Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1498: He Yundong

The surrounding discussion made He Yundong's face flushed even more. Seeing the pointing around and the smiles on many people's faces, He Yundong felt that these people were laughing at him at this time.

Coupled with the fact that Zhang Huizi had betrayed him in his heart, this made He Yundong's emotions even more difficult to suppress.

A puff of anger from the back heel, directly along the two meridians and straight to the forehead. He Yundong couldn't help but flushed, his eyes also showed soaring killing intent.

He is the proud son of heaven, and also a man of the Inner Sect disciples in this sacred place. There is a high probability that he will enter the sequence of core disciples in the future, and his future is unlimited.

Usually arrogant and domineering, when has ever been so wronged?

At this time, Pei Junlin grabbed the collar and threw it straight out, which he regarded as a great shame. But He Yundong was not a person who was waiting for a while. Although he was dazzled by anger for a while, he did not act immediately.

On the one hand, he knew that the sect strictly forbids private fights within the sect, and if he is found out, he is likely to be put to death if he is driven out of the door wall.

Although he gritted his teeth with hatred, he also believed in his heart that he was careless just now, but he did not intend to take revenge on the spot. This matter must be left to the Zongmen Grand Competition a few days later, to defeat Pei Junlin in the arena.

When the time comes, no fists and feet, hurt Pei Junlin or beat the other party to death, but no one will say anything. After all, if you can't hold back your skill in the ring, it's very common.

"After you have remembered it for three days, I will see you in the ring. I will definitely let you die on the spot." He Yundong gritted his teeth, wishing to rush to take a bite of Pei Junlin.

Seeing the success angered He Yundong, Pei Junlin was a little delighted in his heart. After all, He Yundong is still very famous.

Enmity with He Yundong now is equivalent to stepping directly on He Yundong's shoulders, instantly becoming a figure of the wind and becoming the focus of everyone's attention.

Pei Junlin is not usually a person who loves to show off. What's more, he and the old Feiyue man are secretly unscrupulous. Once discovered, the consequences will be serious, so since entering the Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin has been very low-key.

Low-key and then low-key, almost low to the dust, never cause trouble, let alone enmity with others, most of the time I stay behind closed doors, thinking for myself in the yard.

But at this time, Pei Junlin was uncharacteristically, and the important sect became famous inside, so that many top leaders knew that he existed.

By that time, the chance of being involved in the incident of Chen Hengshan was very small. After all, the group of people who wanted to divide the cake did not want to stir up a situation with the inside of the sect.

"At that time, I will be waiting for you. Anyway, I plan to participate in the sect assessment and directly promote the core disciple." Pei Junlin said lightly.

This remark was a big rebellion to others, and it was very rampant. After all, Pei Junlin entered this blue cow sacred place, and in less than two years for such a short time, he wanted to enter the sequence of the core disciple, which is simply a dream.

The ordinary disciples and inner disciples in the Blue Bull Holy Land do not know how many people are, but there are only a hundred people who can enter the core disciple sequence, and the hundred people are rare in existence.

Especially the core disciples of the top ten, they are among the dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they are like giants in the entire Qingniu Holy Land.

It can even determine the direction and future of the sect's policy, and can directly discuss major issues with the head. Entering the sequence of core disciples is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, and becoming a giant can participate in the affairs of the sect.

With a certain amount of power, you can even monopolize a mountain, such as the top ten core disciples.

If an ordinary person enters the core disciple sequence between five hundred and five thousand years, then it is considered fast. It is absolutely impossible for Pei Junlin to enter the core disciple in just two years.

When Pei Junlin said these words, He Yundong found it ridiculous, and even those onlookers thought Pei Junlin was crazy.

You must know that it took He Yundong to cultivate to this level for more than three hundred years, and the desperate supply of resources from the family behind him brought him to the present level.

It took three hundred years to get to the present state, and He Yundong became a figure in the Green Bull Holy Land. It can be seen that this speed is already very fast.

As for Pei Junlin's two-year entry into the core disciple sequence, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is simply impossible to be a lunatic through and through.

Pei Junlin didn't care about other people's thoughts. What he wants now is fame and gimmicks. He is afraid that things will not cause big troubles.

Sure enough, everything was in accordance with Pei Junlin's expectations, following the development of Pei Junlin's expectations, Pei Junlin, a righteous disciple who had entered the Blue Bull Holy Land for two years, even threatened to enter the core disciple sequence.

This incident was immediately regarded as a laughing stock and spread widely throughout the Qingniu Holy Land. Coupled with this incident and the well-known figure He Yundong got on the side, naturally it accelerated the speed and scope of the spread even more, and for a while, Pei Junlin also became a figure figure.

