Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1515: Reinforce the seal

"If you want to go back, you must complete the task assigned to you by the sect, so try to rush to the place where the coordinates are." Jin Ye's voice came, seeming to urge Pei Junlin to leave this area as soon as possible.

"You just used that flame to refine the two heart demon directly. It's a waste, you know? Although this heart demon is harmful to our ascetics, it can also be transformed into something extremely beneficial." At the time, Lord Jin whispered in his ear.

Through the dialogue with Jin Ye, Pei Junlin has mastered an amazing secret, that is, these extraterrestrial demon, in many cases are basically hunted by the ascetics, because many ascetics refine the techniques related to the demon. .

Some treasures and magic weapons are driven by the gods, and they are extremely powerful.

A mini black umbrella appeared in the palm of Pei Junlin's palm. When Pei Junlin injected his mana, the black umbrella instantly grew bigger and turned into a **** umbrella.

The umbrella kept turning, floating above Pei Junlin's head.

"Master Jin, you mean that this soul umbrella also belongs to the category of magic weapons. If the demon is imprisoned, it will increase the power of this treasure?" Pei Junlin was a little suspicious.

After getting the affirmative answer from Jin Ye, Pei Junlin was excited. After killing the two demons, Pei Junlin felt that after possessing Buddhism, these demons didn't dare to hurt himself at all, and he became their nemesis.

Originally, Pei Junlin thought that these heart demons were waste, and just killed them. He didn't expect that they could turn waste into treasure now.

"But how do you capture the inner demon?" Pei Junlin was even more puzzled.

"The heart demon is a very mysterious and very high-dimensional creature. It is not a real substance, but is generated inside the mind. For example, there is a heart demon in this area. If your emotions are in a fierce state, then It's easy to be invaded by the inner demon, you might as well pretend to be weaker, so that the inner demon may look at you." Jin Ye said with a smile.

"Furthermore, the heart demon or the heavenly demon, what I like the most is the pure flesh and blood, you are now in the sacred body, and your blood is top-notch for these heavenly demons." Jin Ye warned Pei Junlin again.

"There seems to be something wrong, what do you think you are so encouraging me to attract these demon?" Pei Junlin felt bad, and his mind immediately turned around.

Jin Ye didn't speak fake, but Pei Junlin always felt that this year's tone was a little weird, as if there were some secrets he didn't tell him.

"Ahem...actually, if you can capture more or some extra demon, you might as well give it to me, I can refine them into pill." Jin Ye finally said the real purpose.

Pei Junlin felt that Jin Ye seemed to have something to hide, but he didn't want to know, because he and Jin Ye were one body, and Jin Ye's concealment was only temporary.

Following Jin Ye's instructions, Pei Junlin forced a drop of pale golden blood at his fingertips. This is the holy blood inside Pei Junlin's body, which can emit a strange fragrance.

And as the most mysterious sacred body of stars, Pei Junlin's drop of blood not only contains powerful vitality, but also some mysterious and mysterious things. There are some mark of Dao and Dao rhyme circulating in it, and even some runes are constantly flashing.

At the moment when Pei Junlin squeezed out this drop of blood, there seemed to be fish swimming in the surrounding air. Pei Junlin even felt that he was in the water, and there were a large number of fish lurking in the surrounding water.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin immediately felt a demon shadow emerging from the void and entwining himself.

"Well, these are the gods, grab them, once you let them enter your mind, they will become heart demon, and once they enter your flesh and blood body, they will become blood demon and devour your flesh and blood." Jin Ye's voice It seems to be a little excited, and even nervous has changed the tone.

Pei Junlin was not in a hurry at this time, and kept flashing around in it. Soon Pei Junlin's whole body appeared a black magic shadow, densely packed, like a million fish.

Feeling that there were enough heavenly demons around, Pei Junlin finally began to close the net, and suddenly his whole body emitted a strong golden light, and a huge golden hand fell from the sky and grabbed it down.

A compassionate force enveloped the surroundings, causing those black magic sounds to howl miserably, struggling toward the outside like a frightened school of fish.

It is a pity that these heavenly demons can't struggle to get out at all, because Pei Junlin used the power of Buddhism to open a big net, which happened to be the nemesis of these heavenly demons.

A black breath was captured by Junlin Pei and sent into the Soul Umbrella. Junlin could feel that the big umbrella seemed to be reviving his breath.

On the other side, the Chaos Golden Dou also opened the vortex, desperately devouring these heavenly demons, and tens of thousands of heavenly demons were absorbed in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin was a little unhappy, this soul umbrella hadn't absorbed enough heavenly demons, but now Jin Ye came out to **** these heavenly demons.

