Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1507: Young Meng Qing

"Stop! I lost!" one of them shouted.

This battle ended with one of them conceding defeat, which really made Pei Junlin feel a little incredible.

However, it is indeed a good thing that the battle can end in a peaceful manner, because it avoids losing both sides. After all, it is a battle within the sect, and it is just a place to fight. There is no need to make a life and death.

In fact, life and death in the ring is a fast-changing thing, but there are also many grievances behind it.

Just like the previous battle between Pei Junlin and Yang Du, it was also accidental that the two were born and died. If there is blood in the rest of the battle, it is very likely that the two will have enemies behind themselves.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs, not to mention it is a huge holy land, occupying a planet-like existence. There are countless populations in the entire Qingniu Holy Land, and the major forces are divided into very subdivisions. Not only are the major elders standing on their own hills, each core disciple is a powerful force, and there are countless fans under the sect.

These disciples compete with each other for fame and gain, and the struggle for interests is also very cruel, which is not conducive to the struggle between sects and sects.

What Pei Junlin is really interested in is the second battle between He Yundong and a man named Meng Qing.

Na Meng Qing jumped onto the court first, looking like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, very immature and not tall. A jade flute was inserted diagonally behind Meng Qing, who looked like a literary boy.

Then He Yundong was different. He jumped onto the ring with his bare hands, his whole person looked very domineering, and he walked with vigorous wind, his eyes swept down the stage, and there was a breath of domineering.

There was a buzzing discussion in the audience, and they all felt that Meng Qing was likely to fail this time. After all, the ranking gap between Meng Qing and He Yundong was not small.

That Meng Qing was polite, but the domineering He Rundong showed was a bit unbearable. As soon as he opened his mouth, Meng Qing jumped off the stage and gave in.

Although Meng Qing looked like a gentle scholar, there was a firm aura between his eyebrows. Seeing that He Yundong didn't show any face, he couldn't help showing a cold expression.

Without speculation, the two of them started to move after a few words. Pei Junlin stood under the stage and saw the battle between He Yundong and Meng Qing on the stage, and the whole person slowly relaxed.

This is not to say that Pei Junlin feels that He Yundong's strength is not enough, but that Pei Junlin has found a way to restrain He Yundong. Generally speaking, all of He Yundong's attack points are on his sword.

He Yundong's swordsmanship is very good, because Pei Junlin has seen very few swordsmanship masters. A light red thin sword in his hand exudes a strong flame aura, every time he huffs and puffs like a fire dragon.

But Meng Qing was not a weak hand. The jade flute in his hand exuded bursts of sound, and bursts of sonic energy enveloped him, and the sword energy that He Yundong radiated would soon be disintegrated by Meng Qing.

The two struggled for a long time, and they were still half-hearted, but everyone in the audience watched them with gusto, especially the fight between such super masters. Every detail is worth learning.

Even Zhang Huizi, who was standing next to Jun Pei, watched with gusto, wishing to engrave every picture deeply into his mind.

This battle seemed a bit boring in Pei Junlin's eyes. After all, the fighting skills and certain moves that these two people are proud of are like children playing house.

"The little guy is quite hard, let you see what real power is." He Yundong stirred the sword in his hand, a sword light turned into a blue dragon, and suddenly wrapped around Meng Qing.

This is a green dragon that Jian Qi Hualing should be conscious of, and stretched out its huge claws to grab Meng Qing.

Sure enough, Meng Qing was in danger. Although he took two steps back, the jade flute in his hands rubbed his hands and suddenly flew high into the sky, turning into a bird emitting a pale fresh water light.

The bird flew out two or three miles in the sky, then suddenly fell down and fought with the blue dragon.


There were huge fluctuations and noises from the ring, and the blue dragon was torn to pieces when it was not defeated by the birds. He Yundong's expression was ugly now.

He had previously stated that he would kill Pei Junlin on stage, but now he can't even beat Meng Qing. It is indeed a shame that He Yundong feels even more pressured.

Seeing the opponent's sword qi shattered, Meng Qing naturally refused to let go of this opportunity at this time, and his body suddenly leaped forward, while his palms kept flying, pinching out a mysterious seal technique.

In the palm of Meng Qing's palm, golden silk threads appeared. These silk threads, like strings, formed a long piano in the air.

As Meng Qing plucked the strings, a very pleasing sound of clank came from this string, but in the eyes of Pei Junlin, he felt a little surprised.

Pei Junlin has seen sonic attacks, but no one specializes in sonic attacks like Meng Qing. On this path, Meng Qing has almost reached the pinnacle.

