Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1526: Sister Leng

Senior Sister Leng glanced at Pei Junlin coldly, and sneered: "This person hasn't done anything at all. He has been hiding the means."

Hearing Sister Leng’s words, the other girls all showed their pets dumbfounded. Pei Junlin’s performance seemed incredible enough to them, but according to Leng Shijie’s statement, Pei Junlin was still hiding his strength. It's incredible, so how strong is Pei Junlin's true strength?

"But since this person is here to help us, naturally we can't stand by and watch. Sisters, let's fight together." Senior Sister Leng jumped up from the Wuji Wolf Queen's back, spreading her hands, and she was on her back. Transformed into a golden wing.

The golden wings kept flapping, and it turned out that Senior Sister Leng was floating in the air, and there was a sky blue long sword in his hand.

This long sword continuously wielded swords and anger rushed in all directions. But Leng Shi quickly realized that these pure physical attacks had no effect on the Heavenly Demon. He hummed coldly, flipped his palm, and added a talisman in his palm.

Fu Lu was instantly slapped on the sword in her hand by Senior Sister Leng, and the entire sword burst out with a pale yellow light, and there was a flash of thunder in it.

A flop of a sword smashed out countless small lightning like little thumbs, woven into a thunder and lightning king in the air, and those demon screamed instantly, and they were smashed into fly ash by the lightning.

Pei Junlin suddenly turned around and looked at Senior Sister Leng and the two of them looked at each other in the air, and soon separated. Pei Junlin didn't expect to use thunder and lightning to deal with these demon, it was so sharp, it was even more efficient than Buddha's Fury Red Lotus.

Not slaughtering the demon in this way is simply a violent death. You must know that in the hands of Pei Junlin, these demon are all treasures, and a demon represents a heaven demon pill.

I don’t care much about Pei Junlin at this time. He has to take these girls out of the siege. If you think about the magic pill at this time, it is simply inferior to a beast. After all, compared with wealth, human life The most important.

Pei Junlin learned how to use his palm, and a large thunder light appeared in his palm. The thunder light showed a azure blue light, and suddenly waved out, and in an instant, a demon would be cut into fly ash by Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin forged a thunder pond in the chaotic golden battle. There is naturally an endless amount of thunder power in his body. Compared with the amount of thunder power that blooms on the sword light of Senior Sister Leng, it is insignificant.

Pei Junlin was like the Thunder King, the thunder light enveloped his body instantly turned into a thunder ball, rolling continuously on the entire battlefield.

Those heavenly demons who weren't there to evade, and no longer dared to surround themselves. Seeing Pei Junlin was like seeing the plague god, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons broke up and fled in an instant.

The girls were also dumbfounded when they saw Pei Junlin's methods. Obviously they didn't expect that Pei Junlin could control such a powerful lightning power.

Pei Junlin Huawei, where a big thunder and lightning ball was constantly rolling in front, all the demons encountered were turned into fly ash, while the Promise Wolf King followed closely behind Pei Junlin and dragged five girls towards the periphery. Rush away.

I don't know how long it has passed, Pei Junlin felt that the surrounding area was finally quiet, and those demon did not dare to chase him.

At this time, Pei Junlin pretended to be listless and exhausted. Lying on the snow, the five girls were all surrounded by Pei Junlin, except Senior Sister Leng.

Some of the other four girls squeezed Pei Junlin's back, some pinched Pei Junlin's hands, and even some girls took off Pei Junlin's shoes and helped him pinch his feet.

Although Pei Junlin is accustomed to seeing beautiful women, the identities and status of these girls are not ordinary. They are all core disciples, and they are the holy land of the green cow. They are heavy people inside. Their status and status are absolutely admired by thousands of people on the outside. .

But now these beautiful girls are serving as little maids by Pei Junlin's side, obviously greatly satisfying Pei Junlin's vanity and making her feel very comfortable inside.

"Don't delay too much time here, let's leave here as soon as possible and go to the coordinated place." Senior Sister Leng is like a cold-faced and ruthless female devil, always pouring him when his heart is blooming. A basin of cold water.

However, Pei Junlin has become accustomed to this girl named Senior Sister Leng, who is simply an extinct teacher who is unkind.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. The spread of the five fingers turned into heavy black shadows and instantly enveloped Senior Sister Leng.

Five golden-lighted fingers formed a cage, firmly confining Senior Sister Leng to the ground, and Senior Sister Leng was struggling with a hideous complexion, but she could not escape Pei Junlin's confinement.

