Pei Junlin seemed to see his own shadow from those eyes. Once upon a time, he and his younger sister were so innocent, so full of desire for life ...

"Nianci ..."

With great excitement, Pei Junlin slowly spit out two words.

Unexpectedly, just the moment his words fell, I saw the girl's pupils in the bar tighten tightly: "Sir! What are you talking about? I am a hotel, a place to stay, not a place to study!"

Pei Junlin's heart was aching, knowing that her sister Nianci wanted to recognize him by no means an easy task. Now she let her body go and stretched her fingers towards the parked car. There, her parents beckoned warmly to her sister. !!

When seeing the moments of the parents in the car, Pei Nianci's eyes changed again, and in Pei Jun's gaze, he pulled out a cold flashing machete directly from the bar, and sternly asked: "Say ... what are you Who? Why hijack my parents ?! "

Pei Junlin ...

Rao is his calmness, and he doesn't know what to say, but he also cries and laughs when he feels heartache!

Finally, he simply said, "Nianci, I am your brother Junlin, I am back! Our father and mother are in the car. I just met them ..."

咣 Dang!

The machete in Pei Nianci's hand finally fell to the ground, and then under the gaze of Pei Junlin, he rushed out and flew straight towards the vehicles outside.

With a touch of relief in Pei Junlin's heartache, Slowly followed him. When he went out, he found his sister Pei Nianci staring at him with incredible eyes.

"Don't watch! I'm your brother, just a face change, you can be treated as a facelift!"

Pei Junlin shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and then continued: "I will never forget, because of your playfulness, when I was 13 years old, I sneaked into the place where I practiced, making me almost Get into the magic ... "


After waiting for Pei Junlin to finish his speech, a trembling voice had sounded, and then Pei Junlin had a soft body in his arms and hugged him tightly!

Because of the excitement, the girl ’s body shivered constantly, and Pei Junlin was in a state of excitement, reaching out and hugging the girl in her arms!

This hug is the deepest affection between brothers and sisters, and the blood is thicker than water!

Looking at the two brothers and sisters hugging tightly together outside, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun in the car had already been in tears, and the couple held their palms tightly!

Lin Xianer in the co-pilot's seat was also touched.

"Nianci, let's go! Brother will take you to a big meal. From then on, you will never come back here!"

After a long time, Pei Junlin let go of his arm and rubbed his sister's head with a doting hand. This action was often done by him in the past, but now it is handy.

Who ever thought that after Pei Nianci felt this long-lost action, his eyes became crescent-shaped!

Immediately it seemed like something had come to mind, exclaiming exclaimed: "Not coming back? That wouldn't work! I still have a month's salary here! That's a whole 1,500 yuan!"

Pei Junlin laughed ~ ~ and stretched out his hand and rubbed his sister's head again: "Your brother and I are now billionaires, how can they be so little money? Go! Get in the car!

"Billionaires !!!"

Pei Nianci's eyes stared round, his mind was stunned and he was pushed into the car.

More than half an hour later, in a top five-star hotel in Sioux City, Pei Junlin brought his parents and sister here, opened two luxurious suites, and let the family take a bath first to get rid of the bad luck and also represent a new life !!

At the same time, he gave Lin Xianer a card and asked him to go out and buy some fitting clothes for his parents and sister.

When Lin Xianer heard Pei Junlin's orders, she directly enlarged her eyes.

She is a big star and the jewel in the palm of the Lin family. It has always been her job to direct others. Why was it her turn to direct her to do things, and the hard work of buying clothes ...

It was only when Lin Xianer saw Pei Junlin's narrowed eyes, there were thousands of complaints in his heart, he still called two waiters immediately, and then ignored the bank card handed by Pei Junlin and twisted Buttocks and strode away!

Lin Xianer, with a little bit of thought, didn't notice that Pei Junlin looked softer in her gaze.

Although this girl has many common shortcomings of rich people, her heart is not bad. Maybe when she is in a good mood, she can help her once ...

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