Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1511: The isolated person

Because everyone thinks that Pei Junlin's prospects are uncertain, after all, he offends He An, and maybe he may be killed at any time.

Pei Jun really didn't care about He An's affairs, because he felt that He An's strength was not enough to threaten him. Several times escaped from the hands of that week's eagle, so that Pei Junlin's confidence also increased, let alone He An who hadn't reached the semi-sage level, Pei Junlin didn't care at all.

On the third day, the Dongfu where Pei Junlin was staying finally had the first wave of guests, the two brothers and sisters Pei Junlin knew before.

The appearance of the two siblings, Geng Pin and Geng Hu, made Pei Junlin feel a touch of warmth, because these two siblings came to take refuge in Pei Junlin.

"Aren't you two afraid of being retaliated? You came to take refuge in me at this sensitive time." Pei Junlin said while looking at the brother and sister.

The younger sister Geng Pin's face was reddened, she lowered her head and said nothing, but Geng Hu smiled honestly and stretched out her hand and scratched her head: "Since Big Brother Pei met you, our two brothers and sisters think you are a reliable person. Now you have With our own mountain, our two brothers and sisters will naturally come to take refuge in you."

Geng Hu said it very lightly, but Pei Junlin knew that the two siblings were facing tremendous pressure, but in the end Pei Junlin left the two siblings.

Geng Pin was appointed by Pei Junlin as the chief steward of the entire mountain, and he was equally divided into the chief guard of guards, in charge of guarding the entire mountain.

As the first group of people who came to take refuge in him, Pei Junlin naturally couldn't treat him badly. Not only did he give the two brothers and sisters some training resources, but he also personally assigned them to practice.

In just a few days, the cultivation base of the two brothers and sisters has gone a long way, and earth-shaking changes have taken place. The news spread to the outside immediately, and the inner disciples who wanted to take refuge in Pei Junlin were coveted.

"You can't let these two brothers and sisters do the work of boiling water and chopping wood on the mountain. Let's find some people quickly." Zhang Huizi is also worried about all kinds of things.

Now that he is determined to follow Pei Junlin, the former master Li Qiubai is now missing the soul lamp, and has a high probability of dying outside.

Pei Junlin, the sacred place of the blue cow, is the thigh that Zhang Huizi can rely on most, so Zhang Huizi has already begun to think about problems from Pei Junlin's perspective.

In fact, Pei Junlin has no good way. After all, people are terrible, and the eyes of the masses are discerning. Others don't want to come, so they can't tie people up to the mountain.

In the past few days, the Dongfu where Pei Junlin is located is deserted and deserted, and it has become a joke among the major inner disciples. I don't know how many people are watching Pei Junlin's jokes.

Although everyone knows that to become a core disciple, the status is extremely respected, not only has many privileges within the Qingniu Holy Land, but also monopolizes some resources and so on.

It was Pei Junlin, the newly promoted core disciple, but otherwise he completely became a polished commander, and his subordinates would not even be able to recruit a hot-water girl.

What Pei Junlin can do is to increase his salary as much as possible. He will let the news of Geng Hu go out. If he joins his own cave, he will receive at least one thousand premium spirit stones every month.

One thousand top-grade spirit stones, even for a real monarch-level powerhouse, is not a small number.

It is said that there must be a brave man under the so-called reward, but this time I was completely wrong by King's Landing. Geng Hu and Geng Pin went down the mountain for a day and did not find a single hairy person. In the end, they still returned empty-handed. The four people played on this mountain. In the cold wind, they looked at each other with bitter smiles all over their faces.

These days, Pei Junlin is as hard as everyone else. To maintain such a large mountain and the full operation of the cave mansion, many formations are needed. The previous formations of the sect were too rough, and many places need to be modified by Pei Junlin himself.

And Pei Junlin is also planning a shocking mountain protection formation recently. According to Pei Junlin's plan, this mountain protection formation can withstand the bombardment of a saint-level powerhouse, which can reach his standard.

But to complete this formation cannot be completed in a half-time, even if Pei Junlin is alone, it will take several months.

These days, Pei Junlin had a gray head and face, and got up early and greedy for the dark, just for this cave mansion. This is his home at the other end of the world. Before returning to the earth, Pei Junlin had no plans to move.

On the seventh day when Pei Junlin's new home was built, this lonely mountain finally welcomed his first wave of guests.

The first wave of guests did not come. There was a large group of people, and there were hundreds of people. Even Pei Junlin himself was shocked, and the leader turned out to be Fang Zhiqing.

"Junlin Pei, I have brought so many people here, would you not object?" Fang Zhiqing smiled and looked at Pei Junlin without any pretensions.

Pei Junlin is now also a core disciple, and Fang Zhiqing's apparent status is the same, but in his heart, Pei Junlin is very clear that a giant-level figure like Fang Zhiqing has surpassed most of the elders.

