Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1523: Demon Laowu

A black shadow suddenly rushed out from the nearby snowfield, biting towards Pei Junlin, opening his big mouth like a blood demon.

This celestial demon had never seen Pei Junlin's greatness, and belonged to the era of young madness. At this time, the self-casting net was caught by Pei Junlin's backhand in his hand, squashed and rounded, and could not escape.

"What kind of existence are you? The monk who entered here, I have never seen an existence as powerful as you." The heavenly demon is completely different from the other heavenly demon, this heavenly demon actually began to slacken its beard and slap a horse.

"Oh, then just talk about other human monks entering here, where are they?" Pei Junlin was interested at this time.

He was about to rush to several other crypts to capture a large number of heavenly demons there, but now Pei Junlin suddenly changed his mind. If all the 30 core disciples who entered this time were killed in battle, it would definitely be one of the Blue Bull Holy Land. Big loss.

According to Pei Junlin’s previous thoughts, the loss of the Blue Bull Holy Land is nothing to do with him, but now Pei Junlin has changed his mind. You must know that these are 30 masters in the realm of true kings. If you take all the thoughts of these masters Take it in, then there is undoubtedly an extra ally in the Blue Bull Holy Land.

Pei Junlin's biggest weakness now is that his foundation in the Blue Bull Holy Land is too weak. There was only one Fang Zhiqing on Pei Junlin's head covering him, and Fang Zhiqing had other thoughts that could not make Pei Junlin feel absolutely safe.

At this time, there was an excellent opportunity in front of Pei Junlin, that is, Jiangsu and Zhejiang entered the other 29 here, and all the masters of the real king realm were collected under their own command. Taking advantage of this opportunity to buy people's hearts, everyone held a group.

Friendship condensed by blood is the most precious friendship, and these monks in the Heavenly Devil Realm are often at risk of death. If Jun Pei comes to save them at this time, he will undoubtedly become their most intimate friends, and in the future in the Blue Bull Holy Land. , Is also a force that supports Pei Junlin.

So at this time, Pei Jun came and asked the whereabouts of the other human monks at the demon in his hand.

"As far as I know, there is a squad of human monks in the north. There are about five people who are all women. These women have fine skin and tender flesh, but one is badly beaten. I wanted to catch a human being for food before. One arm was knocked off by them." The demon shook his head, his face full of chagrin.

Jun Pei laughed, turning the direction of the Promise Wolf King under his crotch, and hurried towards the direction the demon said. The Promise Wolf King itself is a demigod-level strength, and the speed is extremely fast in this vast snowfield. There is a demon attack on the way. According to Pei Junlin, all of which is absorbed by the soul umbrella, it cannot affect Pei Junlin at all. speed.

"My goodness, master, you are so amazing. Please let me call you master and make me willing to lie down at your feet to be your slave for life and life." Pei Junlin couldn't easily catch this numb god. Xixi.

But at this time, Pei Junlin was in a good mood. Not only did he harvest a large number of Heavenly Demon Orders this time, but also successfully accumulated the Zhan Yuanshun Umbrella, making this dusty treasure shine, even far exceeding the previous pure sun burning bell. The limelight.

When he was in a good mood, Pei Junlin didn't bother to care about it. Just when he was on the way, he was upset with this demon, and it was a good existence to relieve boredom.

"You are not bad, then I will let you go. Anyway, there are endless demons here. If you have more, you have no more, and you have no more. If I don't kill you, it will be some fate between us." He threw the demon out at will, wanting to let it go.

But what made Junlin Pei never think that he wanted to break his head and couldn't think about it clearly is that this demon didn't escape after being thrown away by him, instead he chased him up again.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Are you despising me? The little ones are willing to form grass in front of you. It is the work of dogs and horses." This celestial demon doesn't like numbness at all, and turned into a midair. The human form kept bowing towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was stunned. He carefully inspected the demon and he made a surprising discovery. Pei Junlin discovered that this was not just a simple demon, but after the fall of a human monk, his mental memory was absorbed by a demon. A new type of demon was formed afterwards.

That is to say, the heavenly demon in front of me is not a pure heavenly demon, but the product of the combination of the human soul and the heavenly demon. Perhaps the monk who was swallowed up by this heavenly demon is a flatterer himself.

And it was obvious that this guy who was a half-man, half-sky demon no longer wanted to continue to exist in this heavenly devil world.

A completely pure Heavenly Demon, Pei Junlin has no strength to control him, nor can he spy on the Heavenly Demon's thoughts, because the spiritual attainments of the Heavenly Demon are beyond human reach.

