Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1493: Two-headed Gorefiend

The terrified roars of some monks became swan songs, and soon these voices gradually extinguished. It was obvious that these people had been completely killed by the blood giants.

Now on the entire Mingsheng planet, the human race is the most vulnerable existence, becoming the hunting target of the blood giants and demons.

Of course, Pei Junlin is not the only one who resists. There are many masters who have fought with the blood giants in the city, but these people often fight on their own and are weak. Pei Junlin takes Yun Yao to the center of the city and kills all the way. Collect, pick up these monks fighting alone.

Unexpectedly, when the people around him gathered more and more and soon reached the center of the city, Pei Junlin already had hundreds of masters in the realm of true kings, and more than two hundred powerful masters at the level of true kings.

Without exception, these people are all masters of masters, and being able to survive this catastrophe can already explain what it is.

Especially those powerhouses of true monarch level, their strength is not good, but people can survive this catastrophe, which shows that their survival ability and wisdom far exceed ordinary people.

Pei Junlin's team was like a sharp steel knife, directly inserted into the blood giant's heart, and many blood giants died in the hands of Pei Junlin and his team along the way.

When people encounter a crisis, they often gather together in groups, and Pei Junlin is no exception. Now the whole team is completely looking forward to Pei Junlin's head, because Pei Junlin who is riding on the Promise Wolf King is not only low in strength, but also has strong and excellent leadership capabilities.

When he arrived at the agreed place in the center of the city, Pei Junlin did not find the existence of Princess Dragon 13 and Wan Qian, which caused a haze in Pei Junlin's heart.

Because he had clearly sensed that Princess Long 13 must be in this city before, but when he arrived at the agreed place, he did not see Princess Long 13.

This thing is a bit abnormal, either Princess Dragon Thirteen has already encountered a murderous hand, or she has left.

Just when Pei Junlin was confused, he suddenly discovered a very familiar breath, which came from Princess Long 13.

There was a soft drink from the broken veins palace, a woman in black clothes holding a slender long sword, was fighting a **** giant covered in armor.

The strength of this blood giant is much higher than that of other blood giants, and the armor on this blood giant is also very special. This is a lava armor, and the flames sprayed out all over the body exudes hot temperature.

What's more, this blood giant is different from other blood giants in that there is a purple crystal inlaid in the center of its eyebrows, exuding a special noble aura.

What is more different from other blood giants is that this blood actually has two heads, one head exudes a noble and elegant atmosphere, and the other head exudes endless rage and hostility.

This is a double-headed blood demon who is fighting fiercely with Princess Long 13, and now Pei Junlin finds that Princess Long 13 is obviously about to be unable to support it, because the gap between the strength of the two is too big.

"That's a dragon clan, should we help him?" After Pei Jun came, many people began to talk.

Although the thirteen princesses have maintained a human body shape, the gap between the human race and the dragon race is still very large, at least the aura can be easily distinguished.

At this time, after Jun Pei came, these monks divided into two factions. One faction advocates taking action, while the other faction advocates leaving directly. After all, it is now time for the human race to unite, not the human race and the dragon race.

"We have always had a rift with the Dragon Clan, and our Human Clan has been under the pressure of the Dragon Clan for a year or two. Let's just leave this woman alone. Hurry up and find other fellow monks and evacuate here." A monk stepped up to give a final word, but in the end All the monks still looked at Pei Junlin, waiting for Pei Junlin's decision.

Pei Junlin did not speak, but gave the answer with practical actions. Like a tiger coming out of the mountain, the Promise Wolf King suddenly slaughtered the two-headed blood giant.

However, the double-headed blood giant bit by the blood basin did not cause the slightest damage. After all, the double-headed blood giant possessed lava armor.

When the people around saw Pei Junlin's move, they were naturally unwilling to show weakness, and immediately launched an attack on the surrounding blood giants. For a while, the entire city center became the Shura Slaughter Field.

Generally speaking, the human race is at a disadvantage in this respect, and there are constant sacrifices by monks.

Pei Junlin took the place of the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan and fought the two-headed blood giant. Pei Junlin has the celestial body, and his physical quality is not weaker than that of the two-headed blood giant, but his strength is weaker.

This double-headed Gorefiend is really powerful, not only powerful, but the purple crystal head can actually perform various magical powers.

With wind, frost, rain and blood, various magic arts took turns, the fight against Pei Junlin was miserable.

Pei Junlin discovered that the two heads of this double-headed blood demon were in charge of different fighting skills.

