Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1508: Monument to the Soul

It was in this state that the two could not stand at each other, and Meng Qing's strength was limited, slightly weaker than He Yundong. Pei Junlin's judgment was that Meng Qing would fail sooner or later, but it was a matter of time.

Ji Shangyou, the young man of Meng, just lacked some time for polishing. If Meng Qing was given some time to defeat He Yundong, it would not be a lot of effort. This young man has wonderful eyes and pure eyes, and is a good seed for cultivation.

Grabbing the palm of his hand in the air, the long sword in his hand exploded instantly, turning into pieces, and one sword instantly turned into eight handles. These swords were suspended above He Yundong's head, just like flying swords.

There was an exclamation among the crowd, because no one thought that He Yundong actually condensed a flying sword, and this flying sword had eight handles, showing He Yundong's accomplishments on the flying sword.

He Yundong helplessly revealed one of his cards, which also formed an overwhelming advantage, and soon Meng Qing was defeated. But fortunately, Meng Qing relied on that toad supernatural power to swallow some sword energy, so he wouldn't live or die. In the end, Meng Qing was swept by a sword and lost in the ring.

He Yundong won, but there was no smile on his face.

Defeating a Meng Qing made him use seven or eight points of strength, which is indeed not a gratifying thing.

Therefore, facing some of the attendants, Ma He Yundong's face was cold, and he looked a little bored, as if he was waving a fly, and drove away the few people beside him.

The scenes of Pei Junlin's chic defeat of Yang Du appeared in He Yundong's mind, which annoyed him. After all, in the entire Green Bull Holy Land, the strength of him and Yang Du was not much different. Equally.

Pei Junlin was able to defeat Yang Du easily. This gave He Yundong tremendous psychological pressure. It also made him unable to eat well and sleep well in the past two days. Even in the middle of the night, he had to find his own big brother to ask for some tactics. experience.

He even took pills to improve his skills in a short time.

He Yundong took great pains in order to be able to defeat Pei Junlin beautifully, but the more he fought, the less confident he became. After all, Pei Junlin showed that kind of weight and weight, he couldn't imitate it.

Although he defeated his opponent Meng Qing and successfully advanced today, He Yundong was not happy at all in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, another three days have passed, and on this day Pei Junlin finally has He Yundong's turn to face off. There is nothing to say about the two jumping on the ring at the same time, they just took a look at each other.

Pei Junlin’s goal is to defeat He Yundong, neither to appear too easy, but also not to lose to the opponent. This is Pei Junlin’s strategy. Then He Yundong is to put all the chips on Pei Junlin’s body, she must be beautiful He defeated Pei Junlin to complete his previous promise.

Now He Yundong is no longer fighting for face, if he can't successfully kill Pei Junlin, then the sentence that he said before will become its demon and a stumbling block on his cultivation path.

Therefore, this matter must be resolved beautifully, Pei Junlin must die.

The battle between the two naturally attracted a lot of attention. In the past there were only tens of thousands of people on this field, but today it is surrounded by water. Even the core disciples came with a few new faces. Pei Junlin didn't know him, and among them, Fang Zhiqing was sitting in it.

"Don't be nervous, He An dare not intervene if I am here. If you have a chance, try to kill He Yundong." Fang Zhiqing's voice came from Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin didn't look back at Fang Zhiqing, because he knew that the voice came from Fang Zhiqing.

"If He An wants to deal with you, I will stop him, so you have no worries in today's battle. Even if you form a beam with He An today, I will protect you from now on." Fang Zhiqing continued to stay in Pei. Junlin spoke in his ear and gave Pei Junlin a promise.

But Pei Junlin didn't care about Fang Zhiqing's words, he would never kill He Yundong.

The ring beats a person to death again, so who is he?

Two consecutive battles and deaths of two inner disciples in the ring, even if they are successfully promoted to core disciples, the sect will have some opinions.

Pei Junlin is almost certain that this Fang Zhiqing is pitting herself, to add fuel to the fire, and make herself a thorn in He An's eyes and a thorn in his flesh.

Although He An is not the first and strongest person among the core disciples, his strength should not be underestimated. If he really had a feud with He An, then Pei Jun's life in the entire Green Bull Holy Land will probably be difficult in the future.

But how to resolve the contradiction with He An, Pei Junlin doesn't need to think about it now, but he needs to defeat He Yundong. Try not to beat the opponent to death, so as not to intensify the contradiction.

Pei Junlin was bare-handed and still did not show the magic spear of the mixed world. This weapon is too powerful for Pei Junlin so far. But the Promise Wolf King could easily defeat He Yundong, without Pei Junlin's action at all.

