Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1529: Spiritual world

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The so-called something abnormal must have a demon, and it does not operate according to common sense, which shows that there is definitely a problem in a certain link.

Pei Junlin forced himself to calm down, urging the patronage of the Pure Land in his mind to prevent the demon from infiltrating his thoughts.

At the same time, he recalled what happened before and even every detail clearly, and then carefully reasoned and considered.

Now that Pei Junlin's brain has been cultivated to the state of death, it is almost like a supercomputer that can calculate hundreds of millions of times every second. So it seems that time has passed for a long time, but in fact, it only took less than a second in Pei Junlin to sort out everything clearly, and it was extremely meticulous, with absolutely no omissions.

But after speculating from beginning to end in this way, Pei Junlin still did not find the problem. According to Pei Junlin's previous speculation, even if these demon generals are combined, the threat to him is almost negligible, and he has the Buddha's anger red lotus to guard his mind, and it is impossible to be invaded.

But now things have indeed happened, and it happened clearly before his eyes. Although Pei Junlin felt incredible, but he was helpless.

The surrounding sea is so real to Pei Junlin, and you can see fish swimming under the blue water. However, Pei Junlin was soaking in the water, watching the big ship in the distance completely floating there, Pei Junlin felt vigilant.

According to the logic of ordinary people, if a person falls in the sea and there is a big ship nearby, then the most likely next action for this person is to climb onto the big ship.

The heavenly demons are extremely cunning, and the psychological game between Pei Junlin and the heavenly demons, the psychological master, is also going on quietly. At this time, Pei Junlin was floating on the surface of the sea, and the surrounding sea water appeared to be a azure blue color as if it had been soaked in blue dye.

Suddenly Pei Junlin noticed that there were a few dark shadows swimming back and forth under the water. He soon knew that these dark shadows were not ordinary fish, but the most ferocious sharks in the sea.

For a cultivator, a few sharks are nothing to worry about. When Pei Jun moves his fingers, these sharks will die or even explode directly.

But now Pei Junlin has lost such power. He now finds that he has no power to bind the chicken, and he can't mobilize any magical aura at all. That is to say, this sea is completely a spiritual world, and Pei Junlin is deprived of all his power and power. The demon stood on the same level.

Either use spiritual power to defeat the demon, or just stay here, until the will is consumed and finally sinking.

Before Pei Junlin were these two difficult roads, it would be easier said than done to defeat the demon with spiritual power. After all, Pei Junlin is a human monk and a Taoist mental method.

Taoism pays attention to qi training without paying attention to spiritual development, while Buddhism pays attention to spiritual development, but it is a pity that Pei Jun is on the road of Buddhism and has not gone too far.

Pei Junlin tried to communicate with the Chaos Golden Fight, but it seemed that the Chaos Golden Fight had disappeared in his mind. No matter how Pei Junlin called, Jin Ye never responded.

Pei Junlin knew that his soul was invaded by the demon, and his whole person's spiritual will was locked in a certain mysterious spiritual world.

If you want to escape from here, you must find an exit, and this exit is the weakest place in the world where the demons blockade.

Pei Junlin looked at the water around the vast sea, and there were sharks cruising. For Pei Junlin, who is now an ordinary person in the spiritual world, these sharks are enough to pose a fatal threat to Pei Junlin.

In front of Junlin Pei, there seemed to be only one choice, and that was to climb the ship.

Pei Junlin’s gaze fell on this black and lonely big ship again. This ship gave Pei Junlin the impression that it was very weird, because from Pei Junlin’s perspective, this ship is really weird. Can't blame it anymore.

The black sail looks like it has been in disrepair, with many holes in it. The most important thing is that the deck is empty, without even making a sound. Floating on the vast sea, the ship does not move at all, which is abnormal.

But it seems that Pei Junlin has only one choice, and that is to climb this big ship, because in this vast ocean, there are sharks cruising around. If Pei Junlin hesitates, he will soon be torn to pieces by the sharks. .

Pei Junlin didn't resist reality in the end, he climbed towards the big ship. It seems that Pei Junlin is proceeding according to the script of the creator of this world. Pei Junlin seems to hear the gloomy laughter, and he seems to have a pair of eyes staring at him, watching him step into this trap step by step. Among. Love me ebook

It's like two scheming people playing chess. Every step must have a purpose. The reason behind the messenger did not directly act on Pei Junlin, but passed to this nihilistic spiritual world to trap Pei Junlin. The reason makes Pei Junlin's back chill.