The other girls were completely dumbfounded. Obviously, they didn't expect Pei Junlin to suddenly attack Senior Sister Leng. Everything came too suddenly. They were four girls who didn't react at all, and didn't know who to help.

"Don't act rashly, he is controlled by the demon." Pei Junlin jumped up from the ground and stretched out his hand, a golden light fell into Senior Sister Leng's eyebrows.

Senior Sister Leng's eyes became extremely hollow, and she stood there shaking slightly, and soon fell into a coma on the ground. Several girls screamed at Hua Rongxi. You must know that Senior Sister Leng is their spiritual core. At this time, Senior Sister Leng's fall was because they had some fear of Pei Junlin.

"Why did you suddenly attack the elder sister?" The youngest girl, milkingly, questioned Pei Junlin. It was this girl who got into Pei Junlin's arms before, and now he is closest to Pei Junlin. , There was no doubt in his tone.

"Didn't you just say it? He was controlled by the demon." Pei Junlin explained impatiently.

However, the youngest girl named Shuang'er, and the other girls looked at each other and exchanged eyes. It was clear that they did not trust Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. The women were born to act so beautifully before these girls. Their appearance was completely resolute. Now that something happened suddenly, they even excluded themselves in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, the needle in the heart of a woman's heart cannot be completely believed, and she must always be on guard.

"If you don’t believe me, I can’t do anything about it. Everyone is the brothers and sisters of the Green Bull Holy Land. Do I have to take action against him? If I have malicious intentions against you, I can’t save you from fighting before. It's just that you are swallowed by those demon." Pei Junlin decided to explain after thinking about it.

Except for the girl named Shuang'er, who stood on Pei Junlin's side and clearly supported Pei Junlin, the other three other girls were silent.

They guarded Senior Sister Leng behind her, and Yin Yin actually confronted Pei Junlin without speaking, her face was slightly cold.

Seeing this situation, Pei Junlin suddenly showed coldness on his face. He realized that he had saved these people by putting his hot face on his cold ass, which was completely wishful thinking. And the enthusiasm these girls showed before was completely hypocritical and not sincere.

"Forget it, since you don't believe me, then I'll go, I hope you can live here." Pei Junlin rubbed a thunder and lightning rune with his palm and was shot into the talisman by Pei Junlin.

These talismans were then rubbed by Pei Junlin's hands and turned into blue thunderbolts. The thunderbolt contains pure lightning power. If you encounter a large number of demons, throw these thunderbolts out, which can form a huge lethality.

The work of saving people had already been done before. Pei Junlin thought about doing good people to the end and sending Buddha to the west, so he made hundreds of thunderbolts in a short time and gave them to the three girls.

"These thunderbolts, but I believe that you will survive the next road easily, but you must also be vigilant, do not go to some crypts, because there are a large number of heavenly demons in the crypts. Shenxian Luo can't save you either." Pei Junlin tirelessly explained to the four girls.

However, the three girls always treated each other coldly, without speaking at all, with deep vigilance on their faces. The girl named Shuang'er stood beside Pei Junlin and kept saying good things for Pei Junlin, but the other three girls had no intention of changing their minds at all.

"This is the location of the crypt. You remember that you must bypass these places. Once you step into the nearby area, you will soon arouse the demon in the crypt, and you can even encounter a demon general or a demon king. Heavenly Demon." Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and drew a map on the snow. These maps were the geoscience locations Pei Junlin knew from Lao Wu's mouth before.

After the locations of these crypts were simply marked on the map, Pei Junlin planned to leave.

"Big Brother Pei, I believe you, I'll follow you." Shuang'er was very well-behaved, and reached out and took Pei Junlin's hand and followed Pei Junlin.

Seeing this, the other three girls hurried over to stop them, not allowing Pei Junlin to take her away.

However, the girl named Shuang'er seemed to have made up his mind to follow Pei Junlin. Despite what the other three girls said, she refused to change her mind, and the situation froze for a while.

"Senior Brother Pei Junlin, what did you do to Senior Sister Leng? He fell into a coma for an instant. If you have a way to wake him up, we will believe you." One of the girls finally loosened her attitude towards Pei. King's Landing said.

But this proposal was immediately opposed by the other two girls because they didn't want Pei Junlin to contact Sister Leng anymore. The two girls seemed to be convinced that Pei Junlin was hostile to Sister Leng and wanted to murder Sister Leng secretly.

Pei Junlin was speechless for a while. He and this girl named Senior Sister Leng had never seen each other before, and could not talk about murdering each other. If only because of a few cold words and cold words from the other party, the other party secretly kills, then what is he? People? How can such a small belly chicken intestines be cultivated to such a degree?

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