Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1547: Huaxun

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Moreover, it is unknown whether the Taiyi Immortal Gate will send someone to intercept him along the way, so Pei Junlin must keep his travel route confidential and plan information.

Five days later Pei Junlin appeared on an island, but this island was not the rumored Shark Island, but a deserted island.

The reason why Pei Junlin came here is because this small island is not too far away from Evil Shark Island, only a few thousand miles.

This small island has pleasant scenery and rich products, but because it is close to Bad Shark Island, no one dares to climb here, so the old site of this beautiful island is deserted.

Pei Junlin also found some traces of human activities on the island, but this is not a problem. The reason why Pei Junlin is stationed here actually has his own considerations.

Two days later, several men in black boarded the island, but these men in black were not surprised when they saw Pei Junlin, but were very polite.

These people are the work of Pei Junlin's employment. A few days ago, Pei Junlin sent these people into the area of ​​Evil Shark Island to spy.

Evil Shark Island is not completely isolated from the outside world. The people on Evil Shark Island also have to live, and some chambers of commerce have opened branches in it.

Therefore, Pei Junlin hired the peripheral personnel of these chambers of commerce to spy on the news, which really made these people inquire some clues.

According to the portrait provided by Pei Junlin, these people targeted two people. Bring the information back to Pei Junlin for the final screening.

"The owner of Evil Shark Island has a young son named Hua Xunhuan. This person is handsome and unparalleled, and he is omnipotent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and knows everything. Women in the world are not tempted, so this flower loops everywhere, Those women are often tricked by him." A man in black pushed a painting in front of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin has been listening carefully. When he saw the woman on the painting, he was a little shocked. This is how Pei Junlin never expected that the daughter of the dignified Blue Bull Holy Land Sacred Pillar would be given by the young son of the evil shark island owner. Deceived.

If it's a serious person, it's fine, but the son of Evil Shark Island is just a teenager. I'm afraid this incident will also become a scandal for the entire Green Bull Holy Land, so Bai Fan did everything possible to cover it up.

Pei Junlin was able to do it almost immediately, certain that the woman in this painting should be Bai Fan's daughter. What makes Pei Junlin feel puzzled is that there is a father like Bai Fan, this daughter can't tell even the ordinary Huahua boy?

It is indeed a wonder in the world that a dwarf **** was able to trick the daughter of the Blue Bull Holy Land Sacred Pillar away. That's all right, but it happened that Bai Fan invited Pei Junlin to take his own daughter back. This matter was also strange to Pei Junlin.

But this time breaking into Evil Shark Island is already a certainty, but Pei Junlin doesn't want to cause too much trouble. He just wants to quietly, like acupuncture points, and save the woman with a single blow. As for other things, Pei Junlin didn't want to care.

After the goal was determined, Pei Junlin was very satisfied. He first agreed to the five people, each with 10 million superb spirit stones, and Pei Junlin's generous promise was also paid.

Seeing the heavy top-grade spirit stone in their hands amounting to ten million, the five men in black were directly dumbfounded. When they were hired by Junlin Pei, they still didn't believe that Junlin Pei would be so wealthy, but when the real rewards were in front of them, these talents felt the kind of surprise of rich wealth.

"How is it? I did what I said. I didn't lie to you. Take the money and leave quickly. Remember this news must not be leaked." Pei Junlin's eyes flashed and said with a smile.

"Master these people will definitely release the news. The only people who can keep the news and keep the secrets are the dead. How about letting me kill these five people." Lao Wu's voice appeared in Pei Junlin's ears.

Pei Junlin did not adopt Lao Wu's opinion because he did not want to take the initiative to kill people. It is better for Pei Junlin to cross the river and demolish the bridge less.

But Junlin Pei had other plans, because he believed in human nature, these five people actually got 10 million pieces of the best spiritual stone, then it is very likely that they will have to look at Shu.

In fact, whether these people can survive or not depends entirely on their own Pei Junlin, just staring coldly.

As expected by Pei Junlin, these five people pretended to leave, but they returned soon, and they were murderous.

The so-called wealth is not revealing white, Pei Junlin took out 50 million pieces of the best spirit stones at once, which naturally made these five people coveted.

They speculated that Pei Junlin should have more wealth, so after the family left, they suddenly returned by surprise, wanting to kill Pei Junlin on the island, and by the way **** Pei Junlin's wealth.

