Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1496: Blood Demon

According to Lord Jin, Pei Junlin doesn't think this method is cruel. After all, this two-headed Gorefiend has no human spirit and is completely a killing machine. This kind of wandering creature in the starry sky does not know how many creatures it has killed. .

"However, this method has a drawback, that is, if his will is destroyed, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced from then on." Jin Ye stared at the growing blood giant and continued.

Pei Junlin also guessed this in advance. Just like the lions and tigers in the zoo, the **** will inevitably be greatly reduced, and the combat effectiveness will naturally decline.

"Is there any other good way?" Pei Junlin asked Jin Ye.

Jin Ye shook his head and looked at Pei Junlin and said: "You can't have both fish and bear paws, but you may try to use Buddhist methods to save him."

This is a reminder to Pei Junlin that if the two-headed blood demon can be saved by Buddhism, then it can maintain its combat effectiveness and make him absolutely loyal.

But with Pei Junlin's current Buddhism cultivation base, it is not easy to transform such a fierce double-headed blood demon, and the strength of this double-headed blood demon is comparable to a semi-sage level powerhouse.

The Promise Wolf King Pei Junlin had no ability to surrender before, let alone this two-headed blood demon with little will.

"Such a savage creature in the starry sky, if it is directly converted, let him become a servant coolie, then it will be infinitely useful in the future." Pei Junlin muttered to himself, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Pei Junlin's five emperors have become the natural gods of this world, and they control the five most basic elements of this world: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

At this time, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand to make the five emperor souls appear in all directions, five huge golden phantoms, the body still looks like Pei Junlin, but it looks like a treasure.

From the mouths of these five primordial spirits, the sound of Buddhist scriptures continued.

"If you refuse to surrender, I will keep chanting the Heart Sutra of Buddhism. One time is not enough, ten times, ten times is not enough, ten thousand times, for one year." Pei Junlin sneered, he has time and this. The two-headed Gorefiend was consumed.

In this starry sky, the semi-holy level powerhouse can be called a giant, dominating a party, the financial and strength are extremely powerful.

If you catch such a giant in an ordinary time, as your own servant or coolie, the consequences will be disastrous, because behind every strong one will inevitably have a strong strength and background.

But like the powerhouses like the Wuji Wolf King and the two-headed Gorefiend, there is no strength behind them. The Wuji Wolf King is a lone wolf, and there is no sect behind them.

And behind the double-headed Golem is the entire race of blood giants, but the blood giants are not too united with each other, and their wisdom is limited, only knowing how to kill.

Therefore, capturing and domesticating such a two-headed blood monster is not too conspicuous. The cost of doing this is too huge, and it is difficult for ordinary people to do it. If you want to have a unique strength like Pei Junlin, then it's another story.

After witnessing Pei Junlin's overall plan, Jin Ye showed a shocked look on his face. He felt that he was already ruthless enough, but he didn't expect Pei Junlin to be even more ruthless.

The five primordial spirits kept chanting the sutras, not to mention that these two-headed blood demons were cruel and impatient, and even the sutras that ordinary people heard would blow up every day.

In this way, the five emperors and great primordial spirits united to form a vajra and devil formation, and they continued to chant sutras. This sutra can reach the last thought every day, and a thought is half a month's time. After half a month, Pei Junlin went to observe once, and he found that the hostility of the two-headed blood demon had weakened a lot, and there was a kind of expression in his eyes. A look of fear.

Seeing that the effect has been achieved and victory is in sight, Pei Junlin is in a good mood. The benefits he has gained from this trip are beyond words.

Combing it now makes Pei Junlin more happy.

The biggest benefit of going out this time is that the Hunshi Magic Spear has been re-condensed, which incorporates a semi-holy powerhouse like the Promise Wolf King.

The Promise Wolf King is only one step away from the saint, and his certain characteristics far exceed the average human saint.

The current Hunshi Demon Spear exuded a billowing spirit in Pei Junlin's palm. The original tool spirit also had a black armored **** of war, and became the current white-robed general.

When it's not in human form, it's a snow-white snow wolf, and it can even turn into a snow wolf and turn into a battle pet next to Jun Pei, who is equally powerful.

"Blue Bull Holy Land, you look like a tattered shirt. I really didn't expect you to live in such a place." While Pei Junlin was thinking about the problem, Chen Jianghai's voice suddenly came from the coffin.

This person just talks a lot, and specializes in picking up those useless saying that Pei Junlin has been too lazy to take care of it recently. Chen Jianghai seemed to be lonely for too long, as long as he didn't talk to Pei Junlin for a day, he would almost fall into madness, which made Pei Junlin a little helpless.

The most taboo thing about Pei Junlin's practice now is to be disturbed, but he still talks endlessly in Chen Jianghai, which is a big problem.

