Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1492: Forced crossing

"You kid, I'm afraid you are not talking in a dream, you want to let us go." Several people laughed wildly at Pei Junlin, like a fool.

There are many of them, and their strength is showing a state of crushing, but now Pei Junlin is saying that he wants to let them go, undoubtedly poking the laughter of these people.

In the eyes of these people, Pei Junlin is arrogant, arrogant, and even arrogant.

Pei Junlin just sneered, and he didn't know whether to ridicule these people. Suddenly the sky shone with an amazing light. Behind Pei Junlin, there seemed to be a phantom of Buddha, sitting there, making a burst of Zen sounds.

And behind this statue of Buddha, there is a hall, it is the hall of the other side, the Buddha sitting in the hall of the other side, that is the true body of Pei Junlin.

When the Buddha's light shone, the few people in front of them were dumbfounded, as if they were taken hold.

But soon, except for the five true monarch level powerhouses, their complexions slowly became pious, the other two true king realm masters turned around and planned to escape.

At the moment when these two real king realm masters turned and fled, the Buddha light suddenly became stubborn and eye-catching, like a steel needle piercing their bodies, transforming their minds and spirits.

This Great Palace on the other side does not completely use the power of Buddhism to save people, and there is also the principle of great power. Use strong force to persuade, and fist to persuade.

Buddha does not mean compassion, nor does it mean goodwill. An angry Buddha also kills millions.

Except for the five powerful masters of the real monarch level kneeling on the ground, each with a pious look on their faces, the two masters of the real king realm were forcibly integrated into the body by the Buddha light, their faces flushed and their eyes flushed. Exudes the light of struggle.

But soon, a ray of Buddha light came out from their bodies, and the bodies of the two golden king realm masters became riddled like sieves, and finally their bodies turned into dust.

The five real monarch-level powerhouse Pei Junlin who was kneeling on the ground waved his hand, and these people were all taken into the Great Palace on the other side.

"Your sins are serious, and you will surely pay for your sins with death in the future." Pei Junlin's face was cold, like a **** sitting high in the sky.

I only heard Pei Junlin announce the death penalty of these five masters, but these five Heavenly Monarch level masters did not have any fear or fear, but a trace of sickly expectation appeared on their faces.

"I am indeed a private owner with a lot of sins. If, when the Human Race encounters an unprecedented crisis, I should think of making a fortune in the country. I am indeed the one who will die. I just want to die quickly and get free soon." These five true monarchs level. The strong murmured to himself, one by one could not wait to die immediately.

As soon as Pei Junlin turned around, he flew towards Mingsheng City. Soon Pei Junlin was blocked, and a dark monster stopped Pei Junlin.

This is a monster with eyes on his arms, and his whole body is completely different from ordinary humans. There were four eyes on the devil's face, two mouths looked very weird, and the two arms were not exactly equal.

One arm is extremely strong, the other arm is like a baby.

The demon didn't wait for Pei Junlin to have any reaction, he broke up and arrested Pei Junlin, and at the same time there was a strange smile in his mouth.

The Hunshi Demon Spear in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly turned, and the Promise Xuanguang flew out. This Wuji Xuanguang patient Wuji Wolf King spent unlimited mana, gathering the essence between heaven and earth, and brewing the ultimate.

Being sacrificed by Pei Junlin, the two auras of yin and yang divided the surrounding sky into two colors of black and white, continuously rotating, and the body of the true demon was directly cut at the moment it encountered the two qi of black and white.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, his wrist shook again, and there was a buzzing roar from the Hunshi Magic Spear, and a gray wolf shadow flew towards the motorcycle instantly, exactly the killing aura.

This killing aura, with the craziest will to kill, really jumped into the body of this true demon in an instant, cutting the opponent's body directly.

Only in the blink of an eye the body of the demon was torn apart, and only one head was left, but this head was not completely dead, and there was still aura in it.

When Pei Junlin was curious, the four eyes suddenly shot out dark light, and it was still on Pei Junlin's body in an instant.

The pure devilish energy is like a constantly wriggling earthworm, trying to get into Pei Junlin's body through his pores, but he was trained by Pei Junlin to close and lock all the pores of the whole body of the Star Saint Body.

Pei Junlin did not expect that the Hundred-legged Worm would die and not be stiff. This Demon Race was so powerful that it could fight back with only one head left.

Pei Junlin blocked a fist and blasted the head of the demon violently, with a click, the head was directly blown up, turned into smoke and dust, and directly shattered between the heaven and the earth.

But to Pei Junlin's surprise, after the skull was shattered, a phantom flew out of the deer and directly opened the space crack and got in.

