Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1522: Catch mutation

In an instant, a large number of heavenly demons were penetrated by these black silk threads and dragged into the soul umbrella.

Pei Junlin sits straddling the magic spear that has been transformed into an infinite wolf king, and clashes between the left and right sides of the army of demon. In his hand was a long knife turned into flames, and the heavenly demons that blocked Pei Jun's arrival were chopped and shattered.

A strong demon wanted to stop Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin's flame long knife instantly smashed into fly ash when he met.

The long sword was not turned into a normal flame, but the Buddha's Fury Red Lotus, which was condensed by Pei Junlin's practice of Buddhism. It was famous on the ranking list of different fires. The Buddha's Fury Red Lotus and the Taoist Samadhi Real Fire are equally famous as extremely powerful different fires, and they specifically restrain the devil.

Those ordinary heavenly demons have no power to fight back in front of Junlin Pei, and occasionally a few mutated heavenly demons produce all kinds of strange abilities, but under the crush of absolute power, they also have no resistance.

Pei Junlin's cross-level snow wolf carried a long knife in his hand, rushing on the battlefield heartily, almost forgetting the passage of time.

Gradually, Pei Junlin discovered that the weaker heavenly demons had been killed, and they were basically either absorbed into the chaotic golden battle, or captured by the soul umbrella.

Almost all the gods who can survive now have the ability, and the strength of some mutated gods is no less than the gods of the general level.

These celestial demons have gradually stopped fleeing, but instead gathered together to resist Pei Junlin together. Dozens of powerful celestial demons surrounded Pei Junlin with their powerful strength.

Pei Junlin faced such a powerful demon mutation, and without changing his face, holding a long knife in his hand, riding a snow wolf fiercely rushed over, and a demon was cut in half by Pei Junlin.

It's a pity that this demon didn't die here, but the separated body quickly closed, and gradually merged into the original appearance, and gave out a strange smile, a slender needle-like spiritual force that pierced towards Pei Junlin's heartlessness. Pei Jun Lin's eyebrows pierced in pain.

"This is spiritual power. I didn’t expect this demon to mutate spiritual power. If you can’t kill this demon, you must not be able to catch it. Research it carefully. If you can catch a large number of spiritual mutation type demon, then at the same time promote these demon to activate spirit. Attack, even if it is a saint-level powerhouse, I am afraid that he will be bombarded and killed." Jin Ye's voice is telling Pei Junlin to act rashly.

Pei Junlin feels the same way. Each of these mutated demon is an object that can be studied carefully. For example, the undead demon that was previously captured makes Pei Junlin very curious about how this demon evolved?

As the saying goes, people have a hundred forms, and the number of human beings is endless, but there are also many talents with mutation talents. The number of demons far exceeds that of human beings, and it can be described as endless.

The reproductive speed of the heavenly demons is extremely astonishing, it is simply the amount of heaven, and it is not surprising that such a large number base produces some mutations.

A black silk thread flew out of the Soul Umbrella again, instantly entwining this mutant heavenly demon. Although this heavenly demon is extremely powerful in spirit, its speed is half a beat slower than that of ordinary heavenly demon, so Pei Junlin used the soul umbrella to catch it instantly.

Pei Junlin's spirit sank into the Soul Umbrella, and immediately isolated a space in it, specifically detaining these top-level mutant demon. .

In the following time, whenever he encounters ordinary demon, Pei Junlin will arrest him, and those mutant demon are specially taken care of by Pei Junlin, and it often takes some time to be arrested.

However, these efforts were worth it. In just half a day, Pei Junlin arrested thousands of mutant demon, and the mutation direction of these demon was different, and each one was very rare and shocking.

In addition, Pei Junlin will repeatedly catch the demon of the same kind of mutation direction, and it is like a spiritual demon, Pei Junlin can capture thousands of heads at a time.

"These stones are not right." Pei Junlin stopped and found a lot of stones beside the road.

There were no these stones just now, but these stones seemed to have appeared suddenly, but Pei Junlin's divine sense inspected it for a while and didn't notice any abnormality.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly, the Buddha's anger lotus flame in his hand shrouded in an instant. Sure enough, the stone turned into dozens of heavenly demons in an instant, flying up and trying to escape.

Pei Junlin was extremely surprised. He didn't expect these heavenly demons to be so good at disguising. Obviously, these heavenly demons are just mutant heavenly demons that are good at creating illusions.

These mutant demon were the sweet pastries that Junlin Pei was looking for, so naturally he couldn't let go. The Soul Umbrella turned countless black silk threads over it, weaved it into a large net, and instantly captured the dozens of mutated phantoms, and the Heavenly Demon caught it.

These heavenly demons grinned in the big net, and ran into the black big net desperately, but they couldn't escape from it. Some demons found that there was no hope of escape, they were cursed by Pei Junlin. Some demon stared at Pei Junlin coldly with scarlet eyes in silence.

