Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1546: Evil Shark Island

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"Senior Sister Fang, you come to see me at this time, I'm afraid there is something to tell." Pei Junlin vaguely guessed what Fang Zhiqing meant.

Fang Zhiqing and Chen Zhentian are the two big hills of the young generation in Green Bull Holy Land. Generally speaking, Fang Zhiqing's current strength is still far weaker than Chen Zhentian, and her wings are not full.

But Fang Zhiqing’s background and strength Pei Junlin dare not underestimate it. Sometimes Pei Junlin has a feeling that Fang Zhiqing’s background and background even far surpass those of Chen Zhentian, who loses and who wins. In the end, whoever wins is still the one who will die. Not sure.

"There is nothing else to come and see you." Fang Zhiqing's eyes flashed and didn't say anything.

Pei Junlin suddenly felt a little lost in his heart. He knew that this was because Fang Zhiqing had no hope for him, and felt that he was going to die outside this time.

If there were no sudden emergence of the Soul Umbrella, it would be really bad for Pei Junlin to go out this time. That Mulan grassland, there is a high probability that Pei Junlin's burial place.

After all, the offending person is unattainable to Pei Junlin. In addition to Chen Zhentian, there are also Zhou Ying from Taiyi Immortal Gate who are all ruthless characters.

Fang Zhiqing left with the front foot, and a figure appeared behind Pei Junlin on the back foot. This voice was not someone else, it turned out to be Bai Fan, the Holy Lord of the Blue Bull Holy Land.

Bai Fan changed into a blue shirt with a folding fan in his hand, looking like a scholar.

"Jun Pei is going to Mulan Grassland this time. You don't have to worry about it. Then Chen Zhentian, I have instructed him not to deal with you. The grievances between you two must be put down in front of the big right and wrong, and it must not affect the strategy of the entire sect. "Bai Fan's tone was serious when he spoke.

Pei Junlin knew that Bai Fan was not joking. Every sentence he said contained profound meaning, and Pei Junlin had to listen carefully.

Now Bai Fan said that Chen Zhentian did not dare to make a move, so he was sure that Chen Zhentian was safe to go out this time, but the person from the Taiyi Immortal Clan might not be certain. Pei Junlin was worried about which Zhou Ying.

"If you go out to Mulan Grassland this time, the Immortal Mansion is second. With your strength, there is a high probability that you will not get any benefits. I have already sent Chen Zhentian to go. You just need to make a soy sauce yourself." Bai Fan said. Time has been shaking the folding fan in his hand.

Pei Junlin could feel the fan's constant stirring, and the surrounding world rules seemed to be shaking slightly.

Bai Fan's words are very cryptic, but he also understands that he is currently attracting firepower on the bright side, and Chen Zhentian will complete the real task behind his back.

On the surface, the sect was opened and closed, and Pei Jun was sent out to spy on the secrets of the fairy house. But it was not him Pei Junlin who was really going to do things secretly, but Chen Zhentian.

It can be seen that in the eyes of Zongmen or Bai Fan, Pei Junlin is far inferior to Chen Zhentian.

But this is just a comparison between the superior and the inferior at the moment. In fact, in Bai Fan's eyes, Pei Junlin feels that he still has his own place. After all, from Bai Fan's perspective, Pei Junlin still has some potential.

"This time you go to Mulan Grassland, and when you pass by Evil Shark Island, bring me something back." Bai Fan seems to have something else, and wants to order Pei Junlin.

You have also heard of Pei Junlin on Evil Shark Island. It is an extremely sinister area, similar to the existence of a valley of villains.

It is said that all the evil shark islanders are big treacherous people, these people have been chased and killed in their respective hearts, and they escaped into the evil shark island.

These evil shark island entry must reach at least the late stage of the true king realm before they can enter the evil shark island, and once they enter the evil shark island, they must be completely united with the evil people on Ersha Island.

In other words, the villains and villains of the entire Evil Shark Island are one, and as long as they enter the Evil Shark Island, they will encounter their attacks unless they become one of them.

Pei Junlin didn't know much about Evil Shark Island, but he also knew that it was an extremely sinister place to strangle, but there were no commendable resources or places. This was a small group organized by villains to help each other.

Moreover, the people on this evil shark island often enter the starry sky, engage in pirates, and often rob some merchant ships passing by.

But this evil shark island also acted appropriately. They definitely didn't dare to provoke the giant forces such as Green Bull Holy Land and Taiyi Immortal Gate.

Bai Fan stretched out his hand and swiped in front of him, and a virtual picture appeared, and an object even appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

At first, Pei Junlin thought this was a sculpture, but gradually Pei Junlin realized that this was a woman. The reason why Pei Junlin thought this was a sculpture was really because this woman was so beautiful in appearance and very rigid. .

