Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1530: Whale

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Pei Junlin frowned slightly, so far he still hadn't thought of any way out from here, just hanging on the outside of this big boat was simply not the way to solve the problem that Pei Junlin imagined in his heart.

How to do?

Pei Junlin's eyes looked at the vast sea, and apart from a few sharks on the water, the only thing left in this sea was this big ship. But Pei Junlin was almost certain that this big ship could never step into it. Once it stepped in, it was tantamount to entering the trap set.

But apart from this big ship, there is only this vast sea. There are only two roads in front of the average. The first is to step onto the deck and enter this big ship.

The second way is to jump into the vast ocean, perhaps directly swallowed by the sharks, mentally collapsed, and taken advantage of by the powerhouse of the Demon King level, occupying the mind, and completely breaking through the pure land of Posuo.

Either way, it was a difficult choice for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin refused to jump on the deck, so before him, there was only the way to the vast sea, and he wanted to find a way out from the vast sea.

First of all, Pei Junlin looked at a few sharks. These sharks looked fierce, but at this time they were not so scary in Pei Junlin’s eyes, because Pei Junlin had already experimented before. As long as the will is strong enough, Everything is possible in this world.

This is a world created by spiritual will, so everything here is nothing, and all rules are determined by human will.

In other words, as long as the will is strong enough, the flame can be cold and the light can be dark. In short, all the incredible things in the real world can happen in this.

Although Pei Junlin has insight into part of the virtual rules of this world, it is still a difficult thing to really make him make a decision.

At this time, Pei Junlin's chest is violently ups and downs. Before making this decision, he must make all the causes and consequences clear. Any detail that he misses is very likely to fall into the other party's trap. Among.

Perhaps jumping on the deck was the exception, but Junlin Pei had no choice, because the strange woman on the deck made Junlin feel extremely uncomfortable.

Sitting and waiting for death was not Pei Junlin's character. Finally, Pei Junlin made up his mind and released his hands and jumped into the vast ocean.

The moment Pei Junlin jumped into the ocean, his body began to change, starting from his head, scales grew on his skin.

In less than a moment, from the deck to the surface of the water, in a short distance, Pei Junlin's body began to mutate. The moment he entered the water, Pei Junlin's body completely turned into a fierce killer whale.

It succeeded!

Pei Junlin could feel that he had succeeded, using the power of his will to transform himself from a human into a killer whale, becoming completely unscrupulous in this vast sea, coming and going with the wind.

The sharks rushed up fiercely, but Pei Junlin hit one, which directly stained the entire sea water red. Dozens of sharks were brutally killed by Pei Junlin and died in this sea area.

And just when Pei Junlin's swaying body was about to leave this area, he suddenly discovered that Dachuan, who was still motionless at that time, had started to move, and at this time human voices were also heard from the deck.

These humans are wearing sailor suits with harpoons in their hands, staring nervously at the surface of the water as if they are positioning Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin, who had turned into a killer whale, finally knew that the rules of this world depended entirely on him, and that all changes in this world were determined by him.

The mental power of the devil-level powerhouse is really unpredictable, and he has obtained such a magical world. After Pei Junlin felt the power of the Demon King-level powerhouse, he also had a deep fear. To escape from here, it seemed that he had to spend a lot of money.

Suddenly Pei Junlin felt a sharp pain in his back, his tail was constantly wagging, and his body was constantly rolling in the water. Pei Junlin finally understood that just now he was stabbed with a harpoon by a sailor on the deck just a while ago.

And along with Pei Junlin's unintentional turning just now, his body was also entangled by the rope. The sturdy steel cable entangled Pei Junlin very stubbornly, and even a part of the steel cable has been included in the flesh of the back, plus the harpoon deeply pierced into Pei Junlin’s back, making Pei Junlin born. A feeling of severe pain.

If an ordinary person encounters such severe pain, they will even faint, but for Pei Junlin, these are all within the range that can be solved by will, so immediately, Pei Junlin's will begins to change, and the pain behind it is unexpectedly Began to weaken.

When he could not feel any pain, Pei Junlin began to solve the problem of Gansu. At this time, the noose on the ship had begun to tighten the rope, and he might be forcibly dragged onto the deck at any time. Pei Junlin knew that all this was the demon king. The strong at the level manipulates behind. Pick the book

I first created a world in the vast ocean, and then I was building a ship, forcing Junlin Pei to jump on the deck of the ship, but the supporting role went the other way, jumping into the sea and turning into a whale.

