Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 132: Jiangnan Guo Family (Part One)

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!

The relatives who have been away for three years are finally reunited again. The kind of excitement from the bones is indescribable. Whether it is Pei Junlin, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun and his wife, or Pei Nianci, they are all laughing out for a long time .

Especially during the meal of Pei Junlin, after sending a video to the Prince Qiong who is far away in Jinling City, he saw the beautiful daughter-in-law, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, and Pei Nianci in the video. They were all astonished and thoroughly laughed!

Pei Nianci yelled bitterly, letting the prince Joan over there be so shy.

This meal took almost three hours to finish before the family returned to the guest room.

During this period, Pei Junlin asked his parents how they had spent the past three years. If he remembered correctly, his mother Guo Shiyun's family was the Sucheng people, and the power was not small. Take care of them.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, the atmosphere in the room where the laughter had been laughing suddenly became quiet. Whether it was Pei Donglai or Guo Shiyun, or his sister Pei Nianci, there was a hint of dodge in his eyes.

Especially my sister Pei Nianci, after all, is a young girl, she can't hide much in her heart, and at the same time she hides her anger that is hard to hide.

Pei Junlin's fingers on the armrest were clenched tightly together, as clever as the moment he saw his mother's first glance, he felt something unusual.

Coupled with what happened to father Pei Donglai later, the poor environment in which the family lived, and the place where the younger sister works, all fools will find problems.

"Dad, mom, and kindness! I just want to understand the truth simply, you can tell the truth!"

Pei Junlin said, a pair of black paint eyes glanced at his family, and finally fell on the face of his sister Nianci.

In his memory, although the younger sister ’s face of loving kindness is not the kind of top beauty, she also looks beautiful and graceful, but nowadays, the original beautiful face is full of scars. Almost covered half of the face, making people look backwards!

There is also a similar scar on his mother Guo Shiyun's face. Even though the scar has already passed a long time, Pei Junlin judged at first glance that these scars seemed to be considered and cut by some kind of sharp blade.

When eating before, when the younger sister Nianci took off her mask, although Pei Junlin was calm in expression, his heart was already violently choked.

"Jinglin, I'm a bit tired, let's talk here tonight!"

Her mother Guo Shiyun suddenly stood up and asked her husband to help her to rest.

Pei Donglai was also a lingering expression, and finally sighed deeply.

Pei Junlin's brow frowned into the Sichuan word. Suddenly, just then, sister Pei Nianci stood up suddenly and shouted, "Mom! My brother is back now, how long do you want to hide from him?"

As soon as the words came to an end, Guo Shiyun, who was already about to leave, suddenly shivered and froze. Her husband Pei Donglai was also in pain.

Pei Nianci Qiao's face was full of anger: "OK! Since you don't say it, I say it!"

"Brother! The Jiangnan Guo family is simply a group of assholes. I would rather have no grandfather, grandmother, aunt, aunt, and the like in my life! Because they are simply-not-worthy!"

At the end of the discourse, Pei Nianci even exuded a kind of resentment that shocked Pei Junlin. It is hard to imagine what kind of ups and downs it has endured in order to make such a girl treat her grandfather, grandmother, and uncle Relatives of this class, so hateful!

You know, the two are blood relatives, unless they are treated unimaginably, how can this be so!

"Nianci, stop talking!"

Guo Shiyun turned around slowly, I do not know when, on her face that had just had some blood, she became pale again.

Pei Junlin was startled, quickly helped her mother to sit down, and quickly pulled out the Ziyun martin Yuedan that she had always carried from her pocket, gently cut a small part with a knife, kneaded it into pieces, and boiled it with water. Let mother drink.

This purple cloud marten month not only has unimaginable benefits for the warrior. After taking it, ordinary people can also adjust the internal organs, strengthen the body, and prolong life.

"Dad! Nianci, you drink it together, this is my elixir, which is very good for the body!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth, and then made the same way. He also cut a small part of Ziyun Yuedan, washed it with boiling water, and handed it to his father and sister.

Today's parents and younger sisters are really too weak to dare to take a whole purple cloud marten month Dan, otherwise, good things will become bad things.

Pei Junlin can only use his mana to combine Ziyun Marble Yuedan, and slowly adjust the family's body. Fortunately, there are two Ziyun Marble Yuedan, which is almost enough!

After the family had overcame Ziyun Yuedan, Pei Junlin first asked his father to help his mother to take a rest in the apartment, and then his eyes fell on his sister Nianci.

"Brother! The Jiangnan Guo family is really nothing ..."

With only two brothers and sisters left, Pei Nianci finally couldn't bear the soreness in his heart, and the tears rolled down.

