Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1491: Mingsheng Holocaust

When Pei Junlin wanted to persevere, Yun Yao didn't give him this opportunity, so he waved his hand and turned around to play with that little gold.

A few days later, Pei Junlin and Yun Yao jumped out of the small world of Chaos Golden Dou and came back to this planet. In the past, Pei Junlin and the Promise Wolf King fought on this star, which undoubtedly detonated this disaster, and continued the planet, making this planet almost destroyed.

In the northernmost part of the planet, due to the deflection of the magnetic poles and the chaos of the magnetic field, the entire planet was almost split in half, and a large amount of milky white essence splashed out from the center of the earth, causing Pei Junlin to sense an extremely strong essence.

"If you read it correctly, this should be the essence of the planet." Li Junlin saw the split heart and afterwards, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

Unless it is extracted manually, the core essence of a planet is not easy to be exposed to the outside, but he just caught up. The planet is already on the verge of extinction, and a large amount of planet essence is splashing out.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly opened the chaotic golden bucket space and extracted a large amount of planet essence. The essence of some planets can be simply understood as the essence of the Taoist rhyme and spiritual energy of the entire planet.

Large pieces of planet essence were directly drawn into the small world inside the Chaos Golden Dou, watering this dry world, a planet was extracted by Pei Junlin for forty-nine days before it was completely drained.

After doing all this, Pei Junlin finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

The benefits he got this time were almost endless, making Pei Junlin happy in his heart. When Pei Junlin was planning to take Yun Yao back to the Mingsheng planet, I heard some news along the way.

A wave of beasts has occurred on the planet Mingsheng, and a large number of monks have fled into the starry sky. The starry sky beast tide Pei Junlin had encountered it once before. That was the scene of the starry sky counting the kind of disaster, which was deeply imprinted on the bottom of Pei Junlin's heart, so the moment he heard the news, Pei Junlin's face turned pale.

In the face of such a powerful disaster, any strength is pale, even a saint-level powerhouse will be gnawed into clean in an instant.

Mingsheng Planet could not go, but Pei Junlin had a worry about the safety of Princess Long 13. After all, he had agreed to come to this planet with Princess Long 13, Yun Yao and others, and they did not see each other. Now Yun Yao and Du have gone to the appointment. Only Princess Long 13 and Wan Qian are left. Did not attend the appointment.

But Pei Junlin didn't believe that Princess Dragon 13 would break the appointment, so he could be sure that Princess Dragon 13 must have come to Mingsheng planet before then.

But now that Junlin Pei is not sure is whether Princess Long 13 will escape from Mingsheng planet before the starry sky and beast wave erupts. If she is still waiting for herself there, it would be too dangerous.

"Let's not go there. It is too dangerous. I heard that the starry sky beast wave that broke out this time is a kind of starry sky called the blood giant. Wherever the race goes, everything will be destroyed. Destroy, ordinary monks like us have heard that it is the ration of the blood giant." Yun Yao's face is extremely bad, it seems that he is a little afraid of this blood giant.

Pei Junlin pondered for a while, and suddenly looked at Yun Yao seriously and said: "But let's not pass this meeting. I also plan to return to my original holy place, because there are many things that I have to go back in this period of time. deal with."

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Yun Yao's eyes showed reluctance, but as long as Pei Junlin insisted on leaving, Yun Yao couldn't stop him.

"I’m in the Ice Palace is in this area. Remember, you must look for me if you have time or pass through that area in the future. Also, after this separation, you can only use the jade talisman to find my communication. Once." Yun Yao handed a very strange communication jade symbol to Pei Junlin.

According to Pei Junlin's memory, it is difficult for ordinary communication jade symbols to communicate across the starry sky. Knowing that the distance between the two planets is infinite, it is incredible to use some magical tools to communicate.

But Pei Junlin carefully looked at Yunyao’s characters, and found that there were some peculiarities in the jade talisman without communication. Even the runes carved on it were all that Pei Junlin had never seen before. Obviously the person who made this talisman was a talisman An expert, or a master of formation.

Pei Junlin was anxious to find Princess Long 13, but didn't want to tell the truth to Yun Yao, so after the two hurriedly said goodbye, Pei Junlin circled around and flew directly to Mingsheng planet.

Along the way, Pei Junlin saw monks fleeing. Some of these monks were bloodied, some had pale faces, and others had sad faces. Obviously, relatives and friends around him died. On Mingsheng planet.

The catastrophe of the blood giant obviously brought a huge disaster on the planet Mingsheng.

