Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1514: Celestial world

Pei Junlin had been secretly observing Elder Ye, and he found that this matter was definitely a bit tricky, because Elder Ye's expression was a little abnormal. Can't tolerate Pei Junlin thinking too much, and soon the three great elders began to cast spells.

Pei Junlin only felt an aura belonging to a space barrier spread over, and then a door of time and space appeared in the entire hall.

With the opening of this time and space gate, Pei Junlin felt a huge breath of ancient demon god. Because Junlin Pei had fought against the demon of the True Demon Realm and was very familiar with this breath, so at this moment, Junlin Pei's face changed slightly.

Combining the information provided by Zhiqing before, Pei Junlin had some guesses in his heart, but under the torch-like eyes of the three elders, Pei Junlin didn't dare to make any trouble.

You just need to enter, you don't want to enter, you can't escape at all, so Pei Junlin can only bite the bullet and jump into the door of the sky.

The moment Pei Junlin entered the gate of time and space, the scene in front of him changed drastically, and what appeared to him was a vast snowfield.

In the vast snowfield, there are some huge footprints that are shocking to see Pei Junlin, and there are some blood stains and animal internal organs scattered on the snow.

Pei Junlin felt around for a while, and he didn't sense other people around him, so Junlin knew that the core disciples were scattered after the teleportation entered here.

"Hurry up and hide, I feel a strong and dangerous aura." Jin Ye's voice is a little urgent, reminding Pei Junlin to hide quickly.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, looked around and found that besides the vast snowfields, there were some huge ice cubes. Pei Junlin quickly found a large ice cube and hid directly.

A block of ice was hollowed out by Pei Junlin's magic spear, creating a small igloo. After Junlin hid in it, he quickly took out a mysterious earthen jar and enveloped him.

With the hidden breath of the mysterious earthen jar, Pei Junlin hid in this huge ice cube without knowing it.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin soon could feel that there were two huge beasts rushing over from a distance. Pei Junlin was hidden in the mysterious earthen jar and could see everything that happened outside, but the appearance of these two creatures surprised Pei Junlin.

The appearance of these two creatures is very strange, they are not ordinary normal creatures at all, because they have amazing spikes growing on them, and their aura is extremely scary.

According to Pei Junlin's estimation, the strength of these creatures has at least reached the strength of the semi-sage level.

That's enough to make Pei Junlin horrible. You must know that Pei Junlin encountered these two creatures for the first time in the vast snowfield. He didn't expect to encounter two top creatures once.

And based on Pei Junlin's observations and the judgment of their aura, Pei Junlin can be sure that these two creatures are definitely monsters, because the aura from the demon world on them is obvious.

Maybe it was Pei Junlin's appearance here before that triggered the changes in the rules and breath of the surroundings that attracted these two monsters.

Immediately after that, what made Pei Junlin feel horrified happened. The two monsters walked back and forth on the ground between the two monsters, seeming to observe Pei Junlin's footprints, and the nose was constantly twitching back and forth on the ground, as if smelling the smell.

Gradually, the two monsters locked onto the ice cube where Pei Junlin was hiding, and wandered around. Pei Junlin was shocked in a cold sweat. Only then did he realize that when he entered this ice cube, he had forgotten to remove those footprints. This was undoubtedly a huge flaw.

But it was too late to regret now, Pei Junlin clenched the mixed world magic spear in his hand, ready to fight **** battle at any time.

Whether the two-headed semi-saint-level powerhouse can escape from birth, Pei Junlin is completely uncertain, but Pei Junlin will definitely resist before he dies.

Pei Junlin held his breath, his eyes looked sharp, like a leopard ready to go. Facing these two semi-holy monsters, Pei Junlin didn't have any fear.

In fact, he had simply forgotten what it was like to be afraid, only knowing that a **** battle would be necessary after a while.

Just when Pei Junlin felt that the pressure was about to reach its limit, and when the two demons were about to discover the secret in the ice block, there was a sound of a heavy object falling from a distance.

Pei Junlin's divine sense probed over, and immediately saw a man falling from a whirlpool in the air, with a dazed expression on his face.

The man's strength is not weak, he is a master in the middle of the true king realm, and he reacts very quickly, but for a moment of loss, he seems to discover the danger like a rabbit jumping up and rushing towards the distance.

The speed of this person is very fast, but the speed of the two monsters is faster. In the blink of an eye, this person attracted the attention of the two monsters and rushed over quickly.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that at the most critical moment, a hapless person would become a scapegoat.