Five black shadows descended from the sky and surrounded Pei Junlin. The strength of these five people was not low. They were the masters in the early stage of the True King realm. The five masters of the early real Kings surrounded Pei Jun in the encirclement. The form is still very spectacular. Wei Zun Academy

"All my treasures are contained in this coffin, if you want to take it yourself." Pei Junlin said, pointing to the dark coffin behind him.

The five people were dubious about Pei Junlin's words, but two of them actually walked up to the coffin and slashed into the coffin without hesitation.

The emerald green sword cuts iron like mud, which belongs to the existence of the best spirit treasure, and the material is naturally not bad, and even the ingredient of Gengjin is added.

But it was such a top-quality treasure that was cut on this dark coffin and it didn't move, not even a scratch. On the contrary, the sword in that person's hand showed signs of fracture, and it suddenly broke into two pieces of spiritual energy.

Pei Junlin just stared at him coldly, thinking that the two of them would be shocked, but they didn't know that they showed surprise and greedy expressions. One directly hugged the coffin, and the other was full of incredulous expressions. Said: "Could it be the legendary Emperor Jin?"

The other three people were ecstatic when they saw this situation, and seemed to have forgotten to consider Pei Junlin's existence.

At this moment, a blood gleamed on the coffin, and these five people had no time to resist, so they were sucked on the coffin fiercely by the blood.

The five people clung to the coffin tightly, as if glued to it, they couldn't open it.

A piece of blood enveloped the five people and screamed, and the whole blood was sucked dry in the blink of an eye.

"Five **** I didn't **** you up today. I'm so sorry you bastards." Chen Jianghai's cursing voice came from the coffin.

This guy got cheap and sold well, Pei Junlin felt so angry and funny. But after finally solving these five troubles, Pei Junlin was relieved, he can now rush to the evil shark island with peace of mind.

With the exact target person Pei Junlin, there is no need to cause too much movement, but how to enter the Evil Shark Island is a difficult point for Pei Junlin.

After all, Bad Shark Island still has strict controls on outsiders, and most people cannot enter Bad Shark Island unless some chamber of commerce.

Pei Junlin instinctively thought of a strategy, that is to use the Chamber of Commerce caravan to enter the Shark Island. As long as there is such a level of identity protection, there is no fear of being questioned.

This time Pei Junlin came to the periphery of Evil Shark Island, and he got into a caravan without any further effort. After you have to enter the evil shark island, Pei Junlin finds that the evil shark island is loose and tight on the outside. On the surface, it looks like it is heavily guarded, but in fact, the whole island is still very free.

Soon Pei Junlin locked his target again, which was the city lord's mansion on Evil Shark Island, but this city lord mansion must be the most guarded place, not to mention the masters all over Evil Shark Island are all wicked and evil people.

So if you don’t make a shot, you must hit it. Once you make a mistake in the first shot, the second time is almost impossible.

Pei Junlin knew that he did not have a second chance, so he lurked very deeply. He was also very cautious about his shots. After observing for five days, he completely recorded the defense situation of the entire City Lord's Mansion. Only then did Pei Junlin intend to make a real shot. .

At night, Pei Junlin used the mysterious earthen jar and easily lurked into the city lord's mansion, and that night, Pei Junlin determined that the dude of Nascent Shark Island was not on the island.

Hua Xunhuan left his back foot and Pei Junlin was going to steal his wife. I don't know if Hua Xunhuan would die on the spot.

Based on Pei Junlin’s investigations and observations, I did not just go out casually for Hua Xunhuan to go out, but fell in love with an ordinary young woman in a nearby city.

This guy left solemnly, in fact, to steal fishy. However, he may not think of breaking his head. He went out to be happy and happy, and his wife at home was also stolen.

Pei Junlin is hidden in a mysterious earthen jar The breath of his whole body is completely locked, and it can be guaranteed that nothing will leak. The entire Evil Shark Island City Lord's Mansion is heavily guarded, even a master like Pei Junlin has to be cautious here, as if facing an enemy.

He wanted to take away a person alive, not something. If it was to take away a dead thing, it would be very simple for Pei Junlin, but taking away a big living person would still be somewhat for Pei Junlin. It's difficult, so he must be more careful.

The small courtyard behind on the left hand should be the place where the target person lives. I don't know why Pei Junlin suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up, because this woman's identity is very special, she is Bai Fan's daughter.

If he is fighting fiercely with others later, Pei Junlin does not guarantee that he will not hurt him. But Pei Junlin had made up his mind to hold the teleportation charm Bai Fan gave him in his hand.

At that time, as long as this woman was restrained, even if the defense force of the entire City Lord's Mansion was aroused, Pei Junlin could use that teleport jade talisman to easily leave here.

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