The head of the inlaid purple crystal mainly controls the use of supernatural powers, while the cruel and violent head that keeps roaring controls the body of the double-headed Gorefiend, and continuously performs various powerful and heavy bombardments.

"This two-headed Gorefiend is not simple. Once entered the dragon clan's ancestral court and swallowed the flesh and blood of the ancestor dragon. You are a **** who has cultivated into the body of a heavenly demon, and there are different existences." The voice of Princess Long 13 directly spread to Pei Junlin In his ears, telling the secret of this two-headed blood demon.

Pei Junlin was shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect this two-headed blood demon to be so powerful, no wonder it could become the leader of these blood giants.

Ordinary blood giants can't see enough in front of this two-headed blood demon, just like ants.

"This two-headed blood demon is not simple. It should be a kind of mutation. There is no such thing in ordinary blood giants." Jin Ye's voice also sounded in Pei Junlin's ears, seeming to imply what Pei Jun is coming to. .

The tacit understanding established between him and Jin Ye for a long time also made Pei Junlin understand the meaning of Jin Ye in an instant.

In fact, the meaning of the Lord Jin is very simple, that is, he wants to directly surrender this two-headed blood monster, or directly turn it into a servant.

This double-headed blood demon is different from the Promise Wolf King, and there is some difference in the strength of the two. According to Pei Junlin’s estimation, the strength of the double-headed blood demon is even more than the fifth-level wolf king, and the Promise Wolf King knows in his heart that he is rebellious. Some Taoism and Buddhism magical powers make it even more difficult to surrender.

But this two-headed blood demon is different. The wisdom of this thing is very limited, and only knows **** without brain. If it is subdued, there will undoubtedly be a loyal servant around him.

But wanting to subdue and suppress this two-headed blood demon is not a simple matter at all, and it can't even be done for a while. But now that the whole situation is so urgent, it is almost impossible to complete this thing.

When Pei Junlin secretly figured out, in fact, Jin Ye had already started to act, and secretly told Pei Junlin of his plan. In fact, Pei Junlin was surrounded by hundreds of masters, so he could take advantage of it.

You must know that among these people there are more than a hundred masters in the realm of true kings. Together, these masters are a force that should not be underestimated.

But how to mobilize these people to help makes Pei Junlin a little bit difficult. After all, in this situation, everyone just temporarily went to hug him to keep warm. If these people are really let these people sell their lives, Pei Junlin feels almost impossible.

"Since it is impossible to move them, let them passively help us." Jin Ye heard a sneer.

At this time, Pei Junlin knew what plan Jin Ye must be brewing in his heart.

Unexpectedly, under the command of Lord Jin, Jun Pei retreated steadily, seemingly unable to withstand the attack of this two-headed blood demon. Moreover, the flames of war were gradually burning, and it had spread to the surrounding areas, and those masters in the realm of true kings had already had to take action at this time.

"The surrounding area has been surrounded by tens of thousands of blood giants. It is almost impossible for us to escape now." Pei Junlin said towards the surrounding monarch realm masters.

Sure enough, when these people heard what Pei Junlin said, their expressions changed drastically, tens of thousands of blood giants, what is that concept?

It is almost equivalent to a copper wall and an iron wall, and it is impossible to escape from it.

"Since you can't escape, then fight with these beasts. Everyone shows all the cards." Someone said angrily.

After thousands of years of cultivation, I didn't expect it to be such a result in the end, and many cultivators showed grief and indignation at this time.

People also burst out different powers when they are Pei Junlin knows that these people's emotions have been mobilized, but at this time he is a little guilty, after all, all of this is caused by him .

"Don't panic, everyone. According to my observation, this two-headed Gorefiend is the leader of these blood giants. As long as the two-headed Gorefiend is killed or suppressed, then we may stand out." Pei Junlin said to everyone. Broadcast past.

His voice is not loud, but everyone can hear clearly by his ears. Sure enough, many people are unable to vent their murderous intent when they are hopeless to break through. At this time, they have been agitated when they hear Pei Junlin's instigation. Woke up.

A **** battle officially began with hundreds of real king realm masters. Sure enough, the two-headed gorefiend began to retreat steadily. In addition, Pei Junlin deliberately did it, and under heavy pressure, the two-headed troll was beaten to roar again and again.

While this two-headed blood demon was at its weakest, Pei Junlin quietly tore a hole in the outer formation, and at this moment a large amount of blood was integrated into the inner circumference, making the field once again plunged into a melee. .

And Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity. The short-lived opportunity was fleeting, and the chaotic progress space opened silently, and a magical portal appeared, which was the gate of hell.

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