Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1490: Rainbow

However, Pei Junlin did not regret that the entire Chaos Golden Dou internal space was forged by him alone. If the rules of heaven were invited, it would undoubtedly put a shackle on the world.

And Pei Junlin has reason to suspect that the clone of Dao Will that day was probably not completely surrendered to him, but the real lurker sent by Dao.

"Although the Wuji City has the Wuji Wolf King forging, but now it has entered the Chaos Golden Fight, let's change to the Chaos City." You stand at the gate of the Wuji City and wave your hand, and the plaque will be replaced with three words Wuji Became Chaos City.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly thought of Yun Yao, he stretched out his hand, and an out-of-nothing portal appeared in front of him. After opening it, Yun Yao walked out of it with a blank face.

Since Yun Yao was sent into chaos and entered the inner space by Pei Junlin, she has been isolated from other hidden spaces, which is tantamount to being in jail. She has no idea what happened when chaos enters the space.

When he was worried about Pei Jun’s arrival, he suddenly came to this strange place. Yun Yao looked up and looked surprised at the giant city in front of him, because he had never heard of a place called Chaos City nearby. .

Moreover, the city is magnificent, which Yun Yao has never seen in her entire life, so she seemed surprised and shocked.

"Where is this place? Why does it look so magnificent and tall, like a palace where gods live." Yun Yao's knowledgeable, able to use such words to describe this chaotic layer shows that this chaotic city has indeed reached a world-shattering level. Point.

Pei Junlin did not speak, but smiled and greeted Yun Yao and entered the city. As expected, the floors in the city were all paved with pure gold.

The bricks and tiles of the entire city are made of an extreme top-quality material. There is no imitation in the entire city. Everywhere is invaluable.

Even if a piece of tile here is taken out, it may be refined into the best spirit treasure.

The more she watched with Pei Junlin, the more shocked Yun Yao was. She now suspects that this might be the immortal world, so Yun Yao's face became more and more suspicious.

"Haha, don’t guess, it’s not advanced at all. This is the Promise City forged by the Promise Wolf King. A top-notch treasure, you can call it Chaos Spirit Treasure, or it’s the best spirit treasure. Yes, it's not bad even to say that it is a fairy." Pei Jun smiled, and finally began to introduce the origin of this great city.

However, the words "Wuji Wolf King" sounded a little strange in Yun Yao's ears.

"This Wuji Wolf King is the one who harmed you before, the young man with a small inch. He has been defeated by me, and I snatched this Wuji City from him." Pei Junlin smiled and did not sell it.

But Pei Junlin's plain words were not conducive to thundering in Yun Yao's ears. Because as far as Yun Yao knows, the young man with an inch head is also the strength of the Promise Wolf King, but he is a semi-sage, even close to the realm of a saint, but now Pei Junlin says he has defeated the opponent.

If it were not based on the understanding of Pei Junlin, Yun Yao almost thought that Pei Junlin was bragging. But at this time, seeing Pei Junlin's serious look and you should know that Pei Junlin did not lie, and this thing really happened.

But at this time, in Yun Yao's heart, there was no such kind of innocence to get revenge. Instead, he was a little distressed and worried about Pei Junlin. After all, with the strength of the real king realm against a semi-holy powerhouse, he is now extremely worried about Pei Junlin's Safety.

Although it seems that Pei Junlin was not injured on the surface, Yun Yao was worried about whether Pei Junlin had hidden injuries on his body.

"Let me see if you are hurt." Yun Yao softly walked to Pei Junlin's side.

The sudden gentleness made it difficult for Pei Junlin to adapt. After all, she had only Wang Ziqiong in her heart. Now that such a beautiful woman is standing in front of her eyes, it is false for Pei Junlin to say that she is not moved.

But when he thinks about the life or death of his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, Pei Junlin feels very uncomfortable, and his interest in everything is naturally greatly weakened.

"No, I am not injured. Although the Promise Wolf King is very powerful, I have a treasure that just restrains him, so I easily defeated him." Pei Junlin said with a relaxed face.

Although the tone was light and relaxed when speaking, Yun Yao knew that Pei Junlin must have gone through a lot of hardships.

However, some of the details just now were collected by Yun Yao, and her eyes were very sad because she saw Pei Junlin's use of her guardianship like this. She had never actively approached a man in her life, and Pei Junlin was the first one.

However, Pei Junlin's reaction and actions made Yun Yao a little sad, and even some denial of herself.