Pei Junlin has to come out to breathe more when he is practicing. After all, there is the scourge of Chen Jianghai. If Pei Junlin does not enter the space world, it will be difficult to sink his heart and cultivate.

In addition, Jun Pei was worried about the quantitative progress of the two-headed blood demon, and he also had no intention of practicing, and simply wandered around in the yard.

Pei Junlin had just sat in the yard and hadn't raised his head to admire the moon, when he heard the door was knocked and woke up, what caused people to come to visit in the middle of the night made Pei Junlin's heart stunned.

Now that Nantian is missing, and the old fellow from the library is also dead, Pei Junlin is unaccompanied in the entire Qingniu Holy Land.

If there is one more person, it is Zhang Huizi who Pei Junlin knew before. Zhang Huizi worshipped the saint Li Qiubai as his teacher, and his status was extraordinary, and everyone had rarely seen each other.

Pei Junlin guessed that it was most likely that Zhang Huizi came to visit him, and used his spiritual sense to check it out. Sure enough, it was Zhang Huizi dressed in white standing outside the door, but Zhang Huizi's expression at this time was a little dazed, and his face was pale. It seems to have suffered some huge trauma.

Pei Junlin opened the door and let Zhang Huizi walk in. As soon as he entered the yard, Zhang Huizi sat on the stone pier.

"Finally when you are back, where have you been these days?" Zhang Huizi's eyes were dull, and he looked at Pei Junlin as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Judging from Dong Zhang Huizi's performance, Pei Junlin felt that something was wrong, and soon he knew from Zhang Huizi's mouth why Zhang Huizi was like this.

"Are you talking about Chen Hengshan's incident, someone is continuing to investigate?" Pei Junlin's expression changed slightly.

"Last month, my master Li Qiubai never came back when he went out on a parade, and the soul lamp left at the door of the master has been extinguished. This shows that his old man has suffered an accident." Zhang Huizi's eyes flushed and seemed a little sad.

Zhang Huizi hit the point of the matter at once, and Pei Junlin knew why Chen Hengshan's incident broke out again.

After the incident of Chen Hengshan, Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi returned to the Zongmen together. They were stopped by the law enforcement disciples of the Zongmen. They said that they were going to wait for Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi to go to Tianxing Peak for questioning.

Where is Tianxing Peak? Pei Junlin's natural strength is clear. If you go to that place, you can come back all the way back, then it's incredible.

Tian Xingfeng is in charge of punishments specifically for disciples who violate the rules and regulations, and they are extremely harsh.

It is said that the elder Tian Xing who is in charge of Tian Xing Peak is a well-known torture official who specializes in washing all kinds of torture. Once he enters Tian Xing Peak, he will have to peel off his skin regardless of whether he is guilty or not. Most likely he will die on Tian Xing Peak.

Therefore, when Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi learned that they were going to be taken to Tianxing Peak for questioning, they were very nervous, but in the end the crisis was blocked by the old man Feiyue.

But now from Zhang Huizi's mouth, Pei Junlin also knew that the old man Feiyue was only temporarily blocking this matter, and the operation behind it completely relied on Li Qiubai behind.

After all, the status of the old man Feiyue is far inferior to that of Li Qiubai. After all, Li Qiubai is a sage in the martial art, a mountain with countless capable people, and his words naturally have weight.

A top disciple like Chen Hengshan died outside, and the entire Green Bull Holy Land shook, and it was impossible not to investigate. Then Chen Hengshan has not yet entered the sequence of the core disciple.

However, many people in the entire Qingniu Holy Land know that his name is also very famous. If such a person dies, the sect must have an explanation.

If this matter needs to be investigated, it will be difficult for Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi to escape the relationship. Li Qiubai is still operating behind it, and the matter is finally suppressed abruptly.

Everything seemed shocking, but in the end the outbreak of this incident was reopened with the death of Li Qiubai.

Qiubai, as a saint of the Blue Bull Holy Land, is one of several giants. The death of such a character represents the disintegration of a huge force.

At the same time, how to divide the interests left by Li Qiubai is also a huge problem. Since the interests are to be divided, many people have to grasp the bargaining chip, such as grabbing Li Qiubai's pigtail.

This matter is not about someone giving Chen Hengshan a head start. The important thing is how to divide Li Qiubai's interests is the most important thing, so Zhang Huizi and Pei Junlin naturally entered the sight of some big men and became chess pieces.

"Now it's not going to be forced to come home. This matter is just being mentioned again, but when Tianxingtang restarts this case, the two of us will be in danger." Zhang Huizi reached out and grabbed Pei Junlin's wrist. The effort.

Compared with Zhang Huizi, Pei Junlin was not thinking about making a mess. After all, he had just been chased by a saint-level powerhouse, and he had already taken this kind of thing indifferently.

For Pei Junlin, it was a big deal that he would leave at that time, pat his butt, and leave this sacred place for the green cow from now on, it would be nothing to be happy.

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