Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1513: Xiaoxianjie

People in the entire cave gradually increased, and Pei Junlin now returned to his cave, just like returning to a lively market.

There are respectful smiling faces everywhere, all respectful, respectable wherever they go. However, Pei Junlin suddenly became disgusted with this kind of life. He didn't like the excitement, let alone enslaving others.

This is a difficult problem facing Pei Junlin, that these people were all sent by Fang Zhiqing. If all these people were driven away, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to offending Fang Zhiqing.

However, Pei Junlin's brain is very smart and knows how to work around, and soon thought of a way, that is, to build more buildings on this mountain by himself.

Pei Junlin reserved some of the top positions for his own use, and built some buildings on the mountainside, and moved all the functional buildings to the mountainside.

Another month has passed in the blink of an eye, and now the entire top of the mountain is deserted, and usually only Pei Junlin, Geng Pin, Geng Hu and others come and go.

Pei Junlin also liked such quiet days, at least no one would bother.

A white light fell in the courtyard, and the figure of a middle-aged Taoist appeared. This middle-aged Taoist Pei Junlin knew him, and it was Elder Ye who had recruited him into the door before.

Elder Ye himself had a serious face, but the moment he saw Pei Junlin, Elder Ye squeezed out a few smiles.

"Pei Junlin, you are ranked first in the inner core disciple this time. According to the rules of the gate, you have a chance to enter the Little Immortal Realm." Elder Ye seems to be specifically to tell Pei Junlin this news.

Regarding this news, Pei Junlin has naturally known it a long time ago. In fact, every sect in the so-called fairy world has a certain trial place according to Pei Junlin's estimation.

In other words, this kind of little fairy world should be a small world that is forged with great power. Entering there will play a role in training some beginner students.

"Elder Ye, can I not go to this kind of place?" Pei Junlin's answer made Elder Ye a little stunned.

He did not expect that someone would refuse the benefits provided by the sect. To know how many people have sharpened their heads and want to enter the fairy world to practice, why would Pei Junlin refuse?

The so-called something abnormal must have a demon, at this time the Elder Ye was also aroused.

"Hehe, I just think the practice is better, one step at a time, so that the foundation is solid, I don't like to do some opportunistic or short-cut things." Pei Junlin smiled.

But these words can't deceive old rivers and lakes like Elder Ye. He quickly seems to understand something: "You can rest assured that no one will spy on you when you enter the little fairy world. Everyone has their own secrets. It's normal."

Pei Junlin also didn't expect Xiao Jiujiu in his heart to be discovered by Elder Ye so quickly, but he was not embarrassed either.

Just when Pei Junlin didn't know how to answer, Elder Ye suddenly spoke again: "Entering the realm of cultivation, there are still many benefits. You are not busy to refuse now, and there is no such precedent in the sect."

Pei Junlin knew that if he refused again, it would be to toast and not eat, so he happily agreed to Elder Ye and entered the Little Immortal Realm after half a month. According to Elder Ye, there are 30 people who have entered the realm of cultivation.

But Junlin Pei knew that only ten people had been promoted to core disciples before. Why so many people enter the Little Immortal Realm, Pei Junlin doesn't know, maybe many people are related households.

For half a month, Pei Junlin waited quietly, but he also made a lot of follow-up preparations. These days, Pei Junlin continued to practice, and he was also thinking about things after entering the Little Immortal Realm.

In fact, the thing that worries Pei Junlin the most is the existence of Lord Jin. Will it be seen through? Wonton somersault is the most mysterious in Pei Junlin, second only to the existence of the mysterious earthen jar, Pei Junlin is very afraid that outsiders know that he has this secret.

Moreover, there is a real small world inside the Chaos Golden Dou. This is the news of the shocking power, and it must not be leaked out.

The ordinary Chaos Lingbao has its own space, but it will never form a small world. If you want to create a small world, you need at least a saint or emperor-level figure to have the strength to forge.

"This time I enter the Little Immortal Realm, I can't take you with me. After all, the Little Immortal Realm doesn't know if there are any masters spying in it." Pei Junlin said towards Chen Jianghai who was hiding in the coffin.

These days, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai had very little communication, because he found that Chen Jianghai seemed to be about to fall asleep. Perhaps it was the environment of Xindongfu that Chen Jianghai felt a little uncomfortable.

But before leaving, Pei Junlin still habitually explained that, after all, the existence of Chen Jianghua was also one of his biggest secrets. You must know that Chen Jianghai came from the mysterious forest of ghosts.

