Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1549: Zhan Qing Dao Zong

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

As for what Bai Fan is practicing, Pei Junlin is unwilling to get involved in this right and wrong, but listening to Jin Ye's analysis, that Zhan Qing Dao Sect is not a good thing.

As the holy master of the Blue Bull Holy Land, Bai Fan secretly practiced the techniques of Zhan Qing Dao, which is simply incredible. However, according to experience, it has been transformed to exist in all star regions, but the names are similar, in short, they are extinct and extinct humanity.

The so-called preservation of nature and annihilation of human nature, once the emotions are reached, it means that human nature is gradually lost.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that Bai Fan seemed to be quite normal, and he would have embarked on such an evil road alone, and also involved himself in this right and wrong, using himself to cut off his love.

But this matter has passed. Next, Pei Junlin will go to the blue grassland to take a look. He is always suffocating in the Blue Bull Holy Land. Pei Junlin is also feeling uncomfortable in his heart and wants to come out and take a look.

Mulan Grassland, this is a vast area on which various dangerous monsters grow. According to the information found by Pei Junlin before, the most dangerous monsters on this natural grassland are divided into two types. The first is the mouse.

The reason why rats are so powerful is that these rats are in groups. The level of these rat monsters is not high, and they are basically around the Yinshen realm, but once they appear in large numbers in groups, even powers at the real king realm or even the saint level are difficult to resist.

In addition to these rat demon, it is the wolf demon. Almost all wolf demons and tree demons like to group in groups, but the number of wolf demons is far less than that of rat demons, but the power of wolf demons is that the combat power of single wolf demons is not weak, which is equivalent to the early stage of human Yang Shen realm. .

An ordinary wolf demon is nothing to worry about, but a wolf king will be born among the wolf demon, and the wolf king level powerhouse is powerful, just like the infinite wolf king, which is the saint level powerhouse.

However, Pei Junlin was shocked along the way, and did not encounter a large group of monsters. He successfully reached the first city in the Mulan Grassland.

This city is the first stop for Pei Junlin to enter the hinterland of Mulan Grassland. He doesn't need to supply anything here, but when he sees this large exotic city, Pei Junlin wants to come in and take a look.

Life's experience is very magical. For example, Pei Junlin accidentally entered the world of cultivating immortals, and then came to the other side of the starry sky by accident. The different customs and customs are also a major part of Pei Junlin's practice.

This South Eight City was completely different from what Pei Junlin had imagined. It was not a tall city, not even a city wall, but a large area composed of tents.

Pei Junlin originally planned to stay in this small city for two or three days and take a little more rest, but when he came here, Junlin discovered that the life here was too rich.

First of all, here is a large wholesale center for monster materials. A large number of chambers of commerce gather again every day, thus giving birth to a large number of entertainment industries in this city.

Beautiful women from all races in the universe are in an endless stream, and even Pei Junlin is dazzled. But Junlin Pei is not good, this one is automatically ignored, but on the other side Pei Junlin is very interested, that is, there are a lot of materials that can be traded here.

Pei Junlin now needs a lot of blood pills, and in this city, a large number of monster beast bodies are discarded every day, and Pei Junlin needs the bodies of these elements to be refined into blood pills.

The skinny skin and bones are the most important material for refining, but their circles of flesh and blood are completely discarded, so that in the eyes of Pei Junlin, the most valuable part is directly discarded.

And the flesh-and-blood furnace in the chaotic golden bucket can just turn this part of the material into treasure, and the complete link is called the blood pill, which is provided for use in the film.

"You want to buy a lot of monsters' flesh and blood? We mainly provide a large number of prairie rats, about four million a day." The person in charge of the chamber of commerce didn't lift his eyes.

"I want it all." Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, and a bag of the best spirit stones was shot directly on the table.

The boss glanced at the bag that Pei Junlin threw on the table, without lifting his eyelids, he said with a sneer: "Just a little bit of stuff, you're going to beg you to take it away, we won't sell it."

Pei Junlin smiled. It was something that needed to be discarded. The boss is now sitting on the floor and raising the price. Sure enough, he is a profiteer, and it is the most cunning and cheeky of the profiteers.

"Okay, it's okay if you don't sell it. I have some blood pills here that I want to sell. You can see how the price is estimated." Pei Junlin's performance is calm and calm, without the slightest angry expression.

His performance instantly surprised everyone in the room, especially the boss who was originally scheming, but now seeing Pei Jun Linyun calm and breezy, I know that this young man is not simple, it should be an old river and lake. .

