Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1506: Wangchuanheling

You must know that his status was far higher than Pei Junlin before this, and Pei Junlin couldn't breathe under the pressure of the saint disciple. So before today, Zhang Huizi had a certain psychological advantage when facing Pei Junlin.

But at this time, facing Pei Junlin, he was able to talk and laugh face to face with Fang Zhiqing, completely piercing the last glimmer of fantasy in Zhang Huizi's heart.

The cord of tenderness between him and Pei Junlin broke in an instant, causing Zhang Hui to feel extremely insecure in her heart. She was now afraid that Pei Junlin would drop herself.

In fact, Pei Junlin is the best at observing words and colors. Seeing Zhang Huizi's series of reactions, he already knows what this woman is thinking. Coupled with the words Zhang Huizi asked, Pei Junlin was completely sure that Zhang Huizi's inner weakness was triggered.

"Senior Sister Fang and I didn't know each other before, and never met, but you can rest assured that even if I want to jump out of this mud pit, I will take you a ride." Pei Junlin said solemnly towards Zhang Huizi.

After hearing Pei Junlin's promise, Zhang Huizi was relieved and finally relieved. Now he is the thing left by Qiubai in the village facing the danger of being divided up, and his apprentice is also facing the risk of being liquidated, so at this time, he can only get through the difficult situation by hugging Pei Junlin's thigh tightly.

The most important thing between people is the exchange of interests, but now Zhang Huizi found that he didn't have any bargaining chips to exchange here at Pei Junlin, so he was too panicked.

When the two came to the arena, the competition had officially started. Two leaders of the inner disciples were coming and going in the arena, and they had a great time fighting.

Jun Lin raised his head and looked up to the high platform, only to realize that He An was not there today, but there were two more men in brocade robe, and the aura of these two men was like smoke like a sea like a mountain. At a glance, there is a feeling that it is difficult to climb.

There is no need to ask Pei Junlin to immediately guess that these two people should also be giants in the top ten of the core disciples.

"The name of this slender man is Wan Qingshan. He is the sixth-ranked existence of core disciples. As for the short middle-aged man next to him, his name is Luo Song, who is also one of the top ten giants of core disciples. "Zhang Huizi whispered in Pei Junlin's ear, as if afraid that others would hear it.

But just before Zhang Huizi's words fell, Luo Song's gaze suddenly passed a mountain-like oppressive force, which instantly made Pei Junlin and Zhang Huizi feel the danger.

Zhang Huizhi was so frightened that Huarong paled, her body trembling, but Pei Junlin raised her eyes to meet Na Luo Song. It took ten seconds for Pei Junlin to look away.

"Good, good!" Luo Song uttered three good words, but the expression on his face was a little unclear.

Luo Song, who was looking at him, and Wan Qingshan beside him were whispering, cast their eyes at Pei Junlin from time to time. However, Junlin Pei was calm, and did not fear the pressure of vision.

A wisp of blue smoke fell from the sky, and turned into a high mountain standing back on the pure gold throne. This person was exactly the person Pei Junlin was jealous of. As soon as he fell, Na Luo Song and Wan Qingshan quickly stood up to greet him.

With a faint smile on He An's face, they chatted with Luo Song and Wan Qingshan. Although the voice is loud, outsiders can't hear a word.

At this time, the fighting on the field also reached a point where Pei Junlin didn't care much, after all, this battle had nothing to do with him.

The next battle has something to do with Pei Junlin, because one of them is He Yundong, and He Yundong's opponent is also a powerful existence among the inner disciples, a young man named Meng Qing.

However, if this battle is to end, it looks like it is still in the foreseeable future. The two opponents are half a catty, and they are not urgent.

Pei Junlin wanted to leave, but he didn't know if he could play next, so he could only wait here, but he was not idle either. Although he was sitting there, he looked like he was asleep.

No one knew that Pei Junlin split a part of his divine mind into the chaos and entered the space. At this time, inside the chaos golden bucket space, Pei Junlin appeared in front of a fist-sized blood bead.

This blood cell was so round and round, constantly changing various shapes, and finally turned into a big bird hovering around Pei Junlin.

This is the Kunpeng true blood that Junlin Pei had obtained from the Wuji Wolf King before, although it was only a drop, it was very precious. You can even feel from it that ancient Kunpeng's soaring nine-day artistic conception, soaring upward, the nine-day heaven is fearless.

In the legend, that Kunpeng is the most mysterious creature in the universe, free to travel through time, and all exist in the past, the future, and the present. It was the only one among the ancient beasts who rarely saw the real figure.

Pei Junlin made up his mind to refine this Kunpeng true blood, but now Pei Junlin's heart suddenly hesitated, he just realized a trace of death from this drop of Kunpeng true blood.

