Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1521: Demon Army

A piece of light shrouded, Pei Junlin's original single-color Buddha light actually added a new Buddha light, and Pei Junlin, who originally had only one Buddha light, had another light circle behind his head.

This symbol of the progress of Buddhism mentality also represents that Pei Junlin has taken a step forward in Buddhism.

At this time, the battle between the Hunshi Demon Spear and the White Bone Demon also entered a white-hot state. Pei Junlin didn't even look at the big Buddha's finger and gave a fierce praise, the brow of the bone demon.

Facing Pei Junlin who had advanced Buddhist skills at this level, the White Bone Demon had absolutely no power to fight back. It was clicked by a thick golden finger, and the entire skull in the center of the eyebrow was almost penetrated.

A large black light spurted from the back of this white bone demon's head, and then the tall bone fell to the ground with a clatter.

When he reached the dark breath, he escaped from the skeleton and wanted to escape. When Pei Junlin's backhand was caught, it was like catching a black python.

This heavenly demon is extremely powerful, it is the demon-level demon that is constantly struggling in Pei Junlin's palm, but under the suppression of the Buddha's light, the power is gradually weakening.

Pei Junlin's whole body heard the sound of drumming. It was Pei Junlin's heart, beating his chest. Along with the fierce beating of his heart, every pore of Pei Junlin exuded a pale golden light, which was the function of the celestial body.

There was a whisper in the ear, it seemed that the demon who was arrested in his hand was roaring in anger, and the thousands of demon in the surrounding area seemed to have heard some kind of command, and they began to be madly restless, originally released by Pei Junlin In the pure land of the Buddha, the demon suppressed by the Buddha light clamored again.

Pei Junlin did not expect that these suppressed demon would start to rebel again, the endless demon began to run wildly, and Pei Junlin encountered strong pressure again.

A gust of yin wind condensed into a big rope, and turned towards Pei Junlin's mind. All kinds of rich and complex information poured into Pei Junlin's brain in an instant, making Pei Junlin headache.

Picture after picture appeared in Pei Junlin's mind, there were human screams, and many people died and despair before they died.

Pei Junlin discovered that the pictures of these memories should all come from the memories of the monks who once died in the devil world. These pictures are full of despair and anger, all of them are negative, but these negative emotions rushed into Pei Junlin's mind in one fell swoop, almost bursting Pei Junlin's mind.

The chief culprit of everything is that Junlin Pei couldn't catch the demon-level demon in his palm. Pei Junlin didn't expect that the demon-level demon could actually order the ordinary demon to double their power.

A demon is like a chopstick, which can be easily broken by Pei Junlin, but once the endless demon are united, the power can be terrible.

In the past, the Buddha's light on Pei Junlin's body was able to suppress these celestial demons, because these celestial demons were fighting in their own way, each with their own selfishness and small nine-nine.

That's why Pei Junlin can condense his own strength and easily crush these celestial demons, but now it is different. After the strength of these celestial demons is condensed, Pei Junlin's strength is simply not enough.

The spirit of Pei Junlin who has been running Buddhism for a long time has been exhausted. Now Pei Junlin has reached the brink of collapse, his eyes are slightly closed, drowsy, and may lose resistance at any time.

"Little human monks dare to come here to be rampant." Pei Junlin heard a cold mocking voice, hoarse and hoarse like a thousand-year demon.

The sound came from the huge python that Pei Junlin was holding in his hands, and the python was transformed into by the demon general.

Taking advantage of the moment when Pei Junlin was weak, this demon escaped from Pei Junlin's palm and turned into a tall demon shadow, staring at Pei Junlin coldly.

"Thousands of years of planning were ruined by you, even if you smashed your corpse into thousands of pieces, you will not accept the hatred of this seat." The demon general coldly looked at the hatred in Pei Junlin's eyes.

With a wave of the palm, a special palm print was formed. Accompanied by this mark, the demon army moved in response to that day, and once again encircled and suppressed Pei Junlin.

"This is a war between heavenly demons. I didn't expect the two of us to enjoy this kind of treatment today, but don't panic and still have a chance to come back." Jin Ye's voice was full of fierceness and vicissitudes.

The gate of **** in the chaotic golden bucket suddenly flew out of the gate, opening a pure devilish energy to fly out from it, and the nether demon dragon came out of the gate of **** and was constantly devouring the surrounding sky.

At the same time, the water of Wangchuan River has also turned into a black dragon, constantly stirring on the battlefield called wind and rain, polluting these demon. The potential of the entire chaotic golden battle has been fully mobilized, and a large amount of power has poured out to crush these heavenly demons.

The demon general seemed to be stunned. He didn't expect that Pei Junlin would carry such a powerful Chaos Spirit Treasure, and for a while, his eyes also showed a salivating look.