"This brother, everyone is escaping for life, why did you run in after sharpening your head? Don't you think your life is too long?" A young man stopped Pei Junlin with a concerned look on his face.

Pei Junlin was a little moved along the way, only this man stopped him and said this concern. Others were indifferent to Pei Junlin's behavior, and simply turned a blind eye.

"This friend has a very important person underneath, who didn't come out on the Mingsheng planet, so I have to rush there." Pei Junlin told the other party directly about his purpose.

When the young man heard Pei Junlin say this, he let it go, and when he grabbed Pei Junlin's arm, he sighed: "There are really not many people like Xiongtai now. The empathy and righteousness makes people sigh. But I I heard that in addition to the catastrophe of the blood giants, there are also demons appearing on this Ming Sage Star. You must be careful."

"Thank you, Xiongtai, and dare to ask Xiongtai's name." Pei Junlin asked the young man.

The man shook his head at Pei Junlin and sighed: "Life is like duckweed. You and I probably won't have the chance to meet again in this life. Even if it's useful to know my name, don't live here. , Xiongtai take care."

Pei Junlin watched the young man leave with a slight smile, with a hint of helplessness at the corner of his mouth. Of course, the other party's words are completely truthful, but there is also a pessimism about Pei Jun's trip, and it is clear that the other party does not think that Pei Jun can survive.

It is to persuade Pei Junlin in this euphemistic way, but it is only to stop.

Pei Junlin rushed directly into the atmosphere of Mingsheng Planet, and as soon as he entered, he felt a violent **** breath rushing toward his face.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly, because blood-colored smoke was suspended above the entire Mingsheng planet. It was obvious that there were too many people who died tragically. Their blood vaporized, and a **** cloud had formed in the outer atmosphere.

A blood giant with a height of more than ten meters was running on the sea. Pei Junlin saw a large ship. Although it was fleeing frantically, it was still crushed by the blood giant reaching out and grabbing it.

And a few people in the ship escaped separately, but still did not escape from the snow giant's poisonous hand. This blood giant was a big one. A gust of wind swept these people into their mouths, crunching a few times, and swallowing them directly. .

Seeing this cruel scene, Pei Junlin's face changed slightly, but he did not intervene, because there are too many things like this, and they are happening everywhere.

Pei Junlin has seen countless tragic things along the way, and also saw some monks fighting **** and slaughtering the blood giants, but the number of blood giants is really too much, and the strength is too strong, so that humans have no power to fight back. Everywhere there are bones and starvation for thousands of miles.

Pei Junlin flew towards Mingsheng City, the core of Mingsheng planet, but the more he went in, the more chaos there was. In the core area of ​​the storm, blood giants were densely packed almost everywhere, and there was a bronze color all over his body. The blood giant is hundreds of meters tall.

When Pei Junlin was flying towards Mingsheng City, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind. Turning around and punching on this aura, he immediately dissipated the aura that he knew was coming.

But what surprised Pei Junlin was that the people who attacked him were not blood giants or demons, but humans.

"This friend, you are now entering this bright holy city. Didn't you throw yourself into the trap to find your own death? It's nothing more than you die. Isn't it a pity that you have these treasures, just stay here." Several figures walked out from behind the boulder The shadow surrounded Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't understand why these people attacked him at first, but now he understands lightly that these people are the group of people who took advantage of the fire and made a fortune.

"Don't you people feel ashamed to get rich during the disaster?" Pei Junlin stared coldly at the following masters.

There are a total of seven people, of which five are powerhouses at the level of true monarchs, and the other two are masters at the realm of true kings. Together, the strength of UU-Reading cannot be underestimated.

"So what? Don't talk nonsense, leave all the good things on you, you can let you go." One of the **** guys stared at Pei Junlin coldly, holding a huge bone stick in his hand.

Looking at the shape of the bone stick, Pei Junlin suspected that it was something that was removed from the blood giant, and it was actually refined into a magic weapon, which seemed to be quite powerful.

"Give you a chance, get out now." Pei Junlin stared at these people coldly.

If you delay a minute, the Dragon Thirteen Princess will be more dangerous. Although these villains deserve to die, Pei Junlin doesn't want to make a move.

Because his primary goal now is to find Princess Long 13 and take him out of Ming Sheng City.

The closer to Mingsheng planet, Pei Junlinyue must have been in Mingsheng city since the thirteenth princess at this time, because the two have been together for too long, and a vaguely mysterious connection has been established between them.

Pei Junlin could confirm that Princess Long Shisan was in the city at this time.

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