Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1528: Arrested

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Pei Junlin nodded his head and stopped arresting these ordinary heavenly demons, and also left a part of the Soul Umbrella.

Now Pei Junlin’s two treasures at hand, the Soul Umbrella and the Chaos Golden Fight have become a competitive relationship. Compared with the two, the Chaos Golden Fight is more powerful, especially when the black vortex expands and swallows everything like a black hole. .

The entire battlefield of the demon can be absorbed in an instant, and thousands of demon heads are like little tadpoles encountering a whirlpool, completely swallowed.

On the other side, the Soul Umbrella's capture of the Heavenly Demons is gradual. With the Soul Umbrella, the mutant Heavenly Demons are constantly increasing, and the power in the Soul Umbrella is constantly growing wildly.

Later, the Soul Umbrella did not need to shoot the black silk thread to capture the heavenly demons. Instead, it was almost open and closed with the feather chaos gold. A black vortex was formed under the constant rotation, and the surrounding heavenly demons were formed. All swept in.

Several demon-level demon, it seems that they have seen such a powerful human for the first time, and they all showed incredible expressions. Some of the demons of the demon general level are transformed into human forms, while others are transformed into animals. For example, one of them transforms into a white ape, with great power.

With a punch, a huge pit will appear on the vast snowy field.

These few demon general level demon rushed towards Pei Junlin, especially the white ape, fierce.

He rushed to Pei Junlin and smashed his fists down, trying to smash Pei Junlin into meatloaf. But Junlin Pei didn't panic either. The power of these demons at the level of the demon generals was very huge, comparable to masters in the realm of true kings. However, the demons had a fatal flaw, that is, the fear of Buddhism.

Pei Junlin's entire palm was exuding golden light, and he grabbed and fished it forward. This heavenly magic power that turned into a white ape was like a frustrated ball.

The power in the body quickly dwindled, and then the whole person was completely deformed, instantly transforming from a giant ape with a height of four or five meters into a cloud of black mist.

Ordinary demon generals can easily escape the capture of Chaos Golden Fight or Primordial Soul Umbrella, but when Pei Jun is here, there is no hope of escape.

Pei Junlin's big hand was very flexible. When he grabbed it forward, his five fingers spread out and slapped suddenly. A demon-level demon instantly turned into a black mist and was slapped away by Pei Junlin.

However, it was too simple to destroy a demon general, and the demon general would not be easily destroyed. After being photographed, the body of the demon general will still condense, but Pei Junlin will not give him this opportunity.

There was a flow of air in the dark, and the demon that instantly slapped it away wrapped the breath and sent it into the chaotic golden bucket space. Such a demon general level demon can forge hundreds of demon pills.

The other few demons saw their companions being arrested so easily, and immediately showed fear in their eyes. The wisdom of the heavenly demons is no less than that of human beings. Seeing that Pei Junlin is so powerful, he naturally gave birth to the thought of retreating, but Pei Junlin will naturally not give these few heavenly demons a chance to leave here.

He had been prepared long before he entered this valley, and Jun Pei couldn't make a big formation at the mouth of the valley. Earth wind, water and fire, the four elements are guarding there, it is impossible for these celestial demons to pass through that area.

The world in which the demons exist is a complete spiritual world, and there are no ordinary elements, so the demons have almost no immunity to ordinary elements. For example, when encountering lightning or flames, the demons will suffer tons of damage.

The reason why ordinary people feel so troublesome when encountering the demons is not because they are not strong enough, nor is it because they cannot control the power of the elements, but when encountering the demons, ordinary people often cannot hold their minds and are easily invaded by the demons. In the soul, it confuses the mind, so that there is no chance of resistance at all in the chaos.

The most important thing to deal with the demon is not how strong it is, but the most important thing is to guard one's mind and keep the indelible light in his heart.

As long as he is not chaotic, it is basically impossible for the demon to invade the soul. Pei Junlin has mastered this knack, dealing with these demon is naturally simple and effortless.

The general realm of true kings can only be resisted desperately, and the demon-level demon in the palm of Pei Junlin is almost like a puppet. When these demon encountered Pei Junlin, they had no power to resist.

Watching hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons, they were captured by Pei Junlin in a very short period of time. Several demons instantly became commanders of bare rods.

But when they found that there was no hope to escape, these few demon murmured to each other, Pei Junlin could only hear an obscure language, which was an exchange between the demon.

They are forming an alliance to resist Pei Jun's arrival together. It is very easy for ordinary humans to achieve unity, but for Tmall, it is like doing a huge and difficult task.