The presence of Fang Zhiqing undoubtedly gave Pei Junlin an excellent start, and it was also an opportunity for Pei Junlin to open up the situation.

"Senior Sister Fang is coming, I am too happy to have time, how could it be?" Pei Junlin hurriedly led Fang Zhiqing and his party onto the mountain.

Fang Zhiqing looked left and right. Seeing some of the things Pei Junlin had built, her eyes brightened, especially at the top of the entire mountain. A huge furnace caught Fang Zhiqing's attention.

The individual design is extremely ingenious, and some of the runes carved on it are not even known to Fang Zhiqing. The most ingenious thing is that Pei Junlin connects this pill furnace directly to the ground fire, which can induce the ground fire to quench the pill.

Of course, this only made Fang Zhiqing feel a little amazing, but what really shocked him was that Pei Junlin had set up a huge energy gathering formation.

With this energy-gathering formation method, the operation of the entire mountain does not require Pei Junlin to spend half a spiritual stone. The endless aura of heaven and earth will converge towards this world and provide the entire mountain peak for the operation of the large formation. The cultivation of people on the top of the mountain.

According to Fang Zhiqing's estimation, once this big formation is completely succeeded by Pei Junlin, the aura of the entire cave will be at least three to five times stronger than the other mountain peaks.

This is already a very terrifying number, and it is impossible for an unusual person to achieve this, but Pei Junlin has used some formations to achieve such a wonderful effect, which is simply incredible.

"Originally, when you chose this place, I thought your brain was rusty. Why did you choose such a barren land, and no core disciples would like it. Now I finally understand that you can do so by yourself and forge such a wonderful formation. Fa. Coming to a barren land, you turned it into a treasure of geomantic omen.” Fang Zhiqing was amazed, especially a pair of wonderful eyes constantly observing on Pei Junlin’s energy gathering formation.

Pei Junlin was actually not afraid of Fang Zhiqing's continued observation, because it was not a secret. However, Pei Junlin didn't believe it at all because he wanted to steal the secrets of this formation just by observation.

Therefore, he showed Fang Zhiqing generously for a visit, and he was not afraid of stealing the teacher. Although standing beside him was a strong woman and a giant female, second only to the existence of the big brother Chen Zhentian in the entire Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin was still talking and laughing. , Without any timidity.

Fang Zhiqing read countless people and saw countless rising stars, but Pei Junlin at this time gave him a refreshing feeling.

"Junior brother didn't expect you to be a master of formations. I see these formations you set up. I am afraid that your formation strength has surpassed some great masters." Fang Zhiqing looked at Pei Junlin with surprise.

These are all facts on the bright side. Pei Junlin did not deny that he admitted it generously. Fang Zhiqing also nodded, not too shocked. After all, he himself had reached the status of a master of formation.

Being able to cultivate to the point where Fang Zhiqing was able to refine the pill formation in all astronomy and geography was done by hand, so for some of Pei Junlin's methods, Fang Zhiqing was just surprised and not too shocked.

But along the way, Pei Junlin's comprehensive strength still made Fang Zhiqing secretly feel that Pei Junlin is a manufacturable material. If he can regain his subordinates in the future, he will definitely exist like a right-hand man.

"Sister, you have seen the dilemma I'm encountering now. No one dared to associate with me. I'm already isolated." Pei Junlin didn't think this matter was embarrassing, but took it out specifically.

Fang Zhiqing didn't mention this matter before, just because he was afraid of Pei Junlin's embarrassment, he didn't expect Pei Junlin to raise this question himself.

"You are very discerning, and you can see things very clearly, but I don't understand why you were so impulsive directly beat that He Yundong into a handicap. Now there is only one breath left, it is possible at any time Driving to the west, I want to know what exactly you think, don't you be afraid to offend that He An?" Fang Zhiqing looked at Pei Junlin with a smile.

Pei Junlin was speechless for a while, and it stands to reason that Fang Zhiqing was really a noble person to forget about things. At that time, he obviously received Fang Zhiqing's voice transmission and secret, the purpose was to let himself directly kill He Yundong.

But now Fang Zhiqing said nothing about her voice transmission at all, and it seems that nothing happened at all.

"If there are too many lice, no worries about debts, then He An has already regarded me as a thorn in his eyes. Even if I don’t talk about He Yundong’s death, he will hate me. Sooner or later, he will fight me, so why should I follow? Is he polite? People respect me a foot, and I respect others. If someone is not polite to me, then I will fight back." Pei Junlin's face showed a trace of determination.

But Pei Junlin was so ordinary, but Fang Zhiqing's ears were a little moved.

It is impossible for the entire cultivation world to be upright and upright, because people are not gods. If you want to mix in this circle, you must be vertical and horizontal. Sometimes you need to put your face down. People like Pei Junlin are really good. Not much.

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