Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1504: Fang Zhiqing

Meeting people is often the first sight, and you can roughly see what level the other person is and what their fate is. When Pei Junlin saw Fang Zhiqing for the first time, he knew that this woman was not simple, and might be surrounded by powerful luck.

Qi Yun determines a person's future and growth potential, and Fang Zhiqing, the most difficult thing about this person is this woman, who hides his emotions very well.

That Yang Du was indeed dead, and it was in the hands of Pei Junlin. As Fang Zhiqing's confidant, Yang Du died very miserably.

But for one thing, Pei Junlin can now be sure that Fang Zhiqing doesn't have much hatred for herself in Fang Zhiqing's heart. This is not to say that Fang Zhiqing is a woman who is unreasonable and cold-hearted, but that Fang Zhiqing may not be as vivid as Yang Du.

Maybe Yang Du was just Fang Zhiqing playing a game of chess, or Yang Du was just a chess piece that Fang Zhiqing occasionally thought of. There was no substantial intimacy between the two, so Fang Zhiqing didn’t care about Yang Du’s death. on.

This is a perfect explanation. Fang Zhiqing reacted at the moment Yang Du died. But now Pei Junlin has a question in his heart, that is, Fang Zhiqing does not pay attention to this Yang Du, why should he spend his blood to help Yang Du condense the true spirit?

Maybe all the previous thoughts were all wrong. Then Yang Du was able to condense the true spirit, it was not Fang Zhiqing's credit at all, maybe it was Yang Du's adventure.

Today's affairs are over, Pei Junlin can be described as a complete victory, and his fame is huge. Compared with before, the fame brought by the conflict between him and He Yundong before, the fame brought by him now is completely positive.

However, the next step will definitely be a more difficult journey to Pei Junlin. What he is worried about is not whether he can enter the core disciple sequence. What he is worried about now is how to save strength and hide strength. After all, what he encountered this time They are among the elites of the inner disciples.

If you want to defeat these elites easily, it's impossible without a little real ability. Besides, there are two people, He An and Fang Zhixiong.

But Zhang Huizi at this time didn't know Pei Junlin's inner thoughts. He looked at Pei Junlin's worried and swollen appearance, and thought that Pei Junlin was worried that he would encounter a strong opponent in the game tomorrow.

Without knowing what comfort to say, Zhang Huizi went to another room to rest early, which at any rate gave Pei Junlin a free space.

Don't think about things you are not sure about, but you should also prepare early, Pei Junlin took out the spoils obtained from Yang Du.

The first is the folding fan. The material of this fan is amazing. It seems to be made of some animal bones. Although Yang Du is dead, there is still a kind of spiritual power remaining on it. This is the consequence of training a true spirit. .

Although a person is dead, the spiritual power will not be completely extinguished, and even with the residual breath on the fan, some masters can completely resurrect Yang Du.

Most of the functions of this treasure have been destroyed by Pei Junlin, because that green mountain is the soul of this fan. Now that the core formation has been destroyed, this fan has become an ordinary spirit treasure, but it is also very valuable because the interior is its own space.

However, to be on the safe side, Pei Junlin did not directly throw the fan aside, but carefully probed into it with divine consciousness.

The moment the divine sense entered it, Pei Junlin saw a figure that belonged to Yang Du. It looks like Yang Du looks extremely handsome, and the young master Pianjia has a gentle air.

I don't know why Pei Junlin had a feeling of regret and guilt at this time. After all, there was no deep hatred between Yang Du and him, and there was no need to kill him.

Yang Du's death was also an accident, because Pei Junlin did not intend to kill Yang Du from the beginning.

It can be said that Yang Du's death was completely an accident, or that the death of Sheep Stomach was entirely his own death. If Yang Du had not been in the mood to kill Pei Junlin, he would not have died in his own hands.

The legendary five-color light can wipe out everything, greater than all treasures. Although the primordial magnetic light is far inferior to the legendary five-color light, after being practiced and infiltrated by Pei Junlin for a long time, it also possesses incredible powers, such as forming a space barrier in front of it, which can completely prevent everything from the opponent. Attack power.

In order to reflect the opponent's attack, Pei Junlin's strength must be higher than that of the opponent. If the opponent's attack strength far exceeds the degree that Pei Junlin can bear, then the magneto divine light will collapse.

Things that Pei Junlin can understand, Fang Zhiqing, a top expert, can naturally also see clearly. He has stepped into the sequence of a saint with one foot, and his vision is naturally extremely vicious.

So after seeing everything clearly, Fang Zhiqing didn't actually blame Pei Junlin too much in her heart. Instead, she felt that Pei Junlin was a very promising seed and wanted to cultivate and win her.

"Who are you?" The phantom asked at Pei Junlin.

