Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1497: Crisis

Pei Junlin is a lonely family member. Even if he betrayed the Blue Bull Holy Land, he would not be able to send someone to chase him for a long time after leaving the sect.

Once you betray the Green Bull Holy Land, you will be imprisoned at every turn, and the consequences will be disastrous.

So when faced with this matter, the shopkeeper and Pei Junlin had completely two attitudes, and Zhang Huizi's face was ashamed and panic all day long.

However, Pei Junlin was able to advance and retreat with ease, without panic.

"There are two roads in front of you. The first is to quickly find a thigh to hug. Maybe the two of us can stand firmly on the Blue Bull Holy Land again." Pei Junlin said in a deep voice.

When this idea came out, Pei Junlin himself felt unrealistic, and his and Zhang Huizi's current strengths were only a little bit of a point of becoming inner disciples.

If you are talented and intelligent to become a core disciple, you may still be looked at by some giants, but now it is difficult to be looked at by the two people's qualifications.

In other words, it is almost impossible to find a thigh that is willing to carry the pot in the short term.

"The second way is for the two of us to be quickly promoted to core disciples. As long as they become core disciples and show their aptitude and talents, some problems will be solved at that time." Pei Junlin said in deep thought.

Becoming a core disciple is not just for Pei Junlin to talk casually, because the core disciple has a high status in the Blue Bull Holy Land, even surpassing some elders.

The strength of the core disciples may not be as good as those of the elders, but her future growth does not necessarily have to surpass these elders. You must know that the elders of the entire Blue Bull Holy Land are selected from the inner disciples, and each of the core disciples must become In the future, the giants will exist.

In the Qingniu Holy Land, although the core disciple has no rights, his status is higher, and the sect pays more attention to it, and will not be easily investigated or damaged.

To be promoted to a core disciple, all problems will be solved at that time. Even if there are many doubts about death in a red shirt, Zongmen will not continue to investigate because of this. After all, a dead person is not as valuable as a living person.

"It is not easy to be promoted to the core disciple of the inner sect, at least to reach the middle stage of the real king state." Zhang Huizi frowned.

Both of them are now in the early stage of the real king realm, but from the early stage to the middle stage, this is undoubtedly a chasm. The difficulty is like a cultivator starting from scratch, from the zero base to the true monarch level.

From the early stage to the middle stage of the real king realm, this is a big leap, because every later the progress of the cultivation will become very slow and slow, and many people are stuck in the early real king realm and cannot make any further progress.

"As long as you have certain training, mastered certain methods, and promoted to this state in a short period of time, it is not impossible in the mid-term." Pei Junlin said confidently.

The entire realm of the true king is actually divided into seven realms. Every step forward is more difficult than all the previous cultivation steps, and it has almost reached the point of breaking through the bottleneck.

The reason why Pei Junlin dared to say this is that he is sure to enter the middle stage of the real king realm in a short period of time, but of course the secret cannot be told to Zhang Huizi.

Pei Junlin's current strength is against the King Realm, and there is no pressure in the later stage, let alone entering the middle of the True King Realm, this is a matter of time, if Pei Jun is willing to force him to be promoted now.

However, it is extremely irrational to enter the next stage hastily when the foundation is not fully consolidated.

"By the way, next month Zongmen will have a three-year competition. If you can stand out in it, you can also create some momentum." Zhang Huizi seemed to think of something suddenly, stood up and told Pei Junlin.

When Pei Junlin heard these words, he knew that his opportunity had come. It seemed that there was still some hope to get rid of the influence of Chen Hengshan's incident.

"I see, don't be nervous for now. I will solve the matter and ensure that it is perfect." Pei Junlin assured Zhang Huizi.

Asking Pei Junlin's words, Zhang Huizi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that Pei Junlin had a manly spirit, which was simply irresistible charm.

Because I didn't catch a cold with Pei Junlin before, although I felt that Pei Junlin was very strong, there was no reliable backer, and the background was vague. This is something people from a big family like Zhang Huizi look down on.

Before Zhang Huizi was backed by a saint like Li Qiubai, he naturally had a look down on Pei Junlin. Although the two were also friends, they had a very good relationship, but there was always a slight gap in it.

So Zhang Huizi never considered what would happen to Pei Junlin, but now the two of them are in trouble together, they are in the same hatred, and they have a feeling of sympathy, which makes Zhang Huizi's feelings about Pei Junlin quickly heat up.

