Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1494: Demon Stronghold

The gate of **** once again stretched out a mysterious big hand and a mysterious chain, bound the two-headed blood demon in one fell swoop, and then dragged it into the inner space of the chaotic golden bucket.

Without the command and command of the double-headed blood demons, as expected, the fighting power of those blood giants has been reduced a lot, coupled with the formation of Pei Jun Lin and the desperate rush of the Promise Wolf King, people have come out of the city all the way.

When he walked out of Ming Sacred City, Pei Junlin looked back, and besides dozens of true king realm masters, almost all the true king level masters died in the city.

There is no doubt that this is a tragic battle. Although these people and Pei Junlin did not know each other before, but Pei Junlin still feels sad.

Cultivation really is facing danger every moment, especially in this desolate universe, the Shura slaughter field in the dark forest, the weak and the strong, humans are not at the top of the food chain.

"No, there is a demon who got into the planet and wants to seize the star core! This planet may explode soon, let's get out of here quickly." The masters of the true king realm seemed to get the message and left in a hurry.

These masters of the real king realm are either from various sects or from a mysterious holy place. There are always various sources of information. Pei Junlin has to believe what these people say.

Moreover, he himself could clearly feel that the entire Mingsheng planet was rapidly withering and declining, at least as far as his eyes could reach, the vegetation on the surface of the planet was declining rapidly, and some rivers were also rapidly drying up.

Mingsheng Planet is a good-looking planet, and Pei Junlin had seen a scene of living and working here before.

There are at least hundreds of billions of people living on this planet, but in the blink of an eye, all of this disappears, and the one who can escape is one in a million.

The whole planet was covered with a layer of **** smoke, and the billowing resentment rushed into the sky. Although Pei Junlin saw all this, although he felt a little unbearable, he was unable to turn things around.

However, before leaving, Pei Junlin once again slaughtered the Quartet in indiscriminate bombing and arrested thousands of blood giants. These blood giants were flooded with blood pills trained by Pei Junlin into surging blood pills, and the entire warehouse inside the Chaos Golden Dou was made into at least hundreds of blood pills.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late. This planet is undergoing strange changes. I can feel a pure demon energy being generated inside the planet." Yun Yao's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear on the other side of the dragon, ten The face of the third princess was also a little pale, and it was obvious that the abnormal phenomenon was also noticed.

Pei Junlin had been dazzled by the benefits and did not notice everything that was happening around him. Hearing the reminders of the two women at this time, he quickly opened the wormhole and escaped into the stars.

But at the moment when Pei Junlin was about to open the wormhole, a large hand full of scales grabbed Pei Junlin and the others. However, Pei Junlin reacted extremely quickly and led the two women into the wormhole at the most critical moment. The moment the wormhole closed, the big hand finally reached the edge of the wormhole.

The planet split directly, and Pei Junlin and the others stood in the starry sky and saw this terrifying scene, each of them inhaled air-conditioning.

A pair of big hands drilled from the core of the planet to break the planet directly, and then drilled out of the upper body. This is a creature comparable in size to the planet, covered in hard black scales.

There is only one eye and one mouth, and there are hideous teeth in the mouth.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a huge demon in this world!" Princess Long Shisan's eyes widened, her face was shocked and incredible.

Yun Yao on the other side behaved similarly, unable to maintain her composure, and being King's Landing was not too shocked.

However, seeing this monster with a body as large as a planet still feels a little weird. What Pei Junlin is thinking about is not only the strength of this huge monster, but also what exactly this monster is going to do.

Pei Junlin’s eyes emit a faint golden light, looking at the entire Mingsheng planet, he can feel that the entire people’s livelihood needs are constantly collapsing and collapsing. Originally a huge planet, the volume at this time is no longer as good as the original one. And the planet is still shrinking.

This is an extremely abnormal scene, and Pei Junlin can feel the **** breath floating in the entire atmosphere on this Mingsheng planet, and it is being madly collected.

"Once these demons invade the inner core of the planet, they will soon establish a portal here, so that the demons can continuously transport them." Yun Yao seemed to think of something, and his face was full of worry.

Obviously this world is not safe, but the invasion of the devil still increases the danger for the cultivator.

"What's the matter with these double-headed blood demons? It wouldn't be such a coincidence that they appeared in the same place as the demon head?" Princess Long Shisan was intelligent by nature. Now that she has joined the Holy Land, she naturally looks at problems differently.