In this blink of an eye, all the surrounding sky demons were swallowed up by Lord Jin, not even one left.

"The gods around Jin Ye seem to have been completely attracted to me, have all the gods in this world been wiped out by me?" Pei Junlin said with some intent.

After listening to Pei Junlin’s words, Lord Jin laughed and seemed to feel that Pei Junlin was a little naive: "Where did you think of going? In this world there are endless and endless demons. As long as you have the power, you can capture the demons. But I I warn you, there is one thing that must be done appropriately. Once you catch too many demon in the same place, it is likely to arouse the existence of the demon king in the void. Once the demon king is eyeing it, it will be very dangerous."

These were things that Junlin Pei didn't know at all before, and he didn't expect to know these from Lord Jin's mouth, and Junlin had a shuddering feeling.

Luo is terrifying to ordinary cultivators on this day. If Pei Junlin hadn’t practiced Buddhism, he would not be able to restrain these gods, let alone tens of thousands, even if Pei Junlin had hundreds of them. The explanation is here.

With the Buddhism technique, these demon have become Pei Junlin's hunting targets, but if according to Jin Ye, once a large number of demon heads are captured, it is likely to attract the existence of demon king level.

"By the way, Lord Jin, what is the role of the magic pill that day? How valuable is it?" Pei Junlin asked absently.

The capture of the demon was completely uncomfortable, but at this time, hearing that kind of statement from the Lord Jin, Pei Junlin felt a bit resentful in his heart.

"The value of the Heavenly Demon Order is very amazing. If a Heavenly Demon Pill is a curse, it should be able to sell 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. It has no effect on ordinary people, but for those monks who are easy to get into trouble. It's very useful." Jin Ye laughed, and said a word that surprised Pei Junlin.

One Heavenly Devil Egg is equivalent to 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. Even if Pei Junlin is rich and wealthy now, I have to say that this Heavenly Devil Pill is indeed a good treasure.

Pei Junlin is used to his big hands. Recently, after establishing his own Dongfu, a large amount of wealth has been spread out. Even if Pei Junlin has plenty of savings, he has some powers at this time.

But these gods obviously solved the problem of Pei Junlin. One such pill can be sold for tens of thousands of superb spirit stones.

"You can't catch too many demon in the same place, so let's go to other places to catch one hundred thousand heads in each place." Pei Junlin smiled and seemed to feel like making money.

So Junlin Pei changed another area, and as expected, Junlin used the blood in his body to attract tens of thousands of heavenly demons again.

This time Jin Ye's arrest had to be restrained a lot, allowing the soul umbrella in Pei Junlin's hand to absorb a large number of heavenly demons.

After changing several places, Pei Junlin felt that the Soul Umbrella in his hand seemed to have undergone some changes. After devouring a large number of heavenly demons, this treasure seemed to be reborn, and the original black paint color turned out to be a dark gold.

Pei Junlin has no time to understand the changes in the formation and power. Forced to penetrate in, the **** umbrella immediately suspended above Pei Junlin's head, emitting a faint light.

Pei Junlin tried to communicate with the spirit of the Soul Umbrella, but found that the Soul Umbrella had no device spirit at all, it was empty, and there was no space for itself.

"The Essence Umbrella is not an ordinary thing. This thing should have something to do with your cultivator, and according to my guess, the Essence Umbrella should be related to a mysterious soul. You should keep this umbrella well." Looking at the big umbrella in front of me, my eyes also flashed with amazing light.

Next, Pei Junlin continued to capture the demon here. Along the way Pei Junlin also saw a few corpses, and several of these corpses came from the Blue Bull Holy Land.

These brothers died tragically here, even if Pei Junlin didn't know these people and had no feelings, they still felt sad for these people.

After cultivating in the Blue Bull Holy Land for so long, finally relying on endless piles of resources and endless hard work, only then did he cultivate to this stage and become a master.

But no one had thought that just as the core disciples of Green Bull Holy Land, these people would be sent here to be cannon fodder by those ruthless elders.

Pei Junlin buried these corpses so that they would not expose the corpse wilderness. Obviously, these people with no injuries died at the hands of the demon.

"Junior Brother, come here to me, this area will soon have a demon king." A woman in a white dress in the distance moved towards Pei Junlin, with an evil smile on her face.

Pei Junlin was taken aback, because he didn't expect to see Fang Zhiqing here.

"Don't go there, this is the incarnation of the demon." Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ears.

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