Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1516: The cunning of the demon

Hearing Jin Ye's reminder, Pei Junlin felt cold all over his body. If he wasn't prepared, he might be attacked by this cunning demon.

What puzzles Pei Junlin's heart is, why is this demon stronger than other demon? Because the demon that Pei Junlin encountered before are all black shadows, they can't form a human form at all, and they can't affect the spirit.

But this demon is far different. Not only can it be transformed into a human form, but it can also know what Pei Junlin is thinking in his heart. If not, how could it be transformed into Fang Zhiqing?

"This is the existence of a demon general among the demon, which is equivalent to the true king state among human monks. Don't be careful. Being able to appear in front of you means that you have entered your mind. Use your The Buddhism mind ruled it out." Jin Ye quickly reminded Pei Junlin.

The Tianmayi turned into Fang Zhiqing's appearance. He seemed to know that Pei Junlin had already seen his identity, and his complexion suddenly became sullen, and the delicate features on his face gradually disappeared. There were two hollows in the eyes and nose. It disappeared directly, and his mouth turned into a hideous mouth.

This demon-level demon flew towards Pei Junlin in an instant, and came to Pei Junlin's face suddenly, his pale face almost touched the tip of Pei Junlin's nose.

Pei Junlin spread out his palm, and a Buddhist rune appeared in his palm. This rune was slapped with the palm of Pei Junlin's hand, soared into the air, and stamped on the body of the demon.

The demon uttered a miserable scream, seeming to have suffered unspeakable pain, and the rune that Pei Junlin played was deeply burned into the body of the demon like a brand.

"Pei Junlin, don't do anything to me, I really am Fang Zhiqing... I am controlled by the demon, and save me soon." After the demon was injured that day, he turned into Fang Zhiqing's appearance, a very pitiful appearance.

Pei Junlin's face was cold, and there was no tenderness in his eyes. His palms were spread out again, and he suddenly grabbed the metal shadow of the golden glow, and instantly caught the **** in front of him.

"It seems that you are determined to take action against me, Pei Junlin, you are really cruel, sure enough, no good thing in a man is a grudge." That day the devil uttered a word, opened his mouth, The scarlet tongue, like a red silk, instantly wrapped around Pei Junlin.

The golden palm print made by Pei Junlin was instantly pierced by the bright red tongue, disappearing invisible.

Pei Junlin only felt the scarlet color in front of him flash by, and then a slippery fishy smell instantly wrapped around his neck.

This time Pei Junlin was really surprised, because he didn't expect the speed of this heavenly demon to be so fast, and the mouth spit out so disgusting.

There was the whistling wind in his ears, and there was a gloomy, mosquito-like sound that made Pei Junlin dizzy and his whole body was full of blood.

Pei Junlin knew that this matter was also a critical moment, and he knew that he did underestimate the enemy before. With a loud shout, Pei Junlin's spirit was concentrated, and the whole body was exuding golden light, and the body of the star was fully rotating.

Pei Junlin visualized a sword in his mind, accompanied by the continuous condensing of the Buddhism power in the whispering pure land. Sure enough, a pale golden long sword flew out of the center of Pei Junlin's eyebrows, around Pei Junlin's neck, the scarlet tongue was cut into several pieces.

This is Pei Junlin's latest visualization technique. All objects can be transformed with the power of Buddhism, but these objects are not real substances, but a kind of illusory spirit.

Pei Junlin, the golden long sword, controlled it with spirit, and pierced the heavenly demon with a swish. The devil is not a vegetarian either, he made a strange laughter in his mouth, and his body burst instantly.

As if being divided by five horses, the two hands and two legs separated from the torso in an instant, and the sword that Pei Junlin visualized only pierced a hole.

The body of the heavenly demon, which was divided into five parts, instantly closed in midair, but the direction of the neck was a bit off. The demon made a quack, and suddenly twisted his neck, which turned 360 degrees on his head, and his face showed a very strange expression.

Pei Junlin didn't move at all, his hands clasped together, and the pale golden long sword radiated brighter and brighter light in his palm. An astonishing killing intent rose from Pei Junlin's heart, attached to this sword, and immediately caused the surrounding wind and clouds to swell, and the freezing cold wind blew the ground, flying sand and rocks.

Pei Junlin's practice of Buddhism and Taoism are completely two concepts, but restraining the demon and using Buddhism is even more handy.

However, at the lowest time, Pei Junlin rarely used Buddhism, so this time it seemed a bit strange.

