Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1550: Master Dan Dao

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

"This person's alchemy is probably unimaginable, this person must not be let go. An alchemy master, if caught, what a fortune would be." The boss laughed in his eyes. Shining with a deep light.

"Grab it? Do you find it useful to grab someone like this?" The black-clothed woman seemed rather dissatisfied with the fat boss's strategy.

But the boss didn't take it seriously. He stretched out his hand and touched a few goatees and said triumphantly: "Although this person is good at alchemy, his realm is not high, haven't you seen it? Only the realm of True Monarch is the only one. Grab him Isn't that something easy to get?"

"Although a person has caught it, his heart may not be able to grab it. If he is unwilling to work for us, what's the use?" The black-clothed woman shook her head, her face full of bodies that thought it was not feasible .

The fat boss seemed to have a taste at this time. He nodded and looked at the black-clothed woman beside him and said: "This time I want to participate in the alchemy conference in the Great Hall of Immortality, and there must be a top alchemist on the stage. I think this person is very suitable, but I don’t know, Zuo Hufa, what advice do you have that can make this person willingly replace our chamber of commerce to play?"

"Propelled by interests, he needs a lot of flesh and blood to raise spirit beasts. It seems that he is very interested in spirit beasts. Don't worry about this. I will find a way. I'll do it." The black-clad woman with a confident expression on her face seemed to have regarded Pei Junlin as a prey.

Pei Junlin didn't know that he had become the prey of others, so he ran to eight firms non-stop, negotiated the price, and exchanged blood pills for the blood and flesh of these abandoned monsters.

The result of the negotiation made Pei Junlin excited, he can get a lot of monster flesh and blood every day.

One day Pei Junlin used these flesh and blood to refine more than four million pieces for the blood race. And Pei Junlin's current selling price of this top-level blood pill is 10,000 pieces of the best spirit stone.

Now Pei Junlin has a wealth building machine in his hands, and he can receive a large amount of wealth every day, but he has to go to major business houses every day to collect some of the lowest-level and most inferior blood pills.

Of course, feeding the blood pills is just an expedient measure, Pei Junlin now directly uses the flesh and blood of these monsters to devour these gods. Once these flesh and blood are not available, Pei Junlin will have to use dry food, and then these inferior blood pills will come in handy.

Thirty million demon is equivalent to thirty million mouths waiting to be fed. Before Pei Junlin had to worry about this matter every day, but after coming to this Mulan grassland, Pei Junlin found that all his worries were easily resolved.

But these are just expedient measures. If you want to supply these gods for a long time, it is indeed a headache for Pei Junlin. After all, these gods are like a wealth smasher. Let him now have a strong ability to create wealth, but also Can't stand to sit and eat.

Pei Junlin once thought about opening a pathway to the blood giant interface, and constantly going there to catch the blood giant. But later this plan was denied by Pei Junlin, because he couldn't do such a thing with his current strength.

Pei Junlin stayed in this small city for ten days. In these ten days, he accumulated a lot of wealth, enough to consume the next few months. Only then did Pei Junlin feel relieved to rush towards Mulan Grassland and Xin.

However, Pei Junlin didn't know that after he left the city, someone followed up on his back, and the purpose of these people was not purely to catch it directly.

"We must not miss an alchemy master. Don't listen to what he said as the protector. Just catch the person and you won't be afraid that he won't follow." The fat boss had a kind smile on his face, but his eyes flashed With a vicious light.

Three masters, including the boss, followed Pei Junlin's heels. Pei Junlin didn't know that he was being followed at first, but he soon found out.

Among the three masters, one is a semi-sage-level powerhouse, and the other two are masters in the middle stage of the real king realm. The strength of the three is a golden match.

The boss thought and thought about it to the point that he was foolproof, but it was a pity that he was not afraid of ten thousand, and he was afraid that in case he would eventually misunderstand Pei Junlin's strength.

Pei Junlin didn't panic when he sensed that someone was following. Although he was a semi-holy powerhouse, Pei Junlin had already experienced the stormy waves, so he didn't care about this risk.

He continued to walk forward as if he hadn't noticed it, and was stopped by these three people until he had walked out more than three thousand miles.

"I'll be straight to the point and make it clear. We follow you not to be disadvantageous to you, but to invite you back to be a full-time alchemist in our chamber of commerce." The fat boss took off the veil on his face and revealed it. Real face.