"Sure enough, it is a wild and untamable creature. If you don't obey, you will all be put to death. Anyway, the base of the demons will not lack one or two of you." Pei Junlin grabbed it, and the few demons who cursed him were immediately caught by him. Lifting his neck and grabbing it out, the Buddha's wrath lotus flower in his hand directly burned these few heavenly demons early in the morning, and was in pain.

Sure enough, this trick was very effective, and the remaining few demons saw that Pei Junlin was so cruel and tyrannical, and suddenly they didn't dare to say anything.

Pei Junlin was very satisfied with this result. These heavenly demons had to use cruel methods to subdue them. It was impossible to use gentle means at all, because the heavenly demons were very cunning, and Pei Junlin had already received a bitter lesson before.

It was another big net that hadn’t been caught by Pei Junlin for hundreds of days after fishing. These demon are completely different from ordinary demon. What these demon are best at is transfiguration.

Sure enough, the demon in these big nets kept struggling, and after finding that there was no hope of escaping, they turned into the appearance of various relatives of Pei Junlin.

For example, becoming Pei Junlin's parents, calling Pei Junlin, or becoming the image of Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu to mock and insult Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin hasn't seen these relatives for a long time, but the spirit he leaked in the air, after being keenly captured by these demon, can be transformed into what he remembers.

This time Pei Junlin was not angry. Instead, he looked at these images with a little nostalgia. These living shadows were the deepest misses in his heart before, parents, wives, relatives, friends and so on.

Pei Junlin did not immediately interrupt the death of these heavenly demons, but faintly looked at the shadows of the past, showing them in front of his own eyes.

But in the end Pei Junlin still allowed all these heavenly demons to be included in the soul umbrella.

Because you have already made the decision, a huge soul umbrella, and now only capture the mutant heavenly demon, and all the ordinary heavenly demon are handed over to the Jin Ye, using that great king cauldron to refine into a pure heavenly demon pill.

With the fine division of labor in this way, the efficiency has doubled. There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons in the entire crypt, but after Pei Junlin's layers of screening, all the mutant heavenly demons have been captured and entered by Pei Junlin. In the soul umbrella. But the ordinary heavenly demon were all caught by the golden master this time in the chaotic golden battle, completely refined into heavenly demon pill.

Pei Junlin clenched his fists into a fist, and slammed his fist towards the crypt. A golden phantom slammed into the crypt, and the whole area began to collapse.

There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly demon in one area, so Pei Junlin has completely tasted the sweetness, and he grabbed a few mutant heavenly demon and came out to torture him. Soon, Pei Junlin asked about the location coordinates of several crypts.

In the process of rushing, Pei Junlin was not idle either. He straddled the Hunshi Demon Spear. At this time, the Hunshi Demon was strengthened into the appearance of the Promise Wolf King, running on the snowy field.

Pei Junlin was sitting on the back of the Wuji Wolf King, sinking his spirit into the Soul Umbrella.

At this time in the soul umbrella, those ordinary heavenly demons had been transferred to the chaotic golden battle by Pei Junlin, and they became heavenly demons.

Among the current Primal Soul Umbrella, there are only mutant heavenly demons classified by Pei Junlin. Those mutated demons are like geniuses in the human race, and each has a different direction of mutation.

This mutant demon is much stronger than ordinary demon, and the most important demon placed in the soul umbrella by Pei Junlin is the most important demon that Pei Junlin captured first, and it is also the immortal demon. .

In addition, Pei Junlin basically arrested eight types of mutant demon, including mental mutant demon, illusion type mutant demon, bewitching mutant demon, sonic attack type mutant demon, devour type mutant demon, disturbing mentally tired Inner The karma-type demon that bothers people to add karma, and the trouble demon that invisibly affects people's practice.

These eight types of mutant demon were divided by Pei Junlin into separate categories, and they were kept in separate spaces, and these demon, who swallowed each other, would continue to grow their power.

However, in order for these suggested demon to reduce the number of their deaths, Pei Junlin will put a large number of ordinary demon to give these demon as food.

Heavenly demons are born to kill each other and swallow each other. These mutant Heavenly demons have a huge appetite. Ten thousand ordinary Heavenly demons will be swallowed clean in the blink of an eye.

After doing all of this, Pei Junlin's spiritual power has been consumed seven or eight eighty eight. With a grasp of his palm, a large amount of Heavenly Demon Pill was immediately thrown down in the chaotic golden bucket.

But this time Pei Junlin's palm only had ten no heavenly devil pills, and these heavenly devil pills were more refined than the previously forged ones.

One was more efficient than the previous moment and swallowed by Pei Junlin. He immediately felt that his mental strength had recovered a lot. All the diners were swallowed by him. He felt that the whole person's head was warm and became unusually fresh. That drowsy feeling disappeared suddenly.

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