Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1520: Skeleton Tenma

If they are those who are not strong in spirit, they will go crazy just to come to this area, but Pei Junlin has practiced the celestial body, coupled with the blessing of Buddhism cultivation, it is like this in this place. Flat ground.

There is no need for Pei Junlin to release good and evil to seduce. The demon in this drop of blood quickly discovered the existence of Pei Junlin. In less than tens of seconds, Pei Junlin was surrounded by thousands of heavenly demons.

These days demons turned into black shadows, constantly rotating around Pei Junlin, and chattering laughter appeared in their mouths, as if they saw delicious food.

Although Pei Junlin could not understand the exchanges between these heavenly demons, he could guess that they seemed to be talking about how to devour this fresh piece of flesh and blood.

"What are they talking about?" Pei Junlin was a little curious, and asked the demon he was holding in his hand.

"They are discussing that some people want to eat your head, some want to eat your hands and feet, etc., they are dividing their own scope, and your heart is left to a demon who takes care of yourself." The captured demon said helplessly.

Pei Junlin laughed and laughed. These heavenly demons were really brainless, and they just ate the fresh flesh and blood without evaluating the opponent's strength at all.

"As soon as possible, catch these devil cubs in one swoop, these are pure and pure Heavenly Devil Pills, and each and every one is invaluable." Jin Ye let out a quacking strange smile.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate. The moment the mind of the Buddhism was running, his palm was emitting a very strong Buddha light, and he suddenly couldn't grasp it. In an instant, dozens of heavenly demons were captured by him.

The rest of the demons were a little frightened and wanted to jump into the crypt and escape, but how could Pei Junlin give them a chance, instantly the chaotic golden bucket space opened, and the black vortex aimed at the crypt and began to suck.

The violent suction shocked the world, and there was a breath of chaos in it, and it had natural restraint power against these monsters. Somersaults are like a long whale sucking water, constantly sucking out some monsters from the crypt.

The crypt is like a magic palace. There seems to be an endless number of demon hidden in it. When the chaotic gold is sucked at the gate, the demon, like a tide, is sucked into the chaotic gold bucket. In a short time, Pei King's Landing saw that there were tens of thousands of heavenly demons absorbed by Lord Jin.

Pei Junlin was naturally unwilling to show weakness. He waved the Soul Umbrella in his hand, and constantly exuded a misty aura. There were all the escaped heavenly demons in the crypt and were not kept by this Soul Umbrella, please take it in.

The strength of the Soul Umbrella is constantly growing like a snowball, because there is a formation in the Soul Umbrella, and the more demons in it, the greater the power of this umbrella, and it grows like a snowball. The power of the soul umbrella is also rising.

In the match between Pei Junlin and Jin Ye, the demon was captured, and suddenly a sudden change occurred. A giant palm of bones suddenly cracked on the ground and grabbed it towards Pei Junlin's heart.

This Bai Sensen's bone claw carried a gloomy aura, and the speed was extremely fast. Pei Junlin had no time to react, and was suddenly caught by the bone's claw.

But fortunately for Pei Junlin's body, the devil always reacted in an instant. Just when the ghost claw caught Pei Junlin's life, the devil vine suddenly entangled out to help Pei Junlin resist this fatal blow.

The cold sweat of Junlin Pei who had reacted came down, and he was really overwhelmed just now. He didn't expect that there was a fatal danger hidden in this seemingly ordinary crypt.

Pei Junlin almost immediately looked at the demon captured in his hands. This demon was also dying, for fear that Pei Junlin would kill her and screamed loudly: "I really don't know, there is a bone demon hidden here. "

Bone Demon?

Pei Junlin was a little unfamiliar with this name, but Jin Ye quickly explained it to him, and Pei Junlin's face suddenly changed when he understood it.

The bone demon is not an ordinary demon, it should belong to the bones of some top-level demon possessed by human monks. Heavenly demons are eager to become humans, so after these demons got into the bones of human monks, they began to desperately absorb the aura.

In the long run, this sea of ​​bitterness is extremely powerful, indestructible, and extremely sharp, comparable to some top chaotic spirit treasures.

If Pei Junlin hadn't evaded it just now, even if it was the celestial body, it would shed a layer of skin if it was not dead. But fortunately, the Ghost Star Vine reacted quickly and saved Pei Junlin's life.

After avoiding this fatal blow, Pei Junlin flew into the high-altitude hand in an instant, and the magic spear of the mixed world also exuded an astonishing aura.

As soon as the huge phantom of the Wuji Wolf King appeared, it instantly bit at the snow-white bone claws. Biting it with his mouth and suddenly pulling it out, the entire ground was cracked with a human skeleton that was tens of meters high and flew out of the ground in an instant.

This is a skull like a white jade, but there is an amazing cold breath in his eyes. The skeleton's breath is very similar to a demon, but there are some differences in it.