In fact, the flesh and blood of this monster beast is not completely unpopular. There are also some large chambers of commerce in the starry sky that specialize in raising various rare and exotic beasts, or spirit beasts.

The flesh and blood of these monster beasts has value, but generally the price of the flesh and blood of these monster beasts is not high.

The boss thought that Pei Junlin was the young owner of a chamber of commerce who specialized in raising spirit beasts, but it seemed that this was not the case now.

Opening the bag carelessly, the boss was really shocked when he saw the top blood pills. This kind of blood pills is the favorite of body practitioners.

Physical training is also the most important branch of cultivators, especially in this grassland where physical training occupies the vast majority, because grasslanders are not good at refining tools, and many people practice physical training and practice some hard skills.

It is said that the body refining will not last long, and there are also some people who become holy in the flesh. With the power of the flesh, they can fight against the powerful of the saint level. This is also true.

This area of ​​Mulan Grassland has formed a unique cultivation system, that is, physical cultivation, so all kinds of blood pills are extremely popular in this area.

All the blood pill bosses have seen it, and have never seen a blood pill of such a quality as Pei Junlin. Such a blood pill may be hundreds of times more advanced than the top blood pill.

"Mr., what price do you want to sell your blood pills?" The boss's voice began to tremble. He had already seen a huge amount of interest beckoning to him.

If such a blood pill is sold and sold to top-level physical training, it will be triple or even quadruple the profit. This is simply the rhythm of making a fortune.

Just as the boss was having a sweet dream, Pei Junlin abruptly took the blood pill from her hand directly, but his face became very cold and said, "I'm sorry, I won't sell it."

Seeing Pei Junlin react like this, the boss was stunned.

Pei Junlin's action is called what he had done before returning to his body by his own way, and now he has been completely returned.

"This little brother, this little brother, I just apologized to you for not being wrong. As long as your blood pills are sold in our shop, I promise you a satisfactory price. In addition, the flesh and blood of those monsters will be treated as our cooperation. I'll give it to you." The boss saw that Pei Junlin was about to leave, and quickly rushed out of the counter and reached out to hold Pei Junlin.

After squeezing their eyes, the two maids quickly walked out of the counter and entangled Pei Junlin one by one.

The two maids were quite plump and sweaty with a hint of sweat. Pei Junlin frowned slightly, disgusted in his heart.

The aesthetics of the people in Mulan Prairie are very different from those of ordinary people. Here, fat women are in demand. As for the smell of these two women, it was because of the fishy smell caused by the long-term use of various mutton on this Mulan grassland.

Pei Junlin was disgusted in his heart, but the two women felt that they were quite attractive, and the Pei Junlin who put on Pei Junlin's body was sweating profusely.

"Forget it, let these two sisters get out of the way, this business is done." Pei Junlin quickly surrendered.

Before this, Pei Junlin had actually inquired that in this city on the Mulan grassland, this firm has the largest shipment of monsters’ flesh and this one is 400 a day, and the rest is Most of them are around two or three million, but there are also tens of millions every day. With a huge amount of monster blood and flesh, Pei Junlin can continuously produce various blood pills every day.

At a very low cost, the flesh and blood of these monsters are recovered, and then refined into pure blood pills and sold to these people in turn, Pei Junlin can make high profits from it.

Of course, these profits are not stored in Pei Junlin. He needs to exchange for a large amount of low-priced blood pills to supply the film. There are 30 million gods every day. If you use top blood pills to support, then Pei Junlin will undoubtedly It's a big loss.

Those low-level blood pills, although the production is a bit rough, but the amount is large enough, with a top-level blood pill like Pei Junlin, at least one thousand low-level blood pills can be exchanged.

When the boss heard that Pei Junlin promised to make this business, he immediately smiled with an old face like a chrysanthemum. Not only did he serve Pei Junlin with fragrant tea, he also invited Pei Junlin to the elegant room on the third floor and treated him as a VIP. .

Pei Junlin sat in this private room and talked with the boss. It didn't take long for the two parties to negotiate the price, and Pei Junlin left contentedly.

"Boss, what is the origin of this person? Why does he have such a pure blood core?" A black-clothed woman walked out from behind the screen, with very clear eyes.

With a smile on the old face of the fat boss, he was staring at a crystal clear blood pill in his hand. This pill is like a blood-red glass ball, and there is even a faint halo flowing out of it, which is enough to show the purity of Pei Junlin's refining the pill.

Hearing the black-clothed woman talking, the boss turned his face, and the smile on an old face gradually disappeared, revealing a deep gloom.

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