Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 144: 7 elders from Qinghongmen

Below, everyone was stunned at this moment, no matter whether they were strong men from various places in the north or south of the river, they were all stunned.

This can no longer be regarded as martial arts, but martial arts magic!

A miraculous presence!

"This ... Is this still human power?"

"That's the power of ghosts!"

Countless people whispered, and if they dreamed, it was all this in front of their eyes, beyond the imagination of everyone.

The faces of the Zhang family changed greatly. Zhang Qiyuan, the gray-haired homeowner, suddenly fell into a stun and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was helped by his brother Zhang Qiming, but Zhang Qiming's face was gloomy and terrible. .

Both of the family members have such expressions, not to mention a group of Zhangjia people behind them, one by one full of fear, as if the end is coming.

Behind the Zhang family is the Guo family. At this moment, his face is also wonderful, and he looks like a ghost.

The Guo family always considered themselves superior, with nostrils facing the sky, and looked down on the Qingzhou family. As a result, after years of grievances, they saw that the Pei family in Qingzhou not only did not apologize to their family, but was injured by several people.

Therefore, under the narrow-mindedness, they secretly sent a letter directly to the Zhang family, hoping to use Zhang's hands to eliminate the nails they thought.

In the psychology of the Guo family, Guo Shiyun was no longer a member of the Guo family, but an enemy. At that time, the Guo family actually wanted to marry Guo Shiyun to a wealthy child with a strong identity background. However, Guo Shiyun was secretly looking for it. A wild man almost killed the Guo family.

So far, I have accumulated many years of grudges, especially after the Qingzhou Pei family suffered a catastrophe more than three years ago, watching the unruly daughter kneeling at the door for three days and nights, asking for help. Released, let's not be so happy!

Unexpectedly, a wild child who should have died long ago has been born again, and directly injured his Guo family. The force is sturdy, which makes the Guo family even more uncomfortable. They will not tolerate one that has been eliminated. Women outside, looking for a wild child born by a wild man, are better than their Guo family!

This is tantamount to hitting the Guo family's face in public, thinking that they have eyes and no beads, and their eyes are open!

For the dignity and face of the family, they would rather the Qingzhou family disappear completely in this world ...

But at this moment, Pei Junlin is like the king of life. With a single command, thousands of peach trees with branches and leaves, flower buds blooming, and fragrance overflowing, completely shocked all the Guo family. Until this moment, they really realized that The 'wild child' 'hybrid' they despise has grown to the point where they cannot imagine!

"So terrible! This is his true strength!"

"No, I have to tell my dad quickly, I will not report my last grudge in the Lingnan Mountains!"

Among the crowd of onlookers, a group of young men and women of outstanding temperament gathered together, each dressed extraordinaryly and with an astonishing value, but at this time they were full of fear and small faces.

"Where is this human? It is a god!"

"Compared to the continuation of the family, our hatred of broken arms is a fart!"

"It wasn't until this moment that I understood how lucky we were to be able to leave the Lingnan Mountains last time!"

"Poor Shen Enhua, who thinks he is the Qinghongmen, is extremely proud, and ends with a dead body ..."

A group of young men and women were horrified and talked.

They didn't notice that, just as they were talking, a middle-aged man and a young man standing not far away heard the words blinking. After looking at each other, they saw a light in each other's eyes.

"As you said, Shen Enhua was killed by Pesura?" The young man asked suddenly.

A woman stroking her looks and exquisite dress heard the words, without thinking: "Of course ... hey, who are you?"

The young man didn't speak, but just set his eyes on the face of the middle-aged man next to him, and said softly, "Seven elders, look at this ..."

A middle-aged man known as the Seven Elders, a pair of deep eyes fell on the figure of Pei Junlin in the void and murmured: "This is really nothing to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere! You are the daring man who killed my Qinghongmenmen! "

At the same time, in the void, when Pei Junlin exhibited Otsuki's longevity tactics, the master Shibai looked at the pink peach blossoms in the mountains and mountains, shivering, and seemed to be greatly affected.

"You ... are you still proficient in the art?"

The scene is like a miracle. Except for the most inscrutable magical methods in Taoism, pure martial arts is simply impossible to do all this.

Pei Junlin sneered when he heard: "As a strong man invited by the Zhang family, didn't the Zhang family tell you in advance?"

Master Shibai heard that he was furious, and his bitter cold eyes suddenly fell on the people in the Zhang family below.

The Zhangjia people were shocked, and they all fell into the ice cellar and got cold all over.

If this angers Master Shibai, his Zhang family is really even half hopeless!

When Zhang Qiyuan saw this, his entire face was green, and he explained with horror: "Master Shibai, don't get me wrong, we didn't know before then ..."

This is a fact, although the Zhang family has investigated the information of Pei Junlin, and I have heard that Pei Junlin is a strong martial artist, but no one has ever seen Pei Junlin perform it, so it is unavoidable to ignore it. .