Because there is no contract at all in the world of the demon, it is basically impossible to unite between the demon, so these demon-level demon, when discussing how to jointly deal with Pei Junlin, have already begun to swear a poisonous oath. . Huaxia Chinese

Seeing more than a dozen demon-general-level demons want to unite to deal with him, Pei Junlin, at this time, his face is also a bit cold, these demon-general-level demon are not afraid to be together, but ten heads together are enough to pose a threat Up.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and the combined strength of these demons is naturally not to be underestimated.

The most terrifying thing about the Heavenly Demon is that they can disperse and attack Pei Junlin and can still resist, because Pei Junlin cultivates Buddhism, forming a place called Po Suo Pure Land in his brain.

That Posuo Pure Land can also be understood as a small world, or as a spiritual world between reality and reality. In short, the Pure Land of Po Suo protected all of Pei Junlin's spiritual will, thoughts, and soul. If the demon wants to invade Pei Junlin, not only the first attack on his celestial body, but also the second wave of attacking the Pure Land of Po Suo.

Even if Junlin Pei stood still, it would not be easy for these heavenly demons to break through the body of the stars, and ordinary heavenly demons could not do it at all, but for the general-level heavenly demons, it seemed not that difficult to break through the body of Junlin's new city.

Facing more than a dozen demon generals, the first task of Pei Junlin was to guard his body. The first barrier would prevent these demon generals from entering and disrupt his thoughts.

Once this demon is dispersed, it is invisible and invisible, like a needle in a cow's hair, it is difficult to guard against. But this time Pei Junlin learned to be clever, and the big knife in his hand suddenly looked into the air and threw it down, instantly turning into a ball of lotus and landing.

This lotus is the Buddha's angry red lotus. Pei Jun is sitting on the lotus platform. It is impossible for Wanxie not to invade these gods to disturb his mind.

Almost instantly Pei Junlin was invincible. With the guardian Pei Junlin of these two platforms, his mind was not stained with dust and dirt, and the demon couldn't take advantage of it.

However, this does not mean that Pei Junlin has no threat, nor does it mean that these dozen or so demons cannot cause deadly damage to Pei Junlin.

Although the mind was guarded, these demon-level figures in the Heavenly Demon Realm were also very powerful, comparable to masters in the realm of True Kings.

It is definitely not an easy task for Pei Junlin to deal with more than a dozen masters of the real king realm alone.


The horn of the demon encircling and suppressing Pei Junlin has sounded, and a dozen demonized black tigers pounced towards Pei Junlin.

And what surprised Pei Junlin the most was that one of the heavenly demons stood in place and began to command, while some of the remaining heavenly demons started to form a weird formation with his strange steps and directions.

Pei Junlin is a master of the formation, but in a very short time, he did not see the purpose and origin of this formation.

The demon's self-contained system and the world of human monks are totally different from one another. Human beings are pragmatic and practice, while demon is a spiritual world specializing in retreat. They are retreats.

Therefore, Pei Junlin didn't understand the formation of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Seeing these celestial demon in this formation, Pei Junlin didn't feel any threat, because Pei Junlin didn't feel any change in the surrounding area.

"Could it be that these celestial demons are playing mystery?" Pei Junlin was full of questions.

An ordinary demon is comparable to a master of psychology, familiar with human nature, and knows human thinking best. As the saying goes, the imaginary is the real, but the truth is that Pei Junlin feels that these demons want to play psychological tactics with him.

I soon felt that it was impossible for Pei Junlin that the dragon gate formation placed by these demon was definitely not false, but the reason why it did not produce any effect was it because it was still accumulating power?

Just when Junlin Pei was puzzled, ready to forcibly break through the formations under these demon cloths, and kill these demon general level demon one by Pei Junlin suddenly felt a weird breath .

There were whirring sounds from all around, and there seemed to be waves beating on the beach. You and you looked up and found a vast snowfield all around, and I don't know when it turned into a vast ocean.

The demon before was gone. Like a mirror, there was a dark ship moored on the calm sea. The ship floated silently, and Pei Junlin did not see anyone on the deck.

"No, I was caught by the demon's strategy and they were put into the sleeve. Unknowingly, the demon invaded the mind, and there was a fantasy in front of him." Pei Junlin was shocked and immediately knew that everything in front of him was The fake ones are specially used by the demons to disturb their minds.

Although he knew that everything that happened before him was an illusion, Pei Junlin still felt a bit weird. According to his reasoning, these demons could not pose any threat to him at all, but now things are counterproductive and everything is completely contrary to his speculation.

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