The two women asked questions at the same time, and Pei Junlin's head was like a flash of lightning, and he suddenly thought of an important thing.

The blood giants are wandering races in the starry sky. Wherever they wander, they will devour the lives there. They can be described as interstellar pirate robbers.

But this blood giant like a locust will not appear in a certain place casually. This kind of blood giant usually lives in the void, and once swallowed once, the Holy Spirit can maintain a long and short first half. You don't need to eat for thousands of years, and you will be in a deep sleep state for a long time.

But this time Pei Junlin smelled a different conspiracy. He felt that these little giants were probably deliberately attracted by the demons.

The purpose is to use the blood of these **** people and these creatures to sacrifice, and then open the portal from the demon world to this world. According to Yun Yao, opening a portal that crosses the barriers of the world takes a lot of energy. Currently, no expert can provide such a huge amount of energy. This situation can only be achieved through **** sacrifices.

When the three of them were discussing, a tall portal appeared on the surface of Mingsheng Planet. In this tall portal, a dark vortex appeared in it, and this vortex was still swept by violent violent.

"It seems that this airspace is already insecure. Once the demons occupy a place here, they will continue to transport it over, and this world will soon be overwhelmed." Yun Yao sighed, her eyes showing deep helplessness.

On the other side, Princess Dragon 13 was silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

"I want to go back to Shimen as soon as possible and report this news. We will have some time later." Yun Yao glanced deeply, and Pei Junlin turned and left.

Pei Junlin wanted to speak to stay, but he opened his mouth and couldn't speak, because the relationship between him and Yun Yao is very mysterious, and there is always a layer of window paper between the two that has not been broken.

"There will be nothing between you and him, right?" Princess Long Shisan's tone was obviously sour.

For a long time, Princess Long Shisan became reticent and almost made Pei Junlin forget that this dragon girl was also a little hot girl back then.

"Where did you think? He and I are just ordinary friends." Pei Junlin quickly explained awkwardly, as if to hide something.

But the Princess Long 13 looked suspicious, but finally shook her head and said: "In fact, before the separation, your wife, Prince Joan, once asked me to watch you and not let you go with other women. Is too close."

Pei Junlin was a little speechless when he heard the words of Longshishan Highway, which was obviously compiled by Princess Long Shisan casually. Regarding Wang Ziqiong's understanding, Pei Junlin believed that Wang Ziqiong would never say this.

However, Princess Long Shisan mentioned Wang Ziqiong, which made Pei Junlin feel more gloomy.

"It seems that this airspace is still insecure. Will you follow me or continue to return to your original holy land?" Pei Junlin asked for the advice of Princess Long 13.

Although Pei Junlin arrested Princess Long 13 in name and asked her to be her own handmaid, the relationship between the two was later resolved, and the relationship between them now has some secrets. It's like a friend, but not like a friend. The relationship is definitely closer and more trusting than friends.

But sometimes there is a trace of life in it, and it is difficult to know everything without saying anything. After all, the two were enemies before.

"I'll go back to the original holy place. There seems to be some information that can help you return to the earth, but it has not been completely resolved. There are already some eyebrows. I will go after I resolve this matter. Meet with you." The thirteen princess raised her eyebrows, her face full of information full of heroism.

Although the thirteen princesses are very handsome, but there is a feminine heroism in their beauty, which really makes Pei Junlin feel his eyes bright.

Princess Dragon 13 didn't say He was always very simple in doing things, and when his body turned, the charming figure quickly disappeared into the void.

Yunyao and Princess Long 13 have all left. This time the meeting between everyone has come to an end, but Pei Junlin feels a little worried in his heart. His apprentice Wan Qian did not make the appointment on time and seemed to have encountered some trouble.

But this is no longer something Pei Junlin can consider. What he has to consider now is the pursuit of the Taiyi Immortal Gate.

For Pei Junlin, the invasion of the demon is not a big deal. After all, the invasion of the demon is happening every day and every moment. It is happening in every star field and every time and space, and it did not cause much damage. There is not quite a big gap between the strength of these demons.

What Pei Junlin is most worried about right now is that Taiyi Immortal Gate Zhou Ying’s pursuit and killing is not a joke. Once caught by this saint-level Zhou Ying, the end is not as simple as being afraid of cramping. It will reach the point where you can't live and die.

Now in front of Junlin Pei, the only way is to return to the Blue Bull Holy Land and use it as a haven for shelter.

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