Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1524: White Wolf Knight

Pei Junlin was carefully observing this demon's mental power operation at the same time, and was spying on this demon's thoughts. Pei Junlin felt surprised that there was no idea of ​​rebellion in the heart of this demon. Although his strength had doubled dozens of times in an instant, his heart did not swell at all.

This is the part that Pei Junlin can't understand. Although this demon possesses half of the human nature, there is also a resistance and greed in human nature, but this matter can not be reflected in this demon.

Although the strength has made great progress, this demon has become more and more centered, which makes Pei Junlin feel unreal in his heart.

After careful scrutiny for a while, I discovered the reason. It turned out that the human soul that the demon swallowed back then possessed an extremely servile and flattering ability.

The deep-rooted servility and the servility of excellent horse-styling have completely gained the upper hand in the long run, dominating the consciousness of this demon, and this allowed Pei Junlin to encounter this inexorable slave demon.

This demon is born as a slave, sincere, loyal, and even able to give everything to his master, and he can't speak normally. If he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, he will be slapped. If he does not praise his master for a day, he will be suffocated. Will suffocate...

Pei Junlin felt speechless for a while, but he did not expect that she would accidentally encounter such a superb existence, which indeed made him somewhat unacceptable.

"Master, now that I have made considerable progress in strength, it would be better to give this soul umbrella to me. As long as I control the umbrella, plus you continue to provide me with ordinary demons to devour, it will not take long. I can evolve into a demon king-level existence." This mutant demon, at this time, started to offer advice and suggestions in front of Pei Junlin, completely not thinking of himself as an outsider.

Pei Junlin nodded. This was what he had planned before. The entire Soul Umbrella needed a Demon King-level Heaven Demon to co-ordinate, and even to subdue those mutant Heaven Demons, so as to return to the full strength of the Soul Umbrella.

"You're good! You will be made into the spirit of this soul umbrella in the future. I will gradually hand over some of the formations here to you, and you will control it. However, with your current strength, I still can't fully control it. The Soul Umbrella has all the formations, so now I can only give you a part of the right." Pei Junlin waved his palm, and there seemed to be mysterious power injected into the eyebrows of the Heavenly Demon in the Soul Umbrella.

This demon immediately grasped a part of the power to control the entire soul umbrella, and immediately showed an ecstatic look. He crouched on the ground and knocked his head like garlic at Pei Junlin, and shouted: "Wish the master Hong Fu Qitian, longevity and In Tianqi, the admiration of the subordinates for the master is like a continuous river..."

"I think you're so dark, why don't you call you Lao Wu from now on." Pei Jun Lin Huihui smiled and even gave this demon a name.

Hearing that Pei Junlin had given him a name, the demon didn't even think about it. Then he shouted and shouted at the same time: "Lao Wu Xie gave the name to him. From now on, Lao Wu is a dog on his feet. "

There are new words every day in these endless sloppy words, which sounds pleasant to the ears, and Pei Junlin naturally does not stop it.

In fact, Pei Junlin knew deeply that the undead demon of the islands had the inner will of the original human soul. He possessed perseverance and servility, and he could not change it at all.

If you want to change it forcibly, it is to obliterate Lao Wu, so this thing is absolutely impossible.

That old Wu controls the entire soul umbrella, and Pei Junlin saves worry and effort. Sure enough, the sky demon is the one who knows the sky demons best. In less than half a day, Pei Junlin once again entered the soul umbrella, unexpectedly saw those imprisoned mutations. The demon was much more stable than before.

Taking advantage of this time, Pei Junlin also controlled the Wuji Wolf King and came to another place, where the other human monks mentioned by Lao Wu existed.

Pei Junlin saw the traces of the battle in this place, but did not find the human body, which also made Pei Junlin grateful. Sure enough, none of the core disciples of Qingniu Holy Land is simple. These female core disciples have not fallen again, it seems that they are temporarily out of trouble.

According to Lao Wu, five human monks were trapped by a group of heavenly demons here before, but now based on the traces of the scene, Pei Junlin can easily speculate that the five core disciples have already escaped.

In this vast snowfield of the Heavenly Demon Realm, there are powerful Heavenly Demon everywhere. The five core disciples are not sleepy here, but it does not mean that they are completely safe.

