Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 145: 2 Innate Warriors of Independent Warfare!

? In the open sky, Pei Junlin was alone, facing the two innate powerhouses.

At this moment, the atmosphere was once again dignified to an unprecedented level, especially from Pei Junlin's speech just now, everyone got a heavy news, it seems that the Lingnan incident that shakes the entire Jiangnan area not long ago, and the main culprit is Pei Junlin. .

This was absolutely explosive. It caused a great sensation at the time, and at the same time everyone finally understood why the elder Duan Yanchong of Qinghongmen started to Pei Junlin!

With the calm sound of Pei Junlin falling down, the master Shibai standing opposite immediately became hesitant. He had really made up his mind and was not involved in this matter because he was not sure to defeat Pei Junlin.

However, the appearance of Qinghongmen Elder Duan Yanchong Seven made Master Shibai hesitate. After all, he really lost a lot of face today. If he does not find it, it will definitely become a laughing stock in the future. .

Whether to continue or just retreat from this has become a difficult choice for Master Shibai.

"Master Shibai!"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came from below, and Zhang Qiyuan of the Zhang family spoke. The gray-haired, about 70-year-old man showed an unprecedented fierceness and determination: "My Zhang family Willing to send you another millennium Polygonum multiflorum, as a reward, please kill it! "


When Zhang Qiyuan's sentence came to an end, there was a riot in the crowd, and it was clear that many people were shocked by the Zhang family's generosity.

The millennial Polygonum multiflorum is not an ordinary medicinal material. The value of each strain is very amazing.

Master Shibai's face in the sky was cloudy and cloudy, seeming to be very tangled!

"Master Shibai, if you want, after this battle, I can be your referee and let you join me at Qinghongmen. I have the same status as mine. How?"

Suddenly, Duan Yanchong spoke to Master Shibai.

"Even if Peixiu Luo is wicked again, I don't believe that we can work together to fight against each other?"

This last sentence came down, and immediately made Master Shibai's original tangled look gradually fade. As Duan Yanchong said, even if Pei Junlin is really evil, how can he be one enemy to another!

Moreover, the conditions on both sides are so generous. As long as this Pei Junlin is killed, the benefits will be incomparable. Master Shibai's body gradually emerges a sharp murderous look, his eyes are like a knife, and he goes straight to Pei King's face.

"Haha! Master Shibai is indeed the first person to practice foreign exercises. His blood is like fire, boundless martial arts, Duanmou admire!"

Seeing the re-emerging sharp spirit of Master Shibai, Duan Yanchong laughed loudly, and his momentum increased again by three points. The horrible true element erupted, causing the world to change, and the thunder was rolling.

"Pei Xiuluo, today you will give the title! No one dares to challenge the dignity of Qinghongmen!"


Duan Yanchong took the lead, and he made a stroke. The strong Zhenyuan had condensed into a huge sword, with an amazing sword, and split against Pei Jun's strength.

"Qinghongmen? A bereavement dog that was just deported by the country. I really don't know where you have such confidence?"

Seeing Duan Yan Chong Zhenyuan's giant sword beheaded and cut off, Pei Junlin uttered a cold voice, showing a peerless edge and self-confidence among the eyebrows: "If you want to deceive more, you won't be able to walk today!"

The voice did not fall, and the bright green light suddenly bloomed around Pei Junlin's body, which is a sign of Ogi's longevity.

The spirit of surging life boiled in the body, Pei Junlin's pores were all dilated, and finally the turquoise mana turned into a Shura sword with a length of about three feet, splitting up and colliding with the giant sword falling in midair.


The sword collided in mid-air, and the sound of a gold-iron collision was heard. The energy burst, and the clothes of the two people who were beating screamed, such as a steel knife cutting.

Duan Yanchong is indeed the seven elders of such a large organization as Qinghongmen. He is almost the same as Master Shibai and is in the realm of congenital second grades. This time the collision did not fall in the slightest.

He was facing a deep sense of murder, and his voice was cold: "Pei Xiuluo, you are dead today!"

The voice did not fall, and he suddenly shouted, "Master Shibai!"


The sound of the blast was harsh, and in the distance a burly man with a black body cast like black iron, rushed forward like a humanoid monster, and it was the master Shibai who was so powerful.

His physical body is the best weapon. After the huge temptation of Zhang family interests and the encouragement of Duan Yanchong's words, Master Shibai once again raised a strong intention to kill, preparing to put Pei Jun to death!


The bowl-sized boxing fist carried the momentum of thunder and blasted towards Pei Junlin's body, fiercely like a landslide.

"Just because you want to kill me Pesura, haha!"

In the laughter, Pei Junlin didn't use the alchemy furnace, but instead boiled his mana directly and slammed Duan Yanchong's true Yuan giant sword into his left hand instead of fisting, without any fancy state, and Master Shibai's fist print Boom together.


Amazing energy impact sounded again, and Master Shibai's original excited face suddenly changed, and his face was unbelievable.

He actually felt that Pei Junlin's physical strength was not worse than him, how could this be ... !!

"The frog at the bottom of the well, the vastness of the world of An!"