At this time, the demon king's pusher secretly created some crew members on the deck behind him, and used the harpoon gun to deal with Pei Junlin.

The steel cable has been stretched straight, Pei Junlin has already felt the dragging force, it began to untie the steel cable wrapped around him, and then turned over and bit the steel cable with his teeth.

But the flesh and blood body couldn't bite these cables at all, Pei Junlin worked hard a few times, but instead grind his teeth into blood.

However, Pei Junlin did not give up, but increased his strength. He mobilized the power of will and imagined that his teeth were hard steel teeth.

Gradually, Pei Junlin's mouth flashed with brilliance, and his mouthful teeth turned into alloy steel, and the cables had no resistance under Pei Junlin's teeth, and they were easily bitten off.

Pei Junlin, who had escaped smoothly without any hesitation, slammed directly into the sea, dived deeply into the deep water, and had a past towards the distance.

After Pei Junlin ran out of the ship, he gradually found that the harpoon on his back had slowly disappeared this year, and the pain was completely gone.

This is the symbol of everything in the virtual world, and all will and human subjectivity are phenomena. There are only things that can't be done, but no matter what you do in this world, it is meaningless to Pei Junlin, because the devil behind that is the creator of this world.

The so-called Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. If Pei Junlin rashly enhances his power and imagines himself as the **** of this world, he will undoubtedly make it easy for him to run wild in this world, but the devil behind it can control it. All initiative.

Therefore, Pei Junlin did not rush to increase his strength, although with his will, he could instantly increase his strength to the point where it could not be added, and make trouble in this world, but none of this helped.

For Pei Junlin, what he needs now is not power, nor blind power, but to find the gap, find the trace of escape outside this spiritual world.

As he went down, Junlin found that everything here was getting blurry, as if the pixels were getting lower. When he reached the deep sea, Junlin found that it had already begun to become a mosaic.

From the high-definition world to the mosaic world, Pei Junlin gradually adapted, and his heart was ecstatic. All this shows that this world is not carefully forged, but has many loopholes and traps, which also gives Pei Junlin many opportunities.

Pei Junlin wandered in this ocean and gradually discovered something, and these things are the imperfect places in this world.

Since the rivers enter the East China Sea, since they can converge into the sea, there must be a water source. This is a logical problem. If this logic is wrong, then it can be proved that this world does not exist, and Pei Junlin can use this to jump out of the devil in one fell swoop The forged spiritual nihil world.

Pei Junlin's speed was extremely fast, cruising along the coastline, and finally found an entrance to the sea in one place, and following the entrance to the sea upstream, the river gradually dried up and a dry riverbed appeared.

Finally in a fuzzy area, Junlin Pei completely entered the dark world, where there is no light and everything, but Junlin Pei knows that he has found the right way, because this is where the loophole in this world lies.

When he opened his eyes again, Pei Junlin found that he had returned to the vast snowfield, and in this snowfield, except for himself, the rest of the heavenly demons had disappeared.

On the opposite side stood a middle-aged man with snow-white hair, but his face was extremely immature, and a black vertical line appeared between his brows.

Pei Junlin first guessed that the man standing opposite him should be the demon king who wanted to imprison him before.

I don’t think the other party seems to feel Pei Junlin’s eyes gradually open his eyes, UU reading www. His eyes flashed with surprise and a hint of playfulness.

"You escaped from there. I really underestimated you, human." The white-haired man looked at Pei Junlin lightly, as if looking at an interesting prey.

Pei Junlin's face was a bit ugly. After all, facing a demon-level powerhouse, he had no chance of winning. The demon-level powerhouse was equivalent to a saint among human powerhouses in the world of demon kings.

Although Pei Junlin is sure to escape from the power of the saint level, he has no chance of winning in the face of this demon-level demon. After all, the demon specializes in spirit, and especially these demon-level powers, they simply surpass the spiritual world. There are too many humans.

"My brother came to that world before it was too rough, let you find a loophole and escape, how about we two play another game? This time to show fairness, I can let you create a world, and then I will come Break the game." The white-haired man looked at Pei Junlin faintly, as if he was confident.

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