I probably thought that the arrest of Pei Junlin this time was a sure thing. I didn't even think about how to deal with this matter after the failure, so I showed my face directly.

"The value of the three is not to invite me, but to force me to be held hostage." Pei Junlin was very calm, and his eyes always fell on the middle-aged woman in the middle.

This middle-aged woman is not bad in appearance and appearance, wearing a pale red shirt. With his hair pulled back, he seemed to have a noble temperament on his body.

The woman is a semi-holy powerhouse, as for the other two people, Pei Junlin did not see it at all.

"That's just for insurance. If you obey obediently, you are naturally treated with courtesy, but if you don't obey, we have to use it stronger. Even if we **** you back, that is a necessary method." That fat The boss categorically said that there was an amazing light in his tiny eyes.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that he would be targeted, not because of the wealth that he revealed, but because of his alchemy skills.

"Then if I don't follow the three of you, I will join forces to deal with me. Okay, do it now." Pei Junlin's face was shining with excitement, and there was a feeling of impatientness.

This feeling has made these three people stand there, especially the fat boss with a puzzled look all over his face.

Even if I want to break my head, I can't think that Pei Junlin is crazy, facing a semi-holy powerhouse, he is so arrogant.

But based on what he knows about Pei Junlin, this young man is very smart, as can be seen when he was doing business before, but it is clear that Junlin Pei is in danger, why is he acting so confident?

The so-called things go wrong, there must be demons. This fat boss is a good hand when doing business, and he is naturally surprised when facing things. Seeing Pei Junlin's reaction, he immediately became depressed.

Pei Junlin is indeed very excited. Now that he finally has a battle to test himself, he is naturally a little eager to try.

The 30 million heavenly demons in the soul umbrella were already hungry and thirsty.

"Little friend, what are you relying on? I think your identity and aura should come from the Green Bull Holy Land. We don't dare to embarrass you too much. We just have a good discussion with you. Our Chamber of Commerce is going to participate. Large-scale alchemy exchange meetings require a top alchemist as the facade. If you can agree, we will pay you a satisfactory reward." The middle-aged woman frowned slightly, watching Pei Junlin and said in a low voice.

This semi-saint-level powerhouse has already put down his figure, which is considered to be enough for Pei Junlin's face, and has already stated that he will not resort to force, but rather invite Pei Jun to come.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time. If you want to do it, I will be with you. If you feel that you can't provoke me, you can leave here, and I won't pursue it." Pei Junlin smiled, his face full of indifferent expressions.

At this moment, a black fly landed in the sky and turned into a human form, a woman in black.

The woman is very exquisite, with snow-white skin, especially her pretty face, which is even more beautiful.

"Who told you to do whatever you want?" The girl asked harshly when she came over.

Except for the fat boss, the faces of the other two people showed surprise.

"Boss Jiang said, you have agreed to Zuo Hufa, don't you know about this?" The middle-aged lady and another man quickly explained to the black-clothed woman.

The black-clothed woman's status is not low, even the semi-holy powerhouse respects him.

When the black-clothed woman heard these two people say so, she knew at the time that she had been given a dress by the fat boss.

"Jiang Dongliu, do you know what your behavior is? It almost broke the event of this Chamber of Commerce." The black-clothed woman said sharply.

The boss was originally named Jiang Dongliu, and his face always looked like a smiling Buddha. Hearing the black-clothed woman's scolding, she was not even afraid, but an angry look appeared on her face.

"Li Muyao, you little girl, why did you point fingers at me? Naturally, I dare to take responsibility for what I do. If it's a big deal, you should report it back and I will confess to punishment." Jiang Dongliu stubbornly seemed not afraid of punishment.

Pei Junlin touched his chin and saw the dispute between these people. He looked a little bit dumbfounded. He was standing next to him as if he was watching a play, and these people seemed to have ignored him.

"I'll tell you a few, do you want to do it to me? If you decide not to do it, then I will leave. If you want to do it, then hurry up while it is hot." Pei Junlin's face is full of impatient look.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Li Muyao hurriedly flew over to Pei Junlin and said, "Master Pei, I am Li Muyao of the Jinyuan Chamber of Commerce. I am really not strict with my subordinates. Some of my men have offended you."

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