"Little guy, that Buddhism has been annihilated countless years ago. I didn't expect that a remnant like you would definitely not be able to keep you. If you want to die, you have to die here." The devil's hair gave a quack, a strange smile. In the hollow eyes, there was an astonishing killing intent.

Pei Junlin felt that he couldn't support it anymore, and the golden long sword was constantly flashing and moving in the air, but it could not reach the side of the demon.

The invisible and invisible speed of the heavenly demon is really too fast, even if Pei Junlin uses his spiritual will to control this invisible sword, he still cannot kill the heavenly demon.

Pei Junlin gradually became a little anxious, and his eyes became red, as if he was controlled by the killing intent, and he was more and more on the verge of running away.

"You are useless like this, not because your skill is not enough, but because you are not locked in your mind, and your thoughts are understood by the demon. If you go to the left, he will know that you are going to the left and know your way in advance. , How could you hit him?" Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ears.

These words were like a divine enlightenment, and finally let Pei Junlin understand the reason. He then realized why he couldn't kill this demon. It was not because his strength was not strong enough, nor was it because of the Buddhism technique that could not restrain it. The head monster.

It's really because of the leakage of his spirit and some information that allowed the demon to grasp his orbit of movement in advance, so he was able to move forward every time and dodge the past in advance.

It is like fighting between two armies. One side has a spy and has already penetrated all the information of the other side. Therefore, no matter how the other side deploys its troops, it will always be slow.

Pei Junlin held his breath and locked his energy, not leaking at all, even his eyes became dark, making it impossible to see Pei Junlin's air.

This time, when Pei Junlin locked all his breath, the demon was a little panicked, and the sword was inserted into her body and cut off an arm instantly.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly and controlled the sword again, and slashed towards the demon.

The heavenly demon made a weird smile, and a dark passage suddenly appeared in the position of his heart. It seemed that there was a rope in the sky that provided him with magic power.

The heavenly demon blasted a jet of black twisting force, and instantly entangled the pale golden sword condensed by Pei Junlin.

After observing Pei Junlin, he discovered that these black phantoms turned out to be small demons.

There are countless heads, all human faces, constantly wailing, anger, crying, sadness, despair and so on.

Pei Junlin, who looked at these dense faces, suddenly lost his mind and almost fainted.

Coupled with the endless superposition of negative emotions, the Buddhism sword that Pei Junlin condensed in an instant collapsed, and even the pure land in Pei Junlin's mind was polluted.

Pei Junlin suffered a big loss, seeing that the demon shadow slaughtered toward him again, unexpectedly got into his mind from the pores.

Pei Junlin hurriedly locked his body, and while a surging force wrapped his body, his palm sprayed a bleeding red flame, and suddenly entangled the demon.

Pei Junlin tried to use the fire control bracelet on his wrist to control the Buddha fire made in his body. The flames of scattered sand turned into a fiery snake in an instant, entangled toward this demon.

Unexpectedly, the fire snake was caught off guard by the other arm, and this arm was burned clean instantly.

Pei Junlin was also a little surprised when he saw this scene. He did not expect that the flame condensed in his body would be so powerful.

This is after practicing Buddhism mentality, a kind of flame naturally formed in his heart, similar to a different fire, but where he came from, Pei Junlin still can't understand it.

This thing was produced on the apex of his heart along with Pei Junlin's practice of Buddhism, like a pot of lotus, wrapping his heart.

"Buddha's Fury Lotus!" The demon made a terrifying voice, seeming to have discovered something terrifying.

Pei Junlin gradually understood that the so-called Buddha's Fury Lotus that the Heavenly Demon referred to was the flame that came out of his heart.

There are also records in some Buddhist literature that the so-called Buddha's wrath lotus is actually a kind of innate fire in Buddhism, which corresponds to the true fire of Samadhi in Taoism.

Both the Buddha's anger lotus and the real fire of Samadhi are naturally produced flames in the human body, and can also be referred to as karma fire.

If it hadn't been for this demon who exclaimed Pei Junlin in exclamation, he might never have known that the red flame was actually a Buddha's wrath lotus flower, and it was a famous Buddhist monk.

Knowing that the demon is afraid of the Buddha's anger lotus, Pei Junlin naturally uses this advantage. He constantly uses the fire control bracelet to control the Buddha's anger lotus and turns into various things to attack this set of demon.

However, this demon is not simple. After an arm was burned by the Buddha's anger lotus, it disintegrated in an instant and turned into a dense, rainy demon.

The demon is like a small tadpole, densely packed with millions of heads. All around Pei Junlin, drilled towards him.

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