Even the strength of the two monsters is very strong, but their wisdom does not seem to be too high. Seeing the two monsters attracted away by the unlucky one before, Pei Junlin immediately jumped out of the ice.

"Jin Ye, what is this place?" Pei Junlin raised his head and looked at the gray sky.

The color of the sky is very strange, just like a cartoon, the blue color is constantly floating with clouds. All of this gave Pei Junlin an extremely unreal feeling, as if it felt like in a painting.

"This is not in the original world, but in another dimension. In other words, this is the place where demons live. Not only live demons, but also various real demons." Jin Ye's tone was also full of various It seemed that he didn't react for a while with a smell of doubt.

After listening to Jin Ye's analysis, Pei Junlin almost yelled out. He didn't expect that things would have changed so dramatically, sending thirty core disciples into this barren land in the Blue Bull Holy Land.

Suddenly Pei Junlin felt that the identity jade token on his body began to vibrate, and it seemed that there was a message sent. Pei Junlin took out the identity jade talisman and found that a line of the identity jade talisman appeared.

The meaning of this line is very simple. It is roughly asking the core disciples who have entered here to work together to find a coordinate position and strengthen the seal there.

"I understand, it turns out that you are not a small fairyland here at all, but a sealed land. Perhaps there is a connection between this world of demons and the Blue Bull Holy Land, which is blocked by a seal, but now the seal has been loosened, so These core disciples were allowed to enter here." Pei Junlin looked at the identity in his hand, and Yufu's brows wrinkled into a knot.

Thinking that thousands of calculations would be calculated in the end, the people of this Blue Bull Holy Land were so cruel that they sent all the core disciples of this year to die here.

Pei Junlin didn't believe in any nonsense to reinforce the seal. After all, these masters of the real king realm had no possibility of surviving in this devil world.

When he encountered two monsters at the semi-sage level, Pei Junlin was almost desperate. He felt that the sect was simply pushing these core disciples into the fire pit and using them as cannon fodder.

"You don't have to panic too much, haven't you noticed it? Although these monsters are strong, their wisdom is not high." Jin Ye seemed to feel Pei Junlin's violent mood swings and quickly spoke to comfort him.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and directly covered the whole body in the snow with that mysterious earthen jar and quickly walked through, finding a low-lying place and being seated in a distance.

With the operation of Buddhism, Pei Junlin's eyebrows immediately revealed two black phantoms. A black shadow represents anger and pessimism, which is the source of emotion before Pei Junlin.

Seeing two demon shadows flying out of Pei Junlin’s eyebrows, even Jin Ye was surprised: "I really didn’t expect that your previous reaction turned out to be a heart demon. It seems that this land of demon is indeed a bit weird. You have to be careful here, but you have the body of Buddhism, and these demon really have no way to deal with you."

Jin Ye was amazed, surprised at Pei Junlin's reaction speed.

At this time, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief quietly. The unprovoked anger and sadness in his heart even retreated, and his heart was ashamed. This was not his real emotion, but was influenced by the demon.

Pei Junlin walked all the way through the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and his mind was as hard as iron, and he would not have that kind of pessimistic emotion. No matter what situation he encountered, Pei Junlin was able to firm himself to calm himself and finally break out of danger.

But the few reactions just now were indeed too abnormal. Pei Junlin himself was not aware of it. Sure enough, using the Buddhism technique to check the whole body, Pei Junlin discovered the existence of these two heavenly demons.

The mind of Buddhism is the nemesis of heavenly demons and inner demons, so Pei Junlin easily found these two sets of inner demons and expelled them directly from the body.

The heart demon was invisible and intangible but at this time, it became a man and a woman in front of Pei Junlin. Males are extremely hideous, representing anger, while females cry in low voices, representing pessimism.

If it is not discovered in time, Pei Junlin will be suppressed, and this emotion will be entangled until he finally makes the wrong thing.

This is the power of the inner demon. He can pretend to be a human emotion, so that even the cultivator can't detect it and fall into the trap unconsciously.

The two heart demons seemed to realize that they had been caught, so they were constantly struggling in the light. Unfortunately, Pei Junlin didn't give them a chance to grow, and an extremely hot flame appeared in his palm.

The flame showed a light red color, it was after Pei Junlin practiced the Buddhism technique, he condensed a cluster of flames.

The flame seems to have an extremely strong restraining effect on the inner demon, and the copper-red flame that the inner demon came into contact with screamed and quickly turned into dust.

Pei Junlin looked up again at the sky and the series of streamers made Pei Junlin feel unreal. He didn't expect a meteor shower to appear in the sky, and it was at this time.

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