Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1548: Cut love

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Pei Junlin's divine sense felt a little bit, and as expected, there was a woman's breath in the room, but this woman's breath was extremely stable, as if she was meditating and practicing.

Pei Junlin didn't directly open the door to enter. With his current ability to penetrate the space, it was a breeze, and he could walk into the room without injury.

When Pei Junlin appeared in the room, the situation in the room surprised Pei Junlin. Because there is not only one person in this room, besides a woman, there is also a peach-faced young man.

The young son is no one else, it is Hua Xunhuan who watched him leave before Pei Junlin. If Pei Junlin hadn't witnessed this recurring departure with his own eyes, he would definitely not take it rashly, but the flower hunting in front of him made Pei Junlin feel a little weird.

But the nature that shocked Pei Junlin even more, Hua Xunhuan turned out to be not a man, but a woman. Although dressed as a man, after entering the room, Pei Junlin immediately discovered that Huahuahuan was actually a woman, and the other woman sitting at the table was Bai Fan's daughter.

This woman was holding a small white jade teacup, tasting it carefully, and her narrow eyes looked at Pei Junlin with a smile.

"I have known that you will come a long time ago, and there has been a net here, to see how you go." The woman put down the water glass, stood up and stared at Pei Junlin coldly.

When the matter was up, Pei Junlin didn't panic anymore. He stretched out his hand, and his hand instantly turned into a big golden net, covering the woman in front of him.

Hua Xunhuan on the other side wanted to speak, but Pei Junlin didn't give him this opportunity, that soul umbrella activated extremely strong spiritual power in an instant.

Under this spiritual power, Hua Qun almost turned into a dull fool in a short time, his eyes were dull, and he completely lost any sense of autonomy.

On the other side, the woman who was caught by Pei Junlin's hand was not much better. Pei Junlin was afraid of hurting the other's spirit, so he didn't use the soul umbrella.

But this woman's resistance did not cause much trouble to Pei Junlin. After all, with the blessing of 30 million demon today, Pei Junlin's strength is incredible.

"This woman is not right, don't send it into the chaotic golden bucket." Jin Ye's voice revealed panic.

Pei Junlin understood it almost instantly, he didn't expect this to be Bai Fan's second set of his own. The woman in front of her was probably the incarnation of Bai Fan.

Pei Junlin cursed secretly in his heart. Bai Fan was really vicious and vicious, and it was even more difficult to deal with than Chen Zhentian. The key was that this person looked amiable and personable.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin's five fingers opened a big **** screen, instantly shrouded the woman in front of him with a devastating atmosphere, and instantly plunged the entire room into destruction.

That jade charm was also thrown directly into this large web of destruction by Pei Junlin, and together with this woman, it was instantly burned clean.

After doing all of this, Pei Junlin grabbed his backhand and directly took Na Hua Cycle's entire body into the void. At this time, the soul of the soul umbrella was suspended above Pei Junlin's head, and a misty breath enveloped it, making the journey of the two people seamlessly hidden.

In this way, Pei Junlin took Hua Xunhuan and easily escaped from Evil Shark Island, without any reaction from anyone.

"What the **** is going on?" Pei Junlin frowned tightly.

If this matter is not handled properly, he will really run away. Since then, he will have no relationship with the Green Bull Holy Land, and the little foundation he has finally established has been cut off.

Countless thoughts flashed in Pei Junlin's mind for an instant. In his heart, Bai Fan's originally elegant appearance turned out to be as disgusting as Zhou Ying.

"Don't rush to the conclusion, Bai Fan may not be malicious. Although the shadow you destroyed just now has some blood connections with Bai Fan, it should belong to some kind of alien incarnation of him, but it belongs to the kind of betrayal." Jin The master’s careful analysis made Pei Junlin sweat.

"Then I ruined an external incarnation of Bai Fan, how could he easily let me go?" Pei Junlin's face was a little ugly.

"That's not necessarily. This external avatar obviously already has the consciousness of autonomy. Then Bai Fan can't kill his external avatar, because this will have an impact on his Dao Xin, but you can help him. It may be a good thing to cut this bad fate. The mind of a big man is generally difficult to guess. I think when I sent you here, he should have thought of this possibility. Perhaps his heart is eager for you to incarnate this body outside. Beheaded." Jin Ye's analysis was eloquent, and Pei Junlin nodded again and again.

What makes Pei Junlin feel a little unbelievable is that a man in Bai Fan Tangtang actually developed a female incarnation.

During the discussion between Pei Junlin and Jin Ye, waves of ripples suddenly appeared in the void around him, and soon a white figure appeared out of thin air. ShubaDa Novel Network

This shadow is not someone else, it is Bai Fan.