"I don't want to go back lately. Those senior brothers and sisters have been messed up." Huizi looked at Pei Junlin with a look of help.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. Hearing Zhang Huizi's tone, he wanted to live with him. It would be bad for a man and a girl to live together. And Pei Junlin also had a lot of secrets. He suddenly lived with one more person, which he was not used to.

"Well, you can live here until this matter is resolved." After thinking about it, Jun Pei finally agreed to Zhang Huizi's request.

There are two reasons. The first is Chen Hengshan's incident. Zhang Huizi is the insider throughout the process. And all things were handled by Pei Junlin alone, Zhang Huizi was tantamount to indirectly helping Pei Junlin carry the scapegoat.

The second reason is that there is still some friendship between Pei Junlin and Zhang Hui, and friends should be able to help.

Based on these two reasons, Pei Junlin allowed to live here temporarily, but he did not expect that Zhang Huizi would cause him trouble.

At the dawn of the next day, the gate of Pei Junlin's cave was slapped. If Pei Junlin didn't open the door in time, even the gate of the entire courtyard would be shot apart.

At the door were three young sons, the head of which was angry and rushed directly into the yard.

"Is Zhang Huizi here? Dog stuff, even my woman is touched, don't you want to live anymore?" One of the young men looked at Pei Junlin coldly, and the rattling atmosphere instantly swept across the small courtyard.

Although Zhang Huizi heard coming out of the room, she stared at the man coldly and said, "He Yundong, are you sick? When did I become your woman?"

It turned out that this man was called He Yundong, and Pei Junlin slightly estimated the strength of the opponent, which shocked him a little, and turned out to be a master in the middle realm of the true king.

This person has a habit of being a son and he seems to have some strong background, otherwise he would not dare to be so arrogant.

"Everyone knows what I like about you, why are you not my woman? Who dares to **** me from the woman I like He Yundong?" Then He Yundong stared coldly at Pei Junlin like a cockfight.

Pei Junlin didn't want to be jealous with others, but at this time this person had already come to the door, so naturally his attitude could not be too soft.

And Pei Junlin now wants to create a momentum within the Blue Bull Holy Land, this matter can be used as a chapter.

"I don't know you, and I don't know which green onion you count, but now get out of my territory." Pei Junlin's attitude was extremely tough, and Zhang Huizi's eyes lit up.

In fact, Zhang Huizi's attitude towards He Yundong is not entirely disgusting. Having been entangled by He Yundong for so long before, Zhang Huizi actually had a half-pushing attitude towards He Yundong in his heart.

Now that he has Pei Junlin in his heart, he naturally looks down on the younger brother like He Yundong.

"Yeah, you hurry up now, does it matter to you who I am with? I am not afraid to tell you now, I just like Pei Junlin." Zhang Huizi stared at He Yundong and completely angered him.

He Yundong had nowhere to vent his anger, he could only regard Pei Junlin as his enemy. But before he took the shot, he felt black in front of him, and then the whole person was grabbed by the collar by Pei Junlin and threw directly out of the yard.

He Yundong got up only after rolling a few times on the ground, but he seemed a little dazed when he got up, and he was frozen in place.

He, a mid-True King realm master, turned out to be like a rag, being thrown out by the collar, and he was unable to fight back. He Yundong was a little hard to accept the consequences for a while.

What happened just now was so fast that even He Yundong didn't react, but when he reacted at this time, his inner anger was simply overwhelming.

This film is the Dongfu district of inner disciples, and the noise made here quickly attracted the attention of countless people. He Yundong did not want to make matters worse under the eyes of this kind of audience.

The embarrassing look just now was seen by many This made He Yundong almost want to dig into the ground.

And many people looked at Pei Junlin with amazement. I don’t know when such a master appeared among the inner disciples. You must know that He Yundong is still very famous among the inner disciples. The third place is to enter the core. The first echelon of disciples.

Just now Pei Junlin's hand was moisturizing silently, and he showed his hand silently, making people look at him with admiration.

Pei Junlin just entered the inner sect disciple. For a disciple like him, not to mention two or three years, even if it is hundreds of years, it would be very difficult for a disciple to emerge among the inner sect disciples.

A genius like He Yundong, it was the seed echelon that entered the core disciple, which was piled up by the family with countless resources.

Just now Pei Junlin's flirty hand shocked many people, and he carried He Yundong's collar and threw the opponent directly, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Even if Pei Junlin shot and suddenly attacked, but if he wanted to shake a master of the real king state, how could the mystery of this be made clear for a while.

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