Ordinary people think that the sword is a sharp weapon, but the invisible sound waves in Meng Qing's hands have become the most terrifying weapon in the world.

Circles of ripples rippled, sweeping across where He Yundong was standing, and after He Yundong’s previously disguised Azure Dragon was destroyed, the long sword in his hand was in a downward trend, with dim light. Obviously, the spirit of the sword in his hand has been damaged.

At this time, Meng Qing had locked He Yundong, constantly plucking the strings, and a wave of combined punches engulfed He Yundong.

Almost everyone showed a dumbfounded look. They didn't expect Meng Qing to push He Yundong to this point, but in his heart, Jun Pei felt that He Yundong still had a lot of hole cards.

Sure enough, He Yundong stood up in the next second, his body suddenly turned into a ball of swords, and everyone's swords became one. The sword light was cut, and the circle of sound waves was immediately shredded, and the coke-tailed piano that Meng Qing had turned into his hands was directly shattered by the way.

"I didn't want to kill you, but if you want to force me, then you go to die." He Yundong's voice was full of cold breath, a whistling north wind blew, and everyone present felt a rush of cold. .

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw pieces of withered leaves falling from the sky, which appeared out of thin air. Each leaf is as sharp as a sword, and like a wasp, it moves towards the Meng Qing to chop Meng Qing.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly, but he did not expect that He Yundong's shot would be so cruel, not only to kill the opponent, but also to crush the opponent directly.

The murder was nothing but a head nod, and there was no deep hatred between He Yundong and Meng Qing, but it was this kind of desperate method when they shot.

Each leaf is like the blade of a steel knife, and the leaves flying all over the sky are like a turbine fan. If you want to squeeze Meng Qing into it, you can imagine the consequences. Meng Qing will definitely turn into mud.

Some of the people present that Pei Junlin could understand could not, but the few people sitting on the high platform could definitely understand.

However, whether it was Wan Qingshan or Luo Song, the two seemed to turn a deaf ears, and they still sat chatting and laughing as if they hadn't seen them.

"It's so beautiful, these red maple leaves..." Zhang Huizi showed a look of infatuation.

Indeed, this He Yundong is a means to stand up. It looks beautiful, like falling leaves in autumn, full of a bleak quiet beauty.

But Junlin Pei knew that this was the cruelest method in the world, and at this time he was a little worried about Meng Qing's safety.

After all, from the outside, Meng Qing is just a thin boy, he seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, with an immature look on his face.

But soon, Pei Junlin also saw a strong breath from Meng Qing. This young man was obviously not simple.

The young man's figure suddenly unfolded, and behind him appeared a huge toad phantom. The toad's big mouth started to swallow the sky and the earth, swallowing all the fallen leaves in the sky.

Seeing this scene was not only a burst of exclamation from the crowd, but even the expressions on the faces of several elders were somewhat shocked. Na Wanqingshan and Luo Song finally looked sideways at this time, their eyes fell on the giant toad phantom, and their faces also showed a look of doubt.

"What is that? Such a big toad..." Zhang Huizi looked at Pei Junlin, hoping to get Pei Junlin's answer.

Pei Junlin didn't answer immediately, but listened to the discussion around him. Some people thought this was the favorite of Meng Qing, while others thought it was the true spirit condensed by Meng Qing.

There are even people who think that this is Meng Qing's second soul. In short, there are various opinions. Even Na Luo Song and Wan Qingshan are pointing and pointing, seemingly arguing.

"This is not a second soul, nor a true spirit and or a battle pet. UU reading is the magical power of Meng Qing." Pei Junlin laughed and said his own opinion.

Pei Junlin could see that there were runes flashing on the toad vanity. It was obvious that Meng Qing had played some mysterious magical powers and possessed a powerful swallowing ability.

Even Pei Junlin can feel the phantom of this toad, can swallow heaven and earth and even some rules of heaven and earth.

This is He Yundong who is the most unhappy person in the ring. He played the strongest moves, but Meng Qing cracked it. Obviously it can be awe-inspiring, but at this time he is a little bit ashamed.

The battle was still going on. He Yundong and Meng Qing obviously both played a real fire, and then Meng Qing took out the jade flute behind him and played a piece. Everyone was intoxicated by the loud flute sound and the tactful tune, but He Yundong, who was standing opposite Meng Qing, looked increasingly ugly.

Because he didn't have to, the long sword in his hand had to dance constantly.

Meng Qing's attacks were even more pervasive, constantly invading He Yundong in all directions. He Yundong always had many methods, but he couldn't use them at this time, because he had some hole cards waiting to be used against Pei Junlin. If they were exposed in advance, they would be useless.

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