That weapon was considered a foul for Pei Junlin, so Pei Junlin still went into battle with his bare hands.

"Where's the weapon? You don't want to fight me with your bare hands?" He Yundong stared at Pei Junlin with his eyes.

Pei Junlin chuckled: "It's up to me to use weapons or not. Just let go of your horse and don't care about other people's affairs."

With Pei Junlin's statement, even Fang Zhiqing, who was sitting on the high platform, was a little anxious. After all, two-person combat weapons can play a decisive role, and no one will stab the ring empty-handed. That is definitely a fool's behavior.

Pei Junlin didn't use weapons, so He Yundong was secretly delighted, but it didn't show on his face. The sword in his hand flew with a sword light.

If Pei Junlin went out to pick it up with his hands, a pair of fleshy palms would instantly turn into bones, so He Yundong was full of confidence in his heart when he played this trick.

However, Pei Junlin was not in a hurry at this time. He rubbed his palms, and a pair of fleshy palms exuded a faint fluorescence. His body slid on the stage like a loach and took a strange step. He didn't see any movement of Pei Junlin, that sword light was flashed by him easily.

But so accompanied by Pei Junlin's magical steps, he unexpectedly got close to He Yundong's body, and the confrontation between the two instantly turned into a close fight.

At this time, even He Yundong was anxious in his heart. Once he fought close, the power of the long sword in his hand would naturally not be revealed.

At this time, Fang Zhiqing and others on the high platform were surprised to see Pei Junlin's methods, because no one could see how Pei Junlin did it.

Pei Junlin resorted to gossip and swam his palms, his body constantly moving on the ring like a fish. He Yundong seemed to have sharp swordsmanship, but in fact it was like a person practicing swordsmanship, but his sword light did not occupy a corner of Pei Junlin's clothes.

The two played dimly in the ring, but they still didn't receive a move from the other for a long time. It can be said that they each beat themselves.

This time, not only He Yundong was embarrassed, but even the audience in the audience was inexplicable, not knowing which gourd medicine Pei Junlin bought.

However, Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart that if he defeated He Yundong at the beginning, that would be too fake, so Junlin Pei would cover himself.

The essence of Fist King Chao’s boxing technique Pei Junlin understood was less than one in a billion, but this alone was enough to defeat He Yundong, after all, the mystery of boxing technique could not be matched by sword technique.

The fist and swordsmanship between the two collided with strange sparks, but gradually Pei Junlin also felt that a trace of pressure and movement were not as sloppy as he was on the surface.

At the beginning, He Yundong was very uncomfortable with Pei Junlin's unarmed boxing technique, and Pei Junlin's steps were extremely strange, as smooth as a loach, unable to capture Pei Junlin's figure.

But gradually, the corner of He Yundong's mouth evoked a sneer, because it had a killer feature specially prepared for Pei Junlin, which was given to him by his elder brother He An.

In the past few days and nights, every day, He Yundong was actually fierce about this treasure in the small world of his elder brother He An, and even made He An intentionally slow down the flow of time and space.

In just a few days, it is actually equivalent to He Yundong has been practicing for half a year, and this treasure is also handy.

He Yundong was a little weird in his heart when he saw Pei Junlin's **** style, but gradually she knew that the time was right.


He Yundong's sword suddenly emitted a cyan smoke and dust. When the smoke and dust condensed, it turned into a huge tombstone.

There were chains entwined on the tombstone, and a breath of despair was transmitted from the tombstone. The moment the tombstone was suppressed, Pei Junlin felt a headache. UU reading

Fang Zhiqing stood up in shock at the moment the tombstone appeared. He did not expect that He An would give this treasure to He Yundong this year.

This stone stele is a treasure that He An was practiced when he became famous. This soul-suppressing monument has another magical function, that is, it can suppress the soul and reach the soul directly.

In other words, this soul-suppressing monument is not a pure physical attack, but a spiritual suppression. Sure enough, the moment the monument flew out, the entire ring was completely contaminated, and the entire ground was filled with dark atmosphere. Pei Junlin became difficult and dizzy, and his eyes became confused. Up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the sword in the hands of the **** bear He Yundong split into two instantly and slashed towards Pei Junlin.

He did not hesitate to resort to the sword, the most powerful of which was Conferred and Killed God. The two swords that were divided into two turned into two sharp sword auras, and they came towards Pei Junlin in two directions. In fact, they had already sealed off all of Pei Junlin's retreat.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqing stood up suddenly, staring at He An with a pair of eyes coldly: "As for? It's just a little trouble, you actually intervened."

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