Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1525: 5 sisters

Several girls looked at Pei Junlin's eyes, and they never seemed to feel that Pei Junlin was so attractive.

"Sisters and sisters now have reinforcements, we can't just sit back and let Brother Pei Junlin look down on us." The girls were already sleepy and exhausted and couldn't get up at all, but at this time it was like being injected with a booster shot. .

The spiritual power is still very strong. Seeing these girls, they have a way to survive. That formation is a treasure, the best spirit treasure in the hands of one of the girls is specially used for defense.

At this time, they were on the verge of breaking, so these girls also rushed out of the formation and began to fight back.

"Senior Sister Leng, why are there so many demon? Don't Zongmen know anything about it, let us come in is simply to die!" A girl who looked like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl had her eyebrows upside down and her face was cold.

The other girls also tasted the taste, looking at each other, their faces slightly changed.

Seeing the entrustment on the jade talisman of the Zongmen, they entered here to strengthen the seal, but after they entered here, they soon encountered a large number of demons. According to common sense, ordinary people would not enter here at all. May survive.

So what is the point of sending these people here?

"Don't talk nonsense, the most important thing for yourself now is to live, and then look for a place to reinforce the seal according to the coordinates." Senior Sister Leng resisted the crowd.

Senior Sister Leng is the leader of these five female monks. He still speaks with weight. Seeing Senior Sister Leng gets angry, the other girls dare not say more.

"Sisters and sisters, are you okay?" Pei Junlin smiled faintly at the five girls while rushing in among the heavenly demon army.

Seeing Pei Junlin lifting weights lightly, as if visiting a garden to see flowers, the few girls all had expressions of anguish. Everyone is a core disciple who walked over at the same starting line, so how come Jun Pei stands alone? In this army of demon, it is actually flat on the ground.

"Brother Pei Junlin, this time I would like to thank you for saving us at the most critical moment." The cold world is also not weak at all. It flies in and out of the heavenly demons, and a light green light spills over. After being contaminated, they screamed.

Pei Junlin also saw this Senior Sister Leng, who was definitely a tough character. This woman looked exhausted, and it seemed that she was saving her strength, and she had really missed it before.

"A few beauties, I saved you, how can you repay you?" Pei Junlin said with a smile.

Except for that Sister Leng who was unsmiling, the other girls were very active. Some said they wanted to be personally promised, and some said they wanted to be with Pei Junlin as a little maid.

In short, this time Pei Jun came to the heavens and rescued these girls and completely captured the hearts of these girls. These girls are all very beautiful, and they are well-known in the sect. As long as you have a good relationship with these girls, you will not worry about having no interpersonal relationships in the sect.

Pei Junlin suddenly flew high in the sky, and took the palm of his hand fiercely. A huge golden palm print was more than ten acres of land. Tens of thousands of heavenly demons were severely beaten by this palm, and they screamed in an instant.

But Junlin Pei's movements are extremely clever. Under the cover of this palm, he quietly released the Chaos Golden Fight, and instantly collected tens of thousands of ordinary demon into the bag where these girls could not see.

These are all Heavenly Devil Pills, and in the eyes of Pei Junlin, they cannot be wasted.

Naturally, the few girls didn't see Pei Junlin's movements clearly, but felt that Pei Junlin was extremely brave, comparable to the legendary big brother Chen Zhentian, and they all looked at Pei Junlin with admiration.

The corner of Senior Sister Leng's mouth evoked a sneer, as if she was quite disdainful of Pei Junlin's small movements.

Pei Junlin was secretly annoyed. This woman was simply toasting and not eating or punishing wine. She had come all the way to these people, but she didn't expect this woman to put on a stinky expression.

"People follow me, I have a **** road ahead, let's rush out together, there are too many demon army, and they continue to come from all directions, if you continue to stay here, it is a dead end." Pei Junlin Said to these girls quickly.

Senior Sister Leng nodded towards Pei Junlin, put away the indifferent look on her face, and was the first one to sit forward and sit behind Pei Jun. The delicate body pressed tightly against Pei Junlin's back, which made Pei Junlin become amused in an instant.

He didn't expect this woman to be so simple, completely ignoring whether the man and woman are giving or receiving a relationship, and even directly sticking to his back, sitting on the Wuji Wolf King.

The other girls smiled when they saw Senior Sister Leng, swiftly climbed up and posted on Pei Junlin's body, all showing disappointment.

But they didn't have the heart to fall behind, one by one jumped up and sat on the Wuji Wolf King, and even a petite girl got directly into Pei Junlin's arms.

