Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1512: Peerless elegance

"Don't talk about this matter anymore. He An dare not do anything to you for the time being. I have heard that the big brother gave him a death order." Fang Zhiqing's face revealed a relaxed attitude.

Then Fang Zhiqing pointed to a group of people she had brought and told Pei Junlin that these were ordinary medicines he had given to Pei Junlin to maintain the operation of the entire cave in Pei Junlin's cave.

"Don't be afraid that these people are the ones I sent to spy on you secretly. In fact, these people were not my subordinates before, but were recruited by my county seat. But if you don't believe me, you can dismiss them directly." Fang Zhiqing Very serious and sincere when speaking.

Pei Junlin didn't believe that Fang Zhiqing hadn't put an eyeliner among these servants, but the so-called water is clear, there would be no fish, and Pei Junlin was not afraid that Fang Zhiqing would know some secrets.

"Senior Sister, if you speak like this, you will be out of the picture. From now on, I will be a **** under your command. If you have anything to do, just let me know. I still have a shallow foundation in this sacred place. Now I have to climb your high stick to stand slowly Keep your heels steady." Pei Junlin spoke straight forward, causing Fang Zhiqing to frown slightly, but there was a smile on her face.

Although she is a womanly woman, she doesn't like the kind of people who talk about mothers and mothers, and Pei Junlin's straightforward attitude inadvertently showed Fang Zhiqing's appreciation.

"You can rest assured that the relationship between the two of us now is not too bad, you don't have to take Yang Du's matter to heart, I have already figured out a way to revive it." Fang Zhiqing smiled openly.

When Jun Pei arrived, he didn't expect Fang Zhiqing to be so bold, and he accepted the two of him directly, and formed an offensive and defensive alliance without any expression.

Pei Junlin broke the blockade in the first so-called so-called human words that are terrible. Although He An didn't really start Pei Junlin, everyone in the entire Qingniu Holy Land was watching.

At this time, Fang Zhiqing went out in person, came to Pei Junlin’s cave, and sent hundreds of Pudong. This is a resounding signal from the eyes of discerning people that Pei Junlin is going to join forces with Fang Zhiqing. The genius who is promoted to the core disciple must be put under Fang Zhiqing's command.

To say that in the entire Qingniu Holy Land, most people are afraid of He An, but Fang Zhiqing's status is far higher than He An.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqing’s public visit to Pei Junlin’s cave has undoubtedly expressed an attitude or sent a signal. The next day, the whole cave was lively. Except for the 10th craftsman Fang Zhiqing brought, Pei Junlin Another five hundred people were recruited.

When you make animal clothes, it becomes lively in an instant, even surpassing some small sects. Pei Junlin is now a patriarch. Everywhere he walks, people ask hello and cast fearful eyes.

Pei Junlin has become accustomed to all of this. He is now accustomed to practice without any distractions. It has already become a natural and easy thing in Pei Junlin's heart to open his mouth to stretch out his hand.

In less than half a month, Geng Hu's voice came from Pei Junlin's ear, to the effect that He Yundong was dead.

Hearing the news of He Yundong's death, Pei Junlin was not at all surprised, because he had cut off all the vitality of He Yundong when he shot. If there is a fairy god, Da Luo Jindan will renew his life.

He Yundong couldn't hold it for long, and being able to hold it up to now was enough to show that He An had lost his blood, and he also had true feelings for his younger brother.

This news was quickly overwhelmed, because time can cover up everything. Now Pei Junlin is the entire Green Bull Holy Land, a hot character, and with Fang Zhiqing's platform, Pei Junlin is now in a city.

Only a few core disciples took the initiative to move closer to Pei Junlin. After all, Pei Junlin has made a lot of money, and it has been the biggest news in the entire Qingniu Holy Land in recent months.

There are only rumors that as long as you can talk to Pei Junlin, you can get 10,000 top-grade spirit stones at least, and you can even be given some top-grade spirit treasures casually.

Anyway, the rumors have only one meaning, that is, Pei Junlin has a lot of stupid money, and it will be a matter of time for him to be friends with Pei Junlin and get rich.

This also indirectly caused one thing, that is, Pei Junlin’s deformed prosperity in the entire Qingniu Holy Land now. The vast majority of people who are close to Pei Junlin have some ulterior motives. Pei Junlin had some oil and water on his body.

Pei Jun was too annoyed, so he thanked the guests behind closed doors, and drove behind closed doors in the whole cave, playing a peach blossom garden.

Although Pei Junlin announced that he would no longer accept guests and has entered a state of retreat, he still has to come out to meet the real guests in person, such as the great benefactor Fang Zhiqing.

"Hurry up with me, I'll take you to meet someone." Fang Zhiqing said involuntarily, directly pulling Pei Junlin into the air.