It was only a short time. Actually, Pei Junlin had already figured it out clearly in his heart. It is absolutely impossible for the stone demons to unite and create this empty spiritual world.

The demon general is the demon general. Even if they are united together, they cannot completely invade Pei Junlin's spiritual world. Behind this scene, there is definitely a demon king level demon secretly manipulating behind.

The reason why the powerhouse from the demon king level did not directly attack Pei Junlin was because he was afraid of the pure land in his mind. And the reason for creating this spiritual world is to let Pei Junlin pull into the rules set by the other party, and then step by step to lure Pei Junlin into the water, and then smoothly break through the pure land in Pei Junlin's mind, and then take his whole person. Soul swallowed.

When did this demon king stare at his Pei Junlin, completely unaware, but now that he has encountered the situation, he has come to this point, which means that there is no retreat.

Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed the side of the ship, but instead of jumping into the deck of the ship, he just hung on the outside of the window.

Every step of Pei Junlin is playing with the person behind him, and his step just made the person behind him a little angry. Pei Junlin did not jump on the deck to enter the other party’s trap according to the script, but hangs outside the hull to successfully crack The other party’s conspiracy.

This trick is not unwieldy. It successfully made the demon king-level powerhouse behind him exude boundless anger, but the sea that was still calm just now was a huge wave, and the entire sky became black and heavy, above Pei Junlin’s head. A black vortex appeared in the sky directly above.

Gale Fury was horribly cloudy and windy, and the waves were soaring. At this time, he lost all his power. In the spiritual world, Pei Junlin, who was just an ordinary person, hung on the hull of the ship with constant bumps.

Along with the continuous shaking of the waves, the entire large ship was also shaking greatly, and at this time Pei Junlin had to rely on his will to hang completely outside the hull, which was not simple.

On several occasions, Pei Junlin was almost thrown off by the big ship, and completely fell into the huge waves. However, Pei Junlin was very cautious and pointed out that the steel forged hull had five pits.

Now Pei Junlin seems to be a little unscientific. After all, in the spiritual world, he is just an ordinary person. He was deprived of all his power by the powerhouse of the demon king level. However, under the strong will of Pei Junlin, he The power seems to have broken through the limit of ordinary people.

It's like a tug of war, a decisive battle of will. Pei Junlin's will is beyond the strength of ordinary people, so he can make the body power in his spiritual world continue to increase.

Gradually, Pei Junlin's 5 fingers were even directly inserted into the steel forged hull, firmly buckled, and his body also recovered some strength, just like a macho, not afraid of the bumps of the big ship.

The demon behind him seemed to have noticed Pei Junlin's incomparably strong will, and relying on the power of nature alone could not force Pei Junlin to succumb, so gradually the surrounding calm and waves were calm and the sun rose from the sea level.

The scenery became windy and sunny in an instant, and extremely peaceful, but Pei Junlin took the opportunity to have a rare rest time. Even so, Junlin Pei didn't even want to jump onto the deck at all, because he knew that as long as he followed the path set by the demon king, he would definitely fall into the other party's trap.

However, Pei Junlin did not wait silly, and sat waiting to die. He grabbed the periphery of the hull with his hand and moved outside the ship's side. Gradually, Pei Junlin came to a small window in the cabin.

Through this small window, Pei Junlin looked into the cabin. The cabin was dark and couldn't see anything at all, but suddenly Pei Junlin felt a shadow flashing from the cabin.

This made Pei Junlin feel extremely horrified, he simply put his eyes tightly on the glass of the hull and looked in. UU Reading gradually Pei Junlin's eyes seemed to have adapted to the darkness and could see something clearly, but when Pei Junlin saw it clearly, he was taken aback.

There was a face in the cabin, and this face was closely attached to the other side of the window glass and looked at Pei Junlin. What kind of face is this? Pei Junlin couldn't describe it. He could only feel that this face was like two people split in half, then put each half together.

This face suddenly showed a hideous body and opened his mouth. Pei Junlin saw that there was nothing in this face's mouth, which was completely dark.

This weird scene made Pei Junlin's mind trembled, and he almost couldn't grasp the ship's side and fell into the sea. However, at the most critical moment, Jun Lin held his mind. When he stabilized and looked towards the sea, he just saw a few huge sharks staring at him coldly on the water.

If you were frightened by the monster in the cabin and dropped to the sea, it is very likely that it has become a shark's belly lunch.

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