But after Pei Junlin took a closer look, he discovered that the beauty of this woman could indeed reach the point where she was ashamed of the moon, and she was not even far behind Yun Yao. Kiss novels

Yun Yao is a famous beauty in a star field, but this woman's appearance is not bad, but she is so inferior to Yun Yao.

"Remember, this matter must be carried out in secret. There used to be an evil shark island nearby, but it could not be in the name of my green bull holy land. And this woman must not hurt his title, asking him to give me random Come back, if someone stops you, just kill it directly." Bai Fan frowned slightly, as if a little sad.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the woman's appearance, the more he became more frightened, he had already guessed something, because the woman's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Bai Fan.

According to Pei Junlin's speculation, this woman is most likely Bai Fan's daughter. But Junlin Pei couldn't understand why a person like Bai Fan's status and status would let his daughter enter the place like Shark Island?

Pei Junlin is not that Bai Fan's genealogy has been ordered by Bai Fan to do such a business, he is naturally unhappy in his heart, not to mention the benefits of entering the evil shark island, but it is as dangerous as a mountain.

Pei Junlin showed everything on her face, and she was not afraid to offend Bai Fan. Anyway, Pei Junlin's mentality is that there is no place for him to stay here. Just after it offended Chen Zhentian, Pei Junlin actually doesn't have much nostalgia for the Blue Bull Holy Land.

Seeing that Pei Junlin's face was a bit funny, he didn't expect that Pei Junlin would be so bold and reckless. If an ordinary person assigns tasks to others as him, he will definitely be ecstatic.

Because the saint master of the sect personally arranged the task, it was regarded as a performance of the confidant, and most people would definitely agree to it immediately, and even vowed to make a military order.

But Junlin Pei did not. Bai Fan saw all the performance of Junlin Pei in his eyes. He knew that Junlin Pei didn't pretend, but he really didn't care.

Seeing a lot of the disciple Bai, who is only stubborn and sloppy, became interested in Pei Junlin. He did not investigate Pei Junlin’s background, and the peculiar aura on Pei Junlin also made Bai Fan very surprised curious.

"No need to frown. I let you go will naturally give you certain benefits, and will not put you in danger." Bai Fan raised an object and landed on Pei Junlin's palm.

Pei Junlin didn't understand the object in his hand because it looked like a little jade charm.

"This thing can allow you to be teleported to thousands of miles away immediately, do you think it can be killed? And it has more than one lifespan. According to my guess, it can withstand at least ten times." Bai Fan said towards Pei Junlin.

Hearing Bai Fan's introduction, Pei Junlin was stunned for a moment. If the jade amulet as Bai Fan said was really an escape artifact.

In the event of danger, the jade talisman is urged and can be transmitted thousands of miles away immediately, even if it is a powerful saint, it cannot be tracked in a short time.

With Pei Junlin's current strength, it will take some time to open the wormhole for transmission, and the spatial fluctuations caused by the wormhole can easily be tracked by the saint-level powerhouse.

Now that he has the jade charm Bai Fan gave him, Pei Junlin is safe and worry-free. Even if he meets Zhou Ying at that time, Pei Junlin doesn't have to worry about being caught by the other party when he meets him.

"As for the benefits I said, when you come back, I will honor it." Bai Fan couldn't help but snorted when he saw that Pei Junlin hadn't said any promises.

Only then did Pei Junlin put the jade talisman away with satisfaction, and gave his hand to Bai Fan with a smile to ensure that he would complete the task.

But before Pei Junlin's heart-to-heart talk was finished, Bai Fan had already left. There was no fluctuation in Bai Fan's departure, and even Junlin Pei couldn't even perceive the fluctuation of the space, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't be curious, what he just came here is not the body at all, but a shadow." Jin Ye smiled.

Pei Junlin's eyes widened and a little shocked. He didn't expect that Bai Fan appeared in front of him as a phantom. What kind of method is able to achieve this point? A shadow is like an incarnation outside of the body, which can accomplish tasks that are difficult for the deity

If this Bai Fan can draw several shadows at the same time, wouldn't it be equivalent to an external incarnation?

"Drawing such a shadow should not be an ordinary method. I guess that Bai Fan should have a treasure in his hands." Jin Ye frowned and speculated.

Jin Ye hides so deeply, even Chen Jianghai, who is next to Jun Pei, doesn't know that Jin Ye exists.

Therefore, the relationship between Pei Junlin and Jin Ye is the most intimate and secretive. The second is the relationship between Pei Junlin and Hunshi Demon Spear, and Lao Wu is ranked third.

As for that Chen Jianghai Pei Junlin still can't figure out the details of this guy, so naturally he can't tell the truth.

There is a distance of about a million miles from Qingniu Holy Land to the Mulan Grassland, but these distances are not a problem for Pei Junlin, but what Pei Junlin needs to plan now is the evil shark island.

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