"Nianci, you carefully explain the process of this three years to my brother, you can rest assured! The grievance we have suffered before, my brother will definitely get you back!"

Pei Junlin comforted softly, but if he felt it carefully, he would be able to perceive the astonishing evil in his words.

Finally, in Pei Nianci's sad voice, Pei Junlin learned what happened three years ago!

Three years ago, after the drastic changes in the Pei family in Qingzhou, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun, who were seriously injured, rushed out of the siege with Pei Nianci. The three went through all the hardships and came to Sioux City in the Jiangnan region.

Because Guo Shiyun's family was here in Sucheng, however, when the family of three found the Guo family in blood, they were stopped like a scorpion and could not even enter the door.

The reason for the Guo family is that Guo Shiyun had already been removed from their family genealogy by their Guo family, and it was no longer the Guo family, let alone that the Guo family had learned that the behemoths of the Pei family in Qingzhou had been offended.

During this period, after Pei Donglai spoke a few more words, it directly led to a merciless beating of the Guo family, which made the already seriously injured body even worse.

The Guo family looked down on Pei Donglai, who was of ordinary origin, even though Pei Donglai later developed very well in Qingzhou.

Helpless Pei Dong came to the family of three and, after facing the cold and ruthless rejection of the Guo family, could only leave with blood all over him.

When I heard my sister Pei Nianci tell here, Pei Junlin's pair of fists had been clenched tightly, with blue veins and bulges on it, and an amazing evil spirit appeared on her body.

He couldn't imagine how the severely wounded parents and the younger sister who could not control the chickens lived through that difficult time.

The Guo family in Jiangnan was so cold-blooded!

In the face of my biological daughter, my nephew, there is no human feeling at all!

However, Pei Nianci's words were not finished, and he continued to talk about the bumpy experience three years ago.

After the family who was seriously injured was turned away by the Guo family, they had no choice but to leave. However, as the world was so big, they found that there was no room for them, and they were penniless.

At this time, the biggest difficulty appeared. Pei Donglai's persistent and persistent injury completely broke out, fainted on the road, high fever, and vomiting blood.

In order to treat her husband, Guo Shiyun had to sell all her jewellery in exchange for money, but due to their identity problems, she was afraid to go to that kind of hospital and could only find that kind of private clinic.

Private clinic, where can I see Pei Dong's horrible injuries? After barely dealing with the simple trauma, he sent Pei Dong to a family of three, afraid to die in their place.

In this way, Guo Shiyun began her journey to seek medical treatment for her husband with a weak woman. The big hospital was afraid to go and could only visit the folk doctors everywhere. Hope that the miracle will come, and you will really encounter that strangeness. Taxi.

However, there may be strange people in the real world, but where is it so easy to find, it doesn't take long for the family to find that the money in exchange for jewelry has been exhausted.

Guo Shiyun, who was desperate, finally had to grit his teeth, and went to the door of his mother's house again, kneeling outside the door and begging alms for help.

"I don't know what kind of cold ridicule I received when my mother asked the Guo family that day. I only knew that my mother had been here for three days and three nights. When she returned on the fourth day, she said happily to me and my father Rich! You can continue to see a doctor! "

Pei Nianci said here that tears were already falling like rain, because she saw a few blue slap marks on her mother's face, and her knees were covered with blue and blue.

At that time, her mother Guo Shiyun brought back a whole 10,000 yuan. For many wealthy families, this money is worth a dime. It can be easily given to a child in her tenth year. But for the Pei Nianci family at the time For three, it's life-saving money.

They embarked on the path of finding a doctor again for this purpose ~ ~ Fortunately, the sky is infinite, and a few days later they really met a folk doctor who was already in his eighties Although he is too old, he can't completely cure Pei Dong's internal injuries, but he can temporarily control them and not worsen them.

This is good news for the tortured Pei family, and immediately thank you.

With the old man's prescription of Chinese medicine, the family went through all the hardships and came to the most mixed place of dragons and snakes in the North District of Sucheng and settled down.

While working to earn a meager income, he was buying expensive Chinese medicine to treat Pei Dong's body.

"Brother, do you know where these scars on my mother's face came from?"

Pei Nianci said at the end, pointing at the scar on his face.

"That was cut by my mother and myself, because only in this way can we avoid many gangsters here and there!"


Pei Junlin's hard seat armrests shattered, and an astonishing evil broke out throughout her body!

Dangdang Dangdang!

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly knocked. Pei Nianci froze. I don't know why it would be so late.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, Pei Nianci widened his eyes and exclaimed.

At the same time, a fierce cold chirping voice came in low: "Ugly, we finally found you!"

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