In the entire Green Bull Holy Land, a person who was originally unknown made it instantly that no one knew it.

"Pei Junlin? Isn't that the guy who entered the Holy Land with us back then? The dog-like thing is now threatening to enter the core disciple's sequence. Is his brain kicked by a donkey?" There was one who entered with Pei Junlin back then The disciples of Qingniu Holy Land, upon hearing this news, all felt incredible.

Some people think that Pei Junlin is crazy, and some people always think that Pei Junlin is just to make a gimmick, it is an act of seeking death.

"Junlin Pei, I think I want to be fame and crazy, he dare to fight He Yundong, don't you know that He Yundong has a brother He An who is ranked seventh in the core disciple?" Some people were full of mockery.

"There is no need for Senior Brother He An to take action. This Pei Junlin is not He Yundong's opponent at all. This time He Yundong has entered the core disciple. That is also a certain thing, and He Yundong has threatened to kill Pei Junlin in public in the ring. "Another woman stood up, her face full of contempt.

The woman's name was Chen Xiu, she was a crazy nympho. Everyone knew that Chen Xiu's admiration for He Yundong had become wishful thinking.

Chen Xiu is a crazy fan of He Yundong, and even established a special support organization in Qingniu Holy Land, all composed of He Yundong's female fans.

Public opinion is generally not optimistic about Pei Junlin. Almost everyone believes that Pei Junlin is touching porcelain and he is using He Yundong to hype his reputation.

Almost everyone thought that Pei Junlin was looking for death, and that Pei Junlin would be beaten to death on the spot by He Yundong in the big competition three days later. This was almost a certainty.

So now, wherever Pei Junlin goes, he will suffer from strange eyes and a lot of criticism, but Pei Junlin has long been used to all this.

He has an air of self-confidence and a strong heart is not a big deal.

In the past few days, Pei Junlin has been uncharacteristically, and has stopped practicing in the cave mansion. Instead, he wandered around, first visiting the Fang Market.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared at the Cultivation Exchange Meeting of Inner Sect Disciples at the Blue Bull Holy Land.

So far, almost everyone has avoided the appearance of Pei Junlin, and almost no one dared to talk to Pei Junlin face to face, because anyone who dared to approach Pei Junlin at this time would definitely offend He Yundong.

"The situation is not optimistic. It is my fault to offend He Yundong this time, and I am causing you." Zhang Huizi seemed a little regretful, and at the same time worried about Pei Junlin's safety.

Three days later, in the Zongmen Competition, even Zhang Huizi is no longer optimistic about Pei Junlin. After all, He Yundong is well-known and is one of the few masters of the inner sect disciples.

These people are all in the middle stage of the real king realm, and Pei Junlin is only the early stage, and there is a huge gap in strength that blocks it.

"Don't worry about this matter, I have my own opinion." Pei Junlin didn't care about Zhang Huizi's dissuasion, and sat there with a composure.

This debate is dedicated to some disciples who share their cultivation experience with inner disciples. They often debate here and exchange some of their cultivation experience.

But in fact, this place has also become a hard-hit area for all parties to form gangs. Almost every genius disciple has a force behind them, and they secretly colluded to create various small groups.

For example, He Yundong, there is an organization called Yundonghui behind him. Hundreds of people under his command are all obeyed by He Yundong, and the internal organization is tight, like a country within a country.

Zongmen has always forbidden these, but a genius disciple like He Yundong, Zongmen just turned one eye and closed one After all, once he and Yunzhong are promoted to inner core disciple, they will have it. An independent practice site naturally needs some servants and followers.

"Pei Junlin, do you know who are in the top three of the inner disciples?" When Pei Junlin was in a daze, he suddenly heard a provocative voice.

Just seeing the look of the other person, Pei Junlin knew what this person was coming from. It was nothing more than stepping on his foot to improve his own reputation. By the way, he also approached He Yundong and offered his name.

Pei Junlin has seen a lot of people like this, but he didn't show any disdain on his face. Instead, he looked at the other person seriously and said: "The time I have joined the sect is too short and I am not good at socializing, so I am very good at I don't know what happened, this brother might as well introduce it."

The person was originally smiling, but after hearing what Pei Junlin said, he suddenly became sternly accusing Pei Junlin and said: "You also know that you are a disciple who has just started for less than two years? Do you know how to face Yundong? Brother, that's a crime of being indifferent."

This person repeatedly scolded aggressively, and all the cheering voices around him were all supporting He Yundong, and he was always very optimistic about Pei Junlin.

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