"Girl Yunyao, don't think too much." Pei Junlin saw the weeping look in Yun Yao's eyes, and there was some touch in his heart.

Yun Yao looked at Pei Junlin dimly with tears. She wanted to ask Pei Junlin, why she could not accept herself because she had given so much heartfelt promises for him?

Just out of restraint, Yun Yao didn't say these words directly, but looked at Pei Junlin with a pair of smoke and water eyes.

"Actually I have a wife in my hometown, and my wife is missing now, life or death is unknown, so... you should know that I am not in the mood to do anything." Pei Junlin explained to Yun Yao, again Like to tell myself.

Hearing Pei Junlin's explanation, Yun Yao was finally relieved. She did not expect Pei Junlin to be such a responsible man. Not only did her heart not weaken the love for Pei Junlin, but it became even hotter.

"Don't worry, I won't put any pressure on you, I just want to stay by your side and be your friend..." Yun Yao hesitated before saying this, but the loss under her eyes is so Can't hide.

The atmosphere between the two was a little awkward for a while, but the awkward atmosphere was quickly relieved by the little gold.

This little gold was fleshy and looked like a big walking radish. At this time, Yun Yao was the first time to see this form of magic medicine, so she was extremely surprised, and went away exclaiming. In the past, hugged this little gold.

"This is the peerless miraculous medicine that I got in Tianjin Road. She came here to take root in this world. I didn't refine it into a pill or let it stay here." Pei Junlin moved towards. Yun Yao explained.

Little gold’s wisdom is naturally not weaker than that of ordinary people. He naturally has memories of everything that happened on Tianxin Island. Once Yunyao and others fought hard with the monks to protect his safety. These little golds are all Clearly remembered.

So when I saw Yun Yao again at this time, this peerless magic medicine Xiao Jinzi naturally appeared extremely intimate.

He kept making faces at Pei Junlin on Yun Yao's fragrant shoulder, which made Pei Junlin a little depressed.

"By the way, what exactly is this place? Why does it feel so desolate?" If you are a master at the realm of the real king, naturally you won't fail to see that there are no rules of heaven here. The reason why she said that was just not wanting to expose the secret of Pei Junlin face to face. That's it.

Owning a small world is everyone's core secret. She didn't want to reveal Pei Junlin's secrets just like this. She deliberately said this to indicate that she did not see that this was a small world.

However, Pei Junlin did not conceal it openly. He pointed to the desert below and said: "I have a Chaos Lingbao, and this is the small world bred from within the Chaos Lingbao."

Yunyao laughed when she heard Pei Junlin's words. Pei Junlin could say these things, indicating that Pei Junlin did not treat her as an outsider.

"It's not uncommon to be able to breed treasures in the cave. For example, there must be a chaotic space inside a general chaotic spirit treasure, but if a real small world can be bred, then you can see that even the top chaotic spirit treasure may not be Can do this.

But it's very peculiar here, and I won't see any difference here for a while. "Yun Yao looked at the desolate desert below, but there was a breath of life bred in it.

Moreover, the general small world will never give birth to life, and it will not produce the basic five elements of the five worlds such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., but in the small world of Pei Junlin, Yun Yao can clearly feel the gold, wood, water, and fire. The breath of the five elements of earth, and he can clearly feel that these five elements are clearly and slowly changing the world.

"By the way, there may be something useful for you." Pei Junlin suddenly spread his palm on his palm, and a small fish appeared.

Things look like fish, but they are not fish, but the legendary ancient beast Kun.

Seeing this small kun with constant flow of friends in Pei Junlin's palm, Yun Yao showed an extremely surprised look. UU reading

"This isn't the ancient **** beast Kun?" Yun Yaozi carefully looked at the small Kun in Pei Junlin's palm.

Pei Junlin nodded and took the initiative to introduce: "This is just a drop of Kun's blood, and there are some impures. According to my guess, it is probably extracted from the remains of ancient Kun, but if it can continue The nutrients it needs to feed it may be able to grow into a hyperplasia of ancient kun for a long time."

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, Yun Yao's expression was beyond shock, because the ancient mythical beasts existed beyond the immortal realm.

In other words, even immortals can't be compared with ancient beasts. Now Pei Junlin's palm actually has such a drop of blood left by the ancient beast, which has to be shocking.

If a complete ancient beast can be cultivated, then there will be no one before and after. I am afraid it is possible to go straight to the fairy world. In other words, this drop of Kun's blood is too precious.

"This thing is too precious, I can't ask for it." Without any hesitation, Yun Yao directly refused.

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