Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1554: Protection fees

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

The anger is fake, Pei Junlin just wants to see Li Muyao's reaction, now teasing this girl, watching the girl's rich expression has become a big pleasure for Pei Junlin.

Sure enough, Li Muyao almost cried when he heard Pei Junlin's roar.

Pei Junlin didn't talk too much nonsense with Li Muyao directly into the air, and his body disappeared directly in place. But Li Muyao, as a master at the realm of a true king, didn't even understand how Pei Junlin left.

Looking at the empty night sky all around, Li Muyao showed a look of fear on his face, and the scene of Pei Junlin's killing of Babu was deeply reflected in his mind.

In the excellent and safe environment that he had lived in since childhood, he suddenly lost that sense of security, making Li Muyao a little at a loss.

"Bad, violent and murderous." Li Muyao stomped his feet vigorously, tears dripping from his face.

It's not that I don't know what to do, Li Muyao squatted down with his arms folded, his face full of pain.

Pei Junlin, who was hiding in the void, sighed, but he didn't leave at all.

"It's really troublesome, it's inconvenient to go anywhere with a drag oil bottle like you." Pei Junlin complained.

Hearing Pei Junlin's voice, Li Muyao jumped directly from the ground. This violent murderer in his mouth gave her an infinite sense of security at this time. Li Muyao came to Pei Junlin's side, grabbed Pei Junlin, and Pear Flower cried with rain: "Could you please let me Follow you and I will pay you."

Hearing Li Muyao's cry, Pei Junlin's face was full of dumbfounding expressions. You must know the strength of this girl, but she is half a level higher than him, and now she wants to follow him for protection...

"I said, eldest sister, you are also in the middle of the real king realm, okay? Except for the abnormalities of Taiyi Immortal Gate, there are a few people in this grassland who can beat you." Pei Junlin said silently.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Li Muyao was stunned. He hadn't considered his own strength before. Hearing Pei Junlin's words this time, his face was immediately embarrassed.

"But I only know how to practice, and I don't know how to fight with people." Li Muyao said with a voice like a gnat, looking at Pei Junlin.

A pair of **** eyes looked pitiful, even if Pei Junlin was already cold as iron, but at this time he couldn't help but soften.

"Money are you rich? How much can you give me? If you can give me enough protection fees, I can consider protecting you." Pei Junlin touched his chin with his hand and said in a deep voice.

Li Muyao hesitated when Pei Junlin said so. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he withdrew from his wrist, and handed a bracelet as far as possible to Pei Junlin and said: "Maybe it is the most valuable thing in me, can you see it?"

Pei Junlin picked up the bracelet and found that the bracelet still had a warm body temperature and even a hint of a girly fragrance.

But this is nothing. When Pei Junlin carefully explored the bracelet, he was surprised. Because this bracelet actually contains extremely strong star power.

Pei Junlin has seen countless treasures. He is a person who knows the goods. He has no quality forging methods and materials, but Pei Junlin has never seen it before, and the formation of this bracelet is also extremely weird, which can gather the power of stars from the heavens. Condensed in it.

Pei Junlin tried to probe into his divine sense, and was immediately stunned by the pure stellar power. The celestial body he cultivated himself needed endless stellar power.

This bracelet is too valuable for Pei Junlin. If he has this bracelet, then Pei Junlin will get twice the result with half the effort when he cultivates Nine Heavens Stars Art.

"Just so-so, I will take this bracelet first. If you regret it in the future, I will return it to you, but you have to exchange it with something equivalent." Pei Junlin pretended to be reluctant, in front of Li Muyao. Shamelessly put this bracelet on his wrist.

After taking Li Muyao's bracelet, Pei Junlin felt embarrassed and guilty of stealing sweets from children. This Li Muyao looked cold and beautiful, but in fact she was a little girl who had not grown up in her heart, and had already cultivated to the realm of a true king. She had never killed or fought with anyone.

It is no exaggeration to describe Li Muyao with a piece of white paper.

"I put you in my treasure space now, so as long as I don't die, you are safe." Pei Junlin said seriously towards Li Muyao.

But Li Muyao resolutely shook his head this time. He pointed to the black coffin suspended behind Jun Pei and said, "Can I hide there?"

If it hadn't been for Pei Junlin to determine that Li Muyao was a simple girl, she would almost think that staying with Li Muyao was to spy on Chen Jianghai's secrets.

"Little girl, do you want to be in the same room with me? I don't refuse, but I don't know if your brother Pei Junlin can agree." Chen Jianghai's gloomy voice came from the coffin, and this guy deliberately turned his voice down. It made it gloomy and hoarse, and it sounded very oozing.

