Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1531: Turn an enemy into a friend

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Pei Junlin smiled. It seems that this devil-level demon is still very particular, and uses this method to determine the outcome, but Pei Junlin does not plan to play this game, because the two are not at the same starting line.

Moreover, in the world of the demon, there is no moral logic at all. Although the mouth of this demon king-level demon speaks high-sounding and thin, but Pei Junlin does not even believe a punctuation mark that the other party speaks.

If you believe the other party even half a sentence, you will end up being eaten so much that there are no bones left, so Pei Junlin cautiously and resolutely rejected the other party's proposal.

Today's Pei Junlin finally understands why the previous demon king level demon had to pull himself into the rough world of spiritual forging.

It was just an expedient measure, because he was surrounded by Buddha's Fury Red Lotus, and was invincible. If these demon want to devour themselves, they must cross the flame barrier.

Although Buddha's Fury Red Lotus is relatively weak now, it is also the strongest alien fire that restrains the heavenly demons, and the strongest existence among the Buddhist flames. Even the devil-level demon, dare not directly face the Buddha's Fury Guren.

After all, this kind of Buddhist flame can turn a demon into flying ash as long as it is contaminated, even a demon-level demon.

The large formation under the ten demon-level demon-level demon cloths was not a problem at all, but a ecstasy formation. Pei Jun Lin was stupidly recruited, and was eventually invaded by this demon-level demon. Into that rough world.

If Pei Junlin is not clever, then he has been completely trapped in that world at this time, and he can't get rid of suffering. When one day is completely imprisoned in spirit and his body slowly withers, it is his death. .

But now for Pei Junlin, all the storms have passed, and now is the best time, facing this devil-level demon, Pei Junlin is not afraid.

Although Pei Junlin knew very well in his heart, the gap between himself and this demon king level demon was very big. It is impossible to defeat the opponent, just like he now has nothing but to run away from this saint-level powerhouse.

"This is not fair." Pei Junlin said angrily.

This white-haired demon-level powerhouse looked at Pei Junlin faintly, as if he didn't understand why the human being in front of him was hypocritical.

In fact, the disguise of human beings or emotional demons can be seen at a glance. In the eyes of demons, humans are transparent creatures. Any seven emotions and six desires can't hide from the eyes of demons. If you want to fight psychological battles and intrigue with the demons, then humans are not opponents at all.

Human emotions originally come from the Six Desires, so for every subtle expression on the human face, every syllable change in speech, the demons can keenly perceive, so this demon-level powerhouse can accurately capture Pei Junlin's psychological activities can even know what Pei Junlin is thinking.

This is the most terrifying place. Talking to a demon, but the other party has mind-reading skills, this game can't be played at all.

But Junlin Pei knows that this demon can understand his own psychological activities and every subtle emotion, but he has shown it in this way. This is the ingenuity of Junlin Pei.

Only conspiracies and tricks can't be seen, and true conspiracy can always let the other party know clearly, but they have to jump into the trap.

Although the demons are good at intrigue and are the most cunning creatures in the world, they are far inferior to humans in terms of strategy and strategy.

Pei Junlin will now use a Yangmou to easily dress up the snails of the street demon king level. The reason why Pei Junlin has such confidence comes from two reasons. The first reason is that Pei Junlin knows that the purpose of this demon is to devour himself.

The second reason is that Pei Junlin knew of the greedy plan of this demon king-level powerhouse, which Pei Junlin had seen before in that virtual spiritual world.

"You humans came here to reinforce the seal and completely seal off the connection between the Celestial Demon Realm and the Blue Bull Holy Land. But the Blue Bull Holy Land has contributed countless fresh flesh and blood to our Heavenly Demons for thousands of years, but now they have to unilaterally. Terminating the contract is undoubtedly a very treacherous behavior." This demon king-level demon also seems to have emotional ups and downs, staring coldly at Pei Junlin.

"If you want, I can take you out of here. Even if there is wind, it doesn't matter. I have a way to successfully bring you from the Heavenly Demon Realm to the Human Realm." This is Pei Junlin's Yang Mou, he Because he understood the subtext of this demon.

