Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1505: Boxer

When Pei Junlin was still in the realm of true gods, his understanding of these fist techniques could not be advanced to a higher level. After all, his strength at that time limited Pei Junlin's imagination.

But now Pei Junlin is advancing all the way and his strength has climbed to the realm of a true king. Looking back and playing these fist and palm techniques, Pei Junlin has a new discovery. He finally understands why the fist king super can beat the starry sky and become invincible, even the emperor-level characters. He was beaten to pieces.

Both fist and palm are the embodiment of one's own will, and fist and palm are the extension of will. After understanding this truth, Pei Junlin couldn't help but admire it even more.

The Fist King Chao's boxing power is almost at its peak, and there is no one before and after.

It’s just that Pei Junlin, now I don’t know where the Fist King Chao has gone, and whether he can follow the other's footsteps in this starry sky.

A wooden sculpture suspended in the air was what Tang Shaobai, a descendant of the King of Fist at that time, gave to Pei Junlin. It is a wood carving, which is the appearance of the boxing king Chao's deity punching. The carvings are lifelike and contain a profound philosophy.

If Pei Junlin didn’t pay much attention to this woodcarving at the beginning, but now I look back and find that this woodcarving is the most important treasure, a simple piece of woodcarving, although the material is very common and can be taken anywhere, but it contains Some lines and artistic conceptions are infinitely useful in Pei Junlin's life.

After several sets of punching techniques, Pei Junlin's body sweated slightly. With his current strength in the realm of True King, there are very few people who can make his body sweat. Even if it is a life-and-death struggle, Pei Junlin can keep his body's energy and effort from leaking out, but with a few sets of punches, Pei Junlin's pores can't lock the sweat, which is incredible.

Pei Junlin sat down to calm his mind, his gaze stayed on the wooden sculpture of the King of Boxing. Although the light was dim in the middle of the night, Pei Junlin's eyes emitted two dazzling rays of light illuminating the wooden sculpture.

The more I watched, the more fascinated, Pei Junlin seemed to have entered a certain mysterious realm, sitting in the middle of the night, when Zhang Huizi walked into the yard the next morning, he found that Pei Junlin was still sitting there.

Seeing Pei Junlin motionless, not even half alive, this made Zhang Huizi let out a scream. He is a master at the realm of True Kings, so close to him, that he can't feel Pei Junlin's breath of life, which is surprising.

But soon, one of Pei Junlin's hair moved slightly, and his whole body quickly came back to life. At this time, a gust of wind blew the big tree in the yard and shook a few leaves, but when these leaves were about to fall on Pei Junlin’s head, they suddenly encountered the existence of some mysterious force, which was instantly broken into invisible, and turned into dust completely. Extinguished.

Where these leaves disappeared, space cracks and black swirls appeared one after another. In other words, these leaves seemed to be completely swallowed by some mysterious power at the moment when they were about to fall on Pei Junlin.

Zhang Huizi is a master in her own right, and her vision is naturally extraordinary, but she opened her mouth wide in shock when she saw the various visions on Pei Junlin's body.

Pei Junlin seemed to fall into the palm of Pei Junlin's palm without realizing that he was holding a wood carving, and he was hung directly around his neck.

"Has the time been up? Let's go to that one now and see if there is an opponent today." Pei Junlin stood up and looked like a ferocious lion.

However, just when Pei Junlin was about to push the door, the door opened automatically. A woman walked in from the outside and was dumbfounded when she saw the woman Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi.

The woman who came to the door was not an ordinary woman, but a person who made Pei Junlin tremble. She was ferocious just now, like a lion Pei Junlin, and her body's momentum was immediately reduced by half.

"Senior Sister Fang..." Pei Junlin quickly arched his hands towards the woman in white clothes Shengxue.

Pei Junlin, who bowed his head down, could see the three-inch golden lotus exposed under his long skirt, wrapped in snow-white boots, and was spotless. Only then did Pei Junlin discover that Fang Zhiqing's feet did not touch the ground when he was walking. The whole person was suspended above the ground, but the distance was very small, and most people could not detect it.

"You have the right to call me a senior sister." Fang Zhiqing's voice was lukewarm, but she had an aura of rejection from thousands of miles away.

Pei Junlin felt like a man on his back, and the surrounding air seemed to have countless steel needles piercing him, even his face hurt.

"I heard something recently. You got into trouble outside and you got caught up by Zhou Ying from your Taiyi Immortal Clan." Fang Zhiqing spoke slowly, but every word was like a hammer beating a drum. .

Pei Junlin did not expect that Fang Zhiqing even knew about this, but a giant like him could not hide all the information from him.