Pei Junlin noticed the shock in Master Shibai's eyes and couldn't help sneering and ridiculing: "I forgot to tell you, my body is beyond your imagination!"

Kaka ... Boom!

When the words fell, Pei Junlin slammed into a wrong shape, shrinking into an inch and hitting Master Shibai's arms.

This collision is equivalent to some iron mountain leaning on the earth. Under the impact of platooning forces, Master Shiba knocked over several big heels directly and fell from the air to the ground.

An incredible exclaiming sounded, and everyone who had watched the battle below had no one expected that the two innate besiegers besieged Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin prevailed.

This guy ... how powerful is it!

Facing Master Shibai before, he did not exert his full strength at all!

Many people shudder at the thought of this possibility!

In the sky, Qinghongmen's seventh elder, Duan Yanchong, saw that Pei Junlin could bombard Master Shibai alone with his flesh alone. His face changed, and he thought that the previous battles were enough for Pei Junlin's strength. Understand, so emerged in the middle, ready to join hands with Master Shibai, beheaded Pei Junlin in one fell swoop, so as to accumulate their own achievements.

Who would have thought, but the results unexpectedly exceeded his expectations, and Pei Junlin's power was never fully known.

But at this moment the arrow has been wound, either you die or I die, and he can't stand any hesitation!

"Xuanwu swordsmanship!"

In anger, Duan Yanchong shouted angrily, and the true sword in his hand changed again, turning it into a sky of swords, densely attacking and attacking Pei Junlin like raindrops, and the sword was covering the sky. A kendo master has been fantastic.

At the same time, there was a beast-like roar on the ground. After the landing, Master Shibai received an unprecedented stimulus. The hair of the entire man stood upside down, like a crazy beast, which once again rose into the sky.

The bones of his whole body were banging, the spine on his spine seemed to be an angry dragon, tossing up and down, and his muscles wriggling. At last, the true elements of the whole body gathered on his fist, and they attacked Pei Junlin in the sky. The angry dragon goes to sea.

In an instant, Pei Jun was confronted with unprecedented assaults on the road and down the road. It was extremely dangerous. After all, whether it was Master Shibai or the seven elder Duan Yanchong of Qinghongmen, they were all known as the title of true dragon. Innate strong.

No one who can reach this level is talented and astounded. No matter where he goes, such a big man will be admired by thousands of people. The existence of countless wealthy homes will be enthusiastic, and even the country will treat it enthusiastically.

Pei Junlin has one enemy and two opponents, which shows the tremendous pressure and danger he has suffered. Changing this situation to an ordinary person is definitely a life of nine deaths!

However, Pei Junlin did not have any fear. Not only did he not fear, but a bright luster burst out of a pair of black eyes, which was an unprecedented fighting passion. The militant factors from the bloodstream were all ignited, and there was no fear of this world. Any difficulties.

"The first method of Shura knife method-cut off the Yin!"

"The second type of Shura knife ... annihilation!"

Pei Junlin shouted from the bottom of his heart, and the turquoise blue sword-shaped mang in his hand swelled again, turning into a situation that covered the sky, and cut out indifferently to the forces in all directions. The knife was bright and invincible.

This time, Pei Junlin is no longer simply using the first and second styles of the Shura knife method, but has combined the two together. The power has soared, exposing the three-point Shura knife method. .

Within three meters of Dao Mang's passing, it seemed to become a vacuum zone, and all methods could not be invaded. This is the sharp edge that Shura knife method should have.

When the last life was in the thousands of worlds, relying solely on this Shura knife method, I did not know the starry sky, race gangsters, died of hate!

With the gradual improvement of Pei Junlin's strength, this Shura sword method finally finally revealed its true edge.

"Bang Bang !!!!"

The dense sound of thunderous explosions exploded one after another. Zhenyuan erupted like a volcano, making people unable to see the specific battle situation inside. Only the amazing scream of thunderous sounds, mountains and tsunamis, and turbulent energy waves were heard.

Finally, under the gaze of all eyes, one of the finally boiled true elemental energy flew out in screams, hitting the ground like a falling meteorite.

Immediately afterwards, another figure spewed blood, followed closely by howling.

"The Seven Elders and Master Shibai of Qinghongmen!"

People with sharp eyes can clearly see the two figures falling from the air to the ground ~ ~ the face has changed completely, and they almost jumped from the ground in shock, aren't the two innate strong opponents that Pei Junlin's opponent? ? !!

And in the incredible eyes of everyone, I saw the last figure bursting out in the wind of Zhenyuan boiling in the void, and the whole body was burning with amazing flames.

"Otoki Grand Capture!"

Pei Junlin's voice rang through the entire Taohuayuan forest, and as he drank softly, he saw that the originally calm flowers and trees on the ground were all crazy, growing crazy, especially Master Shibai and Duan Yanchong Even more so around the location of the fall.

The branches of a peach tree grow wildly, as if they are tentacles. Even the flowers and grass on the grass have become extremely lush. In the end, thousands of weeds have gathered together to form a thick rope. Spread toward Master Shibai and Duan Yanchong who fell to the ground.

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