Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1489: Soldier solution

This Promise Wolf King took the initiative to merge with the Hunshi Magic Spear, which is a good thing for Pei Junlin. But there are also some unexplainable things, such as this Promise Wolf King's awareness of whether to dominate, this is what Pei Junlin cares most about.

Can human consciousness merge?

This Wuji Wolf King's consciousness, if it dominates, is obviously dangerous, after all, the Wuji Wolf King has some wolf nature on his body, which Pei Junlin is afraid of.

Moreover, the Hunshi Demon Spear has been following Pei Junlin for a long time, and he has made great contributions. He also has some feelings between his spirit and Pei Junlin, so Pei Junlin subjectively wants to retain the original consciousness of the Hunshi Demon Spear.

But now all of this is completely out of Pei Junlin's control. At the moment when the Wuji Wolf King actively merged with the magic power of the mixed world, everything was out of the original track.

The Promise Wolf King seemed to use some mysterious techniques to commemorate himself, Pei Junlin couldn't understand it, and could only see the entanglement between the huge wolf shadow in mid-air and the mixed-world membrane cavity.

"Your worries are all unnecessary. He feels that he is in the army to reincarnate." Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ear again, but this time Jin Ye's deity also appeared beside Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin King's Landing stands side by side.

Pei Junlin knew about the reincarnation of Bingjie, but it was the first time he saw it in real terms. Because the theory of reincarnation is mysterious and mysterious, and the Buddhist and Taoist families have always been arguing. According to Buddhism, people will be reincarnated after death, but in Taoists’ eyes, everything becomes empty after death. The contrast and controversy between these two aspects It has been endless for thousands of years.

However, there is a mysterious method that can project the soul to rebirth without experiencing reincarnation, and directly reincarnate as a human being. This is the most mysterious reincarnation solution.

"Pei Junlin, I give you all the things in this life, but you are the only one. This ring is my private possession. I hope you can give it to my reincarnation." A silver one. The ring, falling from the midair, just fell on Pei Junlin's palm.

There is a wolf head pattern on this ring which is very similar to the image of the Wuji Wolf King itself. It is extremely domineering, and a very mysterious aura is transmitted from it.

"Okay, I promise you." Pei Junlin almost did not hesitate, and directly agreed to the Wuji Wolf King.

Pei Junlin is not a greedy person. The Wuji Wolf King almost handed over all his life savings to himself. Only this ring is left. Even if there are too many secrets in this ring, Pei Junlin does not want to spy. what.

A person must have a degree of greed, and there must be a measure of demand. After all, a hero like the Wuji Wolf King, Pei Junlin does not feel dead and offends.

Moreover, this Wuji Wolf King was not a big treacherous person, but the concepts between the two were different.

Jin Ye's gaze fell on the ring in Pei Junlin's palm, but a different kind of light appeared in his eyes, but there was no sound, and the two eyes fell on the bed again. At this time, between the Promise Wolf King and the Demon Gun Fusion seems to have entered a white-hot stage.

The more Pei Junlin sees here, the more he feels that this Promise Wolf King is unfathomable. Using his body as a furnace and energy and blood, he actually began to refine the Hunshi Demon Spear, and the spirit of the Hunshi Demon Spear is sitting in the air, like A black general.

The violent mana and some Dao Yun auras of this Promise Wolf King all poured into the Hunshi Demon Spear, and were completely absorbed by the Hunshi Demon Power. Refining and endless treasures were all condensed at this moment.

A soul power flew down from mid-air, completely transformed from the chain, and then rubbed by the Wuji Wolf King with his hands, the three souls turned into a snow-white wolf soul.

The wolf soul was in the air, and galloping around the magic spear of the mixed world. The whole body of the Promise Wolf King continued to rotate, and the violent wolf soul gradually merged with the spirit of the magic spear.

This strange scene happened in front of Pei Junlin's eyes. He saw with his own eyes that a group of light spots flew from the center of the eyebrows of the Wuji Wolf King, and then the whole body of the Wuji Wolf King completely lost its breath.

And after the Hunshi Magic Spear was completely integrated with the Promise Wolf King, the original black aura had become a **** aura now, but the domineering will was accurately conveyed.

But Pei Junlin didn't pay attention to the Hunshi Magic Spear now, because all his attention was attracted by the reincarnated spirit body of the Wuji Wolf King. This is the most mysterious thing, because Pei Junlin has never seen this scene. This reincarnation spirit body is the most mysterious and taboo technique in the world.

After the ray of light flew from the eyebrows of the Wuji Wolf King, it directly turned into a long rainbow, which is the legendary rainbow.

Just as this ray of light penetrated the barriers of the Chaos Golden Dou World and entered the outside world, Pei Junlin suddenly received a bunch of information in his mind.