"That week, the old eagle thief should have been staring at a certain treasure on my body, so he started chasing after me, but it was because of my luck that he escaped a disaster several times." Pei Junlin hurriedly half-true Said half-falsely towards Fang Zhiqing.

He noticed that Fang Zhiqing's mouth showed an imperceptible smile when she heard him say a few words of luck.

"After Yang Du died, some of his things should have some value to you, but the ink mountain and river fan retains Yang Du's spiritual mark..." Fang Zhiqing looked at Pei Junlin and said.

The other party did not open his mouth to ask for silence at the most critical moment, but Pei Junlin naturally knew what it meant. When the palm was turned over, an ivory-colored folding fan appeared in his hand.

This folding fan is Yang Du’s personal treasure, the ink mountain and river fan. Among them are the two core formations of Wangchuanhe and Qingshan. But now that these two core formations have been destroyed by Pei Junlin, this fan has become empty. One thing.

This thing is no longer useful for Pei Junlin, so he naturally backhanded it to Fang Zhiqing. It's just a thing that you don't need. If you transfer it to others, you can get a favor in vain. Why not do it?

When this ink mountain and river fan reached Fang Zhiqing's white jade palm, Fang Zhiqing's face changed slightly. Because he could feel that the spiritual mark left by Yang Du was imprisoned, but Fang Zhiqing soon let go of her brows.

But this is not over yet, because Fang Zhiqing soon discovered that the two core formations in the ink mountain and river fan were all gone. Originally, there was only a deep rift left where the Wangchuan River should exist. , As if being split from the ground by life.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Fang Zhiqing couldn't help but glanced at Pei Junlin weirdly, but Fang Zhiqing hadn't paid attention to the small Wangchuan River.

What surprised Fang Zhiqing most was the imprisoned spiritual mark, because a pale golden light appeared outside the spiritual mark. At first glance, this golden light group was a bit unusual, but after careful observation, Fang Zhiqing was able to perceive the mystery.

Because this light ball is pure spiritual energy, it can supplement the power of the spiritual brand, which is shocking to the world. With this method, even Fang Zhiqing, who has already stepped half of his foot into the realm of a saint, could not do it.

But Pei Junlin did it, but Fang Zhiqing had to feel surprised and surprised.

"I heard that there are still some conflicts between you and He Yundong. He even threatened to beat you to death in public in the ring?" Fang Zhiqing did not leave immediately after getting the things, but stood in the yard and talked to Pei Junlin.

Standing in the corner, Zhang Huizi was already frightened, because he never thought that a giant like Fang Zhiqing would actually communicate with Pei Junlin face to face.

According to his idea, a person like Fang Zhiqing should sit high in the clouds, while a person like him just crawls under his feet.

Zhang Huizi, who didn't even dare to get out of the air, saw Pei Junlin and Fang Zhiqing talk and talk. The inter-generational discussions had indeed shocked his three views.

You must know that since he worshiped Li Qiubai as his teacher, Zhang Huizi has established Qiubai's births and births for only a handful of times.

You can see the face-to-face dialogue between Pei Junlin and Fang Zhiqing, which Zhang Huizi can't understand at all.

"It's just a few small contradictions, which can be solved at will." Pei Junlin frowned slightly, in fact, he knew that the contradiction with He Yundong could not be resolved at all.

Even at this time, I want to take a step back, but is He Yundong willing to give it up? After all, Pei Junlin heard that He Yundong had already uttered wild Even if He Yundong was willing to give up, He An, standing behind him, would definitely not hurt his face. So this time, Liang Zi between himself and He An definitely formed Pei Junlin and made up his mind. Once he meets He Yundong in the ring, he will never show mercy.

"Once you meet He Yundong in the ring, I suggest you not be merciful." After Fang Zhiqing left a sentence, her body disappeared on the spot, turned into a plume of smoke, and flew high into the sky.

Even Pei Junlin felt that there was no trace of this method, and it was mysterious, but he did not feel too surprised. The strength of a character like Fang Zhiqing could even exceed some semi-sage level powerhouses, and he was not surprised at all.

This kind of person is the rank of dragon and phoenix among people, they are totally incredible. Everyone has a huge background and history behind them, and they are surrounded by great opportunities and luck.

"Junlin Pei...Have you known Sister Fang before?" Zhang Huizi looked at Pei Junlin with some envy and said.

Originally, he thought he and Pei Junlin were grasshoppers on the same rope, but now suddenly he discovered that Pei Junlin's hole cards were far beyond his own huge gap, which made it difficult for Zhang Huizi to accept for a while.

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