The goal of the demons is that when humans leave the human world, the world of demons will be dull and grey. It can be said that the creature like the demon was born for humans. It is a parasite that lives on humans. It uses human emotions to eat human flesh as food. Ranwen Novel Network

Therefore, in this life, the demon must do everything to make plans to enter the world. There is no demon who does not intend to enter the world. As the saying goes, a demon who does not want to go to the world is not a good demon.

When Pei Junlin proposed this answer, he never thought that this demon would refuse. Because the condition Pei Junlin put forward was a condition he would not refuse at all.

Sure enough, the demon was silent.

"You really have a way to bring me into the human world. What good will it do for you?" At this time, the cunning nature of the demons was revealed. It was obviously a pie in front of them, but the demons hesitated.

After all, you have already expected this demon king to ask that, so he has already prepared the answer in his heart.

"There are two reasons why I help you this way. First, I want to live. I am not your opponent at all. If I can't reflect my value, then you will soon swallow me." Pei Junlin's eyes burned. Staring at the demon, his eyes never left the other's eyes from the beginning.

This is a way of oppressing the opponent with his eyes with extremely strong persuasive ability, even the devil has to be impressed by Pei Junlin's courage.

"The reason is very good. You are right. I do intend to swallow you. After all, you are a very rare Buddhist disciple. The spiritual power of a Buddhist disciple is very powerful. For us, it is an extremely powerful tonic." The scarlet tongue with his open mouth shook back and forth.

"The second reason is that I need you to help me return to the human world." Pei Junlin stared straight at each other.

When Pei Junlin said that, the devil laughed that day, and his eyes became gloomy again: "There is some murderous expression in your eyes, isn't it? Isn't it about taking me into the world and then attacking me? , I advise you to stop this idea as soon as possible, even if you have the Buddha's Fury Red Lotus Body, I have a way to make you an idiot."

Seeing this demon, Gu said that he actually knew that what he had said before had worked, and this demon was already tempted.

After all, entering the human world is the lifelong dream of countless demons. They sleep in the night and are ready to enter the human world all the time. If there is this opportunity, they will never give up any chance.

"Of course, there is still some difficulty in entering the human world. There is a person named Chen Zhentian who guards the seal, and he is likely to kill me at that time. At that time, you will need your help to keep my life. As for I can't tell you how to break through the seal, but I can guarantee that a small seal can't stop it at all." Pei Jun said confidently.

All lies or mood swings can't be concealed from the demon, not to mention a demon-level demon on the opposite side.

When Pei Junlin said these things, not only did he want to deceive this demon king-level demon, but he also believed in it. The highest state of swordsmanship is to even put yourself in, Pei Junlin has reached this state completely, so this master of the Demon King realm will believe in what Pei Junlin said.

The two reached a short-term cooperation in a very short period of time, and reached a mysterious contract between the person who was supposed to fight to death and the devil.

Pei Junlin looked back at this handsome white-haired demon, with a trance and amusement in his heart. It seemed that the car must have a way to the mountain.

Sometimes when people are in desperate situations, they might as well change their mindset to think in the opposite direction, and they can quickly turn bad things into good things.

For example, this celestial demon was originally to devour Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin used various methods, intrigues and superhuman wisdom to turn this celestial monster into his bodyguard.

" I won’t eat for now, but you just want to let me know what plots and tricks you have, and I can choke you to death at any time." The devil stared gloomily at Pei Junlin’s previous face. Any kindness disappeared in an instant.

It also made Pei Junlin deeply understand that the relationship between the two is between the hunter and the prey. His current relationship with this demon is to dance with the wolf. If he is careless, he will be swallowed even with bones and scum. Not left. After all, the strength between the two is too great, and the active position is in the hands of the demon.

I don't know why Pei Junlin can always feel a crisis that is if there is nothing, but this crisis does not come from the many demon of these demon worlds, it is actually from Chen Zhentian, the big brother of the blue bull holy land.

As a member of the Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin can be described as thunderous to Chen Zhentian. This is an extremely sky-defying figure. At a young age, he has reached the point where he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the older generation. Even Pei Junlin still speaks from Fang Zhiqing. Knowing an amazing secret, that is, if Chen Zhentian hadn't suppressed his strength, then he would have broken through to the level of a saint long ago.

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