"Junlin Pei, how did you help me with the things I told you? I asked you to catch people back, but you killed them." Bai Fan's face looked a little haggard, but there was not much anger.

In fact, after seeing Bai Fan's face, Pei Junlin was relieved, because Bai Fan was really not angry, it can be seen that Jin Ye's previous speculation was somewhat reasonable.

He understood the twists and turns, but Pei Junlin couldn't say it clearly. He knelt on the ground and looked at Bai Fan's plea, saying that he was careless.

"I can't blame you for this matter. I didn't think about it. Let's forget about this matter for the time being. You go to Mulan Grassland this time to help Chen Zhentian do the things over there." Bai Fan spit out gently. Sigh, continue to tell Pei Jun to another matter.

With a flash of eyesight, Bai Fan saw the flower looking for joy lying on the grass. This guy who looked like an extremely handsome man was actually a daughter.

Pei Junlin originally wanted this guy to be held by his side as a hostage, but now it was useless, it locked the flower's joy-seeking spirit and made him unconscious.

"Evil Shark Island Lord is not an easy character either, you took her daughter away, do you think he will let it go?" Bai Fan looked at Pei Junlin with a smile, seeming to have a feeling of gloating.

Pei Junlin was speechless for an instant. You must know that he was working for Bai Fan. Now that there is something wrong, this guy is not going around, and he is still gloating...

"Then I will tell him to let it go." Pei Junlin said quickly.

This flower hunting is indeed a hot potato, if you don't throw it away and put it next to you, it will be a timing.

"It's not that simple, you let him go, do you think she will forget everything you did?" Bai Fan just left a word and left in a hurry, leaving Jun Lin alone, dumbfounded.

Zhou Ying, who was on the Taiyi Immortal Clan, had already made Pei Junlin's head burned enough, and the Evil Shark Island was even more difficult than the Taiyi Immortal Clan.

Taiyi Immortal Sect is a high-ranking sect, who prides itself on being righteous, and does not dare to be too outrageous in ordinary behavior. But this Evil Shark Island is different, it is simply the hometown of the wicked, they act wildly and do not care about anything at all.

Pei Junlin also thought of killing people, but although this Huaxunhuan was notorious, Pei Junlin did not see it with his own eyes. So to kill this person, Pei Junlin still has some psychological obstacles.

"Master, this matter is too easy to handle. Just leave it to me. Wipe out his memory so that he can't remember anything. Isn't it OK?" Lao Wu once again saw what Pei Junlin was thinking and took the initiative. Please Ying.

Pei Junlin didn't expect Lao Wu to have such a method to erase his memory, which even Pei Junlin could not do. However, after thinking about it, Junlin Pei realized that the demon was originally a master of mind, and his research on human consciousness far exceeded that of human beings.

And in that soul umbrella, there are 30 million mutant heavenly demons. These heavenly demons have a very good understanding of the human spiritual world, so it is not difficult to solve the memory of Huaxunhuan.

"Your name is Junlin Pei, right? You have been calculated for nothing. What you killed just now was just a phantom, not an external incarnation." Hua Xun Huan, who was lying on the ground in a coma, suddenly woke up, and suddenly Jumped up from the grass.

Pei Junlin was extremely surprised. He found that what he encountered today was indeed unexpected, and none of the characters were easy to deal with. For example, Bai Fan was unclear. Pei Junlin also surprised Pei Junlin with the flower hunting in front of him.

Obviously remembering that he had sealed Hua Xunhuan, the sea was completely sealed, and this person would not be able to wake up, but things were often discovered in front of him, and Pei Junlin could not help refuting.

"What do you mean by this? Do you know the inside story?" Pei Junlin looked suspiciously at Hua The hateful thing is that Bai Fan used my feelings to cut himself off Daogen. I'm afraid I don't know, this Bai Fan's cultivation is not the practice of the Blue Bull Holy Land itself, but an evil practice called Zhanqingdao. "Hua Xunhuan actually burst into tears, her hair scattered and she was a pretty woman.

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Hua Xunhuan to have such an emotional entanglement with Bai Fan. It turned out that Bai Fan wanted to kill his old lover with his own hands, and there was even a serial strategy for the next step in it, so that Jun Pei was about to blow up.

Hua Xunhuan and Bai Fan, two seemingly unrelated characters, turned out to be a pair of old lovers, which made Pei Junlin's three views torn apart.

You must know that before actually seeing Hua Xunhuan himself, Pei Junlin firmly believed that Hua Huanhuan was a man.

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