The crazy command of the demon army encircled and suppressed the chaotic progress controlled by Jin Ye, while on the other side, Pei Jun Linze swallowed the demon pill to restore his spirit.

When Pei Junlin swallowed the Heavenly Demon Pill to restore his spirit, suddenly another Demon General joined the battle. This demon will be stronger than the previous white bone demon, and with his addition, the army of the demon under his command will become even sharper.

"It's so pure human flesh and fragrant smell, I've already drooled three feet..." The demon made a female voice, which sounded extraordinarily uncomfortable.

The White Bone Demon stared at Pei Junlin with a pair of cold eyes, as if to dig out Pei Junlin's heart.

"I want to devour him, **** it up thoroughly, and eat it into a piece of skin. Only by making his skull a drinking vessel for drinking can I relieve the hatred in my heart." The bone demon roared loudly with a hoarse voice.

"We work together, I want bones, bones, bones and skin, you want the internal organs, so I want to devour his brain, I want to see why this human monk is so powerful, and what is the secret of his body." The woman The demon made a seductive voice.

Never thought that he was actually food in the eyes of these two heavenly demons, and it had been divided, but he didn't care, after devouring a large amount of heavenly demon pills, Pei Junlin's power had been fully restored.

Pei Junlin's whole body exudes a pure power, which is not a great compassionate power of Buddhism, and is transformed into a fierce power again.

The whole body of Pei Junlin is wrapped around the Buddha's Fury Red Lotus. The bright red flame has a very strong effect on the demon. At this time, under Pei Junlin's desperate urge, the Buddha's Fury Red Lotus has become half an acre in size. The lotus was suddenly suppressed, and the large tracts of demon were incinerated into fly ash instantly.

Then Pei Junlin flipped the palm of the Buddha's fury red lotus into a hot wheel again, continuously rushing through the whole war, and a large number of demon were cut off head and tail under the burning of the Buddha's fury red lotus.

The bone demon and the male and female demon seemed to have seen some clues, and they were a little panicked. The bone demon rushed towards Pei Junlin madly to slaughter, while the other demon laughed like silver bells.

With the fragrant and soft voice, the female demon turned into a girl in a pink dress, and the skin of her whole body seemed to be condensed. With a pair of feet floating in the air, he kept winking at Pei Junlin: "Little brother, do you want to kill me? I know you are lonely too, and you need someone to comfort you."

The soft voice of the devil came into Pei Junlin's ears. If it were ordinary people, they would have put down their guards, completely lost and lost themselves.

Pointing to Pei Junlin, he let out a cold snort, slapped his palm suddenly, and slapped a huge golden handprint at the female demon fiercely.

Seeing the charm of the devil's face changed dramatically, from a pink stunner to a shriveled woman in an instant. His face was extremely pale, as if he was wearing a mask and black robe, and he rushed towards the golden palm in an instant.

Pei Junlin only heard a bang, the big handprint it shot was directly smashed, and the bone demon was already close to Pei Junlin's body.

It turned into a violent black wind, which revolved wildly around Pei Junlin.

"You want to eat me, it's just a dream." Pei Junlin said coldly.

Pei Junlin stepped on the White Jade Immortal Bridge, and instantly escaped the White Bone Demon's chasing and killing, and backhanded the carbine with a hornet's backhand, and immediately stabbed the White Bone Demon.

The gray and murderous intent enveloping this white bone demon instantly tore the opponent's body into a torn apart black mist. The black mist instantly exploded and flew into the distance, then slowly closed, turning into a bone demon again.

After Pei Junlin had broken the bones of his body, the Heavenly Demon looked extremely weak after condensing again, and his strength was at least more than half weaker than before.

With a sneer on Pei Junlin's once again shot a dark palm. In an instant the cover was pressed down, and this white bone demon had no resistance at all, and instantly suffered a breath of cracking.

This is the Great Destruction Palm of the Great Demon Sect. It belongs to the supernatural power among the supernatural powers. It is extremely powerful, and it is the nemesis of these gods. The instant the palm of the shattered palm shattered all the souls of the heavenly demon collapsed, the body of the white-boned heavenly demon exploded again and turned into endless thoughts, which could no longer condense and completely disappear.

In addition, the female demon seemed to see Pei Junlin's power, turned around and wanted to escape, and was caught by Pei Junlin's backhand. The golden palm prints were negatively pressed down like a mountain, and the demon instantly captured.

After going under the command of two demon-level demon-level demon, the demon army had no leader that day, and reverted to a state of scattered sand. At this time, the progress of chaos was to pack all the formations like a whale absorbing water, sweeping the demon on the battlefield.

Pei Junlin used that Soul Umbrella, Huawei's huge umbrella like the sky, to instantly shroud this world, and those Heavenly Demon who wanted to escape could not escape the huge power of the Soul Umbrella.

An invisible black silk thread flew out of the Soul Umbrella, winding towards each escaping Heavenly Demon.

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