Suddenly jumped into the gentle village from the icy Celestial Demon War, Pei Junlin was dumbfounded. Seeing the surrounding army of demons gathered around again, there were still a few demons commanding Pei Junlin's face slightly changed, knowing that if he was careless, he would really be unable to escape.

He himself could say that there are endless methods to deal with these demon, but these girls are hard to say. Pei Junlin didn't want to expose his methods completely for the time being, so he could only take this opportunity to rush out.

Pei Junlin secretly said that it is a pity that this place is simply a lair of demon. Pei Junlin looks at the vast surrounding area. All that is fearless is black demon shadows. It is roughly estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of these demon. If all of them are captured, it is A great wealth.

Pei Junlin even now regrets why he came to rescue these girls with a hot mind. After these girls have been eaten by the demon completely, wouldn't it be wonderful to come out and clean up the battlefield by himself?

But looking at these innocent and beautiful faces, Pei Junlin felt that he was too selfish, and he was disregarded for some wealth. This is definitely the idea of ​​the magic way.

"Don't think about it, it's just a stopgap, get out of here quickly." When Senior Sister Leng was speaking, she pinched Pei Junlin's waist with her slender jade fingers.

Don't look at this woman's fingers like spring onions, white, tender and slender. He tried to start but kept pinching on Pei Junlin's waist. The painful Pei Junlin grinned, quickly condensed his mind, and controlled the Promise Wolf King to rush towards the periphery of the heavenly demon army.

A demon commander stopped him, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and a black whirlpool appeared in front of him. The black vortex constantly attracts the surrounding heavenly demons, causing these heavenly demons to gather together to form a dark shield.

The leader of the heavenly demon made a quack, and seemed to stop Pei Junlin from moving forward. With a chill on Pei Junlin's face, the flame long knife in his hand suddenly waved, and the shield and the person split instantly.

The vigorous scene, looking at the eyes of a few girls, was shocking and inexplicable. Even Senior Sister Leng showed a stunned look, as if she didn't expect Pei Junlin to be so powerful.

An ordinary demon is very difficult, not to mention the demon-level demon, but in the hands of Pei Junlin, these demon are like cutting melons and vegetables, which is simply incredible.

"What kind of knife is this?" the girl hiding in Junlin's arms weakly asked.

A pair of eyes looked at the flame long knife in Pei Junlin's hand, full of envy. Pei Junlin smiled, naturally unable to tell the secret to this long flame sword, but he used the Buddha's Fury Red Lotus to condense the nihility.

This weapon is not an entity, but an illusory corpse. It is handy to use and specializes in dealing with demons, but it is not so handy against ordinary people.


Flying sand and rocks, all the snow on the ground was picked up, and the surrounding battlefield became hazy and obscured the sight. Pei Junlin wanted to use his divine sense to penetrate to explore what happened, but he discovered that after encountering the barrier formed by the gods, he was directly bounced back, and even a very small part of the gods was caught by these gods.

"Not good!" Pei Junlin's face changed slightly. He knew that once his divine consciousness went out and was swallowed by these heavenly demons, he would probably know his secret.

It’s just that I’m himself alone, but unfortunately there are five outsiders here. Pei Junlin absolutely can’t let these demon tell his secrets. On the one hand, he takes in his mind and closes his pores so that his mind is not easily revealed After going out, on the other hand, Pei Junlin jumped up from the Wuji Wolf King, and the long flame blade in his hand turned into a fire wheel.

The surrounding yin wind roared, it was the yin wind formed by the tens of thousands of heavenly demons. These cold yin winds drill directly into the pores, and if they are invaded into the mind, they will be immediately controlled by the demon.

None of the people present are weak, even the five girls have become core disciples. They are one in ten thousand, and naturally they will not be easily controlled by the demon.

Sure enough, a few demon had already turned into what Pei Junlin thought in his heart, and began to mock Pei Junlin, but these demon were crushed by the flame wheel in Pei Junlin's hand before they spoke.

Black chains flew over from the darkness. These chains were the heavenly demons. They were hooked and forged into chains. Once they were entangled with the chains, they would be dragged away.

Seeing the black chains probed from the black fog, Pei Junlin would naturally not stand idly by. He grabbed hundreds of chains and twisted them on a group of wrists. These chains began to turn instantly.

The flames that the Buddha's anger and red lotus turned into swiftly circulated on the chain, and the chain on top of the chain was making amazing roars and screams.

"Senior Sister, let's help him." A little girl could not help but feel a little sympathetic when she saw Pei Jun approaching him, and even worried about Pei Junlin's comfort.

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