Pei Junlin started searching along this area, and soon discovered the existence of the five female disciples in another place. At this moment, these five female disciples were actually besieged by tens of thousands of ordinary heavenly demons led by the three-headed demon-level demon, and they had fallen into a mortal situation.

Although seeing this situation from a distance, Pei Junlin has already felt desperate. The five core female disciples of the Blue Bull Holy Land have already roared and entered the countdown to life.

If they can't wait for rescue, all five of them will become food for the demon, and they will be swallowed up by the three demon.

The human monk's body is a great tonic for the heavenly demons. Although the heavenly demons would swallow each other normally, it was a last resort. If there were human flesh and blood for them to devour these heavenly demons, they would definitely not devour the same kind.

But Junlin Pei is different, it has a lot of blood pills that can give these gods. What the Heavenly Demon likes most is realism, but here Pei Junlin did not open up the supply of blood pills to the ordinary Heavenly Demon.

Although Junlin Pei controls a large amount of blood pills, the most indispensable thing in Capricorn on this day is ordinary demon, so Junlin Pei tries to capture more demon to refine into the demon pill, and also store it as food. Supply those mutated demons.

But after stepping out of the realm of the demon, then these demon will become mouths waiting to be fed, and then Pei Junlin can only use the blood pill to nourish these demon.

"Sisters, even if you die, you can't become food for these demon." A woman in a white dress and white dress is like a fairy in the fairy world.

At this time, the woman's face was full of determination. The noon test papers were all covered with blood, and his back was carrying a nine-string coke tail piano.

Obviously this woman's weapon was actually this Jiaoweiqin, which used sonic attacks to kill these demons. It's a pity that all these women are exhausted and exhausted, even if they have the strength of the real dragon realm, they still feel desperate in the face of endless demons.

It was the three-headed demons who stepped up their attacks, and the formations these women jointly laid were as thin as a piece of paper, and could be breached at any time.

Although it had reached the critical point of life and death, these women did not have much fear on their faces. Instead, all of them rose up to resist, with a look of death on their faces.

Pei Junlin saw it really from a distance, and couldn't help but admire these women in his heart, all of them were called heroines. It's a pity that some people who secretly planned this thing are really despicable and shameless in that blue bull holy land. Sending these core disciples of heroes and heroes here as cannon fodder is really an asshole.

You see that the formation is about to be broken, and Pei Junlin can no longer hold back this time, riding the Promise Wolf King under him, like a knight riding a white horse, rolling from the snowy field.

The five women had already seen Pei Junlin at this time. At first these women didn't realize that Pei Junlin was a reinforcement, but when they realized that this was a real human monk, all these women were shocked.

When Pei Junlin was brought closer, his face caught the eyes of these women, and soon these women cheered because they recognized that this was Pei Junlin.

If Pei Junlin was an unknown **** before, but winning the first place in the general election of the inner disciple, his reputation has become so high that he has reached the point where no one is unknown in the Blue Bull Holy Land, so these women It is not surprising to be able to recognize Pei Junlin.

Obviously these women had realized that Pei Junlin was here to help, and they cheered one by one, cheering up. Sure enough, those demons were already in their hands, but at this time Pei Junlin came out halfway, disrupting the plans of these demons. The three-headed general-level demons immediately yelled, and there was a general-level general division of the demons. , Commanding a pair of celestial demons to encircle and suppress Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin laughed and laughed that these demon were too underestimating the enemy, but some of his methods did not allow these women to see Pei Junlin's hands, so there was a large Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword.

And this sword was made by Pei Junlin's Buddha Fury Red Lotus, but at this time, there was no fire on the surface, it became plain and dark, just like a weapon made of black mysterious iron.

But this big knife is not simple, it still possesses the effect of Buddha's Fury Red Lotus on the demon, so Pei Junlin's big knife hacked it down, and it was annihilated immediately.

Otherwise, the demon-level demon is not Pei Junlin's one-piece power, and it is cut in half by Pei Junlin, and his body instantly collapses.

The five women in the formation were already looking stupid, Pei Junlin was like a **** soldier, brandishing a broad knife and ruthlessly slaying these gods.

In their eyes, the demon-level demon, who is like an insurmountable high mountain, is in the hands of Pei Junlin, and it is not the enemy of One He.

At this time, Pei Junlin is like the **** of war driving the colorful clouds, and has become the **** of war in the eyes of these women!

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