"Isn't this dead?" Pei Junlin was dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.

All this happened again and again, Pei Junlin can be sure that the Demon Race did not completely die just now, but escaped back to the Demon Realm in another form.

"The demons may not be able to truly die. Only by killing them on the territory of the demons can they really kill them, and if you kill them in this world, they will return to the demons to resurrect." The voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin felt deeply speechless. This Demon Race was too bad for him. He came to other people’s territory and made troubles casually, and he could not kill...

The cost of committing a crime is simply zero.

"But for them, it is not completely lossless. To know that reshaping the magic song, it will cost a lot of pure magic energy, and their physical realm will also decline." Jin Ye seems to have figured out Pei Junlin's opinion. Just tell Pei Junlin the final answer.

Pei Junlin nodded and finally felt better. With a mentor and helpful friend like Jin Ye beside him, he could directly answer any questions. It was indeed very comfortable.

On the way down, Pei Junlin met several giants. However, the strength of these blood giants is not enough when facing Pei Junlin. It is just that ordinary blood giants can directly destroy their bodies by being treated by Pei Junlin with three moves.

But with Pei Junlin's steps, more and more blood giants appeared in front of him, and the colors of these blood giants continued to change, and their strength continued to increase.

"Don't kill these blood giants casually. Their blood is as vigorous as a furnace and can be refined into blood pills." Jin Ye directly opened the Chaos Golden Dou space and absorbed all the blood giants killed by Pei Junlin into Chaos Gold. In the fight.

In the chaotic golden battle, these blood giants will be forged into pure blood pills, priceless.

Pei Junlin went all the way to kill, leaving a **** road, and blood flowed into a river along the way, in front of Pei Junlin who had died tragically in large swaths of blood giants.

After re-forging the Hunshi Demon Spear, Pei Junlin is more handy to use, and sometimes he doesn't even need to use it at all.

= The Hunshi Demon King turned into a blood-white Wuji Wolf King. Pei Junlin sat on this Wuji Wolf King and rushed towards the city frantically. The Wuji Wolf King was tens of meters tall and the giants were not too much.

With one paw, the big blood giant turns into a blood mist.

A blood giant came to block him, but the Promise Wolf King stretched out his hand and tore it with his claws, and his body was torn apart.

Pei Junlin also saved a lot of monks along the way. These fleeing monks seemed to have encountered a **** of war when they were most desperate, and the Promise Wolf King that Pei Junlin was riding became the totem of their lives.

Today in Ming Sheng City, almost all the people who fled have seen a snow-white wolf king in the entire Ming Sheng City, slaughtered, blood flowed into a river, and saved thousands of lives.

Suddenly in the mist, Pei Junlin heard a soft drink, and this voice was very familiar to Pei Junlin, and it belonged to Yun Yao.

Pei Junlin walked through the fog and happened to see Yun Yao being surrounded by several blood giants, fighting hard.

At this time, Yun Yao used some kind of icy magical power, and when he stretched out his hand, it was frozen for thousands of miles, and the surrounding area was almost completely covered by a thick layer of ice. Although these blood giants were struggling, they still formed an encirclement to Yun Yao.

Seeing Yun Yao's trouble, Pei Junlin naturally couldn't stand by and rushed up with the magic spear in his hand.

The phantom of the Wuji Wolf King once again appeared on the Hunshi Demon Spear, turning into the constant biting of the wolf head, and several blood giants were immediately torn into pieces of flesh and blood.

These blood giants are like a melting pot, and their temperaments are extremely savage and they continue to roar even if only the limbs are left. However, when these blood giants encounter Pei Junlin, they will live to the often only a few tricks will be easily beheaded by Pei Junlin.

Yun Yao looked up at Pei Junlin, her eyes were surprised and happy, and her face was also shy. At this time, Pei Junlin stared at Yun Yao with a serious expression on his face and asked, "Didn't you leave? How come you return?"

"I'm a little worried. You followed you and came to this area. I didn't expect that you would really enter this city." Yun Yao didn't hide it, and said the matter directly.

After Yun Yao said these words, her face was already covered by Yun Xia, even with a thin veil, she couldn't hide the shy look.

Pei Junlin sighed. He really couldn't make any promise to Yun Yao now. Even if he was tempted, he couldn't really happen to Yun Yao, because this was his promise to his beloved wife, Prince Qiong.

However, Yun Yao ventured to come here with him, Pei Junlin was still very touched, after all, Yun Yao's starting point was not to worry about his safety.

At this moment, there was a rumbling explosion from it, and Pei Junlin saw a blood giant hundreds of meters high, which fell from mid-air to the entire city.

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