Pei Junlin was stunned. He didn't know what medicine Fang Zhiqing sold in this gourd, but when Fang Zhiqing's white and tender little hand held hands, Pei Junlin was still a little bit happy.

This is not because of Fang Zhiqing’s stunning looks. After all, Pei Junlin has seen too many stunning beauties. It seems that Yunyao is the first character Pei Junlin has seen, and his wife, Wang Ziqiong, is also Pei Junlin’s. One of the most beautiful women.

Generally speaking, Chunlan Qiuju is good at each of these women, and can't tell who is more beautiful, but each one is brilliant and unforgettable.

But for Pei Junlin, he has a different vision of admiring women at this stage. He no longer focuses on face, figure, skin, etc., and now the most important thing is to pay attention to spiritual connotation.

For example, Fang Zhiqing is a superb beauty, coupled with her lofty identity and status, Pei Junlin has an unattainable feeling of looking up.

Whenever she was with Fang Zhiqing, Pei Junlin would particularly feel Fang Zhiqing's charm, which was completely irresistible.

The two soon came to outer space and got out of the atmosphere, but to Pei Junlin’s surprise, according to Fang Zhiqing’s statement, he was going to meet someone. As for this person, Fang Zhiqing refused to say, but just told Pei Jun to come. You know when you meet people.

On a piece of suspended meteorite fragment, Pei Junlin saw a back. With a fuzzy back alone, Pei Junlin could not judge who this person was. When the person turned around, Pei Junlin was dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is Senior Zhou Ying. I also had some friendship with him before. Did you two have some misunderstandings? Today, I invited the two of you together to solve this misunderstanding. Don’t do it because This incident hurts peace." Fang Zhiqing said with a smile on her face.

It turned out that she hurriedly pulled on Pei Junlin today to be a peacemaker, but he didn't expect that Pei Junlin's whole body was bursting with hair at this time.

What kind of person is Zhou Ying? An old sly, cunning, cruel, inhumane. His eyes looked at Pei Junlin with a smile, which made Pei Junlin feel a chill in his heart.

"Children, let's meet again." Zhou Ying was smiling all over her face at this time, which seemed to give Fang Zhiqing a lot of face.

Pei Jun was stunned. If he showed resistance at this time, he would not give Fang Zhiqing face, so he could barely squeeze a smile without giving you a face.

In fact, Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart that Zhou Ying had been chasing him down, mainly because of the mysterious earthen jar. The old thing wanted to seize and occupy it for himself.

Before this goal was achieved, Pei Junlin believed that Zhou Ying would never give up, and would never give up chasing himself because of Fang Zhiqing's matchmaking.

"Senior Zhou had some misunderstandings between the two of us before, but these misunderstandings are just small things. I hope that in the future, we two can communicate more and I can also call on Senior Zhou more." Pei Junlin has calmed down at this time. , Said something about the scene.

After all, Zhou Ying was a senior-level figure, and that was a saint-level powerhouse, whose status was far higher than Pei Junlin and Fang Zhiqing. His willingness to come here has made Fang Zhiqing extremely happy, so Zhou Ying didn't stay long and left soon, while Fang Zhiqing looked like a great contributor, making Pei Junlin feel speechless in his heart.

I always thought that Fang Zhiqing was a very wise woman, but I didn't expect this woman to do stupid things.

"I can finally be sure. This week, the old eagle thief did not give up the purpose of chasing you down. Is there something in your body that he is attracted to?" Fang Zhiqing suddenly lowered her face and looked at Pei Junlin with a serious face.

Just now, he was still looking silly and sweet In a flash, he became the detective of Sherlock Holmes, which made Pei Junlin feel speechless. He didn't expect that he was still a strange move and had misunderstood Fang Zhiqing.

It turned out that Fang Zhiqing had already seen everything. To set up this situation is just to test the two parties, not to really bring the two parties to shake hands.

"There are some things that are not convenient for me to talk about, but I can tell you that Eagle is definitely not easy this week. This person has no humanity at all, or he is a demon." Pei Junlin's face was slightly chilled.

After learning Zhou Ying's coldness, Pei Junlin had to have a trace of fear in his heart. After all, the opponent's strength was so strong that in recent months, Pei Junlin had not dared to go out of the entire Blue Bull Holy Land to promulgate it.

"There is no need to worry about it recently. The Taiyi Immortal Gate will hold a grand ceremony recently. Zhou Ying is temporarily incapable of chasing you all over the world, so if you want to go out for a walk at this time, you can do whatever you want. "Fang Zhiqing told Pei Junlin with great importance.

Pei Junlin nodded. He has no purpose of going out recently. But as a core disciple, just becoming a core disciple must complete a sect mission, so this time Pei Junlin will not go.

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