Sure enough, he suddenly heard a human voice in the coffin, Li Muyao let out a scream, jumped up and hugged Pei Junlin's neck.

"Have you heard? This guy is always scary. Are you sure you want to stay with him? She cannibalize but doesn't even vomit bones." Pei Junlin smiled, his face was teasing.

He thought Li Muyao would be scared, knowing that Li Muyao had thought about it a bit, he nodded and said: "If I don't enter the coffin, I will just sit on the lid of the coffin, and in the end I will be suspended by myself. I sit. You can still practice on it."

Li Muyao didn't seem to be joking, on the contrary, he seemed to be serious.

Pei Junlin was completely speechless, this girl actually climbed onto the dark coffin and sat on top of Chen Jianghai's head.

Now Pei Jun's combination looks extremely strange. An ordinary young man has a dark coffin suspended behind him.

Just above this gloomy coffin, there was a pretty young girl sitting. The girl's black clothes complemented the coffin, but her skin was white.

"That fairy mansion was born, I'm afraid it will be a pot of porridge in the Mulan grassland." Chen Jianghai in the coffin said.

Pei Junlin was meditating. Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, he shook his head slightly: "You think he didn't have so many people who were vegetarian before. This time, Taiyi Immortal Sect was almost out of the nest. I'm afraid there will be a saint-level master behind his back. , Whoever dares to do anything indiscriminately, I am afraid it will be wiped out in no time."

"Don't worry, the saint-level masters of the Taiyi Immortal Sect will never appear in this area, because this is a customary rule. Once a big treasure is born, the major sects or the major forces will send out the most elite disciples. , But there will never be a veteran saint." Li Muyao was a little surprised at Pei Junlin's speculation, and seemed surprised that Pei Junlin didn't even know such common sense.

Hearing Li Muyao's voice, Pei Junlin just screamed. In fact, he agreed with Li Muyao in his heart.

Every place has its own rules of the game. It is only natural for Pei Jun to come here for the first time without understanding this.

"Do you not believe what I said? Believe it or not, I will hit you?" Seeing that Pei Junlin completely ignored his existence, Li Muyao became a little unhappy and even squeezed a fan fist.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless, but she didn't expect that Li Muyao, the girl, would have such a huge reaction.

"I don't believe you, I agree with you too much." Pei Junlin shook his head directly.

In the next time, Pei Junlin didn't walk around randomly, but found a very hidden place to hide quietly.

Like a mature hunter, he would not walk around in the forest at will, so as not to alarm the beasts. Pei Junlin did the same. He found a place to lurch and observe quietly.

In the past few days, Jun Pei was in Dazhi, and the distribution of the major forces in the core area of ​​the Mulan Grassland has been sorted out.

Generally speaking, Taiyi Immortal Gate has the strongest power, and other major sects or some extraterritorial forces are all attached to the Taiyi Immortal Gate.

These disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect are all wild and unruly, fierce and fierce, they are always in control of life and death ~ Power is in control, and few people dare to collide with Taiyi Immortal Sect head-on.

After seeing the situation clearly, Pei Junlin was most concerned about when the fairy palace appeared. Things about the immortal world are very precious, even if it is not for the sacred land of the green cow, and strives to benefit Jun Pei to visit him, he also pays attention to the immortal palace.

On the eighth day of Pei Junlin's incubation, the situation finally changed, and a red light appeared in the direction of true north. And the sky is no longer bright, and the whole day is night.

A red light illuminates the night sky, forming a big red ball in the sky. The big red ball slowly opened, like a huge eye, overlooking the entire Mulan grassland.

The legendary fairy house finally appeared, but in Pei Junlin's view, the breath of this fairy house was a bit strange.

Xianfu hasn't opened yet, just a rudiment has just been revealed, but the prelude to the fight has already appeared. On the sixth day of Xianfu's appearance, it seems that a mysterious portal has appeared in the sky.

This portal slowly opened in the night sky, and a piece of starlight was scattered. When seeing these starlight dots and landing from mid-air, Pei Junlin's eyes brightened, because he can keenly perceive these starlight dots, not ordinary things, but pieces of the best spiritual treasure.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't rush out." Chen Jianghai couldn't help it.

Pei Junlin would naturally not be polite, because a few top-quality spirit treasures landed in his area, and Pei Junlin would of course not let him shoot.

You must know that these treasures are not the best spirit treasures of today, but the so-called ancient treasures. It is the treasure of the immortals in the ancient century.

Although the quality is similar to that of today's best Lingbao, the strength is extraordinary. Gubao often possesses more incredible powers.

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