This phantom can be said to be Yang Du, another dimension of Yang Du, or a distraction once divided into Yang Du's soul.

Now Yang Du's body is dead, leaving only this spiritual mark. Raising your hand can directly destroy this ray of spiritual imprint, but he didn't do so. Instead, he raised his hand and suppressed it with a ray of light, instantly suppressing the distraction.

Pei Junlin's so-called suppression is not destruction, let alone imprisonment, but to help Yang Du stabilize this distracting spiritual brand. Even if the true spirit is trained, the soul is not immortal, because after the deity dies, the spiritual imprint of this distraction will lose the source of power and slowly dissipate between the heaven and the earth, but the process is too slow. .

On the bright side, it seems that Pei Junlin directly imprisoned Yang Du, but in fact Pei Junlin gave the other party a protection. She used her spiritual power in the pure land to help Yang Du's spiritual imprint to supplement energy. .

If it is not supplemented by spiritual power, the spiritual imprint left by Yang Du will soon be completely dispersed between heaven and earth, then Yang Du will stay in this world, all traces will gradually disappear, and eventually turn into dust. .

This fan Pei Junlin's spiritual sense explored it, and he noticed that this fan has a very loud name called Shui Mo Shanhe Fan.

After all this was done, Pei Junlin began to recall the desolation in the entire ink mountain and river fan. She gradually realized that everything she had seen before was completely wrong.

Not only the formation of the green mountain, but also the formation of a large river of nine bends is equally powerful. The Qingshan Great Array was destroyed by King's Landing, but at this time there was still the Nine Curves of the Yellow River Array still in it.

Pei Junlin had originally planned to throw away the ink mountains and rivers and pile them up in the corners that were not needed, but now it seems that he almost missed a decision treasure.

Although Pei Junlin destroyed one of the two core formations with the ink mountain and river fan this time, the only remaining Jiuqu Yellow River formation is still extremely useful.

The role of the Green Mountain Array is to directly attack the opponent, but the role of the Nine Trivial Yellow River Array is not limited to attack, the biggest role is to pollute the opponent's treasure.

In the nine-curved Yellow River, what flows is not ordinary water, but the legendary Wangchuan water. The effect of Wangchuan water is extremely powerful, it is the most sinister water in this world, and it can pollute all the treasures of this world.

Pei Junlin could see from standing among the entire ink mountain and river fan, a big river rushing endlessly, roaring like a black dragon, among which floating and sinking bones and dead souls kept wailing.

Even if he was just standing by the river, Pei Junlin could feel a trembling breath.

Pei Junlin rubbed his hands without any hesitation. A strong breath lifted this river up.

Carrying this billowing Wangchuan River, Pei Junlin directly entered the chaotic golden bucket. A large formation was directly raised by Pei Junlin and merged into the Chaos Golden Fight, but this process lasted for several hours.

During this period, Pei Junlin Bhutan Medicine got the cooperation of Jin Ye, and he himself had to expend huge mana to depict the formation. In the end, all of this is worth it, because I know that Pei Junlin will be able to use it tomorrow. If you encounter an opponent in the ring, the Wangchuan River will be spilled at will, and the opponent's treasure will not be damaged.

Pei Junlin did not rest this night, but punched in the yard. There is a degree of relaxation in **** but the power of **** varies from person to person.

Once Pei Junlin got the statue of Boxing Sage Wang Chao, in which he realized the true meaning of Boxing Sage and a complete set of boxing techniques. But later when he absorbed the magical powers of Buddhism, such as the Buddhism magical powers such as the Big Shattered Palm Handprint and the Big Buddha Finger, Pei Junlin gradually discarded these fist techniques into the pile of old papers.

But now Pei Junlin has picked up these boxing techniques again, because Pei Junlin has gradually discovered that ordinary people in this star field basically do not practice boxing, and their defensive capabilities are very limited. If he encounters an opponent in the ring, he will be surprised. Playing a set of boxing techniques is likely to have amazing results.

Moreover, such things as boxing techniques have a degree of relaxation, relying too much on the strength of the physical body, and it is difficult for ordinary people to absorb them. In addition, the boxing style played by Pei Junlin is difficult to be seen by the opponent, which meets the requirements of Pei Junlin.

After a set of Xingyi punches, Pei Junlin went on to hit Baguazhang. Calling the Mustang Bencao to fight with momentum, it instantly compressed the airflow in the entire courtyard into a vacuum.

After the Xingyi boxing was finished, Pei Jun was still in the mood, and he played a set of Tai Chi and Bagua Palm. These fist and palm techniques reminded Pei Junlin of the days he was on the earth. You must know that these formations are the quintessence of the earth, that is the taste of hometown.

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