A rotten smell came from it, making Pei Junlin feel extremely disgusted in his heart. Before this drop of Kunpeng's true blood, Pei Junlin had heard that Lord Jin said that it shouldn't be obtained from the living Kunpeng, but should be extracted from Kunpeng's bones.

Pei Junlin could feel a rotten smell from it, which was natural, so Pei Junlin was not in a good mood.

This drop of Kunpeng cherishes you, if you don't use it, it can just be integrated into the Wangchuan River as the spirit of that river. "Jin Ye's figure appeared beside Pei Junlin, with an undesirable smile on his face.

Every time a variety of thoughts arise in my heart, I am always guessed by Lord Jin that Pei Junlin, and even feel that Lord Jin has mind-reading skills.

However, this drop of Kunpeng true blood Pei Junlin really didn't really appreciate it. Although he was treated as a treasure by the Promise Wolf King, he didn't take it seriously here.

Standing on the high cliffs, Pei Junlin appeared in front of a dark river like a wild python. The black river water rushed in it endlessly, splashing black waves, and the filthy breath in it was even more shocking.

When Pei Junlin flipped his palm, a treasure-level treasure appeared in his palm. It was thrown into the river by Pei Junlin casually. In the blink of an eye, this treasure was as bright as new, and instantly became bloodstained and brilliance. All lost.

The various formations in it were all used without loss in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Pei Junlin's face was surprised and joyful. He didn't expect that the Wangchuan River could have such a huge effect. If it was displayed at such a low level, it would immediately destroy the opponent's treasure.

"Don't use this method lightly, but with the help of this Kunpeng true blood, it can be difficult to detect." Jin Ye smiled.

Kunpeng's true blood was constantly neighing, as if he didn't want to flow with the Wangchuan River, but after Pei Junlin's memorial and rune characterization, the blood cell finally slowly sank into the Wangchuan River.

At the moment Kunpeng's true blood fell into the river, the entire river uttered a violent dragon sound.

The pitch-black river suddenly soared into the sky and turned into a black water dragon, and the blood cell of Kunpeng's true blood also instantly turned into Kunpeng's figure, fighting with this black dragon.

Wangchuanhe itself possesses the will, and his body is a water dragon, but at this time Pei Junlin forcibly cherishes this Kunpeng and integrates it into the Wanchuan River, and immediately received the resistance of his original consciousness.

This is a battle between dragons and tigers, but Pei Junlin and Jin Ye are watching from the sidelines, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight has nothing to stop. Pei Junlin squinted his eyes and saw that Kunpeng flapped his wings and launched an attack on the water dragon.

Blood-colored ripples appeared next to its body. When these ripples encountered the black dragon transformed by the water of Wangchuan River, it instantly made the black dragon roar in pain.

Naturally, the black dragon was not to be outdone, and flew desperately into the sky, his thick tail biting towards the Kunpeng incarnation of the true leaf of Kunpeng.

This level of battle, Pei Junlin feels more fierce than the battle between the saint and the saint, after all, this is the battle of the innate spirits, and Kunpeng really seems precious and advantageous.

And this Wangchuanhe, from ancient times to the present, cultivated into a will that belongs to the gods, naturally, it is not weak.

The so-called battle between the two powers must have one injury. Although the battle between Kunpeng True Blood River and Wangchuan River Spirit does not seem to be obvious, Pei Junlin can see the doorway, and every fight is thrilling.

But the battle between the two true spirits is not fatal. It is similar to a battle in the mind. Gradually, Pei Junlin can feel that the hostility between the two of them has gradually weakened and has slowly begun to merge.

What kind of creatures the fusion between a dragon and a Kunpeng will eventually produce, even Pei Junlin can't speculate about the magic of the creator of, which cannot be guessed.

The black dragon that had been hydrated by the Wangchuan River roared, and finally crawled down and turned into a turbulent river again. The originally pitch-black river water added a trace of blood, aroused some waves, and had the shape of a Kunpeng.

On the whole, this Wangchuan River still has the spirit of a dragon, and its body is like a black dragon.

Pei Junlin's palm slightly lifted his fingers to move, one by one Kunpeng, like a bird, flew up from the river in Pei Junlin's palm and began to circulate continuously.

Once this method is used, its power is even greater and it is even harder to be noticed.

Moreover, once the chaos golden bucket is used to collect the opponent's treasure, and once it turns over the Wangchuan River, it will immediately be defiled by the river and completely lose the power to resist.

For this result, Pei Junlin was still very satisfied, adding a powerful formation to his chaotic golden battle.

Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes, and his consciousness had returned to his place. Looking around, he found that the battle on the stage was almost over.

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