Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 143: Peerless and glorious!


As if the cannonball blasted into the sky, Master Shibai's figure pulled out a long air wave. The situation was like a submarine passing by on a calm lake, and it shot into a distant hill.

The earthquake shook, and a human-shaped cave appeared directly on the hill. I didn't know a few meters deep. Master Shibai had not entered the mountain and lost his trace!

At this moment, time seemed to stagnate, and the crowds of people watching from below all fell down one by one, creepy!

Master Shi Bai was suddenly bombarded by the magical alchemy furnace that Pei Junlin suddenly took out and got into the mountain body.

This was unthinkable by everyone, and the pair of unbelievable eyes were stubbornly in the air Pei Junlin's peerless figure, and at the same time, more eyes were gathered in the vanity of the domineering spin The leaking alchemy furnace was full of shock and heat.


Turns out to be a legendary magic weapon!

Everyone did not expect that Pei Junlin even had such a powerful chassis!

In today ’s martial arts world, the magic weapon is definitely a rare and rare thing to be encountered, and even more precious than some elixir. After all, in the world today, there are too few warriors who understand the refiner. Too few, even rarer than the alchemist.

This has led to the existence of any magical instrument. There is no market on the black market. Except for some strong families with deep heritage and long-standing heritage, many ordinary warriors have never seen the real thing in their lives. What does the magic instrument look like?

Unexpectedly, in this war, Pei Junlin was carrying such a valuable weapon.

Looking at the huge alchemy furnace in the empty space with silver light and domineering side leakage, everyone's expression was shocked and envious.

Even the people of the Lin family did not expect that Pei Junlin had the presence of magical instruments, one by one muttering.

"Is it a magic weapon? This is just a simple alchemy furnace, and it does not belong to the magic weapon!"

Hearing the muttering of the crowd below, in the void, Pei Junlin faintly explained.

The fact is really like that, the alchemy furnace in front of me is not really a magic weapon, but it is barely a weapon at hand. It can be used to smash people in addition to refining medicine. Will definitely become a magic weapon.

The real magic weapon is that it can communicate with the master's mind, has great energy to split mountains and seas, and bless the attacker or defense of the caster.

As for the magic weapon, it is a more powerful magic weapon!

At that level, magic weapons have already possessed their own intelligence, actively attacking opponents, actively absorbing energy between heaven and earth, and escalating automatically, the power really ruined the sky, and the power was a complete mess.

Hearing that Pei Junlin did not admit that it was a magic weapon, the people below couldn't help but be upset, but then the heartbeat accelerated again. Pei Junlin even said that it was an alchemy furnace?

Doesn't this foreshadow that he actively acknowledged his identity as an alchemist!

As early as during the Jiangbei incident, it was reported that Pei Junlin not only martial arts but also alchemy, but at that time almost everyone was unwilling to believe it.

After all, a person's energy is limited. Even if Pei Junlin is really evil, how can he be proficient unless he is a **** and not a man!

Now that Pei Junlin has admitted himself, this is definitely another big thing that has shocked countless people. From that horrific alchemy furnace alone, few people dare to question Pei Junlin's alchemy ability.

Is this ... still human?

How can a person be so wicked, so can martial arts double cultivation, only the youngest congenital power in a century, and now comes up as an alchemist, such a stunning young man, it has made countless martial arts strong Ashamed, they have really been alive these years!

Boom! Boom!

When the crowd was shocked, a large frequency-like vibration came from the ground, and a series of eyes shot towards the distant hillside. I saw a crack in the ground and a terrible evil from the crack. The middle is permeated, as if a peerless beast is about to emerge.

Finally, under the gaze of a gaze, the ground burst, and a figure full of evil spirits rose into the sky!

Master Shibai shed his hair, his lips were faintly bloodied, and his eyes were frozen like thousands of years of Xuanbing, and Pei Junlin stared at the opposite. He was angry and frightened, but he never thought that he had already half of his feet. The powerful practice of entering the second congenital product will be so ashamed by a younger who has just stepped into the congenital powerhouse, and in front of so many eyes.

"It seems you are not convinced! Would you like to try again?"

Pei Junlin said coldly, his voice hadn't fallen, he had made a big step forward, and he appeared like a ghost, and instantly appeared beside the alchemy furnace, and then one of his palms was gently placed on the rotating alchemy furnace, magically The scene reappears!

I saw that the huge alchemy furnace, which was about two meters high and leaked with domineering side leakage, shrank infinitely in an instant and turned into a projectile-like shape. Pei Junlin grasped it in the palm of his hand, and threw it away to the master Shibai who was in the first instance.

call out!

The sharp sound of breaking air sounded again. Under the eyes of everyone, the alchemy furnace that Pei Junlin vigorously threw out of the sky broke the sound barrier, pulled out a long silver thin line, and appeared in front of Master Shibai in an instant. .

Its speed is too slow to let anyone escape!

However, this time Master Shibai was obviously fully prepared. When Pei Junlin shot, his whole body muscles swelled again, hey! Hey!

The rough linen on the body cracked a horrible mouth, which was directly blasted by the protruding muscles inside, revealing amazing muscles!

The color of the physical body is no longer the color of ordinary people, and it is replaced by a black and black like black iron. At the same time, the height of Master Shibai increased by three centimeters, and it became a tower man with a height of two meters. , People can not help but fear.

At this moment, Master Shibai has completely transformed into a humanoid monster, and the color of his muscles has turned green and black, exuding a terrible evil.