No one ever thought that Pei Junlin's technique was so powerful that when she thought of it, thousands of peach blossoms bloomed. The mountains and the mountains were green. It was the cold weather in November at the moment, but it was like spring in March and April. Rebirth.

"Hum! Don't quibble in your Zhang family!"

In the sky, Master Shibai snorted and directly interrupted Zhang Qiyuan's explanation below. He turned to hold Peijun and said, "Mr. Pei! I apologize to you. All this was caused by the confusion of the Zhang family. , I do n’t know if Mr. Pei is so surprised! ”

Everyone below was stunned, staring blankly at Master Shibai's posture in the void, unbelievable.

Is this tantamount to giving in?

The Zhangjia camp's men and horses were as if struck by lightning, their bodies shivered, and many faced ashes.

The sudden change of attitude of Master Shibai was unexpected by everyone. No one had expected that Master Shibai, who was still very powerful, immediately changed his horrific method when Pei Jun displayed his magical methods. attitude.

Pei Junlin was also slightly surprised, and immediately looked at the opposite Master Shibai, with a touch of laughter, this guy is really cunning, obviously because of his lack of strength and guilty conscience, but also throw the pot to the Zhang family.

However, this approach is also clever. In the case of knowing that he is not invincible, he still has to fight hard. In Pei Junlin's view, it is not heroic but idiot!

In particular, the relationship between Master Shibai and the Zhang family is far from reaching the level of desperation. In the case of unpredictable circumstances, he immediately retreated and was very smart!

But who is he Pesula?

He is a Shura warrior who has swept across the world. He has killed countless people throughout his life. After all, when a cat and a dog uttered insults, he finally thought that he was out of reach, and then he wanted to retreat.

If so, wouldn't anyone be able to challenge him alone in the future, not to mention finally losing it!

Pei Junlin looked coldly at the huge change in attitude of the opposite Master Shibai. Just when he was about to open his face, suddenly, at this moment, a long howling sounded suddenly, followed closely by the crowd below. In the sky, a figure rises up!


With an angry roar that rang through this world, everyone was taken aback and stared at the sudden rise of the sky, especially the majestic and horrifying power revealed by the other side. Pressure, it is the color of countless people.

This ... turned out to be a congenital powerhouse!

When have there been so many congenital inferiors who have never seen a dragon?

"It's him!"

"How could he do anything with Pesura?"

However, some people quickly recognized the identity of the rising silhouette, and immediately changed color again, for nothing else, because of this suddenly rising middle-aged man from the sky, it was a young man who entered the Jiangnan area some time ago. The big man in Hongmen.

His name is Duan Yanchong. He is one of the representatives of Qinghongmen who entered the Mainland this time. His status is extraordinary. He is the seventh-ranked existence in the ranking of Qinghongmen elders, and is also known as the Seven Elders.

The strength of the seven elders, no one knows how terrible it is. The forces in the entire Jiangnan region only know that the people of Qinghongmen have sent two disciples in the form of "Wuhuiyou" since entering the Jiangnan region. Almost half of the younger generation in the Jiangnan region has swept away and has not failed so far.

As for the elder Duan Yanchong, there was also a challenge from the older generation of martial arts. Whether it was the eight masters or the nine masters, they were not opponents, and their terrifying strength shocked the major forces in Jiangnan.

Many people suspect that the seven elders of Qinghongmen may be a terrible innate power, but the innate in Jiangnan area cannot be found. With the great master, it is impossible to detect the true repair of Duan Yanchong.

What everyone didn't expect now is that the mysterious Qinghongmen Seven Elder actually took the initiative to stand up to the sky and directly targeted Pei Junlin.

The change came so suddenly ~ ~ The original thought was an immutable ending, and suddenly it became very subtle again. The Zhang family looked full of excitement, as if the drowning person caught the last life. straw.

"who are you?"

Pei Junlin was a little surprised at the elder Qinghongmen Seven who rushed out, and couldn't help asking.

Duan Yanchong's dark hair and black eyes, his body full of blood and blood, blooming a unique horror field that belongs to the innate powerhouse. He immediately sneered when he heard the words: "My name is Duan Yanchong, but it is the Seven Elders of Qinghongmen, Peixiu Luo. Why is it against you! "

Pei Junlin was slightly stunned, and finally showed a sorrowful color. He remembered the last time when he was in the Lingnan Mountains, he had killed a gatekeeper from Qinghongmen, and he must have come to get revenge.

"Understand! I kill you, you should take revenge on me!"

Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin's expression was still extremely calm. On the face of Zhang Junmei's unparalleled, black eyes were shining like stars, and he looked coldly at Duan Yanchong and the master Shibai: "Then ... the two are now preparing to join forces against me What? "

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