This demon is completely different. It is mixed with humans and possesses a semi-human soul, so Pei Junlin has the ability to control this demon instead.

A golden mark flew from Pei Junlin's eyebrows, and it was printed on the eyebrows of this heavenly demon. Soon, Pei Junlin understood everything in the heart of this heavenly demon.

This is the advantage of cultivating Buddhism. It is completely spiritual and can even control a demon.

"Master, don't look at the little one without mutation, just an ordinary demon, but the small one can act as an undercover for the master to enter these demon groups." This demon is very well-behaved, knowing what Pei Junlin needs.

He also knew that a big boss like Pei Junlin would never allow a waste to exist around him, so this demon immediately showed his own value, that is, he can easily mix into ordinary demon. , To inform Pei Junlin.

This is exactly where Pei Junlin's troubles are. Although these demon are extremely useful, they are also unruly and cunning. So so far, for Junlin Pei, he can only fight for some demon to be imprisoned, forcibly squeeze them, and use their desire for food to control them.

But if you want these demons to take the initiative to serve Pei Junlin, you still don't have the ability to forge such an injection, you can only study it slowly in the future, when time is abundant.

However, Pei Junlin suddenly had an idea to give birth to a demon king among these mutant demon, and use the demon king to command these demon, and then he can easily control these demon.

Pei Junlin's gaze finally fell on this ordinary-looking demon, and it suddenly thought of the immortal demon, perhaps let the non-tearing demon and the one in front of him completely merge to reach the point where it fully needs.

It is not difficult for two heavenly demons to fuse. Heavenly demons and humans are two completely different species, and they can swallow each other.

"What! The master actually let me swallow an immortal demon?" This demon seemed to have been hit by a lottery ticket. His face was full of surprises, and he even spit out a scarlet tongue, constantly licking the dripping saliva.

A mutant demon is one of a thousand, but an immortal demon is an extremely rare existence among the billions of demon.

"I have lived for less than 10,000 years from birth to now, and I have never seen something like an immortal demon with my own eyes." This lucky demon who was selected by Pei Junlin immediately showed a surprised look, and even his body was trembling slightly. .

The reason why Pei Junlin took a fancy to this Heavenly Demon was not because of how touching the strength of this Heavenly Demon was, but because this Heavenly Demon was too ordinary, and the most important point of this Heavenly Demon was to possess humanity.

People are the ones who need the most to understand the existence of people. Pei Junlin knows how to control a person tired, but Pei Junlin has no way to deal with a demon. Because the demon is not human, he is by nature cunning, betraying, and bewitching. These qualities simply cannot change.

However, among the 10,000 heavenly demons, Pei Junlin encountered this heavenly demon that had been fused with humans, and half of the human nature of the heavenly demon, which was exactly what Pei Junlin wanted.

The imprint of the Buddha in the Pure Land of the Buddha allows Pei Junlin to completely control the part of the human nature of this celestial demon, so Pei Junlin can be confident and can completely control the celestial monster.

Pei Junlin's spirit sank into the Soul Umbrella again, and in front of him, there were two heavenly demons, one of which was the mutated undead heavenly monster, and his eyes were full of scarlet light, full of cunning colors. .

On the other side, it was the half-human and half-devil heaven demon, which was crawling under Pei Junlin's feet, looking like a pug.

Pei Junlin hesitated a little, then suddenly grabbed backhand and grabbed the immortal demon. The immortal demon was constantly struggling in Pei Junlin's hands, roaring, screaming, and asking what Pei Junlin was going to do, but Pei Junlin would not give him any answer. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

But Pei Junlin's hands rubbed the immortal demon in his hands, twitching vigorously, and finally made up a dark pill.

Although it looks like a pill, it has the facial features of a demon on it, and he constantly questioned Pei Junlin.

However, Pei Junlin didn't give him any chance to speak. With a backhand, he threw the Immortal Demon Pill into the mouth of the half-human and half-devil.

The demon was ecstatic, and countless teeth appeared in his mouth instantly, like two winches, which constantly stirred his mouth to make a crunchy chewing sound.

The immortal demon, although ordinary people cannot kill, but as a kind of demon can swallow and absorb his ability, that is to say, the existence of this half-human half-devil, after swallowing this immortal demon, will also have immortality Ability, and will be promoted to the existence of mutant demon in one fell swoop.

"Master, after I swallow this undead demon, it will also become an immortal attribute. Even if I encounter a devil-level existence, I am not worthy that the other party cannot kill me at all." After this demon swallowed the immortal demon, his face The face was full of red light, and he turned into a human appearance.

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