The phantom of the Promise Wolf King fought with this white bone demon. Pei Junlin watched the battle and became even more surprised because he discovered that the white bone demon had faintly suppressed the mixed world magic spear.

At this time, a large number of heavenly demons were still flowing frantically from the crypt, and both Jin Ye and Pei Junlin did not stop and caught these heavenly demons frantically.

"No, I can't stand it anymore. The aura of these heavenly demons is too strong, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons can't stop them even if they are immortals." Jin Ye yelled.

Jin Ye feels the pressure has increased sharply. Each of these demon can be slapped to death with a slap in front of Pei Junlin, but hundreds of thousands of them gather together, and at the same time, they are violently impacted, just like thousands of soldiers on the battlefield. The same, at this time even the fairy **** Daluo must dodge.

Jin Ye dodged in an instant and entered the void, but Pei Junlin held the Soul Umbrella in his hand but was inevitable.

"You are crazy, come back soon." Jin Ye seemed to find that Pei Junlin had not retreated, and suddenly roared.

I wanted to come back and save Pei Junlin, but it was a pity that he was dispersed by the endless army of heavenly demons. Even if so many army of heavenly demons attacked a holy place, it was enough.

Pei Junlin had directly pinched the demon he had previously captured. This demon was really harmful, and it was obvious that he had led himself to such a decision.

At this time, Junlin Pei was struggling to support under the impact of the heavenly demon army, and the soul umbrella was constantly devouring the surrounding heavenly demon. Facing the increasingly intense impact of the Heavenly Demon army, even Junlin Pei couldn't hold on anymore, he was almost saturated with sweat.

Because of the formation of Pei Junlin's body, these heavenly demons simply salivated over Pei Junlin's body. More and more powerful heavenly demons surrounded Pei Junlin, making Pei Junlin almost form a heavenly tornado around his body.

And the pressure of Pei Junlin at the core of this tornado can be imagined. As long as there is such a moment, Pei Junlin can't hold it, and it will instantly become the food of these gods.

The Wuji Wolf King, the weapon spirit of the Hunshi Demon Spear in the distance, was heavily besieged by the Bone Demon, and could not escape. He is now in a state of isolation and helplessness. Once he has the slightest physical exhaustion, there will be no bones left in an instant.

Because Jin Ye has captured tens of thousands of heavenly demons, these heavenly demons are trapped in the inner space of the Chaos Golden Dou, which is also a powerful force. Jin Ye needs to suppress them, which also consumes a lot of energy.

If the clone came to rescue Pei Junlin, then the demon that had been captured before would completely destroy the treasure of Chaos Jindou, so now Jin Ye is also riding a tiger.

In the vast army of heavenly demons, Pei Junlin began to recite some scriptures of Buddhism, with amazing cover singing, and eighteen arhats appeared in the sky.

The attraction of the Bodhisattva and Arhat gradually accompanied Pei Junlin to recite the scriptures. With the chanting of the scriptures, the King Kong barrier appeared around Pei Junlin, and the phantoms of the gods and Buddhas appeared around Pei Junlin.

A mysterious country flew out of Pei Junlin's eyebrows, and this country was like a heavenly palace built on top of a cloud. Among them, there are countless bodhisattvas and arhats living in them. This is the pure land of Pei Jun Lin's eyebrows.

There is a red lotus in Pei Junlin's body, which sets off Pei Junlin, making him look extremely compassionate.

In this violent demon tornado, Pei Junlin used the power of Buddhism to prop up a mysterious country to resist the erosion of these tornadoes, and the endless demon, under the light of the Buddha, the body is like dust, gradually Disperse into residue.

More gods were weakened by the Buddha's light, and their attack power was very weak, while the soul umbrella took advantage of this opportunity to arrest the gods wildly, and almost tens of thousands of gods were arrested in an instant~www.mtlnovel .com~ As the number of heavenly demons in the Umbrella reached 100,000, the power of holding the Umbrella was finally fully aroused. The eerie magic light shone on the umbrella, and a black light shone down. Blockbuster demons were sucked into the formation of this umbrella.

A rainbow-like Buddha light appeared behind Pei Junlin's head. The moment this Buddha light appeared, Pei Junlin's figure became larger, like a **** and Buddha descending from the sky.

Endless rays of light emanated from Pei Junlin's body, strongly weakening the power of those heavenly demons, and finding the same army of heavenly demons, was actually weakened by Pei Junlin's own power.

It was the Jin Ye who was hiding in the void, who also controlled the chaotic progress in one fell swoop, and came down again. The chaotic aura enveloped the endless heavenly demons being swallowed by the chaotic crystals, and then was completely transformed into the heavenly demon pill by Naha Wangcao after running the phone.

"Get rich, get rich, hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Devil Pills." Jin Ye's excited voice was trembling.

On the other side, Pei Junlin frowned slightly, and his spirit was highly unified. At this time, he was completely immersed in some Buddhist techniques, and the Buddha light behind his head flashed violently.

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