This message may not have been conveyed by the Wuji Wolf King, but it was the mysterious invincibility that entered Pei Junlin's mind and left a deep mark on Pei Junlin.

This breath is very simple, it is the place where the Wuji Wolf King reincarnates and rebirth, and it is agreed that Jun Lin will return the ring to the Wuji Wolf King 18 years later.

"If you use this reincarnation spirit body technique, wouldn't it be possible to achieve immortality?" Pei Junlin's face was full of surprise, because the Wuji Wolf Soldier Jie just now brought too much shock to Pei Junlin.

"Do you think everyone will be in the army to solve the reincarnation technique? This Promise Wolf King has a lot of background, but I can't tell you about this now." Jin Ye rolled his eyes towards Pei Junlin, and immediately revealed it again. The mysterious look of God.

Pei Junlin has long been accustomed to this method of Jin Ye, and many things said that he could not tell himself, and Pei Junlin did not want to inquire.

In the mid-air, the huge body of the Wuji Wolf King has been completely absorbed into the magic spear, a semi-holy powerhouse, his body and material are comparable to the top chaotic spirit treasure, so this Wuji Wolf King is fully integrated The Hunshi Demon Spear did not leave a trace of impurities.

It's just that the spirit of the Hunshi Demon Spear hovered in the air and slowly opened his eyes. At the moment his eyes opened, Pei Junlin felt a will to dominate the world. This was the will of the Wuji Wolf King.

The weapon spirit standing in front of Pei Junlin is not the original weapon spirit. The original weapon spirit only has a deep killing aura, like a sharp sword, but now the weapon spirit of the demon spear is standing in front of Pei Junlin , But made Pei Junlin feel that this is a hero, who can command thousands of troops.

This is the difference between the front and the back. The powerhouse who has integrated the semi-saint level is a magic spear, which has been raised to an unprecedented height.

"the host!"

The spirit of the Hunshi Demon Spear suddenly jumped high, and the volley turned into a white wolf roaring towards Pei Junlin, finally crawling under Pei Junlin's feet.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the white wolf immediately turned into a magic spear and appeared in Pei Junlin's palm. This was the magic spear that originally looked black, but now it turned silver.

Pei Junlin shook fiercely, and the ghost of a white wolf appeared on the magic spear, and suddenly bit towards the front.

The wrist flicked again, and black and white light immediately surrounded the tip of the magic spear. Seeing these two rays of light, Pei Junlin was completely shocked, because these two rays of light were the Profound Light of the Promise Wolf King before.

The Profound Light of the Promise contains Yin-Yang Chaos Level 2, and its intelligence is unmatched. Sure enough, Pei Junlin suddenly flew out, and the huge stone in front of him flew into dust.

After doing all of this, Pei Junlin put away the magic spear of the mixed world, and was full of joy. The harvest this time is really huge.

But at this time, Pei Junlin looked at the Promise City. This Promise City lost its owner. The Promise Wolf Race was sacrificed just now. The entire Promise City is now empty, just like a ghost town. Somewhat bleak.

This Promise City suspended in front of Pei Junlin, like an illusory picture, and like a mirage in front of Pei Junlin.

However, Pei Junlin knew that every detail in this Promise City was a real existence.

Pei Junlin took a step forward. Sure enough, his figure shrank quickly and he entered the Promise City. At this time, the Promise City was no less than a giant city in Pei Junlin's eyes. The entire city was extremely vast and the buildings in the city Well organized, the planning is nothing short of wonderful.

The whole city is criss-crossed, and it is almost perfect everywhere, and there is no detail that makes Pei Junlin feel uncomfortable.

Pei Junlin sighed, the Wuji Wolf King didn't know how much effort he had spent in this Wuji city to create such a treasure of the fairy house level. It's just that the Wuji Wolf King hasn't had time to enjoy the results, or that the Wuji City is completely forged successfully, UU Reading is already dead.

Although Pei Junlin felt it was a pity, he did not sympathize with the Wuji Wolf King, because if he was a little weaker today, he might be dead.

For a while, the Wuji Wolf King had lost the control of the spirit of the whole Wuji city, and now Liao Wuqi was like one of the artifacts there.

"If this city is integrated into the inner small world of the progress space, it will be possible to forge a giant city out of thin air." Pei Junlin negotiated with Jin Ye.

Jin Ye naturally agreed to Pei Junlin’s proposal immediately. The two of them quickly integrated the Promise City and Chaos Golden Dou completely. At this time, there was a suspension in the small world of Chaos Golden Dou. A giant city.

This city is the Promise City, but this Promise City is not placed on the ground of the entire desert, but suspended in the clouds, looking like a heavenly palace in the clouds.

At this time, Pei Junlin was standing in the Promise and overlooking the world below, feeling that the whole world was still desolate, and without the rules of heaven, the world had returned to plain again.

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