"Hey! Ha!"

The roar of Chunlei's tongue erupted from Master Shibai's mouth, his palms pushed sideways, the rolling real yuan spurted out like a angry dragon, and collided with the alchemy furnace from the radio in the air.

It was as if Mars hit the earth. In an incomparable and huge collision, the alchemy furnace was knocked down and flew out, and Master Shibai's figure flew back quickly in mid-air. The upper body's clothes were directly turned into fragments, and they retreated. There is a distance of 100 meters.

When he stopped, Master Shibai found that his arms were trembling slightly. He even had flesh and blood on his arms, and he felt painful. If he was n’t known for his innate strength, he would just change it to ordinary. The congenital strong, the foot has been seriously injured, vomiting blood to the ground.

At this moment, he had no arrogance before, and replaced it with an unprecedented fear and dignity. He never dared to despise the junior who just broke through the innate short before.

"Oh? That's right! It can stop me from attacking the alchemy furnace!"

In this tense atmosphere, in the void, Pei Jun stepped into the void and lightly retracted the alchemy furnace that came down in the palm of his hand and reshaped it into a projectile-sized form. If it was not seen in person, it would be difficult for anyone to imagine. It is such a projectile-sized thing that can make a congenital powerman so embarrassed.

"But I don't know how much you can withstand an attack like this?"

In a pair of horrified eyes, Pei Junlin played the projectile-sized alchemy furnace in the palm of his hand at will, but the voice did not fall. He suddenly threw the alchemy furnace again vigorously.

"Fuck, come again!"

The people who had watched the battle below couldn't help but exclaimed. It was really that Pei Jun came to the 'heavy weapon' like the Dan furnace. It was too cheap, even if Master Shibai was a powerful master of foreign exercises. I'm afraid I can't bear it after so many cycles!

The faces of the Zhang family were the most ugly, as if they were eating shit. Pei Junlin possessed such a heavy weapon as the alchemy furnace, which was completely beyond expectation and might change the outcome of the entire battle.

"Pei Xiuluo, you have the ability to fight me upright, and rely on the weight of this alchemy furnace to make tricks, even if you win? What is unfair!"

After Master Shibai once again shot the alchemy furnace attacked by Fei, he roared angrily. He could feel that his true yuan was being consumed quickly. At this speed, there will be a few more rounds, and he will definitely lose!

Pei Junlin heard a sneer and sneer: "It was you who first said that you would suppress me with the innate cultivation near the second product. Have you forgotten your aggressive face just now? At this moment I am just returning with his own way You are just a human being. What face do you call fair here! "

The crowd watching from below could not help but whistled, watching the lively people will never be too serious, especially the aggressive gesture of Master Shibai just now, everyone saw it!

In the beginning, the master Shibai had four questions in a row, how arrogant, how proud, how confident he was, but now it is like lifting a stone and hitting his own foot.

Hearing Pei Junlin's merciless sarcasm and refutation, coupled with the crowd's cries from the crowd below, the face of Master Shibai is very beautiful and beautiful.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin saw that he suddenly caught a volley and recalled the alchemy furnace in the air. The extraordinary face of Zhang Junmei's extraordinary face showed a transcendent attitude.

His lacquered black eyes were as bright as stars, with a supreme monarchy stance, and looked down at the master Shibai coldly, and said, "But ... although you are in the first place, I am willing to give You have a fair chance! "

"Don't you say that I don't understand the way of innate cultivation? Don't you know the perception of the power of this heaven and earth? Don't you know the direction of cultivation of the innate strong?"

"Then I will show you today, what is the true innate! What is the true power of the world!"

As Pei Jun's words fell, his feet slammed down against the void.


Obviously there is no entity in the void, but a terrible storm of energy erupted, and the tide was flowing in all directions.

"All things wood, Oriental Taiyi, Early Yin Manna, Sanyang Kaitai!"

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Pei Junlin, standing in the air, suddenly chanted the spell, dazzled his fingers with his fingers, and formed a mysterious and complex seal. The sophistication is difficult for even the master Shibai on the other side to see. clear.

Finally, at the moment when the Indian seal was completely formed, Pei Junlin squeezed hard, and his tongue spit out a clear syllable like spring thunder: "Oh!"

Suddenly, as if the Lord of Life was awakened, an invisible wave centered on Pei Junlin's body, and it spread out toward the square kilometer without any difference.

It can be seen with the naked eye that wherever this invisible wave spreads and spreads ~ ~ originally a yellow and dry peach tree, hay, wild flowers on the ground, and even the trees that broke during the war, One after another seems to have a new vitality.

The green buds emerged from the branches, the grass broke through the ground, and the wild flowers thrived ...

In the end, under the eyes of everyone's stunned eyes, the peach forest in the entire kilometer's land has completely turned into a green and sacred place, and almost everyone bit their tongues in surprise!

However, the matter is not over yet. At this moment, a pink crystalline peach flower "啵" blooms, which seems to have caused the butterfly effect. The thousands of peach trees bloom in succession. In just a few minutes, here becomes The real peach forest is full of fragrant flowers.

It can be described as the layers of peaches and plums on the mountain, and the fireworks in the clouds are people!

At this moment, Pei Junlin, who stands in the void, stands as if the true Shura war will return, and the world is peerless and glorious!

Ps: Severe cold, the world overlaps in front of me, Rong Rongji will have a rest meeting, and a big high c will be brewed tomorrow!

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