Moreover, the mysterious outside has been circulated recently, Wan Guilin suddenly disappeared, but few people know that all this is Pei Junlinzi, as the instigator.

And the most mysterious existence of the Ten Thousand Ghost Forest has two things, that is, Pei Junlin, the body left after the death of the great-level figure, has not been found, and the second is Chen Jianghai.

A coffin will never enter the forest of ghosts for no reason, and it will still live in that area for so long. Pei Junlin felt that the evil spirit formed after the death of the emperor Yu Na had something to do with Chen Jianghai.

Perhaps he guessed that the corpse of the emperor-level figure was hidden in this coffin after the fall. Perhaps a new meaning was born again, Chen Jianghai. However, this is only a guess between Pei Junlin and Jin Ye, and they cannot be used as evidence of facts.

Although Pei Junlin was usually disdainful by Chen Jiang, the mainland paid great attention to this guy.

"I feel uncomfortable here at all, I feel uncomfortable all over, you help me find a place that suits me, and I want to sleep." Chen Jianghai's voice was a little weak and spread from the coffin.

"Then what place do you think is suitable for you to sleep and where is comfortable?" Pei Junlin asked rhetorically.

Pei Junlin is conscious that his new Dongfu, with pleasant scenery and ample aura, is an excellent treasure place. It was originally a barren land, but it has now been transformed into a geomantic treasure by Pei Junlin.

Before Pei Junlin chose here, the mountain peak was bare, and there was no vegetation growing, because the aura was too barren, and most people didn't like it at all.

When Pei Junlin chose this place, many people were not optimistic. Even Fang Zhiqing thought Pei Junlin was crazy. But after being rebuilt by Junlin Pei, the mountain has now become full of aura, the water plants are plump, and it has grown lush in just a few months.

And Pei Junlin has used the tree of life to bloom a powerful life force battle several times to nourish the forest on the entire mountain. Some trees grew into towering old trees overnight.

"I think the abyss next to me is very suitable for me." Chen Jianghai's voice was a little tentative.

Just hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Pei Junlin basically understood that this guy didn't like the breath of life or yang at all. He didn't like the abundant aura even more, what he liked was the gloomy, dark and sky-like earth evil spirit.

At night, Pei Junlin threw Chen Jianghai directly into the deep abyss with an iron rope, and the abyss was full of deadly gray air.

But Chen Jianghai was like a fish entering the water, but he quickly became active in it, and Pei Junlin was able to sense that Chen Jianghai's body was recovering rapidly.

During the day, there was another visitor from inside the cave, Pei Junlin's old friend Fang Zhiqing. However, this time Fang Zhiqing was able to ascend to the Three Treasures Palace, and brought very important news to Pei Junlin.

"You mean the little fairy world that you entered this time is tricky?" Pei Junlin was taken aback and almost jumped up from the chair.

On the other side, Fang Zhiqing was extremely calm. He glanced at Pei Junlin lightly, and signaled Pei Junlin to be safe, and then slowly explained: "As far as I know, the little fairy world appeared three years ago. It is impossible to repair the problem now. So the place you entered this time is definitely not the fairy world but other areas, but I think the sect will definitely not harm you. After all, the core disciple is the hope of the future of the entire Blue Bull Holy Land. "

This is completely nonsense, Pei Junlin doesn't believe what Fang Zhiqing said, he is like a frightened bird now.

But even if he leaves the Blue Bull Holy Land directly, Pei Junlin is a little bit reluctant. After all, his status in the Blue Bull Holy Land is very high now. Every year he sends a lot of resources to provide and also provides shelter. .

Pei Junlin believes that Zhou Ying will never let him go once he leaves the Holy Land of Blue Bull. He must be able to rise to the point where he can resist Zhou Ying before he can leave this area safely.

After spending half a month in this way, the time finally arrived after half a month. Pei Junlin and the other 29 core disciples gathered together in the core hall of the Blue Bull Holy Land.

Several elders of the Blue Bull Holy Land finally showed up. These top-level sages are extremely powerful, and the images displayed are not human figures.

Pei Junlin was able to see the super elders, who turned into objects instead of human figures. For example, one of the golden elders named Jin Zhong turned into a big bell shining with golden light.

When the Supreme Elder was speaking, the long ringing of the big bell could ring through the entire hall, deafening. And the other elder named Qinghe elder, is a flower-shaped crane.

"The three elders will jointly open the Little Immortal Realm and will send you in when the time comes. Remember to save your strength in it and keep your own lives. Once the time is up, the sect will send someone to pick you up." Said with an expression.

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